
Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

author:Black and white history

Taking stock of the ten cattle people in ancient China's foreign wars, mainly taking the initiative to fight abroad, even if it is passive and defensive; even Su Dingfang, who destroyed several countries and opened up territory and was at the head of the ancient Chinese generals, could only relegate to the second place, because the first directly destroyed the Arab Empire in the Middle East and annexed its territory, which was really cattle.

TOP, 10 Tetsubetsu

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

Tetsubetsu was a prominent general of the Mongol Empire. After surrendering to Genghis Khan, Zhebei started from a lowest ten-fu commander, rose to centurion by military merit, and in 1211, with Genghis Khan went south to attack Jin, broke through Usha Fort, Wuyue Camp, Badexing Province, entered Juyongguan, and reached Zhongdu. In 1218, he led 20,000 people to destroy the Western Liao, and he was beheaded and punished.

However, Tetsubetsu became a world-class famous general, and it was also necessary to start with Genghis Khan's western expedition; Tetsubetsu and Subutai led an army to sweep through the Central Asian countries, all the way to conquer invincible, but whenever they resisted, they slaughtered the city and exterminated, and were named "demons", and then all the way to the west, no one dared to stop it, and they all took the initiative to surrender the city, and the whole of Central Asia trembled under the iron horse of Mongolia.

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

Tebetsu's most classic is to destroy Russia at that time, break the enemy alliance, and then cross the Dnieper River to the west, sweep the southern part of the Turus and enter the Crimean Peninsula. The Mongol army then withdrew, and on the way back to the east, Genghis Khan died; tetsubetsu died in the army due to his advanced age and the toil of the long expedition.

TOP, 9 Bo'er only Jin Batu

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

Batu was the grandson of Genghis Khan and the second son of Shuchi, and after Shuchi's death, Batu took the throne and fief of his Khan. In 1235, on the orders of the Great Khan Wokoutai, he led the general Subutai and the zongwang Baidar, Hedan, Guiyu, and Meng Ge on a western expedition. The following year, the advance troops led by Subutai suddenly attacked Briar. In the spring of 1237, Mungo destroyed Chincha and removed obstacles to an attack on Russia. In the winter of the same year, the river was frozen and attacked Russia on a large scale.

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

After that, he returned to the lower volga river and retired the army. In the winter of 1240, he led an army in Kiev and destroyed its city. In the spring of the following year, the Battus army divided into two routes, first annihilating the Polish and Germanic forces, and then capturing the Hungarian capital Budapest. For seven years, Batu conquered the west, successively attacking and plundering large areas of territory of the countries of Horoz, Lorre, and Magyar. He also established the Khanate of Chincha, and later established Möngke as the Great Khan of the Mongols.

TOP, 8 Lee Ji

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

Li Ji was originally named Xu Shixun (徐世勣) and Li Shixun (李世勣), and was also known as Li Jing (李靖), the Duke of Weiguo. After the completion of the great unification of the Tang Dynasty, it was during the foreign war; in 625, the Turks invaded and annexed the prefecture, and the imperial court appointed Li Shixun as the commander of the march, and met the Turks at Taigu and expelled them. In 629, Li Shimin accepted the suggestion of Zhang Gongjin, the governor of Dai Prefecture, and decided to attack the Eastern Turks, with Li Jing as the commander-in-chief of the Dingxiang Road march, and Li Ji was appointed as the commander of the Tongmo Road March to command more than 100,000 troops, all accepting Li Jing's command, and the generals divided their ways to attack the Turks.

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

Li Ji set out from the clouds and encountered the army of the Turkic Jieli Khan at Baidao. The Tang army rushed to the ground and defeated the Turkic army. Later, he and Li Jing made a surprise attack, captured more than 50,000 people, and successfully returned to the division. Later, he engaged Xue Yantuo, broke Xue Yantuo's army, beheaded more than 3,000 people, and captured more than 50,000 people and 15,000 horses. In this battle, the Tang Dynasty won a total of five departments, 176 cities, and 697,000 household registrations, dividing them into nine governorates, forty-two prefectures, and one hundred counties.

TOP, 7 Wei Qing

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

Wei Qing's first expedition was a surprise attack on Longcheng, which opened the prelude to the defeat and victory of the Han-Hungarian War, and he fought seven battles and seven victories, recovered the Heshuo and Hetao regions, broke shan yu, and made a major contribution to the development of the northern territory. Wei Qing is good at raising battles with war, dares to go deep with his soldiers, gives strict orders for generals, loves and is kind to his generals, is generous and courteous to his colleagues, and is an extremely popular subject rather than a private authority.

