
Wang Yaqiao, whom the devil fears, escaped many times, but because of his love and righteousness, he died of betrayal by his mistress

author:Chunky article

"The world is afraid of the devil, but the devil is afraid of Wang Yaqiao. As soon as Chiang Kai-shek mentioned this person, his dentures became sour; if Dai Kasa heard that this person had appeared again, his first reaction would be to check whether the doors and windows were closed; and Wang Jingwei's ribbed bones were severed alive by Wang Yaqiao's three words; even the gangsters such as Jin Rong and Du Yuesheng, who were super bullies on the beach, had to quickly take a detour when they met Wang Yaqiao. ------------------

In the old society of Shanghai, the Ten Mile Ocean Field, with its red wine and greenery, is a place that makes people nostalgic.

It was the first metropolis in modern China and the most prosperous city at that time. At that time, on the streets of Shanghai Beach, groups of three or five big men could often be seen walking in the streets and alleys with shiny axes pinned to their waists.

Most of these people come from the same organization, that is, the Axe Gang that shook Shanghai.

Friends who have watched Stephen Chow's movie "Kung Fu" will definitely be deeply impressed by the arrogant and domineering Axe Gang inside. These people in suits and leather shoes, one person and one axe, are all evil in the great Shanghai, and they cover the sky with one hand.

However, unlike the image in film and television works, the real "Axe Gang" in real life is a different feeling.

Although they are also armed with an axe and live a bloody and rainy day, most of the time, they are only to protect their own interests, and when the country is in danger, in the face of the national righteousness, they show noble integrity, worthy of the iron-boned man.

The most legendary of this is to say that the leader of the "Axe Gang" - Wang Yaqiao.

Speaking of Wang Yaqiao, this is a figure that no one knows about in Shanghai Beach.

In Shanghai Beach, the gang forces represented by the "three giants of the Green Gang" Jin Rong, Du Yuesheng and Zhang Xiaolin can be described as calling for wind and rain. With their own financial resources and influence, they interspersed between political officials and merchants and concession foreigners, becoming the "underground emperors" of Shanghai Beach, black and white, and no one dared to compete with them.

However, in Shanghai Beach, Wang Yaqiao and his "Axe Gang" are not afraid to provoke, even if you are Du Yuesheng, you must be afraid of three points. The reason for this lies in the six words, unity, fierceness, and justice.

Wang Yaqiao, whom the devil fears, escaped many times, but because of his love and righteousness, he died of betrayal by his mistress

Wang Yaqiao

On the contrary, Wang Yaqiao's figure is very emaciated, his appearance is weak, and he likes to wear a pair of gold wire glasses, looking polite and polite.

But under such a calm as water appearance, there is a brave and fierce soul lurking, and no one can make it submit.

The leader of the "Axe Gang" in Shanghai Beach first followed Sun Yat-sen to join the Xinhai Revolution and eradicate the warlord Xu Guoliang to help the Northern Expedition, and then stabbed Jiang at Houlushan, assassinated Song at the North Station, killed the Japanese general Shirakawa, and seriously injured Wang Jingwei, the chief executive of the National Government.

Everything Wang Yaqiao did could be described as an earth-shattering event.

In the first half of Wang Yaqiao's short life, he not only won the titles of "Jianghuai Hero", "Assassination King" and "The First Killer of the Republic of China", but also became an iron-boned anti-Japanese warrior and national hero by virtue of his own integrity.

Wang Yaqiao was born on February 14, 1889, to a poor family in Modian Township, Hefei, Anhui Province.

Wang Yaqiao has been studying hard since childhood, coupled with his talent and intelligence, he is very outstanding among students of the same age. Later, he took the imperial examination at the end of the Qing Dynasty and ranked in the top ten, which was a very good result at that time.

Wang Yaqiao's family is very poor, and the Wang family has been a farmer of duty for generations, relying on a few acres of thin land to make a living in the land.

