
Blood and Tears Article Warrior Heart - Remembering Huang Qiuyun's Creative Life

author:Hu Depei's literary origins

  The people who have contributed in history are diverse, but they are always unique and distinctive.

Blood and Tears Article Warrior Heart - Remembering Huang Qiuyun's Creative Life

In 1984, Huang Qiuyun visited Germany

  Huang Qiuyun came from the great turmoil and great turning point of history. He was born in 1918, the year before the great May Fourth Movement, and died in 2001, at a time when the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation was taking steps forward. In the spring and autumn of the eighty-third spring and autumn, from the tide of the student movement to the secret intelligence personnel of our party, from military work to cultural work, as an old revolutionary, old soldier, and old writer, the integration and contradiction between the pursuit of ideals and humanitarianism, the coordination and incongruity between his concern and love for the country and the people and real life, and all kinds of complicated emotions and thoughts are worthy of our good review and reflection.

  From young students to secret military intelligence officers, made a series of special contributions

  In October 1918, Huang Qiuyun was born in Shunde, Guangdong. Influenced by his uncle and uncle since childhood, he loved to read ancient and modern Chinese and foreign literary masterpieces, especially liked classical Chinese poetry, and was particularly fond of the works of Li Shangyin, Huang Zhongze, Gong Zizhen and others. His father was westernly educated and was the owner of a western pharmacy in Hong Kong. Huang Qiuyun transferred to Hua Yan College in Hong Kong, which is taught entirely in English, and later, he was admitted to the Department of Chinese Literature of Tsinghua University with excellent results.

Blood and Tears Article Warrior Heart - Remembering Huang Qiuyun's Creative Life

  In the summer of 1935, Beiping City was already surrounded by heavy Japanese troops, and the battle clouds were dense, "North China is so big that it can no longer put a calm desk!" Huang Qiuyun, who was only seventeen years old, actively participated in the anti-Japanese salvation movement in full swing. The great spirit of "one two nine" accompanied him throughout his life. He once recalled: "From the age of seventeen, I embarked on a bumpy, stormy, and terrifying life journey, began to seriously consider the purpose of life and the true meaning of life, and initially established the belief that later dominated my life. ”

  In February 1936, Huang Qiuyun joined the Chinese National Liberation Vanguard and joined the Communist Party of China in the same year. Soon, he was assigned by the party to secret military intelligence services, operating in the southern coastal areas of our country and in Hong Kong. He infiltrated a Japanese intelligence agency in Hong Kong and skillfully obtained accurate information on the Japanese army's preparations for the capture of Guangzhou and southern China, so that the relevant departments of our party made corresponding preparations.

Blood and Tears Article Warrior Heart - Remembering Huang Qiuyun's Creative Life

Huang Qiuyun in Hong Kong in the 1930s

  He has opened pharmacies and bookstores, compiled magazines, worked as a teacher, worked in the office of the Eighth Route Army in Hong Kong, served as a lieutenant colonel secretary in a certain unit of the Kuomintang army, served as a staff officer of our Guangdong-Gansu-Xiangbian column, squatted in the enemy's prison, and seen many revolutionary comrades and innocent people brutally killed and persecuted. He traveled across southern China, putting his personal safety aside, and made many special contributions to the revolution astutely and skillfully.

  In October 1945, after the Kuomintang and the Communists reached an armistice agreement, Fang Fang was appointed as the chief representative of the Eighth Special Enforcement Group sent to Guangdong by the executive department of the Beiping Military Mediation Office, while Huang Qiuyun was appointed to serve as a secret liaison task between the Underground Party and Fang Fang in Guangdong.

  Huang Qiuyun carried the Kuomintang's "military handbag" and "officer certificate" and other documents, suited and leather shoes, and took the second-class carriage of the Guangzhou-Kowloon Express from Hong Kong to Guangzhou. He first sent someone to send the delegation the funds for the event, as well as the contact map and contact code of the Dongjiang Column. Soon, he obtained an important secret information through the internal line of our camp in Guangzhou -- the battle plan of the Kuomintang to encircle and suppress the main force of the Dongjiang Column with the strength of seven divisions. This information needs to be sent to the party as soon as possible, and it must also be foolproof. Obviously, it is easy to make mistakes in directly entering the representative station, because the victory building of the representative station is surrounded by gendarmerie agents who closely monitor and control the entry and exit.

