
Yu Guangjie, Zhang Xuyuan, ‖ The Ancient Literature and Poetry Creation of Zhao Heng, a latecomer of the Tongcheng School

author:There is a way in Gyeonggi

Abstract: Zhao Heng was the backbone of the Tongcheng school in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, from Wu Rulun, He Tao and others to travel, inheriting the ancient Wenyi method of Tongcheng, and was a representative figure of the Tongcheng school lotus pond culture. Its historical papers are the most valuable, with the spirit of the Shufa people as the core, presenting the rich connotation of the ancient grammar of Tongcheng. The study of poetry is influenced by Wu Rulun and Wang Shunan, taking the tang poems, especially Wang Wei, Du Fu, Han Yu, and Li Shangyin. He admires the gentle and generous poetry and the truth of temperament, and appreciates the beauty of Qinggang Yajian that integrates learning, temperament, and current affairs, and "not only to see him as a person, but also to be honest and to govern the country". His poems are scattered throughout the place, and now because of the collation of the "Collection of Narratives and Differences", 37 of his poems are compiled from the "Volumes of Zhao Heng Xindu Academy" to see his poetry creation.

Keywords: Tongcheng Sect Zhao Heng Su Yi Zhai Anthology

In the late Qing Dynasty, Zeng Guofan served as the governor directly under the north, and felt that the cultural and educational undertakings in the Kifu area were influenced by the meritorious name of the imperial examination and secular culture, and could not meet the needs of the changing situation of the times. Like his facilities in Jiangnan, with the Tongcheng school of ancient literature and scholarship as the center, he set out to raise culture and education in Zhili and cultivate talents. In a few years, the style of study and writing of zhili has changed. Since then, Zengmen disciples Zhang Yuzhao, Wu Rulun and others have successively presided over the Lotus Pond Academy, and cultivated a large number of zhili scholars who are proficient in the ancient texts of Tongcheng. Among them, there were hundreds of famous people, such as He Tao, Wang Shunan, Yan Xiu, Li Gangji, Gao Buying, Shang Binghe, and Jia Enfu, and corresponded with the voices of the northern and southern scribes who were influenced by the Tongcheng school at that time, such as Fan Dangshi, Yan Fu, Ke Shaochen, Ma Tongbo, Yao Yongpu, Yao Yongyi, fu Zengxiang, and others. Their influence in literature, education, politics, industry and other fields in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China was huge and far-reaching. Zhao Heng is an important member of this group.

Yu Guangjie, Zhang Xuyuan, ‖ The Ancient Literature and Poetry Creation of Zhao Heng, a latecomer of the Tongcheng School

Zhao Heng (1865-1928), also known as Xiangfan, was directly subordinate to Jizhou. At an early age, Jin Zhengchun from Tongli was influenced by Li Yuan's "Primary School Audit" and "University Debate", and he was fond of the "Six Arts Teaching" of the Yan and Li School. In this way, Wu Rulun of Zhizhou admired his talents, so that he received the scriptures from Wang Shunan at xindu academy and deeply understood the essence of the sinology examination. Therefore, Wu Rulun summoned his subordinates and conferred the Tongcheng Ancient Grammar. He Tao lectured at Xindu Academy, and from He Tao studied the ancient literature of the Tongcheng Wen family [1]. His learning is based on Yan Lixue and advocates practical learning; he uses the evidence to exhort the study of scriptures and explores the origins; and uses the economy and knowledge of the ancient Texts of Tongcheng to transmit the Sven Si Dao, which has the cultural character and spirit of the traditional literati of the late Qing Dynasty. Zhao Heng's literary creations were also deeply influenced by his scholarship. He is good at historiography, and his historical papers are the most valuable, with the spirit of the Shufa people as the core, presenting the rich connotation of the Tongcheng Righteous Law. In the new cultural background and literary trend, the system, language form, ideological content and aesthetic characteristics of ancient texts are re-evaluated, and new ideas and new realms are opened up from the old styles of ancient texts. The study of poetry is influenced by Wu Rulun and Wang Shunan, taking the tang poems, especially Wang Wei, Du Fu, Han Yu, and Li Shangyin. He admires the gentle and generous poetry and the truth of temperament, and appreciates the beauty of Qinggang Yajian, which integrates learning, temperament, and current affairs, and "not only to see him as a person, but also to be honest and to govern the country"[2]. At that time, celebrities such as Xu Shichang, Liang Qichao, Zhao Xi, Yang Zengji, etc. all praised his ancient texts and regarded them as the stamina of the Tongcheng faction. He is the author of the Eight Volumes of the Preface to the Collected Writings of yi zhai and several volumes of poems.

I. Zhao Heng's ancient scholar spirit and the method of "fables"

Zhao Heng's ancient Wenzong Shang Hanyu and Zeng Guofan carried forward the ancient Chinese theory of Wu Rulun and He Tao. Liu Shengmu believes that his text: "Hammer chisels the netherworld, melts gold and opens stones, and soars in the vast and vast realm." Scattered and suppressed, frightened to hear, if the lake and sea of the tuna dragon and sometimes exposed its bamboo shoot curtain, it is really unique. Beyond the reach of others, it is definitely a generation of texts. [3] Xu Shichang's preface to his collected writings also says:

FuWen so the longitude and latitude of the end, to meet the ever-changing fortune. There is no simple word, how can it be poor and mysterious; there is no algae of purries, how can it be the magnificent and strange view of heaven and earth. Qu Song Yangma drove his abundance and splendor with his straight spirit, and poured out the text. Han Gong takes the gas of The Han language, the strange change of the Yang Horse, and in the small pieces of the inner text, its appearance is different, its god is the same, so it is the same as the person who feels the god. Han Wen malpractice and Han Gong Zhenzhi, Tang song cheated and Zeng Gong Zhenzhi. It is based on the Qing dynasty literature Zhongxing, Zhu Confucian traces its origins to the Sheng Han, into the Zhou Qin, trampled on the Tang and Song Dynasties, and its wind power is enough to chase the eight generations. [2] P11

In Xu Shichang's eyes, the late Qing dynasty figures who promoted "literary revival" were the ancient literati group of the Tongcheng school represented by Zeng Guofan, Zhang Yuzhao, Wu Rulun, He Tao, etc. Zhao Heng, as a disciple of Wu Rulun and He Tao, was regarded by Xu Shichang as an important force in the revival of literature. Of course, Zhao Heng's ancient texts also have their limitations, Mr. Qian Jibo said: "The inscription is written in a magnificent and poor posture, as if Emperor Fuxiang and Sun Qiao learned Han's first-class, and the qi cannot be transported away, and it is inevitable that it will be hard." The argumentative essay folds into the deep world, almost like Wang Anshi learning Han first-class, and the reason is not thorough, and the skin is also skin. Among the Tao disciples, it was not as clear and tight as Zhang Zongying's; while the Han Men disciples were inferior to the Emperor Fu Xiang's skin. [4] It is well seen that the narrative of his epitaphs is not properly natural and the argumentative essay is superficial and cumbersome.