In that dim era when the great powers rose together, poor and weak China was crumbling, and in such an environment, the wang family had the fate of being squeezed and exploited layer by layer.

At that time, the British, French, Japanese, Russian, and German powers invaded and divided China. The young Wang Yaqiao was deeply saddened to witness the incompetence of the Qing court and the imminent demise of the nation.

He often talked with young volunteers in Hefei, Chaoxian and Shouxian that "the rise and fall of the country is the responsibility of the puppeteer", and whenever it comes to the key points, Wang Yaqiao is always indignant and hates that he cannot make a big cause.

In 1911, after the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution, the death knell of the Manchu Qing Dynasty was officially sounded.

At this time, the 22-year-old Wang Yaqiao could no longer follow his own nature, and with the encouragement of Bai Wenwei, the governor of Anhui and a member of the league, the ambitious Wang Yaqiao organized local armed forces in the countryside and participated in the revolution.

Subsequently, Wang Yaqiao joined the "Chinese Revolutionary Party" and officially began to follow Sun Yat-sen and participate in the "Second Court of Yuan" movement.

However, the strength of the revolutionary party at that time was still very weak compared to that of the Beiyang government, and after the failure of the "Second Yuan" movement, Wang Yaqiao fled to Shanghai Beach after several turns.

After coming to Shanghai Beach, Wang Yaqiao also saw such a bustling metropolis for the first time, and for a while he was a little confused, but Wang Yaqiao's years of revolutionary experience told him that if he wanted to gain a firm foothold in a place like Shanghai, he must find a way to organize his own forces.

At that time, there were many Anhui laborers in Shanghai, most of whom were engaged in tiring physical activities at the docks and lived at the bottom of society. Oppressed, because of their loneliness, they have no strength to resist at all.

After Wang Yaqiao came to Shanghai, he came into contact with many Anhui laborers in Shanghai, and through a period of exchanges, he deeply felt the bitterness of these people.

In order to help these laborers defend their rights and expand their own power, Wang Yaqiao established the "Anhui Brigade Shanghai Labor Association" in Shanghai.

This is the prototype of the "Axe Gang".

In order to increase his momentum, Wang Yaqiao ordered people to buy more than 100 sharp axes to distribute to the gang members, and which laborer was bullied by capitalists or hooligans, his "axe gang" rushed up, posing a desperate posture, or slashing or killing, extremely fierce.

They shouted "barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes", and many capitalists avoided it, even The Shanghai Youth Gang tycoons Jin Jinrong and Du Yuesheng were afraid of them.

Wang Yaqiao, whom the devil fears, escaped many times, but because of his love and righteousness, he died of betrayal by his mistress

Wang Yaqiao (front row, center) and members of the Axe Gang

In that era, the emergence of the "Axe Gang" was really a helpless move. If they can all live a good life, who will be willing to fight with their lives? It was really too difficult for ben people to survive in this chaotic world, and Wang Yaqiao and his brothers had no choice but to unite.

Because Wang Yaqiao was fair in his dealings, said one thing and was willing to stand up for his brother, soon his "axe gang" "cut" a piece of the world in Shanghai, the members of the labor union reached more than 100,000, and more and more disciples worshiped under him, and there were thousands of disciples at most, so he also became the leader of the "Shanghai Labor Federation".

The rise of Wang Yaqiao and the "Axe Gang" has stirred up the original distribution of power in Shanghai Beach, and Du Yuesheng and other bigwigs of the Green Gang have the heart to try his color in the face of this sudden figure.

After several attempts, Du Yuesheng came to a conclusion: the devil can provoke, but not Wang Yaqiao.

In November 1923, Wang Yaqiao was entrusted by Lu Xiaochuan, the son of the Anhui warlord Lu Yongxiang, to assassinate Xu Liang, the director of the Songhu Police Department, a warlord of the Songhu Police Department, who was entrenched in Shanghai, and was appreciated by Lu Yongxiang.

