
Lizhou Ancient City Wall (Middle)

author:Residual heat brilliance

Lizhou Ancient City Wall (Middle)

In the last episode, we talked about Li Bi not only leaving a towering new city on the land of Lizhou, but also leaving his reputation as a "Qing envoy" for thousands of years. So why did Li Bi build The New City of Lizhou, and where was the new city built? We can get a glimpse of one or two from the texts of the past.

In the Qing Dynasty, Pan Xiang's "Li Zhi Ju Zhi Zhi "In the early Ming Dynasty, the prefecture of Lizhou was moved to the location of the current county seat of Lixian County, and it has not changed after two generations of the Ming and Qing dynasties. The specific location of the new city should be forty miles east of the present-day county seat of Li County, which is basically where the current Xinzhou Town is located. It is said that in the Jin Dynasty, it was the political center of Nanping County at that time, and the story that the famous Che Yin read hard when he was a child was said to have happened here. It's just that the same years ago, the city wall was also lost. The Taipingzhuang of Guangfu Village in Linan Township is only more than ten miles away from Chengguan Town, which obviously does not match this record. However, the Qing Dynasty's "Zhili Lizhou Zhi Chengchi" records: "The city of Zhou has not been examined since the Sui Dynasty. The Sui Changed LiZhou to SongZhou, Zhucheng Prefecture Henan, and the Tang and Song Dynasties migrated impermanently. ", also known as "Songzhou City in the henan village of Zhou", it can be said that the ruins of Guangfu Village in Linan are located in Songzhou City. As for why it is called Songzhou, we talked about it in the last program, because the Sui Dynasty Emperor Yang Guang saw that there were many pine trees in Lizhou, and changed the name of Lizhou to Songzhou. But no matter what, the location of the new city built by Li Bi in Xinzhou should have its basis.

Lizhou Ancient City Wall (Middle)

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Rong Yu's "Ode to Lizhou New City" can provide us with more information and evidence. First of all, why did Li Bi build a new city? There are two reasons, the first is, "The customs of Lizhou are fierce, the creek is quite chaotic, and xiangkou is still stalking." "That is to say, the geographical location of Lizhou is very special, it is a city wall near Jingzhou, a barrier in the south of the country, and water and land can reach Wuchu, which is a key hub." Not only that, here the "Yi Fang" mixed, ethnic minorities have a very heavy customs, these people are fierce and martial, as soon as there is dissatisfaction, they like to make trouble, so from time to time there will be chaos here, often harassed and plundered. This shows that the external environment is not peaceful.

Second, the city walls and offices where Lizhou Prefecture was located at that time were not ideal, and the situation was very poor. "The eastern wall of the ancient city is not full of hundreds of people, the ground is remote and remote, the department is oblique, the sun is positive and the yin and yang are mutual." As a result, disasters have fallen repeatedly, and floods and droughts have become more severe. "The eastern wall of the ancient city wall is relatively humble, the location is remote, the direction of the state administration is oblique, the sun is overhead and the interaction between yin and yang is unknown, so there are often disasters here, floods and droughts occur frequently." At that time, Li Bi appeared in the eyes of people as a high-ranking monk, and he must have some understanding of the traditional Chinese science of kanyu, which is commonly known as the study of feng shui. "The department is oblique, the sun is positive and the yin and yang are mutual. As a result, disasters have fallen repeatedly, and floods and droughts have become more severe. This statement has a certain feng shui theory.

Lizhou Ancient City Wall (Middle)

There is also a practical reason, which further shows the reason why the above two points must be rebuilt into a new city. That is, during the Qianyuan period, thieves swarmed, and a gang of thieves with less than 100 people actually attacked the city of Lizhou Prefecture, and every year there was also a tragic scene of "the collapse of the Weilu Army" and the "destruction of the county people". Qianyuan was the era name of Emperor Suzong, and there were only two assassins during the three-year period (758 to 760 AD), namely Cui Ou and Lu Ang. What was the environment of Lizhou that the two faced at that time, from Rong Yu's article "Wei Wei Jiang Cheng, Hazel Shangping." Yu Yu changed his fortune, and the wall was half tilted. Since the second century, the fierce canal is shocked again. I do not eat, and no one gives birth to me. "You can get a rough idea.

