
Modern Liaozhai's Thinking Superconductor: Soul Replacement - Where does the soul with a mass of 21 grams after death go

author:Pocket micro lessons
Modern Liaozhai's Thinking Superconductor: Soul Replacement - Where does the soul with a mass of 21 grams after death go

1. Oath

Southern College of Life Engineering, 2014.

On a summer night, a pair of student lovers Yang Ningxing and Qin Xiaojing lay on the grass, looking up at the deep starry sky.

Yang Ningxing: Baby, with you, life is so beautiful, I really want us to live like this, live to 100 years old!

Qin Xiaojing: Fool, I don't want to. Why live so long, 50 years old is enough. Man, old and not dead is for thieves, old is better than dead, you are not old, you do not understand.

Yang Ningxing: 50 years old? No way? Is it that scary to be old, to say, like you've been old.

Qin Xiaojing: Although I am not old, I have volunteered in the nursing home and seen those old people... Alas, don't mention it.

Yang Ningxing: If you don't live with me to 100 years old, maybe, at the age of 80, I will also marry a girl in my twenties like Yang Zhenning, hum, I am so willful. “

Qin Xiaojing: You want to be beautiful, ahem. However, if there is an afterlife, then I will live enough to die at the age of 50, and when you are 80 years old, I should be in my twenties when I am reincarnated again. Well, then, let the young man serve you.

Yang Ningxing: Or be together forever in this life and this life, the next life is too unreliable.

Qin Xiaojing: Who said that love can create miracles, do you believe it?

Yang Ningxing: Well, I believe in my belief, that's it, you are not allowed to regret it!

Qin Xiaojing: Come, pull the hook, hang, a hundred years, no change!

A firefly flew by, and the fluorescent light flashed and illuminated their vows.

Modern Liaozhai's Thinking Superconductor: Soul Replacement - Where does the soul with a mass of 21 grams after death go

Second, doubt

2071, Research Center for Extraordinary Energy Science and Technology, Southern University.

At the lotus pond, female graduate student Ling Lingshan was chatting with her roommate Ruoyi. Ling Lingshan frowned and said to Ruo Yi, "Lately, I always feel that Professor Yang is strange to me. “

"No, the old man is almost 80 years old, if it were not for his amazing achievements in the field of 'thinking superconductors', he would have retired more than a decade earlier."

"It's hard to say. Men are lower body animals, and they are asked not to bother unless there is no lower body. “

Ruo Yi smiled, "What you said is really not like you." But what strange way does he do to you? “

"Sometimes when he was doing experiments, he would suddenly put down the instrument in his hand and look at me stupidly, and the other students also found out, which made me feel embarrassed." If he had been like this, I would no longer be his assistant and apply for a change of mentor. “

"Don't be silly Lingshan. We all know that you have a unique spirituality in terms of 'super-guidance of thought', and you have only been chosen by thousands of miles to come here, and you will be his only heir to the mantle, how can you give up at will. “

"I don't know. It is said that it is impossible, I heard that he has been single for almost 30 years. But you don't know, he looked at me like... Say salty and wet, it's not even counted. By the way, once he looked at me and suddenly asked me, do you remember your vows? I said remember, I'm willing to dedicate my life's energy to technology. He said no, not this oath. Then he sighed and stopped talking. It's weird, I don't really understand what he really wants. “

"Scientists have weird things about it. Could it be that his research on thinking superconductivity has gone mad? To be honest, I really don't understand what you do as a professional independent of psychology. “

"To put it bluntly, the superconductor of thought is the soul that people who were superstitious in the past spoke of. In the 20th century, people discovered that the soul has mass, and calculated that the mass is 21 grams. But after a person dies, where do those 21 grams of soul go? At the age of 60, Professor Yang proved the law of conservation of quality of the soul and won the Nobel Prize that year. In the past 20 years, what he has tried his best to solve is whether the alienation of the soul under the premise of conservation of quality can be artificially controlled. “

"Soul alienation?"

"Yes. After death, the thinking superconductor floats in the four-dimensional space. When that space and our space intersect at a certain point, the thinking superconductor, that is, the soul, attaches to a thinking being in three-dimensional space. This is called alienation. “

"So mysterious?" No wonder your profession is always so mysterious. “

"It's not mysterious either. There are not many real cases in human history that have been recorded, that someone went to a strange country or city for the first time, but knew everything about it, and at that time it was called the reincarnation of the soul, in our words, the alienation of the superconductor of the mind. “

"So where have you come from?"