In addition to giving him a lot of money, Lu Yongxiang also appointed him as the commander of the Zhejiang Bei Column and assigned the Huzhou area to him as a stronghold.

This was an opportunity for Wang Yaqiao to wait for a long time, so he left the "Shanghai Labor Federation" to a few subordinates to manage, and immediately went to Huzhou to take office.

In Huzhou, Wang Yaqiao recruited troops on a large scale, trained troops to prepare for war, and prepared to show his fists and feet, during which time he had several capable cadres under his command.

One was Dai Kasa, who later became the head of the Kuomintang military command,000 who was then serving as the chief of the Bao'an Township Self-Defense Regiment in Jiangshan County, Zhejiang Province, and was recruited into the column by Wang Yaqiao and appointed as the leader of the column.

There was also Hu Zongnan, who later became the "King of the Northwest", and Fang Zhenwu, Yu Yanong, and others who later defected to Feng Yuxiang, who also served as column captains in Wang Yaqiao's column.

These people had close contacts with Wang Yaqiao and successively became brothers.

However, this situation did not last long, in 1925 Lu Yongxiang was defeated, electrified and sent down, and after the fall of the mountain, Wang Yaqiao's department also scattered.

Dai Kasa, Hu Zongnan, and others returned to their hometowns and soon applied for the Whampoa Military Academy, while Wang Yaqiao returned to Shanghai. At the time of separation, the brothers clinged to each other and cherished each other, and none of them expected that a few brothers who worshiped the son would become life and death opponents who did not share the heavens in the future.

Wang Yaqiao returned to Shanghai again and returned to his old business, but in his heart he always had a very high respect for Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and throughout his life, Wang Yaqiao adhered to Sun Yat-sen's founding concept.

This also made Wang Yaqiao very dissatisfied with the Kuomintang authorities headed by Chiang Kai-shek.

In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched the "April 12 Massacre", and the first Kuomintang-Communist cooperation collapsed.

Wang Yaqiao was so indignant that he delivered an impassioned speech in Nanjing's Zhongshan Park, shouting "Down with the warlords, oppose the massacre!" And "Protect human rights, human rights first!" ”

Since then, Wang Yaqiao has rejected all the coercion and inducements of the Kuomintang and began a series of assassinations of high-level Kuomintang figures.

Wang Yaqiao had a kind of courage that was not afraid of heaven and earth, which was deeply appreciated by Bai Wenwei and other people of the southwest faction within the Kuomintang, so he was invited to join the secret anti-Chiang kai-shek organization set up by the southwest faction in Shanghai.

In 1931, Wang Yaqiao did two major things, one was to assassinate Chiang Kai-shek in Lushan, almost killing the old Chiang Kai-shek, and the other was to assassinate Song Ziwen at the railway station, which was also almost successful.

However, at this time, Wang Yaqiao was at best an anti-Jiang Jianghu hero, and his influence was only a corner of Shanghai, and what really made him realize the transformation from a jianghu hero to a national hero was the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

As early as after the outbreak of the "918 Incident", Wang Yaqiao was very angry at the non-resistance of the Northeast Army.

When Zhang Xueliang arrived in Shanghai and had been living in Du Yuesheng's mansion, Wang Yaqiao directly sent Zhang Xueliang a bomb with a fuse and gave Zhang Xueliang three conditions: First, immediately return to the northeast to rectify the people and horses, and fight a decisive battle with the Japanese. Second, if you are not willing to fight, then go back to the northeast and commit suicide to thank the world. Third, if you dare not die, it is to donate all the money and buy arms to support the anti-Japanese volunteer army outside the Guanxi.

One of the three conditions must be met, otherwise the second time you receive a bomb with a fuse.

Wang Yaqiao, whom the devil fears, escaped many times, but because of his love and righteousness, he died of betrayal by his mistress

Dai Kasa and Wang Yaqiao

One thing shows that Wang Yaqiao has a real hatred for the Japanese.