Zhao Heng's historiography is profound, good at historical theory, and his historical theory is deeply rooted in the Tongcheng Yifa and has a deep observation of reality. We will discuss his historical treatise, discussing the scribe spirit and tongcheng righteous law displayed in his ancient texts. In the traditional Chinese social environment with agriculture as the core, scholars and doctors are the axis of Chinese culture. Their main responsibility is to "address the king and the people" and "teach the people from above" to the moral indoctrination, on the one hand, the representatives of the people, on the other hand, the supervision of the government. Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, no matter how the internal socio-political culture and external environment of the Chinese nation have changed, they have always shouldered the heavy responsibility of culture with a spirit of perseverance and forbearance, and they have made a difference at the level of social practice in the spirit of "becoming their own things" and "establishing themselves as others" in the spirit of "becoming their own things" and "establishing themselves as others". [5] Zhao Heng has a profound historical examination of the cultural spirit and social responsibility of the scholars, especially the moral and righteous theory of the sergeant who set an example in the world in the decaying and chaotic world, which contains a deep irony of reality. The Book of New History of the Death Festival focuses on the social phenomena of the death of the five generations of samurai and the scruples of the literati. The opening chapter begins with "The Tale of the Dead Festival for Wang Yanzhang"[2]P12, and continues Ouyang Xiu as Wang Yanzhang's biography to promote the meaning of "festival righteousness". Then, with a stroke of the pen, the "righteousness" in history is derived from the chaotic world, and most of them are from the scribe group that recites liturgical music, leading to the phenomenon that the five generations are contrary to common sense. Continuing this meaning, from the positive side, combing the deep meaning of Zhuangzi, Sima Qian, and Ban Gu entering the ranger and retiring from Confucianism; from the negative side, it describes the policy of ruling the country with Confucians since the Han Dynasty and degrading wufu. He also recounts that the warriors of the chaotic world donated their lives to the country in distress, or tried to turn the tide, to measure the peace of their home and country for generations, or to regard death as a homecoming, and to stir up the literary atmosphere with the wisdom and courage of the body that died. Later, the great festival of the life and death of the righteous scholars, the historical value and meaning of life of the illuminated humanities, filled the literary realm, making it deeply folded and swaying, and it was magnificent and majestic. This article profoundly touches on the great question of the virtues of the scholars. Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, they have established a Taoist system that is opposed to and unified with political unity with their conscious personality spirit and cultural consciousness, in order to balance the political activities of powerful groups, so that their political practice and social governance can also accept the value guidance of Confucianism while following objective laws. Therefore, the scribe has become the core and embodiment of reflecting and inheriting social morality. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, the morality of the literati has been the conscience of society, which has influenced social customs, political styles, and study styles to a certain extent. Zhao Heng's article is a work of reading Ouyang Xiu's "New Five Dynasties History and The Tale of the Dead Festival", and he is interested in the fact that Wufu can keep righteousness in the whole section in the chaotic world, and to stimulate the incorruptibility and shamelessness of the scribes and the power of the door, "In the last five generations, the people of the whole festival are not out of Confucianism but out of the martial arts, and the people of the whole festival of the wufu are only Wang Yanzhang and other three people, is not sad" [2] P12, for the ancient chaotic world of the people of the people's integrity of the friendship, not without failing to convey the irony of the current scholarly festival. Wu Rulun believes that this article is "gas macro-release" and "alcohol and then wanton". The right theory goes in, the side repeatedly argues, the left and right look at the writing, the refining of the essence, and the reasoning is deep and thorough. And its emotions are not flowing, and in the end, it is mellow and ancient, and it can indeed explore the victory of ancient literature.

Zhao Heng's historical treatises reveal the institutional righteousness of historical transmission. The article is limited to the times, not the times, but the literati are dwarfed by the atrophy of the main spirit and set limits on themselves. Heroes and heroes can surpass the times, think of the ages, and seek the future. Therefore, Zhao Heng believes that historical essays should not only objectively examine historical facts, but be ignorant of righteousness and have no interest. And the return of the article is his so-called Spring and Autumn brushwork of historical writing, which is small and righteous. His "Treatise on the Jingfang" deals with the way of a gentleman and a eunuch. He believes that "a gentleman's service is also a gentleman's service, and he does not reach his way, and if he is not in danger, a gentleman does not do anything." [2] P32 His indignation was in fact an expression of dissatisfaction with the absolutist monarchy's repression and persecution of the scholars. The independent personality spirit of the Gao Yangshi people has been since the Warring States. After the Qin and Han Dynasties, the imperial system was revived, and its governing skills were mostly overbearing and foolish, and the living space of the scholars was often difficult and cramped. Zhao Hengwen said: "In the third generation of Tang Yu, the government came out of the Son of Heaven, and the soldiers had their own opinions, although they walked straight, they could not attain their aspirations, but if they tried to do so in the afterlife, they would be humiliated if they were not dead, and they would be humiliated. [2] P32 Some scholars, anxious to walk the road, surrendered their insults, and dragged the door of power, although it was not enough, it was indeed helpless. This article profoundly appreciates the great righteousness of the historian's small words, and is quite based on the spirit of historical rationality in reflection and the irony of observing reality. Wu Rulun believes that this article "intends to reverse the agitation" [2]P32, which is the most low-hanging and leisurely victory of the Wen family. The reverse side of the radical tang not only makes the meaning of the text deeply insufficiency, but also presents the author's life experience, cultural reflection and emotional tendencies. Zhao Heng said: "Shi Qianduo's fables are deep to the subtle and difficult to understand, and those who are slightly recognizable may be covered up by devious words, and the partial words are chaotic, so the purpose of his book is interesting and wonderful, and the reader is not tired." [2] P32 "Shu Shun Zong Shi Lu Hou" said: "The great purpose of the historian's wen is to ordain the Future Generations. The "Records of Shunzong" was committed by the evil regime at that time, and the direct book was not hidden. Although the history of Gu Liang is how to Gáz. Therefore, it is inferior to the ancient people, and the material of the text is different. [2] P35 Zhao Heng did not explain what the difference between Han Yu and the Shi Ji and the Book of Han was, but only pointed out that Han Yu's "Shunzong Shilu" actually contained the ancient text "fable". Not only did Sima Qian and Han Yu use "allegory", but he believed that Ouyang Xiu's "History of the New Five Dynasties" also used this method. "Book New History Zhou Shizong Family Biography": "Ou Shi Yu is a person who is a person who is righteous in every detail, and his words are quite discerning, meaning Pu Yi" [2] P51 Fa Ye.