  What to do? Huang Qiuyun thought of General Li Zhangda, a senior staff officer of the Kuomintang Guangzhou Xingying Camp. Li was the head of Sun Yat-sen's guard regiment and joined the army at the Grand Marshal's Office, and was the old superior of Zhang Fakui, the director of the Guangzhou camp, and he had considerable prestige, and the gendarmes and secret agents did not dare to easily provoke him. At that time, he was the head of the southern branch of the Chinese Democratic League, politically sympathetic to the Chinese Communist Party, resolutely opposed the Kuomintang's civil war, and had some personal relations with Huang Qiuyun. After careful study, Huang and the head of the underground party in Guangzhou decided to use the Li Mansion as a liaison point. Huang approached General Li and explained his intentions, and Li Zhangda expressed his full understanding and support. Therefore, Li Zhangda came forward to invite General Fang Fang to come to the mansion for a light meal. Fang Fang knew in his heart that there must be something urgent, and immediately put on the uniform of the major general and drove to the Li Mansion. After a few words of greeting, Li Zhangda took advantage of the excuse to avoid it. After Huang explained his identity, he spat out a small wax pill from his mouth, peeled off the battle plan, and immediately handed it to Fang Fang. Later, they also used various methods to pass on secret information many times, and finally enabled the Dongjiang Column to retreat north smoothly, effectively preserving the revolutionary forces. During that period, Huang Qiuyun was born into death, desperately fighting for himself, and making a series of important contributions to the revolution, which is only one of the above.

Blood and Tears Article Warrior Heart - Remembering Huang Qiuyun's Creative Life

  Engage in literary work and do not close your eyes in the face of the suffering of the people

  Huang Qiuyun still loves literature in his bones. In his underground work and military struggles, he had seen too much blood and filth, which was unbearable for his sentimental and particularly sensitive temperament and heart. Therefore, when he withdrew to the north and learned that he was on the blacklist of military agents, he was ordered to infiltrate Hong Kong and soon embarked on the path of literature. After being introduced by the underground party and Feng Naichao, he went to work under the leadership of Shao Tsuenlin, deputy secretary of the Hong Kong Working Committee and secretary of the Cultural Committee.

  After the founding of New China, Huang Qiuyun took up the work of xinhua news agency and Fujian branch, but he always felt uncomfortable in personality and psychology. After Shao Quanlin became vice chairman of the Chinese Writers Association and secretary of the party leading group, in 1954 he transferred Huang Qiuyun to the Writers Association, where he was jointly responsible for editing "Literary and Art Studies" with Wei Junyi, who was in the same branch at Tsinghua University, and Du Maiqing, who was in the same party group at the Hong Kong Cultural Committee.

  In the period of national crisis, Huang Qiuyun was born and died for the national nation and the common people, and after the founding of New China, he still had the masses of the people in his heart at all times. When he was at Xinhua News Agency, he often wrote "internal references" to reflect the flood and drought situation, the epidemic of certain infectious diseases, the phenomenon of rushing to buy in the market, and the phenomenon of violating the law and discipline, etc. Moreover, "feelings are too rich, the personality is too strong, and he is not good at restraining himself. After engaging in literary work, he also shouted: "Don't close your eyes in the face of the suffering of the people." "Whether it is affirming life or criticizing life, the fundamental problem is that we care about the present and the people... Shallow optimism and apathetic attitude towards life must be changed and replaced by an incomparable concern for the fate of the people; the cowardice of whitewashing life must be overcome instead of a revolutionary spirit that faces reality squarely; and the intention to gain or lose personal gains and losses must be renounced and replaced by a high degree of political enthusiasm and a sense of responsibility for the people's cause. He pointed out bluntly: "Everyone will see that the masses of the people still have difficulties and sufferings of one kind or another." In our land today there are famines, famines, epidemics, bureaucracy, and all sorts of unpleasant things and irrational phenomena. As an artist with a high sense of political responsibility, we should not remain silent in the face of real life and in the face of the difficulties and sufferings of the people. ("Don't close your eyes in the face of the people's suffering")

Blood and Tears Article Warrior Heart - Remembering Huang Qiuyun's Creative Life

In 1979, Huang Qiuyun and Zhang Guangnian were in Guangzhou

  As a result, he published several essays and essays in succession: he reminded people not to be tarnished by the rust of the city servants and cynicism, because of the heart of profit, watching the wind and turning the rudder, not knowing right and wrong, going with the flow, and even causing tragedies ("The Tragedy of Rusting the Soul", "The Thorn of Cynicism"),he denounced the great harm that dogmatism and sectarianism brought to the literary and artistic cause ("Where is the Thorn?)"). He advocated that artists should sing and cry with the people, and truly understand the hearts of the people (Revelation)... Therefore, he read Liu Binyan's close-up "Inside News of this Newspaper" until he couldn't sleep all night, and he was deeply and painfully real and excited about the bold exposure of contradictions and conflicts in his work. He was so enthusiastic and bold in his affirmation and support for Wang Meng's novel "The New Young Man from the Organization Department".