In 1932, the "1.28" Incident broke out, and the Japanese army launched a large-scale attack on the Chinese defenders in Shanghai.

Wang Yaqiao led 3,000 brothers to the front line spontaneously to assist the nationalist army in battle in Taicang. At the same time, he reorganized the original gangs, established the "Songhu Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army", was determined to "go all out to resist the Japanese", and also organized the establishment of the "Iron-Blooded Hoe Traitor Group" aimed at assassinating senior Officers of the Japanese Army and hardcore traitors.

And, of course, his old line of work, assassination!

In February of that year, former commander of the Kwantung Army and Japanese Army General Yoshinori Shirakawa arrived at Wusongkou in Shanghai and took command of the Japanese attack on the 19th Route Army, the flagship of the Japanese Navy, the Izumo.

Wang Yaqiao saw this opportunity and was determined to kill the Japanese executioner.

Wang Yaqiao selected a group of members of the "death squad" armed with explosives, sneaked into the river, and detonated explosives at the bottom of the "Izumo" ship. With a roar, Shirakawa was frightened and fled, and although he did not sink the Izumo, he also dealt a heavy blow to the arrogance of the Japanese army.

This time, Wang Yaqiao was very angry, but Wang Yaqiao did not stop there.

On April 29, Yoshinori Shirakawa held a "celebration party" for the birthday of the Japanese Emperor in Hongkou Park in shanghai's Japanese Concession.

The Chinese people were very angry, and Chen Mingshu, commander-in-chief of the 19th Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army, was even more angry and scolded the table, and he personally ran to Shanghai and asked Wang Yaqiao to sabotage the "celebration meeting" of the Japanese army.

Wang Yaqiao was also worried that there was no chance, so he agreed to come down.

According to the regulations of the Japanese army stationed in Shanghai at that time, only Japanese and Koreans were allowed to participate in the conference, and Chinese were not allowed to enter. Unable to do anything, Wang Yaqiao contacted his former subordinate, An Changhao, a North Korean independence party member in exile in Shanghai, and asked them to carry out the assassination mission.

On April 29, An Chang-ho and others packed time bombs into the venue in warm water bottles, placed them under the podium table, and quickly left.

Two minutes later, the bomb exploded, Shirakawa was seriously injured and sent to the hospital to die, the Japanese minister in China, Aoi Shigemitsu, was blown off a leg, and more than a dozen other Japanese civilian and military officials were traumatized to varying degrees.

Shirakawa Yoshinori also became the most senior Japanese general who died in China in the entire War of Resistance Against Japan.

Since then, Wang Yaqiao has received the title of "the first killer in the Far East".

But Wang Yaqiao's performance is far from over.

In September of the same year, the "918 Incident" League of Nations investigation team led by british diplomat Lytton came to China, and throughout the investigation, Lytton ignored the truth and deliberately favored Japan, and Chinese was indignant.

Wang Yaqiao was even more indignant about this, and he said to the people around him: "There are powerful powers in the world that have no justice, only resort to force. So he decided to give this Lytton a "blood lesson" and carry out an assassination.

Wang Yaqiao, whom the devil fears, escaped many times, but because of his love and righteousness, he died of betrayal by his mistress

Former commander of the Kwantung Army and Japanese Army General Yoshinori Shirakawa

After careful arrangements, in November of that year, the killers sent by Wang Yaqiao set up an ambush in advance at the hotel where Lydon and his party were staying. But just as they were preparing to act, they were accidentally arrested by the police.

Frightened by this, Lytton fled China in a hurry, and this assassination attempt quickly spread throughout the international community, and the sneering irony of international public opinion made Lytton lose face.

Wang Yaqiao's series of earth-shattering actions, the anti-Japanese soldiers throughout the country boiled over, which greatly increased the morale of the people at that time, and many young people began to take Wang Yaqiao as an idol and join the anti-Japanese hoe gang.