Zhao Heng not only invented the meaning of "fables" of historical transmission, but also interpreted the chapters of historical biographies with the method of "fables". "Shu Shi Huang Ben Ji Hou": "Qian Shi Duo fable, Shi Huang Ben Ji Gai for Emperor Wu zuoye." Emperor Wu of the First Emperor was a hero, extravagant, extravagant, employing force, and fiercely pleasing his courtiers, seeking immortals and poisoning the world, and their actions were no different... The compilation of deeds, cross-examination and reciprocity, as a record, so that people can understand that their meaning is outside the language and writing. [2] P13 "The Book of History after the Ji Zheng Chuan" purely uses the "purpose of allegory" to experience the profound meaning of Sima Qian's "Biography of The Two People of Ji Zheng". The "Reading the Biography of Zhongni's Disciples" believes that "the migration of the six schools is worth the troubles of Emperor Wu, so it is often recommended that morality be used to judge the loss of Emperor Wu, and it should be attributed to the Confucians." Qian most liked the incorruptible and clean people, and the "Biography of the Value of Goods" ridiculed Emperor Wu's extravagance and lust, And Xuzi Gongfu, yi took the form of the original constitution that did not tire of spoiling chaff and instead detailed his words of slandering zigong. [2] Several P20 articles use "allegories" to experience the meaning of Sima Qian's compositions, and appreciate the spiritual imagery of a generation of historians shining after the magnificent historical facts. However, the fundamental difference between ancient writers reading history and scribes and historians is that there are always words in their chests, through playing with words, restoring historical situations, appreciating the original purpose and spirit of historians' creative speeches, and their rational pursuit of history is often integrated into the emotional and artistic experience of the historical and cultural spirit. Therefore, it is inevitable that the ancient Wen family will push the historian's original intention with "allegory". Zhao Heng's "Book of Hanshu And The Biography of Cool Officials" says: "The people's horses and cattle are also not enforced, the rafters are not set, the four are not added, and those who can rule the world have not been heard before." [2] P39 also says: "To take the command of the Son of Heaven, to guard a state, to sit back and watch his people do wrong, not to forbid them, and to know that I use guye, whoever believes in it." Before the tiger pounced, the dress was a metaphor for righteousness, and the tiger patrolled the retreaters, and there was no one. [2] P39 Historical political practice shows that the "criminal law" plays an important role in social governance, the criminal law has a revolution with the development of society, and the control of chaos under the world is used in the criminal law, not in legislation or not. His meaning at this level is good, but as Zhao Heng said, Sima Qian's "Biography of a Cool Official" is a satire on the abuse of the criminal law of Emperor Wu of han, and Ban Gu particularly emphasizes the positive political function of the criminal law, which is different from Sima Qian's intention. Zhao Heng took Ban Gu as his true, but in fact, it is not necessarily that Sima Qian and Ban Gu have a xuanzhi for the use of criminal law, and it is fundamentally different from the times. After Qin Kulie, Huang Laoshang became popular, and after the Western Han Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty needed Gang Ji, and Sima Qian and Ban Gu were in different times, so the focus of attention was also different. Mr. Zhang Shunwei also has an in-depth analysis of this, he said:

Tao said that he was deep in historiography, so there was a theory that all works of history were not published. Those who look at it today are the best at what they think, such as "Those who can rule the world in ancient times have the tools to fool the world." From Tang Yu to Zhou, Yu Tianxia has used etiquette and music; since the Han Dynasty, Yu Tianxia has used "Poetry" and "Books". The pleasure of etiquette and pleasure can make people restrained; the journey of poetry and books can make people pedantic. The people of the world, robbed of their wisdom and courage, deposed their arguments, but engaged in the way of restraint, Huang Xiao was poor, and even the white head could not be understood, and there was no time to listen to the sunset. If the lord does whatever he wants, there will be a disobedient people in the world. I thought that qin shi huang's burnt book pit Confucianism, because he did not know the way to rule the world" (is a collection of volumes 1 "On the Sacrifice of the King in hejian"). This is a theory that no one in the past dared to say. As for the theory that the history of the Xia, Shang, and Wednesday dynasties is the Three Books, and the First Emperor of The Qin Dynasty is the second, it is actually for Emperor Wu. Shi Huang and Emperor Wu acted in similar ways, so they recounted the deeds of Shi Huang in order to send out their unfair meanings (Volume 1, "Shu Shi Huang Ben Ji Hou"). Si Ze talked about it in a vain way, and greatly lost the purpose of the history of the public book. Shi Gong wrote a book, which was close and slightly farther, so the five emperors were combined into one era, and Xia, Shang, and Zhou each became one era. To Qin, there is both "Qin Benji" and "Shi Huang Benji". As for the Han Dynasty, from Gaozu to Emperor Wu, each person was a chronicle of his own. All are clear examples also. His book says that the Qin and Han affairs are unique, and in order to smell the cordiality, interview Yi Zhou'er. It is not inevitable that the ancients wrote books and righteous examples, and rambling on the list, in the end, it is inevitable that the scribes will see it. [6]

In short, Zhao Heng's historical treatises are the best in his ancient texts. His decision on the spirit of the scholars, using the method of "fables" in ancient Chinese, wrote his reflections on the characters, canons and politics of Chinese dynasties, based on history and closely related to the mournful reality of the late Qing Republic of China and the meticulous style and customs of the scholars, leaving some unique spiritual silhouettes for the historical process of traditional China moving towards modernity.

Yu Guangjie, Zhang Xuyuan, ‖ The Ancient Literature and Poetry Creation of Zhao Heng, a latecomer of the Tongcheng School

Second, Zhao Heng's path of poetry and poetic thought

(1) Zhao Heng's path of learning poetry

Zhao Heng's poetry creation was greatly influenced by Wang Shunan and Wu Rulun. He called himself a poet who "knew a little about Tu Jing's guarding the realm boundary, and what Tang had tasted, but Wang (Wei), Du (Fu), Han (Yu), and Li (ShangYin) were several people, and Yu Ze did not think that he had not tasted the death for the sake of it. ...... However, Heng Chu traveled from Mr. Wang and Wu Liang, and the original end of the poetry school was also accustomed to his sayings. [2] P48 Zhao Heng did not have a particularly clear exposition on the path of learning poetry, but from the perspective of his poetry study of Wang Wei, Du Fu, Han Yu, and Li Shangyin, he was deeply influenced by Wang Shunan; and in the track of studying poetry, he was obviously influenced by Zhang Yuzhao and Wu Rulun, the two Wenzong of the Lotus Pond Sect. Wu Rulun tried to discuss poetics with Zhang Yuzhao, admired his ideas very much, and played the specific content of his poetics. His "Reply to the Poetry" says:

Recently, chinese writers in our country have promoted Zhang Lianqing, and his poems are also high. The three families of this dynasty were selected, the five laws were Shi Yushan, the seven laws were Yao Jichuan, and the seven ancient laws were Zheng Ziyin... Du Gong, then the learner of poetry must not forget the originator. The poems of Chuanshan (Zhang Wentao) are based on light customs, and scholars of chinese poetry all take Yuan Zicai, Zhao Oubei, Jiang Xinyu, and Zhang Chuanshan as their precepts. Jun ruodeshi, Yao, and Zheng read the poems of the three families, and knew that with these four people, they were more than thirty miles away. The poetic precepts are light and thin, and Du Muzhi does not take baixiang mountain, for this reason also. Xiangshan is a big person, can open up the realm by itself, and there is no such body before, and it cannot be blamed. But his poetry is not easy to learn, and learning is painful. Su Gong alone can learn and win, so he is a great talent. Su is also said to be light white, so it is better than white, and it is not light and vulgar. If you want to correct the disadvantages of vulgarity, it is advisable to start with the valley. [7]