It was precisely because of the sinister external environment at that time, coupled with the lowly and remote state city, so Li Bi arrived at his post and decided to rebuild a new city. The place he chose, "leans on the hills to undulate, facing the Yangtze River to play out; dengguan is in sight of the mountains and rivers, and Xiongzhen is strong enough to resist." "Leaning on the rolling hills and facing the rolling Yangtze River, climbing the city tower can overlook the mountains and rivers, and the enemy can resist because the city is stubbornly defended." The city is not a completely new place to be re-elected, but "built because of the old site", that is, this place has been stated before, and the new city is rebuilt on the "old site". Then there is a question that arises, that is, before the Tang Dynasty, the state of Lizhou was in The Taipingzhuang of Guangfu Village in Linan Province? Or is it in the old place of Chengguan Town, Li county today? Or is it in Xinzhou Town? Because the Tang Dynasty prefecture city is unpredictable, we can only speculate on its location based on the information revealed in the article, and we choose to prefer that Li Bi New City is in Xinzhou, which seems to be more in line with "leaning on Lian Gang to undulate, facing the Yangtze River to evolve", that is, relying on the geographical conditions of Jiashan mountain facing Lishui. In the Qing Dynasty, the "Zhili Lizhou Zhi Chengchi" also determined that "the new city is in the Jincheyin Reading Office" due to the previous records. "However, the history of the new city is also a waste of time. It was not until the end of the Yuan Dynasty that the new city finally terminated its status as the governor of Lizhou, but the city walls that were built still survived until after liberation.

Lizhou Ancient City Wall (Middle)

The Tang and Song dynasties were frequently migrated, and one of the main reasons was war. The Liyang Plain is mostly a low-humid land, the walls are old, easy to collapse, and it is difficult to hold on to them in times of war. Especially in the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty, the flames between the Song and Jin dynasties were continuous, the imperial throne was not yet secure, Emperor Gaozong Zhao was unable to consolidate his rule, thieves from all over the country took advantage of the chaos, the country was in danger, and Lizhou was also a disaster at this critical moment when the imperial court was in turmoil. For a while on the east bank of Xianmian Zhou, bamboo was woven as a city wall, known as bamboo city, and its land still exists today, and there is a saying in the saying "Lizhou of Zhenza", which probably refers to this historical period.

Lizhou Ancient City Wall (Middle)

Until the Ming Dynasty Dingding, in the fifth year of Hongwu (1372 AD) to restore the old rule, the governor Xiao Jie "built the soil for the city", at this time the ancient city of Lizhou, is not what we see today, just an earthen city, the city wall is like a levee, but it has begun to take shape. In the second year of Yongle (1404 AD), the city wall was covered with bricks, five feet high, and a female wall was added to it, and there were thirteen steps in the zhoujiu, and there was a trench outside, which was built next to the stream. At that time, the role was not only to guard against thieves, but also to defend against floods. In the 26th year of qianlong in the Qing Dynasty (1961 AD), the Lizhou Zhizhou Silda Lingdai was rebuilt, with a length of 1,472 zhang around it, a height of 1,472 zhang, a height of 1,600 feet, a female wall of 3 feet high, a battlement mouth of 3,368, brick on the top, stone feet on the bottom, and six gates, namely the East Gate, the Small South Gate, the Great South Gate, the West Gate, the Golden Bull Gate, and the North Gate. The southeast riverfront, the northwest through the trench, over the years to repair, this is the ancient city we can still see today.

The appearance of the ancient city of Lizhou, in the Ming and Qing dynasties, gradually presented us with a slightly clearer picture. Through the books and materials and existing relics, we can think of the ancient city wall of Lizhou in the past, which has gone through vicissitudes and the style of the majestic town of Jiuli.