At this time, Wang Yaqiao inevitably attracted chiang kai-shek's attention.

In fact, since the good news of the assassination of General Shirakawa, the National Government in Nanjing has begun to pay attention to this matter, especially Chiang Kai-shek is extremely concerned about this matter, and immediately after receiving the news, he sent Dai Kasa, who had just served as the head of the secret service, to understand the internal situation.

Dai Kasa soon learned that Wang Yaqiao had done this, and Chiang Kai-shek was very satisfied when he heard this, believing that Wang Yaqiao had done something that government officials could not do, and he was very appreciative of him.

At this time, Chiang Kai-shek was anxious to recruit troops and buy horses, and in order to control Wang Yaqiao in his own hands, he successively sent Dai Kasa, Hu Zongnan, and others to co-opt and bribe Wang Yaqiao.

Chiang Kai-shek asked Dai Kasa to bring Wang Yaqiao 40,000 oceans and promised the rank of lieutenant general, but Wang Yaqiao refused, and Wang Yaqiao only said lightly: "Chiang Kai-shek supports millions of troops and does not resist Japan, and it is our common people's duty to resist Japan, and there is no need to thank you." ”

Dai Kasa, who was talking nonsense, was dumbfounded.

The reason why Wang Yaqiao rejected Chiang Kai-shek was that, on the one hand, there were big differences in political views, and Wang Yaqiao very much disagreed with Chiang Kai-shek's dictatorial rule; on the other hand, he was also worried that his past assassinations of Chiang Kai-shek and Soong Ziwen would be found out.

Chiang Kai-shek and Dai Kasa did not know the inside story, believing that Wang Yaqiao did not know how to lift, and was very angry.

Several of Wang Yaqiao's disciples were then arrested, and after some severe torture, the disciples confessed that Wang Yaqiao had planned to assassinate Jiang and Song.

Chiang Kai-shek was furious and immediately ordered Dai to arrest Wang Yaqiao, who, under the cover of his family and disciples, disguised himself as a porter and escaped Dai's pursuit on a freighter bound for Hong Kong.

After coming to Hong Kong, Wang Yaqiao did not stop there, he was a character with a vendetta, and since Chiang Kai-shek pursued and killed him like this, he must make Chiang Kai-shek pay the price.

In 1935, Wang Yaqiao and some of his disciples gathered in Hong Kong, and with the support of Kuomintang elder Hu Hanmin and others, they continued to plan to assassinate Chiang Kai-shek, Wang Jingwei and other heads of the Nationalist government.

In order to accurately grasp the whereabouts of Chiang Kai-shek and other government leaders, Wang Yaqiao set up the "Chenguang News Agency" in Nanjing, sent his right-hand man Hua Kezhi to take charge, and led Sun Fengming, Zhang Yuhua, and others to Nanjing, disguised as reporters, and tried to obtain useful information.

In October, Wang Yaqiao learned through his intelligence network that the Kuomintang would hold the Sixth Plenary Session of the Fourth Central Committee of the Kuomintang on November 1 at the auditorium of the Central Party Department in Nanjing, believing that this was a good opportunity to assassinate Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei.

Wang Yaqiao, whom the devil fears, escaped many times, but because of his love and righteousness, he died of betrayal by his mistress

Young Chiang Kai-shek

Sun Fengming took the initiative to request to undertake the assassination mission. Hua Kezhi asked Zhang Yuhua to apply for a reporter's access permit for the Sixth Plenum in the name of the "Chenguang News Agency", and he himself was responsible for the aftermath.

On November 1, Sun Fengming entered the compound of the Central Party Department as a reporter, only to see Wang Jingwei and the members of the Central Committee taking a group photo at the entrance of the auditorium, but did not see the main target of the assassination, Chiang Kai-shek.

