
Xixia Meinan: Founding Emperor Yuan Hao Great Song Liu E (2): Let the original husband, inherit the incense of the mother's family decrypt the ten monsters of Shaanxi: "The girl is not external", the brother stubbornly put the blue flower love picture recommendation: picture said 丨 2017 Hainan International Tourism Trade Expo

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Great Song Liu E (2): Let the original husband inherit the incense of the mother's family


Deciphering the ten monsters of Shaanxi: "The girl is not external", the brother is dead set on loving the blue flowers

Text/Chen Erhu

Xixia Meinan: Founding Emperor Yuan Hao Great Song Liu E (2): Let the original husband, inherit the incense of the mother's family decrypt the ten monsters of Shaanxi: "The girl is not external", the brother stubbornly put the blue flower love picture recommendation: picture said 丨 2017 Hainan International Tourism Trade Expo

(Tang Guoqiang version of Li Yuanhao)

【About the author】Chen Erhu, pen name Hongye, is a Khitan of the Mongolian ethnic group. Deputy Secretary-General of the Weng Niu Te Banner Writers Association.

【This article is published with the authorization of the author】

Xixia Meinan: Founding Emperor Yuan Hao Great Song Liu E (2): Let the original husband, inherit the incense of the mother's family decrypt the ten monsters of Shaanxi: "The girl is not external", the brother stubbornly put the blue flower love picture recommendation: picture said 丨 2017 Hainan International Tourism Trade Expo

(Sculpture by Li Yuanhao)

This is a deserted mausoleum area, like an ancient chariot, which has been forgotten in the vast eastern foothills of Helan Mountain because it cannot interpret the glory of history. For thousands of years, carrying the rise and fall of a party nation, watching over the sadness and desolation of being ruthlessly abandoned by the years, the remaining buildings on the surface of the earth show the last trace of royal solemnity.

About 50 miles away from Yinchuan, Ningxia, a friend drove a dilapidated Beijing jeep into the mausoleum area known as Yuan Hao's Tomb, where the ancient mounds and broken bricks on the surface, loess rubble, mixed with tenacious growth, clumps of barren grass, lonely and cold, desolate and vast. Looking around, no matter what, I can't imagine the grandeur of the mausoleum area in those years.

Xixia Meinan: Founding Emperor Yuan Hao Great Song Liu E (2): Let the original husband, inherit the incense of the mother's family decrypt the ten monsters of Shaanxi: "The girl is not external", the brother stubbornly put the blue flower love picture recommendation: picture said 丨 2017 Hainan International Tourism Trade Expo

(The Western Xia Tomb is the residence of the emperors of the Western Xia Dynasty, although it has been destroyed, but the skeleton still exists, which can still show the unique atmosphere and style of the Western Xia Dynasty.) )

Tomb No. 1 and Tomb No. 2, which were named by archaeologists, respectively, buried Yuanhao's grandfather Li Jiqian and father Li Deming, while Tomb No. 3 is the theme of the entire mausoleum area, burying the hero of the Dangxiang clan, Yuan Hao, the founding emperor of the Western Xia Dynasty. People are used to call it the tomb of King Hao or the tomb of the King of Western Xia, which refers to the cemetery of Yuanhao, and nine times out of ten people who come here for sightseeing or investigation are Ben Yuanhao.

YuanHao is a particularly brilliant and individual figure among the ethnic minorities in Chinese history, but few people mention him, and he is not a figure compared with the many emperors in the history of China's five-thousand-year civilization. But his life was the biggest heart disease of the orthodox Northern Song Dynasty, a soft and hard master, very uncertain, unpredictable, and a mystery.

There is a folk saying that during Yuan Hao's reign, tens of thousands of skilled craftsmen were recruited to build a cemetery for him, and he was worried that the mausoleum would be excavated after death, so in a year, he built 360 mausoleums, and then killed all the tomb builders. After Yuanhao's death, he was buried in one of them, and later someone stole the tomb to dig a grave, and finally failed to find the real tomb where Yuanhao was buried.