  In "Literary and Art Studies", he assisted the editor-in-chief Wei Junyi in his work. Although he could not help but seek his own political position, he was always extremely cautious and careful in dealing with specific issues. For example, the public security department found the editor Mao Xianwen's application form for joining the Kuomintang in the enemy and pseudo-archives, but he himself did not say it to the organization, which was not a small problem at the time. The matter was left to Huang Qiuyun to handle. He first carefully checked his handwriting and found that the application form did not resemble Mao Xianwen at all, and that his father's name on the form was mistakenly written as a homophone. Huang repeatedly examined it with a magnifying glass and found that there was a fingerprint on the application form, which was a reliable imprint that could be checked. However, at that time, it was a back-to-back review, and from the perspective of the legal system, citizens who were not detained were not easy to let people check according to their fingerprints. Huang Qiuyun thought of a more secure way: when he received guests once, he asked Mao Xianwen to change the bulb of the lamp on the desk, and Mao immediately complied. In this way, both the old and new bulbs have hairy fingerprints on them. After examination by the public security investigation department, the fingerprints on the application form were completely different from Mao's fingerprints, indicating that this application form was not filled out by Mao Xianwen himself. But where did the application form in the enemy file come about? Huang also sent someone to Mao Xianwen's hometown for external transfer. Afterwards, it was found out that Mao Xianwen's brother-in-law had been the secretary of a certain regiment of the Kuomintang troops, and according to the regulations, if he could personally recruit twenty party members, he could be promoted to a higher level and awarded a prize of one hundred yuan. Mao's brother-in-law filled in his familiar names one by one and pressed them on his fingerprints, and Mao Xianwen was one of them. Investigators approached him, who confirmed that the fingerprints on his right index finger matched those on the application form. Mao Xianwen's case of "participating in the Kuomintang membership" was revealed.

Blood and Tears Article Warrior Heart - Remembering Huang Qiuyun's Creative Life

  However, it was precisely such a good and upright man who was very fortunate in the anti-rightist movement in 1957, "staying in the party for two years" and delegating rural labor, leaving a wound in his soul that was difficult to heal.

  In early 1958, late at night after a snow, Huang Qiuyun was suddenly woken up by the people in the unit and asked him to rush to the Guheyuan police station immediately. It turned out that a young female teacher in Luzhou, Sichuan Province, her boyfriend suffered misfortune in the anti-rightist movement, and she was desperate and came to Kunming Lake in Beijing to seek short-sightedness. The police rescued her and found that she was carrying a letter to Huang Qiuyun, so the police station found Huang Qiuyun. Because she likes literature, has read Huang Qiuyun's works, and feels that he "has a good heart, sympathizes with those who are unfortunate and in distress, and is willing to help them", so she wrote this letter in advance. When she saw Huang Qiuyun and felt that he was indeed a trustworthy person, she said: "Maybe you need a nanny at home..." Huang Qiuyun couldn't bear to face her sad eyes and tears, and endured the pain, while thinking of her current embarrassing situation, she snorted and said: "Do you need money?" She looked at him stunned and choked up and said, "Thank you!" You are a good person. I've read critical of your article. I don't want to bother you anymore... I'll find my home. More than twenty years later, Huang Qiuyun still wrote with great emotion: "I can never forgive myself, because I have betrayed the trust of a person, I have betrayed the trust of a young girl who treats me like a brother, I have hurt this person's heart, and I can even say that I have killed a person." I was supposed to grant her request, but I flatly refused for fear of being implicated. Wasn't it I who indirectly forced her to find her final 'home'?...... I repent and weep again and again..." ("Stormy Years: An Unusual Summer")

Blood and Tears Article Warrior Heart - Remembering Huang Qiuyun's Creative Life

  Huang Qiuyun is such a person who is full of feelings, full of love and compassion for people. A heart of love and tears of sorrow have always been with him.