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

However, Wei Qing's final battle with the Xiongnu can only be regarded as a fierce victory, and the Battle of Mobei defeated the main force of the Xiongnu in the southern part of the desert, gradually migrating to the northwest, and there was no power to go south for more than ten years. The Han army also suffered heavy losses, and only more than 30,000 of the 140,000 horses that went out on the expedition returned. The han soldiers and horses lost more than 100,000 yuan, and the cost of water and land transportation of weapons and armor and other items was not counted, so the money and tax revenue from the treasury were still not enough to provide the cost of the soldiers. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty set up martial arts lords to raise military funds.

TOP, 6 Gao Xianzhi

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

Gao Xianzhi was a famous general in the middle of the Tang Dynasty, a Goguryeo (at that time, Goguryeo had long been annexed by the Tang Dynasty, and should be a Goguryeo of the Tang Dynasty). Beautiful in appearance, good at riding and shooting, brave and courageous. When he was young, he followed his father to Tang. He was awarded general at the age of 20. Officials to Anxi deputy capital protection, four towns of the capital of the soldiers and horses and other positions, sealed the Miyun County. Tubo occupied Xiaobolu, and the Tang Dynasty failed to send troops three times, so in 747 gao Xianzhi was appointed as an envoy to the camp. Lead the army to attack, outwit Xiao Bolu, and promote the Anxi Festival.

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

Tianbao attacked the Shi Kingdom for nine years, first making peace and then raiding, capturing its king and his people. The following year, Shi Guo introduced a large food to attack, and in the Battle of Qiluo, due to the rebellion of mercenaries, Gao Xianzhi was unfortunately defeated, and later entered the dynasty, and was appointed as the third division of the Fu Yi Tong, and was appointed as the General of the Right Yu Lin. During the An Lushan rebellion, Gao Xianzhi went out as a deputy commander to fight the rebellion, lost the front line, retreated to Tongguan, and framed and killed the eunuch Bian Lingcheng.

TOP, 5 Li Jing

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

Li Jing was born in a family of eunuchs and was the nephew of the Sui general Han Huhu; Li Jing was good at using soldiers and was good at strategizing, and was originally a Sui general. Later, he served Li Tang and made great contributions to the establishment and development of the Tang Dynasty. Li Jing's most classic battles were two, one for the Eastern Turk Campaign, one for the Tuguhun Campaign, and the other for the Eastern Turk Campaign.

The Turkic army of 300,000 pressed the northern front and held the Tang army, but Li Jing completed one of the greatest roundabouts in the history of ancient Chinese warfare. 3,000 iron horses attacked the Yin Mountains at night, detouring thousands of miles, directly leading the Turks to the old nest; this battle killed tens of thousands of enemies, the ratio of casualties between the Turkic army and the Tang army was as high as 10:1, and the Turkic hundreds of thousands of troops collapsed completely, and the Turkic khans were also captured. This battle basically lifted the threat of the Turks to the Tang Dynasty, and the first battle was decided, which can be described as a gestapo.

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

The battle of Tuguhun was different, Tuguhun was entrenched in Qinghai, the terrain was dangerous, and the tang dynasty's three conquests were fruitless. After Li Jing took command and changed the strategy of the previous frontal attack, hundreds of thousands of Tang troops crossed the narrow path at the junction of Qinghai and Gansu, and launched an attack from behind Tuguhun to annihilate Tuguhun in one fell swoop. This battle basically opened the way for China to march into the western region, and since then, since the Wuhu Chaohua, 200 years later, the Chinese army has once again entered the western region.

TOP, 4 Dou Xian

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

Dou Xian was originally an arrogant foreign relative, but because he offended his sister who was the empress dowager at the time, he requested to attack the Northern Xiongnu to redeem him. When the Southern Xiongnu single-handedly invited troops to the Northern Expedition, Dou Xian was made a cavalry general, with Jin Wu GengBing as his deputy, each leading 4,000 horses, and more than 30,000 Southern Xiongnu, Wuhuan, and Qianghu soldiers went out on the expedition. Dou Xian sent more than 10,000 elite horsemen to break the Northern Xiongnu in JiluoShan, and Northern Danyu fled.

Dou Xian and Geng Bing, taking advantage of the victory to pursue, went deep into the Hanhai Desert for three thousand miles, out of the Jilu Fortress, Nandan Yu out of the Manyi Valley, the Liao general Deng Hong out of the Chouyang Sai, the three armies met at Zhuo Evil Mountain, defeated the Northern Xiongnu at Jiluo Mountain, to Dahequ North Daihai, killed more than 13,000 people, and took countless prisoners. After ascending Yanran Mountain. In Yanran Mountain, the stone is carved to commemorate the merits, and the history is called Yanran Le Stone. The imperial court worshiped Xian as a great general and held the position of third duke.