"Professor Yang has developed a set of equipment that is said to be able to measure how many other dead living beings are combined with the 'thinking superconductor' of each living organism. However, the device has not yet entered the actual test stage. “

Modern Liaozhai's Thinking Superconductor: Soul Replacement - Where does the soul with a mass of 21 grams after death go

Third, the soul

As soon as Professor Yang Ningxing entered the house, the puppy "Beatles" wagged his tail and brought slippers for him. As soon as the shoe was put down, it flipped over on the floor, leaning on its stomach to the sky, and its two front legs were in a ten-shaped shape, constantly waving at its owner. Yang Ningxing squatted down a little hard, and gently tickled his abdomen with his hands.

How wonderful are living beings! Looking at the "Beatles" that was comfortable, Yang Ningxing sighed. No matter how advanced science is, intelligent machines can never replace living organisms. Many times in the university, he was asked to be equipped with a robot, but the professor politely refused. Cold robots, which live pet dogs can warm a lonely soul.

However, pets and humans are different grades after all. The reason why human beings are the spirits of all things is because human beings are the most emotional creatures. Where do feelings come from? Of course, it comes from the "superconductor of thought"—the soul as it is colloquially called.

Two years ago, from the moment he first met Ling Lingshan, Yang Ningxing decided in his heart that Qin Xiaojing's thinking superconductor must have been alienated in Ling Lingshan—in the pre-21st century parlance, Qin Xiaojing was reincarnated as Ling Lingshan. That look, tone, and even the look of disgust and shame when frowning, the living is Qin Xiaojing 60 years ago.

When I was young, the joke turned out to be a slur. After graduation, Yang Ningxing stayed in school to participate in scientific research projects because of his excellent grades, Qin Xiaojing found a job teaching chemistry in middle school, and the two married at the age of 28, for hobbies and careers, saying that they would be Dink. At the age of 48, Qin Xiaojing was diagnosed with breast cancer, in order to maintain a woman's perfect body, she did not agree to resection, only did conservative treatment, insisted on two years, and indeed died at the age of 50. When she was dying, Qin Xiaojing tightly held Yang Ningxing's hand, and what appeared on her face was a bright smile: "Ning Xing, I didn't expect that the vows of the third year of my junior year had come true, so we had no reason not to believe it, and I would be reincarnated back to find you." You have to live well, and I believe that you will not be 80 years old, you will be able to see me. “

After Qin Xiaojing's death, for this oath, Yang Ningxing did not marry again, but devoted himself to the study of the soul that was still regarded as "superstitious" by the academic community at that time. Finally, in 2051, at the age of 60, he discovered the law of conservation of the soul and won the Nobel Prize in Biomedicine that year. After that, he spent all the prize money on scientific research, vowing to invent an instrument that could seal and activate the "thinking superconductor" in his lifetime. If successful, the continuation of human civilization will not have any shortcomings and regrets. In public and private, good is great.

Now, the instrument has been developed, but it has not yet been tested on humans. Yang Ningxing's preferred experimental subject was, of course, Ling Lingshan. At present, although Ling Lingshan didn't remember anything, Yang Ningxing was confident that she would remind her of the past—the "thinking superconductor" that belonged to Qin Xiaojing in the depths of Ling Lingshan's soul had just not been activated.

Tonight, August 4, Qin Xiaojing's soul is about to return.

Yang Ningxing walked into his laboratory and finally checked the computer. He connected the laboratory to his home in order to make his work more convenient.

At eight o'clock, the doorbell rang. Yang Ningxing's heart trembled and he opened the door.

"Professor, here I am."

"Please come into Lingshan."

Ling Lingshan was still standing outside the door. "Professor, why is the experiment done at night?"

"The night is quiet, and the information of the superconductor of the mind is not easily disturbed."

"But I'm not very familiar with the law of conservation of the soul in three-dimensional space, including its variables and so on, and I haven't fully understood it yet."

"It doesn't matter Ling Lingshan, tonight, you are just an experimental object, when the experiment is successful, I will also declare retirement, this set of patents, I will give it to you free of charge, you have to inherit my mantle, continue the research of thinking superconductivity."

"Professor, if the experiment fails, my own mind superconductor, will it be, will it be?" Ling Lingshan was a little hesitant.