  Decades of good and bad, the older the fighting spirit

  Huang Qiuyun said in the poem "Self-Lamentation": "Mistakenly exhausting life is a word, and the article is bitter to me." "The Tao has exhausted the bitterness of his decades of outspoken and tired of writing. But he didn't regret it, and he grew older and more scrappy.

  The dust of the anti-rightist struggle has settled, and a number of rightists of the China Writers Association have been dealt with. In the autumn of 1959, I went to work in the editorial department of the "Literature and Art Newspaper", Huang Qiuyun had just returned from rural labor, and the "official" became smaller and smaller, serving as the deputy director of the editorial department, and only in charge of the theoretical group of only two or three people I was in. Immediately, he encountered a nationwide struggle against right-leaning opportunism, and Huang Qiuyun was "burned" again, but in our daily contact every day, I felt that he had been through the vicissitudes of the sea for a long time and was not alarmed by the storms, his demeanor was always so easy and simple, he was kind and sincere in his treatment of people, prudent and serious in his work, and his work style was democratic and equal. For our young people, he is extremely kind, diligent in inducing and helping, caring and supporting in many ways, and can be described as a good leader who is attentive and understanding, and a respectable and loyal elder. Working under his guidance, I feel very comfortable and benefit a lot.

  He often recalled the years of the flames, mourning and weeping for the sacrificed comrades-in-arms and innocent people. Whenever the Mid-Autumn Festival and the reunion of relatives, he will think of the deep and sincere fighting friendship like brothers and sisters in the smoke of the battlefield ("The Meal of the Mid-Autumn Festival").

  He wrote many historical novels, borrowing the wine glasses of the ancients and pouring the blocks in his chest. There is "Du Zimei Returns Home", which is plagued by famine and turmoil, which makes the people unhappy and full of mourning; "Gu Mother's Hunger Strike", which encourages his son not to forget the hatred of the country and the family and maintain national integrity; and "Lu Liangyi's Excerpts" that preside over justice and safeguard public opinion.

Blood and Tears Article Warrior Heart - Remembering Huang Qiuyun's Creative Life

  In the new period of reform and opening up, bright sunshine shines on the earth. In the unprecedentedly active and prosperous Chinese literary scene, Huang Qiuyun's works are eye-catching. He wrote sharp and timely essays and essays such as "Heart Palpitations and Residual Poison in the Heart", "Essays Should Be Revived", "Literary and Art Legislation Cannot Be Delayed", "Chinese Culture And Thoughts", and other sharp and timely essays and essays; there are "Under the Lilac Flowers", "The Fog Has Lost the Terrace", "Unforgettable Eyes and Tears" and other emotional and tearful essays, as well as words that deeply remember Friends such as Shao Tsuenlin, Chen Xianghe, Guo Xiaochuan, laoshe, etc., or point directly to the shortcomings of the literary world, or advocate democracy and the legal system, or express the feelings of the times, or mourn relatives and friends, and pin a certain special feeling." Most of them were written in blood and tears." He said, "Fog Lost Platform" "After finishing the draft, I seemed to have a serious illness, and I exhausted all the energy of my body. "It seems that I am destined to be a painful idealist, an incorrigible tragic figure."

Blood and Tears Article Warrior Heart - Remembering Huang Qiuyun's Creative Life

  Beginning in the early 1980s, he focused on his ups and downs of 40 to 50 years. Called "The First Memoir of China's 'KGB'" by overseas people, "The Years of Storm and Rain", according to the famous saying that "want to speak only the truth, not the truth, not the truth, not the truth", as a witness to history, "as far as possible to tell the truth of the facts to future generations", recorded the love and hatred that Huang Qiuyun could never forget.

Blood and Tears Article Warrior Heart - Remembering Huang Qiuyun's Creative Life

  In 1997, when Huang Qiuyun was in his old age, he gave several interviews to Huang Weijing, the editor-in-chief of Essays, and later compiled the interview record "Sixty Years on the Road of Literature". In this interview, with the spirit and character of integrity and selflessness, love and hatred, he explains his views and reflects on the many people he has personally contacted and the many events he has personally experienced, and his frankness and directness reflect his fiery naked heart.

  The famous poet Shao Yanxiang commented on Huang Qiuyun's creative life: "Blood and tears article warrior heart!!" Believe it.

Blood and Tears Article Warrior Heart - Remembering Huang Qiuyun's Creative Life

In 1978, he and his wife Cai Ying were in Guangzhou

May 7, 2002


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