During the Qianjia period, the taiping and prosperity, the political and cultural atmosphere of authoritarianism was very strong, and the embellishment of hongye and the expression of lyrical spirit became the mainstream of the poetry world. Literati either bow down to singing insincere praises at the feet of the powerful, or bow down to Lin Quan to sing the individual's ritualistic disposition and realistic thoughts, the poetry lacks deep content, and the works of outstanding poets such as Yuan Ming, Zhao Yi, Jiang Shiquan, Zhang Wentao, and others also lack the touching voice of Huang Zhong Da Lu. Zhang Yuzhao and Wu Rulun instructed the path of poetics, both taking their vulgarity as a warning, retiring bai juyi and Yuan Shu, and starting with Huang Tingjian, pursuing Su Shi and Du Mu to return to Du Fu and Han Yu. Hidden in it is a wealth of poetic history information. The poet of the late Qing Dynasty, Artemisia, was difficult and consciously promoted the change of poetic style. They innovated the ancient tradition of Chinese poetry, Bixing, through the technique of ringing fingers and borrowing things to rejuvenate, leading Bixing to a special event and the metaphor of specific meaning and emotion, showing the "hidden ability" and "satirizing the current situation" Poetry turned from the material, thus showing the spiritual characteristics of "irony"[8]. This new poetic style takes the poetic spirit and vocal rhythm technique of Fa Du Shi as the soul of the poem, uses the pen power of Han Yu poetry to drum up the atmosphere, temper the bone strength, and achieve the artistic realm of Xiongqi And magnificent through the tuning of Huang Ting's firm and twisted rhythm and Su Shi's natural indifference and the pure and old style. This is also the fundamental reason why Wu Rulun vigorously admired Zhang Yuzhao's poetic thought. Wang Shunan had a deep friendship with Zhang and Wu Erzi, and his ancient literary creation was deeply influenced by it, and although his poetry did not depart from the flavor of the early Six Dynasties, he was also deeply influenced by Tongcheng poetics. The difference is that Wang Shunan's path of learning poetry starts from Huang Tingjian, peeping at Su Shi, while directly chasing Du Fu and Han Yu, and being able to capture the qingqi magnificence of Li He and Li Shangyin, while Zhang and Wu are directly chasing Han Yu and Du Fu from Huang Tingjian, less natural flow of fun and more majestic and clumsy strokes. The most important practitioners of Zhang and Wu Shixue in Kifu were Li Gangji and Li Beiliu. Zhao Heng said that Li Beiliu's poems "Poetry is always intended to retreat, hard words are empty, properly arranged, and where the retreat is conceited and stubborn, it is not the owner of his family, and the scale is pursued, and all of them are with Miaoxiao." [2] P106 ("Tomb Table of Mr. Li Beiliu") Zhao Heng said that "the ancestors discussed poetry, and it is advisable to take Han and Huang, and to use their hammering words to refine sentences without taking it lightly, so as not to fall into slippery easyness." Some people think that this is not the case, and the poem is just a word of words, just a chest. Baixiang Mountain has a Tang generation of people, Su Dongpo learned, more magnificent and longitudinal, fluttering with the meaning of the clouds, song poets have not been able to reach also. [1] P174 (Preface to the Collected Poems of Zhiyuan) is obviously based on the poetic ideas of Zhang Yuzhao and Wu Rulun.

(2) Promote poetry and the pursuit of the beauty of natural elegance

Zhao Heng admired the gentle and generous poetic tradition and believed that it was the integrity of poets. On the three Tang poems (early Tang, Sheng Tang, late Tang), praised Wang Wei, Du Fu, Han Yu, and Li Shangyin, it is believed that Han Wei's poetry first learned Li Shangyin, "is slightly the same as the time when Yishan encountered, Mer can't, the language can't be, the last resort is fake and fun, the main text is admonish, and even the next is the matter of male and female embarrassment", [2] P137 "and the later death of the country, the sense of chaos, the public is not to create a situation." Its loyal filial piety was formed in the form of a non-weiyi mountain in wen and ink, and could not fight against Yan Xing, and adjusted to chase after Du Gong Yichen, and the hall quan Tang as the stamina. [2] P137 His poetry goes beyond the realm of bard temperament and self-adaptation, and has a profound social significance because of the combination of the feeling of life and the pain of home and country. This is in line with the poetic idea of Wu Rulun and Wu Minsheng's father and son to commend Han Wei's poetry than the righteousness of Xingzhi. He said that "the teaching of poetry is gentle and generous, and the gentleness and thickness are only its meaning, not its words" [2]P137, between the poet's temperament and language transmission, pay special attention to the poet's temperament. Therefore, he took a fancy to the truth of the poet's temperament, and on Li Beiliu's poems: "Whether the poems are ancient or not, the bandits are not similar to the words and sentences of the times, such as the works of Bei Liu, and their meaning is not all that the so-called poets in this world have in their chests." [2] P106 ("Tomb Table of Mr. Li Beiliu") Zhao Heng believes that poetry should be truly touching, and it is not taken to say that it is deeply written and composed. And the real root is that "there are all kinds of noble things, so as not to be embellished as external things." [2] P174" is deficient and adorned outwardly, and its seemingly dead are all earth puppets. No, haiyou yanguan actions are very similar and almost, but there is no slang; the husband plays the ancient sage and sage heroic hero, acts without asking all of them, that is, to adorn the external words and guan actions, and if there is no similarity, it is also pseudo-also." [2] P174 External things sway in temperament and inspire will, and poets should feel gentle and generous neutrality with the nature of benevolence and righteousness. He said in the Genealogical Order of the Lee Clan:

In the midst of heaven and earth, the number of things, whether they have the consciousness to move or not, all those who have physiology to speak of, must have the opportunity to feel and respond, otherwise they will breed and breed in parallel, and they will not be harmful. If there is such a thing, then each of them will live in peace; if it is not, he who will not be able to live in peace with each other. It can always exist between heaven and earth, without committing the example of heavenly elimination. Today's party will speak with its tongue, make an offer, and threaten it, and it will be nothing more than a written language without friendship, and it will make people feel the peace and security of themselves, and they will respond to their feelings. In the countries of the East and the West, I do not know what the consequences will be. [2] P110

Although this passage is aimed at the shortcomings of the party political propaganda in the early years of the Republic of China Chinese-character language is too utilitarian and hypocritical, it is actually closely related to the style of writing and poetry at that time. He said: "The poem is still hard to cover today. "[2] P110, very dissatisfied with the strange and paranoid poetic style of the time. I think this is all a manifestation of the lack of cultural self-confidence and life consciousness in the heart. Therefore, in the new cultural trend of the world, Zhao Heng deeply reflected on the integration of middle school and Western learning, and opened up ideas and methods for a new cultural realm, while in the Confucian classics, there is a kind of self-reliant spiritual refuge in Qiuyang. He said, "The Way of the Six Classics, the Sun Gao Xing, and the Biography of the Hundred Sons and Hundreds of Families, are relatively white, and if the number of three or five people counts bamboo, not as deep as the jade pearls are hidden in the mountains, someone will show their brilliance and begin to know." People who aspire to the benevolent owner, return to the curtain pavilion, according to a few pitches, see the ancients come to tell them. [2] P59 His self-possessed arrogance is the fundamental force that shapes the poet's spirit of self-sufficiency. Therefore, Zhao Heng commented on the poets Zhao Guohua, Song Bolu, Li Beiliu, Li Gangji and others in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty, and specially appreciated the natural beauty of their innocence rooted in the righteousness of temperament, integrating learning, temperament, and current affairs, and "not only to see him as a person, but also to be honest and to govern the country with resources". On the taste of cane Xuan poems: "The public poem claims to take the path of Li Yishan, Gu Mou tasted his poems to read it, Yi Wei is strange, tired of everyone, can be happy and complaining, it is really the righteousness of the ancient poetry style, quite similar to Baixiang Mountain, and the five-character sentence is like Tao Yuanming." What is said is not a daily routine, but the sorrow and indignation are intense, and reading it can make people loyal and righteous. Gai Shi to free temperament, learning is deep, temperament or change according to it, and sex is unchanged, want to learn the benefits of short or nothing, and inherent strengths, can not be hidden in the end, sometimes revealed in the unconscious also. [2] P86 ("Poetry of Wei Cane Xuan") Such poems are the relics of poetic style and elegance, the righteousness of the temperament of Confucian sages, and the life experience and practice of Xiu Qi Zhiping, which is encouraged by the grandeur of independent self-consciousness.