It turned out that when the members of the Central Committee walked out of the auditorium after the meeting and prepared to take a group photo, Chiang Kai-shek saw reporters flocking up and returned to the auditorium unhappily. Wang Jingwei returned to the auditorium to urge, Chiang Kai-shek lied that he was unwell, and Wang had no choice but to return and lead the Central Committee members to take a group photo.

Although Chiang Kai-shek did not show his face, Sun Fengming still did not want to miss this excellent assassination opportunity. When the central committee members finished taking a group photo and prepared to disperse, he did not hesitate to draw out the pistol hidden in the camera box and shoot at Wang Jingwei.

Wang Jingwei fell to the ground three times in a row, and Sun Fengming was also shot and killed by the guards.

After the incident, Chiang Kai-shek was very angry, he knew that the target of this assassination was definitely not Wang Jingwei but himself, he called Dai Kasa to scold him, and ordered him to find out the clues within 3 days.

After several twists and turns, Dai Kasa finally caught Zhang Yuhua.

Under the severe torture of the agents, Zhang Yuhua confessed to Wang Yaqiao, Hua Kezhi, and others, and Chiang Kai-shek was furious and ordered Dai Ka to quickly arrest Wang Yaqiao, and suddenly Wang Yaqiao became the "first criminal" wanted by the government for a reward of 1 million yuan.

However, it is not an easy task to catch Wang Yaqiao in Hong Kong, and when Wang Yaqiao first arrived in Hong Kong, Hu Hanmin asked the governor of Hong Kong to take care of him, saying that he was an anti-Chiang Kai-shek and not a criminal offender.

Therefore, after the "Assassination Case" occurred, a large number of Kuomintang agents poured into Hong Kong, but they could not find Wang Yaqiao's whereabouts.

Under the siege and interception of Dai Kasa and others, Hong Kong gradually became unsafe, and in February 1936, Wang Yaqiao and his subordinates fled to Wuzhou, Guangxi, and defected to Li Jishen.

Wang Yaqiao lived in Wuzhou, deeply feeling the size of the country, but there was no place to stand, and wrote his only surviving literary work "Nian Nujiao Xijiang Smoke and Rain" in grief and indignation.

"The smoke and rain of the Xijiang River wept and wept, the land was heavy, the charm was the fox and the rabbit, and the northern land was lost to the Yellow Stream." The Central Plains is full of fire, sorrow and hatred, thousands of miles of smoke and dust, and the country and mountains know where.

Tangtang China, it is difficult to bear the rampant East Wo, drunken dreams of civil war, flattery to survive, what to say to the people of the country! Minhai Yangcheng Xingyi Division, Cang Cang is too ruthless, the end of the world, the footprints have no door, and there are tear marks for thousands of years. The gulls are heavy, and the Yanhe River in the north is not a lonely cloud. ”

Between the lines, all the words are soaked with the feeling of depression for the loss of the homeland and the continuous war.

At this time, Wang Yaqiao's mind was only to resist Japan, but seeing that the Kuomintang government was dry thunder and no rain, Wang Yaqiao was angry and did not fight.

At this time, Li Jishen recommended Wang Yaqiao to Zhou Enlai, and then Wang Yaqiao personally wrote to Mao Zedong, saying: "Today, all factions have the possibility of merging with Chiang Kai-shek, but the CCP and Chiang Kai-shek will never compromise, and after thinking about it, they are willing to lead their entourage to Yan'an and achieve the aspirations of justice among the teachers of justice."

But just when Wang Yaqiao was full of ambition and wanted to do something, an accident happened.

Originally, in order to catch Wang Yaqiao, Dai Kasa could be described as painstaking, but after several confrontations, Wang Yaqiao successfully escaped, which made Dai Kasa very frustrated.

This time, Dai Kasa decided to outwit him, and the breakthrough he found was a woman named Yu Wanjun.