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

The great victory of Yanran Mountain made Dou Xian firm in his determination to eliminate the Northern Xiongnu. In 1991, Dou Xian sent troops to attack again, attacking Jinwei Mountain for 5,000 miles, breaking the Northern Xiongnu Shan Yu's main force, beheading more than 5,000 people under the famous king, capturing Beidan Yu Empress Dowager, and Beidan Yu Canghuang escaping without knowing the end. However, it is a pity that hou was killed after being uprooted and eradicated by the usurpers.

TOP, 3 Chodo disease

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

Huo Fuyi was the nephew of the famous general Wei Qing, good at riding and shooting, flexible in the use of troops, paying attention to strategy, not informal, brave and decisive, good at long-distance raids, rapid raids, and large detours and large interspersed operations. In the first conquest, he led 800 horsemen to go deep into the enemy territory for hundreds of miles, killing the Xiongnu soldiers and fleeing in all directions. In the two battles of Hexi, Huo went ill to break the Xiongnu, captured the Xiongnu sacrifice Tianjin people, and directly took the Qilian Mountains. In the Battle of Mobei, Huo went ill to seal the wolf juxu and returned home with a great victory.

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

He was a general of the Grand Sima Horse And was given the title of Marquis of Champion. Regarded by Emperor Wu of Han as the successor after Wei Qing, it is said that if Huo Went ill did not die so early, in the Battle of Mobei, and Wei Qingyi Zhengyiqi against the Xiongnu, should have won an extremely beautiful victory; Huo Wentong died of illness at the age of 23, Emperor Wu was very sad, dispatched the ironclad army of the five border counties, from Chang'an to Maoling, arranged in a formation, gave Huo Toyixiu's tomb the shape of Qilian Mountain, merged the two principles of yongwu and land expansion, and posthumously honored as the Marquis of Jinghuan.

TOP, 2 Su Dingfang

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

When Su Dingfang was a teenager, he was known for his bravery and courage, and he accompanied his father to fight traitors and stabilize the township. In the last years of the Sui Dynasty, he defected to the Hebei rebel army led by Dou Jiande and Liu Heimin, and repeatedly made military achievements. It was not until the reign of Emperor Taizong of Tang that Su Dingfang began to serve the Tang Dynasty, and accompanied Li Jing in the Northern Expedition to the Eastern Turks, and in the decisive night attack on Yinshan, Su Dingfang led two hundred cavalry to the front first, broke through the tooth tent of Jieli Khan, and made a great contribution to the defeat of the Eastern Turks.

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

In 657, He was promoted to the position of Grand Commander of the March, began to act alone, and was deeply appreciated and trusted by Emperor Gaozong of Tang for his extraordinary achievements and integrity, and was entrusted with heavy responsibilities many times. Su Dingfang conquered the Western Turks, Pingliangling, Yi Baekje, and Goguryeo, "destroying the three kingdoms before and after, all of which were born to capture their masters", and opened up the territory of the Tang Dynasty to the west to the Aral Sea in Central Asia, and the border reached Persia and extended east to the south of the Korean Peninsula. Such a famous general who has made great achievements in opening up the territory and expanding the territory, but very few people know about it, and it is very sad.

TOP, 1 Guo Kan

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

Guo Kan was a descendant of Guo Ziyi, the King of Fenyang in the Tang Dynasty. His grandfather was Guo Baoyu, his father was Guo Dehai, and Guo Kan was the second son. When Guo Kan was young, he was adopted by the Mongol general Muhua Li's subordinate Shi Tianze and left him at home to raise him. The weak crown is a hundred households, and the eagle has a strategy.

In 1252 AD, he followed Hulagu on an expedition to West Asia, and alone in West Asia repeatedly destroyed more than 120 cities of the Islamic army and more than 180 cities of the Crusaders, and destroyed the 503-year-old Black-clad Eating Dynasty; he fought against many countries whose footprints crossed Kashmir, feared by the people of the lands they conquered, and even exclaimed "General Dongtian, God Man also".

Among the top ten famous generals in ancient China's foreign wars, Wei Qing ranked seventh, and Huo Quyi ranked third

Guo Kan followed the Mongol army to the west for most of his life, and captured about 700 cities in his lifetime, including Chinese-style cities, Islamic-style cities and Western European-style cities; such a record is unprecedented, although Guo Kan has no name in China, he is quite prestigious in Central Asia, West Asia and Western Europe, and is synonymous with "victory in the battle of attacking and conquering".

It is a pity that people today only know and worship Han Xin, Xiang Yu, Guan Yu, Bai Qi and the like, but they have selectively forgotten these famous generals and historical feats who have made great achievements in foreign wars and opened up territory for China.

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