Yu Guangjie, Zhang Xuyuan, ‖ The Ancient Literature and Poetry Creation of Zhao Heng, a latecomer of the Tongcheng School

3. Zhao Heng's manuscript of the Xindu Academy Scrolls and his trial poems

Qi Gengfu's "The Behavior of Mr. Xiangfan" is written by Zhao Heng, who has several volumes of the "Collection of Narrative Yi zhai" and several volumes of poetry. The collected works of Zhao Heng in Imagami include the lead print of the Thirty-fourth Year of Guangxu (1908) of the Beixin Bookstore Guangxu (1908) "Shuyi Zhai Wencao" (three volumes), the lessons of the Receiving Capital Academy and the works of the Wenduan Academy and the Baoding Literature Museum, and the inscription of Wu Yusheng. There are Nanpi Zhang Zongying (Xianqun) Zhu Mo two-color batch schoolbook passed down. And the eight volumes of the "Collection of Su Yi Zhai", the twenty-first year of the Republic of China (1932) engraving, the water bamboo village Xu Shichang inscription. At the beginning of the volume there is Xu Shichang's "Preface", and in front of the book there are volumes and table of contents. The content is biography, historical theory, life order, etc., especially tomb tables and epitaphs. Both editions of the anthology contain only Zhao Heng's ancient texts, not his poems. Wu Minsheng's "Collection of Wu Men Disciples" Volume IX collects a poem from his "Shi Zhu Sheng". Poetry has evolved from Wu Rulun's thoughts and cultural concepts, and the brushwork that can integrate ancient texts and lexicography into poetry is a concrete manifestation of the Tongcheng school's grammar through poetry. Wu Minsheng believes that "this poem discusses many of the words in the collection of the first official texts, and its words and sentences are unique, and the gas is profound and elegant, such as reading the Yangma word endowment, which shows the author's ability." [9] Volume IX Zhao Heng's Preface to the Tao Lu Anthology mentions that since Wang Shunan abandoned his official residence in Beijing from Xinjiang, because he was in the history museum, he had many pasts, and regained his interest in poetry in his youth, "Try to drink with friends and friends, and at the end of the evening, the crowd wants to stay until the beginning of the moon, until the beginning of the night." Because of the body of the ancient people's questions and answers, mr. Zhu commented that "the poem of obscurity and moon" was "retired to change the poem of Yuchuan's "Sub-Moon Eclipse", the law is rigorous, and the strange atmosphere of Yuchuanzi is lost"[2] P149 From this, the basic characteristics of Zhao Heng's poetry can also be seen. In addition, Zhao Heng's poems have not been recorded in his family. Because of the collation of Zhao Heng's anthology and the collection of his poems in many ways, Mr. Chang Haicheng, a Mongolian scholar, was allowed to obtain a copy of Zhao Heng's "Xindu Academy Volumes". This volume contains Zhao Heng's textbooks and poems from his examination at Xindu Academy, dating from Guangxu Jiashen (1881) to Guangxu Pengzi (1888). The volume contains the criticisms and circles of Wang Shunan and He Tao, who were successively the heads of the academy at that time. According to this volume, 37 poems of Zhao Heng's trial thesis are compiled.

1. Endowed with the Divine Witch What Is The Bitter Blowing Pipe (Get the Divine Word Five Words and Eight Rhymes)

What is the reason for the cluster, the group of witches worship ghosts and gods. The flute blows and rests, and the temple is always as old as new. Sheng Zhenren is happy, and the palace merchants are everywhere. Although the chant is good, the prayer is fruitful. There are only mourning cicadas, and the domain is cross-phoenix. Half with the joy of the widow, a smile light poet. Broken tiles and ruins are cold, and barren smoke and grass are spring. Try the valley meaning, honesty can be cultivated.

2. Ancient Customs of Giving The Wandering Girl's Beard (Deling Character Five Words and Eight Rhymes)

There are many tourists here, and the European highway is boarded together. The ancient road of bun is preserved, and the customs are Zhenyi Mausoleum. The head of the mantis is like a whip, and the moth's eyebrows are invincible. The black cloud is a low corner (Qian sleeve cold three), and the red sun is greasy. Tolerance and adultery have been taught, and the lipogen is light and condensed. Three generations of firm chastity are similar, and the six dynasties are punished. Hugh or Yu Arbor, cold is not thin Aya. Return to the disciples, and respect each other as guests.

3. Endowed with Creek Water Qu with City Yin (Dexi Character Five Words and Eight Rhymes)

With peach blossom water, the city road is fascinating. Cang han ancient county, cross-qu tang love creek. The pheasant is heavy and the fish scales are crowded. The trees are high and rocky, and the glass is about to be scratched. The sky was in the middle of the waves, and the clouds were low from Guo Wai. Beyond the bridge through the gate, the boat is tied to the west of the path. It is like a whirlwind, uneven and uneven. The terrace should be poured in, and the widow Yong Qingxi.

4. Endowed with the flag day warm dragon snake movement (get the snake word five words and eight rhymes)

As soon as the three poles are warmed, the flag is looked at on credit. The tree comes to the temple pavilion, and the moving place is the dragon and snake. Look around the pillar to see the first dance, cage smoke recognition is not bad. The wooden kites are up and down, and the iron riders are noisy. Sleeves are not incense burners, and the color TV is oblique. Spring is based on drums, and the weather is borrowed and added. The tiger team is also led in front of the team, and the back of the Xianban is covered. Lamb silk is given five, and the old Hou family is withdrawn.

5. Give the wheat line ten miles without seeing the soil (get the soil, feng zi five words and eight rhymes)

I don't see the original soil in the suburbs, and I will do the same thing. Four hours of real experience, ten miles of color. Run, by the morning air, blow should borrow a warm wind. It seems to be super red, but in the green clouds. Throw away the dust three buckets, but Yu Jing has a bow. It is difficult to divide the fields up and down, straight to the west and east of the waves. Flowers fall in the sky, and lotus perfume passes out. Bibijin presents Rui, the holy world is auspicious.

6. Endowed with black and white hair to the eyebrows (get the monk's word five words and eight rhymes)

In the mountains of the ancient temple, there was a monk in the sky. Hair draped in eyebrows, black and half white still. Hue enlightenment in the air, light dome once. Lotus blossoms the world, puza old mane. Paint moon Dan qing thin, low cloud bodhisattva condensation. Mao Yi is divided into two kinds (unstable wording), and karma is three times. The eyes are lonely, and the night lights are shrugged. Talk about the yuan ginseng mysterious fruit, the crane listens to the momentum.

7. Give twilight smoke and autumn rain to cross the Maple Bridge (get autumn words five words and eight rhymes)

There are many maple trees by the bridge, and the gods stare at the guests. Smoke prompts the Three Realms to twilight, and rain strikes for a while. The shore curve bay is difficult to distinguish, and the forest is sparse (customary) thickened. Distant police fishing fire dark, near (customary) to the rainbow sad. Eyes cut off the future goose, soul lost this gull. The trees fall down, and the rivers flow. Look at the proposed cold mountain trail, ask the ancient ferry head. Return to the bright moon, drunk in the wine house building.