This Yu Wanjun was the concubine of Yu Likui, a member of Wang Yaqiao's iron-blooded hoe gang. On November 1, 1935, after Wang Yaqiao planned to assassinate Wang Jingwei, Dai Kasa immediately arrested Yu Likui from Hong Kong to Nanjing by kidnapping tickets and imprisoned him, and Yu Likui vowed not to defect. Dai Kasa and the others found Yu Likui's concubine Yu Wanjun and bribed her with a lot of money.

Dai Kasa's purpose was to lure Wang Yaqiao out through Yu Wanjun.

The reason why he was chosen was because Dai Kasa knew that Wang Yaqiao and Yu Wanjun, the "friend wife", had had an unspeakable relationship in their early years.

Therefore, Yu Wanjun is a weighty woman for Wang Yaqiao.

Wang Yaqiao is a person of great affection and righteousness, so Dai Kasa is sure that as long as Yu Wanjun asks Wang Yaqiao for help, Wang Yaqiao will certainly not sit idly by.

Wang Yaqiao, whom the devil fears, escaped many times, but because of his love and righteousness, he died of betrayal by his mistress

Therefore, in October 1936, Yu Wanjun suddenly came to Wuzhou from Hong Kong and said to Wang Yaqiao: We have difficulties in living in Hong Kong, so we can only go to Wuzhou to rely on you.

Wang Yaqiao saw the situation, immediately agreed, and sent someone to rent a house for Yu Wanjun's mother and son, Yu Wanjun said that in a few days, she planned to send the maid Zhang Ma to Nanjing to visit her husband.

Wang Yaqiao said, "At that time, I will write a note and ask Mama Zhang to try to hand it over to Li Kui." At this time, Wang Yaqiao did not know that he had already entered the trap set for him by Dai Kasa.

On the evening of October 20, 1936, Li Jishen invited Wang Yaqiao to a banquet. Yu Wanjun found the Li family and said to Wang Yaqiao, "Mama Zhang will go to Nanjing tomorrow."

After the dinner, Wang Yaqiao left the Li family and walked to the middle of the road, suddenly remembering that he wanted Yu Wanjun to bring a note, so he turned his head and went to the Yu family. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the door, the Kuomintang agents hiding behind the door threw a handful of lime on his face, and then rushed up to catch Wang Yaqiao alive.

But Wang Yaqiao was by no means an idle person, although his eyes were fascinated, he had superior arm strength, waving his hands and feet to fight with the secret agents. Seeing that it was not his opponent, the agent hurriedly pulled out his gun and killed Wang Yaqiao on the spot.

The famous "assassination king" died at the age of 49 at the gunpoint of the military command agent.

As for the death of Wang Yaqiao, who assassinated the great king, it is not so much that Wang Yaqiao died from a light enemy or a beautiful person, but rather that he died of heavy love and righteousness.

If Wang Yaqiao had decisively eliminated Dai Kasa after breaking with Dai Kasa, or if he hadn't thought of helping his lover in his desperation, it would probably have been a different ending.

When the news of Wang Yaqiao's murder reached Zhou Enlai's ears, Zhou Enlai said to people with great regret: "If we had brought Mr. Wang Yaqiao to Yan'an sooner, what a great contribution we would have made to the subsequent War of Resistance Against Japan and the cause of liberation!" ”

Wang Yaqiao was a very special individual in that era, he was full of rebellious spirit, and in that dark era, he single-handedly fought against all injustice.

Unlike others, Wang Yaqiao did not rely on a pen or mouth, but on his fists and guns, and he had long realized that in such an era, if he wanted to defend himself, he could only use force.

It was his life credo, and he did it.

As for this "king of assassination," Chairman Mao once commented: "There is no crime in killing the enemy, and there is merit in resisting Japan." Subsections are under-checked, and major events are not confused. Whoever creates tragedy for China will create tragedy for whom. The story of this man deserves to be written into history. ”

A few words can be said to be an extremely accurate summary of the legendary life of this "assassination king", anti-Japanese warrior, and national hero. He deserves our remembrance.

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