
What did Song Yingzong do politically? Biography of Song Yingzong

author:Interesting history

Although Emperor Yingzong was ill and even acted a little absurdly, when he first ascended the throne, he still showed the demeanor of a promising king. When Emperor Renzong died violently, the medical officer should be responsible, and the two main medical officers were expelled from the palace by Emperor Yingzong and sent to the remote prefectures and counties to be put in charge. Some other medical officials, fearing that they would also be despised, interceded in front of Emperor Yingzong, saying: "At first, the medicine prescribed by these two people was still very effective, but unfortunately his death was a destiny, beyond the reach of the medical officer." Yingzong Zhengse said, "I heard that these two people were recommended by the two governments?" Left and right: "Exactly." Emperor Yingzong then said, "If this is the case, I will leave it alone, and I will leave it to the two governments to decide." When the medical officers heard this, they were all frightened and scattered, and secretly marveled at the new emperor's shrewdness and decisiveness. Obviously, Yingzong's style of acting in a very vigorous manner is very different from that of Renzong, who abused benevolent government. Not only that, Yingzong was also a very diligent emperor. At that time, the auxiliary ministers played a role, and Yingzong always inquired about the beginning and end of the matter in detail, and only then did he decide, and handled government affairs very seriously.

More importantly, Emperor Yingzong continued to appoint Han Qi, Ouyang Xiu, Fu Bi, and other reformist ministers during Emperor Renzong's time, and tried to carry out some reforms in the face of the weakness and poverty of the country. Once, Emperor Yingzong asked Ouyang Xiu that there had been many natural disasters in recent days, and most of the people who said it was because the imperial court could not enter the elite, and I don't know why. Ouyang Xiu replied that in recent years, the road to entering the sage was indeed too narrow, and he himself often discussed this matter with Han Qi. It can be seen that Ouyang Xiu came prepared and took the opportunity to advise. Yingzong was very surprised and asked busily, how can I say this? Zhongshu often recommends some people, and doesn't he also mostly appoint them? Obviously, Yingzong was still relatively satisfied with his employment policy.

What did Song Yingzong do politically? Biography of Song Yingzong

Ouyang Xiu pointed out another aspect of the problem. He believes that since His Majesty's pro-government, he and Han Qi and Fu Bi have felt the grace of the Emperor and carefully selected internal and external officials, and His Majesty has also used people without doubt, which cannot be compared in the past, but most of the people selected are strong talents who are good at money and grain, not literary people. Ouyang Xiu's words first praised Emperor Yingzong's acquaintance and benevolence, and instead pointed out the problem that the previously selected talents were too single.

Emperor Yingzong had a deep understanding of this and decided to recruit talents extensively. Han Qi, Ouyang Xiu, and others recommended 20 people to take the post of Pavilion Cabinet, and Emperor Yingzong ordered them to take the examination. Han Qi and the others at first thought that there were too many people to choose, and Yingzong said, "Since I want you to recommend them, in order to choose the best of them, how can I be too many?" From this, we can see the urgent mood of Yingzong to work hard and work hard. He carried out bold reforms of the old election system, even going farther and faster than Ouyang Xiu and others who persuaded Yingzong to try to change it at that time.

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Not only that, Yingzong also attaches great importance to the compilation and collation of books. In the first year of Zhiping, Sima Guang wrote a "Calendar Year Map" and presented it to Emperor Yingzong, who greatly appreciated it. In the third year of Zhiping, Sima Guang, based on the Records of History, wrote eight volumes of the Tongzhi, which is about the first eight volumes of the later Zizhi Tongjian. Emperor Yingzong fully affirmed this and encouraged Sima Guang to continue to compile the manuscript of Sima Guang's Zizhi Tongjian

Write it down and wait until the book is completed before giving a new title. He also agreed to Sima Guang's own request to appoint assistants and organize the compilation of the deeds of the monarchs and courtiers of the past, and instructed him to set up the bookstore in the ChongwenYuan, and specially allowed him to second the books of Longtu Pavilion, Tianzhang Pavilion, Zhaowen Pavilion, Shiguan, Jixianyuan, and Secret Cabinet. Chongwenyuan is the national library of the Northern Song Dynasty, with a secret cabinet and three libraries, the three halls are the Zhaowen Hall, the History Museum, and the Jixian Temple, which are the royal collections. The Secret Cabinet is particularly exquisite, with 10,000 volumes of rare books selected from the three museums and antiques and inkblots collected by the emperor. Longtu Pavilion and Tianzhang Pavilion are the memorial halls of Emperor Taizong and Zhenzong, which contain important cultural relics such as books and classics in addition to the authentic works and anthologies of the two. Not only that, Emperor Yingzong also approved the provision of pens and inks and curtains for the emperor's special use, allocated special funds, provided fruit and cakes for the bookstore staff, and transferred eunuchs to provide services.

What did Song Yingzong do politically? Biography of Song Yingzong

Emperor Yingzong's instructions greatly improved the conditions for Sima Guang's compilation and revision of history books, and enabled the grand cause of compiling the Zizhi Tongjian to have a solid backing from the very beginning. In order to repay Emperor Yingzong's kindness, Sima Guang spent all his energy on the compilation of the huge work "Zizhi Tongjian" for the long 19 years that followed. It should be said that the final compilation of the great historical work "Zizhi Tongjian" also has a credit to Yingzong.

Although Yingzong had a certain political talent, he died young due to illness at the age of 36, and he had no ambitions to exercise. However, this left an opportunity and a challenge for his son, Shenzong.

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