8. Mr. Fu De's drunken sleeve to save the spring return (de's five words and eight rhymes)

If people wish that spring is always there, sir is to save the time. The wine marks are half drunk, and the poetic sleeves are urged. Do not wear a gold clay belt, and wear a white king cup. The real smell of the mountains, the painting is half cut. It seems to force the flowers to open the collar, who knows the moonlight platform. Leave The Coats, and bring the beauty to come. There are tears in the dragon bell, by looking at the green platform. Looking for the king, do not go, hand in hand to wander. (Poetry owes Gongya)

9. Endowed with chun huan gong fu waist support (get the waist word five words and eight rhymes) The following Guangxu yi unitary

Where spring is still early, the palace scenery wants to be described. Liu Gangshu was drunk with eyes, and his waist was live and soft (the word waist and branch could not be folded). Extremely sunny and greasy, amorous and ladylike. Jealousy hinders the beauty of the, and the dance learns to be beautiful. The sun should be whisked, and the wind flutters together. According to this, the situation is shaking frequently. Bi Tuo Po Belt, Green Condensation Leak Strip. When the sky is warm, strange on the road.

10. Give the monk's words to the ancient Wall Buddha to paint well (get the monk's words five words and eight rhymes)

Dangerous walls stand in the mountains, and ancient temples are layered. A good painting is only a Buddha, and it depends on a monk. The Cangzhou map is full, and the Biling remembers the same climb. Rest in the language, bear the scriptures or borrow vines. Danqing passed on the magic hand, clean with lone lamp. The temple is three sides of the old cloud, and the deeper moon is one edge. Pick flowers and smile, sit on the stone will be condensed. The sentence is presented first, and the Zen reference is the best.

11. Endowed with the Wish of the Sorrowful Country (Defeng Character Five Words and Eight Rhymes)

After the parents were only yuan, they bowed and bowed in worry. The year of frequent books is great, and the wish for the country to be prosperous. The state itself is heavy, and the people's natural food can be replenished. Push three labors and worry, and Yu Jiu repays the cultivation work. Ji Bird official division, Wei Yu Mengzhu asked. The heart is out of the way, and the sound of the rain is cut. Rui Zhao occupies the winter snow, and the flowers bloom to test the trade wind. The campfire is full of consolation.

12. Endowed with a jade knife (the word for the sword is five words and eight rhymes)

The jade was like mud cut, and Kun Wu had this knife. The wizard held the tube and made me blow my hair. Doushi is difficult to calculate, and Qiankun is self-reliant. The furnace is annoying the drum casting, too Pu to encounter. QiuShui shen can be lang, Kunshan Bao Kentao. And the front suspension test, to meet the blade to relieve the labor. Sound price thousands of gold value, silk one word praise. Break the gold traffic heavy, and liberate the ugly Yi Cao.

13. Endowed with light rain into October cold (get cold words five words and eight rhymes) The following Guangxu penzi

The moon has been sunny and spring, and the scenery has not changed. Half a day with zero light rain, ten days to make a new cold. Steep eaves dripping, wet sleeve sheet. The smoke cage is white and the air forces Feng Dan. The plum on the ridge is released, and the hedge chrysanthemum strikes. The beam is slippery, and the cold goose sounds sour. Snow letter stays in this brew, frost will enter the night to see. After the opening of the day, warm the grace of the Holy Grace.

14. Endowed with old age and shame without sweat (five words and eight rhymes of the word for merit)

Looking back at the millennium of hate, I often sweat and sweat. When I am ashamed, I only laugh at the bones, and I am old and useless. The sword can be clear to the zhi, and the whip is to urge me to bow. Failed to be ashamed of oneself, and give in to whom. Willing to follow the mistakes of the mediocre, it is difficult to live in the world. The hair is white with the residue, and the face is red at sunset. Xiong Hu is used to it, and the Qilin paints the cabinet worker. Twilight is still strong, and he does not live up to Chenqiu.

15. Endowed with Yao Long Shun Short (Get Shaped Character Five Words and Eight Rhymes)

Ji Gu Yao and Shun, Yu Shu Kao Emperor Ting. After that, it can be beautiful, and the length is even fragmented. Eight colors show the gods, heavy pupils Yu Xiu ling. The heart is on guard, like a gentleman. The size is ugly, and the soup wall is clear. A thousand autumn hanging bone grid, a painting written Danqing. Crane pass on the demeanor, long wen traces the typical. Xun Qing left a witty remark, and the ancient recitation was fragrant.

16. Endowed with the heart will be true as not reading the Bible (as the words are five words and eight rhymes) The following Guangxu Chengjiao

The lotus blossoms the world, and the Dharma is illusory. The Jingkou Sutra is not read, and the Meditation Path is self-preserving. Futon monk into the fixed, Bayeux character He Shu. Recitations are all old, and deep thoughts are given. After finishing the pure fruit, the tongue smile is wide and long. Pass the bowl pearlescently, pick the flowers and millet shadow Shu. The emptiness is silent, and the remaining lights are sparse. Shen Mo said XianYuan, the three multiplications of enlightenment at the beginning.

17. Endowed with Flying Thunderbolts (Deuteronomy Words Five Words and Eight Rhymes)

Fly down the altar order, swing the thunder. The smoke is wet, and the thunderbolt is stained. Rain wash sub-questions in, star chi so sentences come. The rainbow is far away, and the electric pen is blooming. Thousands of people were shocked and suspicious. Linchi was originally dew, and the carved candle turned to ash. The gods and ghosts cried, and the country and mountains were urged everywhere. Du Gong shi li sheng, and who is immortal.

18. Endowed with the so far haggard empty lotus flower (dehu character five words and eight rhymes)

Full of lotus flowers, looking at the five lakes today. Thousands of miles away, haggard and lonely. The land is empty, and the tourists are lonely. The waves are clear like dots, and the moonlight is often paved. The grass on both sides of the strait is lingering, and the flat boats are chaotic. At this time, the flavor is different, and the sound of water at night is thick. Hope is covered with sorrow, and prosperity is instantaneous. Amorous fish play together, where to ask rong wither. (Poetry with Jialian)

19. Endowed with the Glory of the Noble Treasure (The Five Words and Eight Rhymes of the Tibetan Characters)

Hui will eventually be able to keep it secret, and the light will be long. Deeply obscure, the great instrument is precious. The Holy Gu is indulged by heaven, and the heart knows and forgets. Wisdom is foolish to keep. The Tao is self-evident. The sword Ren Feng is fully boxed, and the cone is out of the bag. The shadow of the void hall and the valley taste orchid. YunYushan is complete, and the pearls are moist and fragrant. Style Jin Zhao Shengde, worship the hand effect of the gui.

20. Endowed with four Hao Youzhi light Hanzu (get light words five words and eight rhymes)

The whole world belongs to Han, and Xianzhi has light. Eight wilds are high and zudding, and the four Haozi rooms are tilted. Hangu Tuan wang qi, Shangshan proud evening glory. Pass the incense to the beans, and get tired of the soldiers. Bo Zhonghu Huangshi, Hou Gong Thin Chijing. Yu Long chased After Li Er, cooking dogs and laughing at Han Peng (Li Er was one person, and Han Peng was also two). Wei Cai was almost comparable, and Lan Fang was not balanced. After losing his life, Noble is always famous.