"Rest assured Ling Lingshan, without 100% certainty, I will not invite you to come." In half an hour, you will understand how great our research is! “

Following Professor Yang's instructions, Ling Lingshan lay uneasily on a metal bed tailored for her. Five sensors extending from the main unit are attached to her eyebrows, left and right temples, Parkway and jade pillows. With a slight humming sound when the host computer started, Ling Lingshan gradually closed her eyes??

On the display, the "mind superconductor" turns into billions of megabits and scrolls non-stop. Yang Ningxing kept typing commands on the host keyboard.

Half an hour passed, and after typing the last enter key, Yang Ningxing shouted: "Xiao Jing, wake up-"

On the metal bed, Ling Lingshan opened her eyes, sat up, and looked around, as if she were dazed in the next world.

"Xiaojing!" Yang Ningxing shouted excitedly, almost hugging her, thinking about it or holding back.

"Professor, what do you call me?" Ling Lingshan looked stunned, and suddenly, she laughed again, pointed at Yang Ningxing and said, "Dog Wang! I remember, you called dog Wang when you were a kid! “

Like thunder, Yang Ningxing was stunned, I never said my nickname to Xiaojing! How?? An inexplicable sense of fear rose from the soles of his feet.

"Professor, succeed, you succeed!" Ling Lingshan grasped his hand, "I feel that the thinking superconducting in the depths of my soul is very complicated, but I remember that most of my thinking superconductors come from Uncle Li Bingxun who sells old books in your hutong!" “

"No!" Yang Ningxing slammed his temples, "I don't believe it! “

"Dog Wang, do you remember that when you were a child, you loved to read so much, but your family was poor and couldn't afford to buy books, so you often came to my place to read free books. Once you finally couldn't help it, you wanted to sneak home a copy of "Ding-Dong Cat", and I found it. I was very angry, but I didn't expose you in public, just told you, you like it, take it back, next time can't do it again. You were blushing like a tomato, and you didn't dare to take the book and ran away, and you didn't dare to read to me again. After you were admitted to college, you specifically came to me and said to me, Uncle Li, fortunately, you did not embarrass me in public that time, otherwise, I would not be where I am today. “

"Uncle Li—no, Ling Shan, are you??" Isn't there a little bit of Qin Xiaojing's 'thinking superconductor'? Yang Ningxing only felt that the sky was spinning, and he couldn't stand steadily.

"Qin Xiaojing?" Who is Qin Xiaojing? Ling Lingshan shook her head, and then smiled slyly, "Professor, if you guessed correctly, it's your first love, right?" “

Yang Ningxing slumped down on the sofa, "How is it possible?" How could it not be? You're so much like her! “

"Like? Am I like Qin Xiaojing? Professor, could it be that the alienation of the superconductor of thought in a human body will also lead to a similarity in appearance? You never talked about it in class? Isn't that the same as the superstitious theory of reincarnation? “

Yang Ningxing closed his eyes. After a long time, he said weakly, "Ling Shan, thank you for your cooperation." Fortunately, Uncle Li's thinking superconductor, which is activated by our machine, is not harmful to you, and his life experience will also bring you enlightenment. You can go, I'm too tired to take a break. By the way, when you go back, write down all the experiences you just had. “

"Good professor, take care of yourself, see you tomorrow."

Like a gust of wind, Ling Lingshan left. Yang Ningxing leaned back on the sofa and closed his eyes again.

I don't know how long, a firefly, through the window, the fluorescent blink, as if illuminating the past. At this time, a voice sounded softly: "Pull the hook, hang, a hundred years, no change?? “

Yang Ning opened his eyes widely, but saw that the pet dog "Beatles" was lying on the experimental bed, and the five sensors were attached to his head. Strange, who got it for it?

Yang Ningxing was about to walk over, the "Beatles" broke free of the sensor, ran to his feet, the tail was shaking mysteriously, at the same time, a stone-breaking sentence came out of its mouth: "Ning Xing, I have not forgotten the agreement of the past life, these three years, I have been with you!" “

Excerpt from: "Modern Liaozhai" (WeChat public account: ixiandailiaozhai)

Author: Yu Shaolei, Guangzhou media person, columnist. He is the author of "Modern Liaozhai" (I.-IV.), "The Anti-Creation of Writing: A Grass Folk's Word-Making Movement", and the novel "Breaking the Moon".

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"Strange Power Chaos God" was initiated by a group of students who were mixed up in Lotus Phong's ghostly stories, focusing on recording, sharing, and discussing supernatural events that they experienced personally.

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