21. Endowed with yokozuna Shang Chuan Xiang Guo (De Cao Zi Five Words and Eight Rhymes) The following Guangxu Ding Hai

Whoever is given a cross,the hero looks up to Cao. Thousands of autumns pass on the country, and the first life is fast. Usurping the Han name is difficult to wash (coarse sentence), swallowing Wu Qi proudly. Birds fly on the night of the bright moon, and whales stand on the waves. Poetry and wine are miserable and poor, and the name of merit is paid to fishing. Three divisions dominate the industry, one pipe to catch the wind. Zhi Shi was wounded and exposed, and the economy was ugly and drank mash. So far, when you travel to Chibi, you can only see the waves and sands.

22. Endowed with bamboo shoots and ferns (get the five words and eight rhymes)

A few costs of east wind power, Huaichun grass and wood furniture. Shoot buds grow outside the window, and fern fields are laid out. Smoke is constantly weaving, and the rain is like crisp. Vitality back to last night, spring is a bright future (this sentence circle). Bamboo unravels the cat's head, and Wei Haunts the turtle's feet. The willow people are sleeping, and the trees are dreaming of all the Su. Shao Wei ge Qing Zhen, Qi Qin Yi called. The cage is floating and steamy, and the pot is within reach.

23. Endowed with the village rain outside the emergency (deso words five words and eight rhymes)

To the ear is not urgent, the troublesome dream is easy to lazy. Listening to the night rain repeatedly, it constantly rings in the village. The temple bell should be wet, and the window is drunk with wine. The black clouds are heavy, and the green waves are thick. Thousands of wisps of smoke, deep through the fog several times. The sky remains desert, and the rhyme is separated by water. The cold air mass is empty, and the afterglow is far away. After the opening of the Dynasty, the trees were lush.

24. Endowed with flying electricity to search for jiaojiao (de vine character five words and eight rhymes)

He searched for the dragon and took a cane and a vine. The electricity flies brightly, and the walls are condensed. Blowing fire is strange and exciting, picking clouds is healthy. The shape of the red shines clearly, and the shin of the crane churns red. The scales and claws are scattered, and Akikata has insight into Zeng. Strange doubts burn the rhinoceros candle, and the gods want to transform the dragon into a multiplier. The purple bamboo is exquisite, and the green quinoa is bent. Changli Gong is compared, and the whisk is happy.

25. Read the Zhongxing Monument on the Fu Quinoa (Dequan Character Five Words and Eight Rhymes)

In the Tang Dynasty, Zhongxing Ode, the stele height and Lingqi. On the pity shoes is Kudzu, read the staff to support quinoa. Tianzi blows pipes, and Hu'er drums indiscriminately. Chaowen Wang Shibei, night out of the emperor's west. Ask Gao Yangda, on merit Li Guoji. Su Zongcheng Shengwu, Yuan Jie Fei title. Wei Huan Wen is ancient, and the sky is sunburning downwards. The singing of Wuxi is gone, and there are grass leaves.

26. Endowed with the high palace position (get the high word five words and eight rhymes)

Love is also bitter, and the official rank is very afraid of high. Only when thinking goodbye, be cautious and do not love grace. Taste the poetry book O, shape hugh case mu lao. Pond sneered at the dream, Za Tan Man Xin Mao. The brothers and sisters are happy, and the glory is proud. Xueyuan chased after Kong Meng, and his name was Ugly Xiao Cao. Haunted by the black hat, returned to Xie Jinpao. Meishan is strange, and the works are in the wind.

27. Endowed with dew leaf frost branches shearing han bi (get mandarin characters five words and eight rhymes)

The bottom is very cold and green, and the citrus in the garden is ripening quickly. The leaves are moist and moist, and the frost and dew are drunk. Bring guests to chant poems, and call on servants to bear the burden. Autumn light comes to the well, and spring colors fill the south of the river. Zhan Zhan's marks are still stained, and Ling Ling qi is involved. Gaze at the wrong color, to the mouth and cheeks back to the sweet. Low lining steps in front of cui, remote dragging ridge on the lan. Dongpo verses are in, good taste of the sauce.

28. Endowed with wind music talent is really not shameful (get talented words five words and eight rhymes)

Zhuge Gong Ploughing Day, often called Pipe Music Cai. Helping the crisis is really not shameful, and once you die, you will not mourn. The state of Qi became a hongye, and the King of Yan built a platform. Nanyang was the first patron, and the Marquis of Wu of Western Shu came. Designate Cao Bing, and be transported by Lun Han. Xiao Cao Xiu counted, and Iro followed him. A thousand years of wind and currents were there, when the pillar stones were pushed. Wei Wu finally hated things, and the sun was twilight and wandering.

29. Endowment of the Descending Yan Nai Guan (Derived Character Five Words and Eight Rhymes)

Xian Er knows shi yan, chun and nai ken come. Therefore, the flying emotions are swirling, and the eyes are wandering. Cui Yu new arrived, red silk old testament guess. The morning fog is wet, and the sunset is urged all the way. The pavilion is sad about the rain this day, and the pond is quiet and vulgar. The black coat layer is built, and the green curtain is half open. Acquaintances are like promises, and there is no word to hate self-media. On the bright moon between the beams, the guests and hosts jointly held the cup.

30. Endowed with laziness and the truth is contrary to the world (five words and eight rhymes)

An dares to go against his heart and go to the early dynasty at any time. Lazy will ask, not with the world. The flower bottom people listened to the leaks, and in the wind I made a whistle. Not in love, but self-conscious. The childish piano can be hugged, and the bureaucratic wine is not tricky. Shame climbs the tail, and the noble shame rings the luan. Du Fu's poems were recited, and Yang Xiong's treatises were ridiculed. Laughing at his slanderer, the crane folded his waist.

31. Endowed with more flies after autumn (the word for "fly" rhymes)

It is said that Yaju is good, who knows that it is a bitter fly. When the autumn solstice comes, the night of the turn increases. It was already clear, like a summer steam. How to fly here, the desire to disturb the phase is still there. Seeking incense after smell, inflammation and heat. You can still save the old paper, and you are not allowed to say cold ice. The bright moon is shining, and the cool breeze is invincible. Disturb people sleepless, with lone lights under the window.

32. Endowed with the bird to see the silence of the people (to get the five words and eight rhymes of the human characters) The following Guangxu Pengzi

Quiet and restless, look at things I am true. Birds flew in the air, and peered down after silence. Dancing butterflies are dreaming, and flowing warblers are next to each other. The bard monk settles down, and the learner is angry. The treasure phase is three lives, and the bead throat is evenly stringed. The interval is finely regulated, and the rolling curtains of the Pavilion are new. A few degrees of cunning, the eve of laughter and frequent conversation. Shanglin looked forward to the ground, and the Mandarin Duck Mu Enjun.

33. Endowed with weak clouds and wolves and can't help the wind (to ban the word five words and eight rhymes)

A cloud wolf, fluttering weak can't help but be weak. The oblique wind is soft, and the shadow moonlight is faint. Miao left in the front of the pool, and the distant Cen was far away. The fish scales are shattered, and the horns of the sheep are invaded several times. Lin half smoke is the same, and the rain in the village is still cloudy. The sky is full of posture, and there is always no heart to go out. The flute in the mist is like a flute in the building, and the kaoru seat is on the piano. So far, it has become five colors, and it is dedicated to the sun.

34. The herb is still long when it is given (deyi words and eight rhymes)

Covered with many herbs, winter is not enough. Sometimes I get it, but I still cling to it. Cold snow after the New Year, the east wind returned last night. The future is a dream, and the eyes are full of life. Tentacle Lan Yu grip, Guan Qing Hui Fei. The fragrance smells ripe for a long time, and the net color is greasy and fat. Trees live on the long causeway, and flowers compete for small courtyards to fly. Kuei Rongyuan sensed it, and I cherished Fenfei.

35. Endow the Thunder Bee With Two Charms (Get the Bee Word Five Words and Eight Rhymes)

Suddenly, there was a thunderclap, and there was a bee in front of it. Two of them were disturbed at the same time, and one cluster was very Huns. The rain flowers are blooming, and the clouds are deep and the trees are about to be sealed. The honey spleen should be not full, and the loose hair should still be loose. The flowers are like a struggle, and Ah Xiangruo is missing. Bang doubt, back and forth surprised. At first glance, I saw the three paths of the edge, and I heard several times from afar. Forbidden Forest Shao Jingli, Shuhui Qingshi Yong.

36. Endowed with a single tree flower from the clear (the word "sorrow" rhymes)

A tree of flowers blooms, and the flowers are not shy. The distinction is in the eyes, and the sorrow is added to the sorrow. The scenery is beautiful and the pavilions are dewy and floating. Add a shadow and embellish the leaf Ying thick. Red let Fang Yingpu, green grass Manchuria. The cold smoke lingered on half the face, and the sunset sun shone from the beginning. The scene is like this, and human feelings are forbidden. Shaoling Gong's endowment □□□□□.

37. Endowed with the book lazy frame throwing vertical and horizontal (to throw words five words and eight rhymes)

Stupid has been torn through the book, thrown on the crossbar. Curious who asks for words, loves lazy me shy bags. Ten thousand scrolls are rich, and a thousand letters are rusty. One ding is not illiterate, two unitary past frequent banknotes. Ancient books are difficult to argue, and slaves dare to substitute for them. The fish fairy rong raced away, and the otter sacrifice Mo laughed lightly. The household let the breeze in, and the door was knocked by the old rain. Ran Quinoa reads from the east, and there is a way to emphasize god's intercourse.

Zhao Heng's these test poems are the works of his examination as an appendage to the Xindu Academy, which can well reflect his early talents and interests. The poem "Endowed with the Ancient Customs of the Wandering Girl's Bun (Deling Character Five Words and Eight Rhymes)" rhymes with the "Ling" character in the poem title of Ouyang Xiu's "Yiling Year Twilight Book Affair Chengyuan Zhen Table", and the sentence "The Ancient Customs of the Wandering Girl's Bun Beard" is titled. The first sentence points out Ouyang Xiu's poetic meaning and breaks the poem's title. The jaw link "Bun Mane Exists in the Ancient Road, Customs Zhenyi Mausoleum", inheriting the "Wandering Girl", its Bun Shape System is quite ancient, and it is related to customs and governance, and has the meaning of the last custom. The last six sentences write about the grandeur of the wandering women, the posture is different, reflecting the distance and proximity, is the unfolding of "many wandering women" and "Cun Gu Dao" and "Zhenyi Mausoleum", "Rong Alien Obscenity once taught", from the opposite side of the intention, poetic ups and downs, fun self-generated. The last four sentences wrap up the poem, point out the main theme of the whole poem from both sides, refute the beautiful and flashy obscenity of the Six Dynasties, and attribute it to being indoctrinated by the good government and beauty of King Wen, without thinking of disobedience, such as three generations of women who are firm and quaint. Such a beautiful woman is a gentleman who is good at it, and the conclusion ends with the respect of the scholar and the love of the woman, the meaning is elegant and righteous, and the poetry is not endless. This poem meets the requirements of the irony and persuasion of the trial poem, the solemn and elegant style requirements, and it is very powerful. The 24th, 27th, 30th, and 36th test poems are all rhymed with the middle word of the poem, the verse is the title, and the poetry is unfolded, and each test poem is selected as the title of a poet's verse, and one of the words is selected as the rhyme of the poem. Or learn Han Yue's strange and confusing analogous poetry, or learn Su Shi's natural and indifferent style, or learn Du Fu's allegorical writing style and self-disciplined character. They can learn the poetry of the Law, mention the theory of the original poem, melt the flesh and blood of their own poems, and write a unique wind god.

Yu Guangjie, Zhang Xuyuan, ‖ The Ancient Literature and Poetry Creation of Zhao Heng, a latecomer of the Tongcheng School

It can be seen from this that Zhao Heng has worked hard in poetics and has gained a lot. Other test poems are mostly titled after the selected verses, and one of the words is rhymed. The selected verses are from the poems of Li Bai, Du Fu, Han Yu, Liu Yuxi, Du Mu, Li Shangyin, Lin Kui, Ouyang Xiu, Wang Anshi, Su Shi, Huang Tingjian, Zhang Qian, Chen Shidao, Lu You, Zhao Bingwen, Yuan Haowen and others. Among them, there are many poems by Du Fu, Han Yu, Ouyang Xiu, and Su Shi. The poetic meaning of these trial poems is associated with selected verses, or continued to extend, or opened up a new meaning, or used its meaning to seek novelty. The description of the material situation and situation in the poem is mostly from the poet's imagination, or transplants the situation in the poetry of the predecessors, and mostly describes the feelings of historical figures and events, and expounds the righteousness. The imitation of objects is influenced by the style and technique of a particular poet's writing scene, and strives to obtain its brushwork style. However, after all, it is only imitation, or less long-term fun and vivid and realistic at present. Therefore, it is difficult to move people without the emotional will to feel the affection of things. However, in terms of poetic skills, the later the time, because Zhao Heng's reading is gradually broader and more intense, his poetry is more delicate and stable, and occasionally like the poetry of the literati, the more free lyricism can not only see the beauty of his talent and rhyme, but also glimpse the advanced trajectory of his poetry.


[1] Liang Shu'an, editor-in-chief: The Great Dictionary of Chinese Writers, Modern Volumes, Zhonghua Bookstore, 1997. p. 315

[2] (Republic of China) by Zhao Heng and Yu Guangjiedian: The Collection of Prologues and Differences, China Social Sciences Press, 2021. p. 118

[3] Liu Shengmu: Examination of the Origins of Tongcheng Literature, Huangshan Book Club, 1989. p. 290

[4] Qian Jibo: A History of Modern Chinese Literature, Jilin People's Publishing House, 2013. p. 177

[5] Luo Yong and Du Zhiyong, Introduction to the History of Chinese Literature, Beijing Publishing House, 2016. pp. 170-174.

[6] Zhang Shunwei: A Bibliography of Qing Humanities, Central China Normal University Press, 2004. pp. 583-584

[7] Xu Shoukai and Shi Peiyi, "Wu Rulun Ruler", Huangshan Book Club, 1990 edition. p. 150

[8] Gong Pengcheng: A Treatise on the History of Chinese Poetry, Peking University Press, 2008. p. 292

[9] Wu Minsheng: The Collection of Wu Men Disciples, China Bookstore, 2009. Volume IX

About author:Yu Guangjie, born in 1982, a native of Cangzhou, Hebei Province, is an associate professor at the College of Literature of Hebei University and a master tutor. He is mainly engaged in the study of the history of Chinese literary and artistic thought and songwriting. Zhang Xuyuan, born in 1998, a native of Zhumadian, Henan, is a 20-level master's student in the College of Literature of Hebei University

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