Xixia Meinan: Founding Emperor Yuan Hao Great Song Liu E (2): Let the original husband, inherit the incense of the mother's family decrypt the ten monsters of Shaanxi: "The girl is not external", the brother stubbornly put the blue flower love picture recommendation: picture said 丨 2017 Hainan International Tourism Trade Expo

(Yuan Hao Tomb)

King Ansai of the Ming Dynasty wrote an ancient tomb ballad in front of the tomb of King Hao:

The ancient tomb under Helan Mountain is thick, and the height is like floating water.

Dao Feng Ancient told me that yun was the king and prince of the past.

At that time, the land was expanded for thousands of miles, and the dance hall was extravagant.

Strong soldiers and strong pawns have been cultivated, and they have defied the Central Plains for misdeeds.

Do you know that all eyes are dreams, and millions of clothes are sent to the ancestors.

The beads and jade boxes are followed by the mournful sound of the drums.

The world is far away, and the Miao people are full of Jurists.

Xixia Meinan: Founding Emperor Yuan Hao Great Song Liu E (2): Let the original husband, inherit the incense of the mother's family decrypt the ten monsters of Shaanxi: "The girl is not external", the brother stubbornly put the blue flower love picture recommendation: picture said 丨 2017 Hainan International Tourism Trade Expo

Since ancient times, prosperity is a dream, all the emperors and generals in history, no less, the vast mausoleum area, quiet, revealing a kind of seemingly innocent majesty, adding an invisible domineering spirit, the layout of the mausoleum area by que tai, stele pavilion, moon city, inner city, dedication hall, spiritual platform, inner god wall, outer god wall, corner platform and other single buildings, surrounded by clan rooms, heavy ministers of the funerary tomb group, these have been seriously damaged. Did a generation of tyrants go away? In the swaying wind, trace the course of the party and the bits and pieces of Yuanhao.

On May 1, 1003, Yuan Hao was born in Lingzhou, an important town in Shuofang, at the foot of the Helan Mountains, on the east bank of the Yellow River. Born with a heroic voice and a blue light in his eyes, his father Li Deming was very fond of him, and he regarded it as a heavenly gift to his son, taking the name of the party item: Song Li. It means to cherish wealth.

When he was a teenager, he was famous and handsome, and at that time, the Northern Song Dynasty marshal Cao Wei was stationed along the border of Shaanxi, and he wanted to see Yuan Hao's style, and heard that Yuan Hao often walked in the city of Hubei, waited many times, and finally did not see it, and then sent someone to secretly paint a portrait of Yuan Hao. Cao Wei couldn't help but marvel when he saw its appearance: True English things also! He also had a premonition that this Yuan Hao would be a border trouble for the Song Dynasty in the future.

Xixia Meinan: Founding Emperor Yuan Hao Great Song Liu E (2): Let the original husband, inherit the incense of the mother's family decrypt the ten monsters of Shaanxi: "The girl is not external", the brother stubbornly put the blue flower love picture recommendation: picture said 丨 2017 Hainan International Tourism Trade Expo

Yuanhao had a wonderful dialogue with his father when he was a teenager, and Yuanhao was very dissatisfied with his father Li Deming's policy of subordinating himself to the Song Dynasty, and he generously said: Our ministry has a complicated implementation and insufficient financial resources. Why defend the state if you lose the people? If you do not use the gifts you receive, recruit the Bo clan, practice bows and arrows, the small ones will be conquered in four elements, and the large ones will encroach on the feudal territory, and the upper and lower levels will be abundant, and they will be counted!

Li Deming agreed with Yuanhao's words, but felt that the time was not yet ripe, so he purposefully said: I have been tired of using soldiers for a long time. Thirty years of my people's clothing, this Song Enye, can not bear!

Yuan Hao listened and said excitedly: Clothing, animal husbandry, and fertility. The life of a hero, when the king is a bully, He Jinqi is?

Yuanhao's words vividly reproduced the heroic spirit and broad-mindedness of young Yuanhao.

Staying in the tomb of King Hao, Que Tai, monument pavilion, what are you all talking about? Where did the palace go for tens of miles adjacent to the mausoleum area? Isn't the Pavilion more than ten meters tall? Aren't beautiful women like clouds? This ruin, this mountain, this broken wall, but it left endless sorrow and chanting. In the coordinates of history, the prosperity and demise of each era have their own necessities and accidents, and what will always be left to people is the singing of the intestines.

Xixia Meinan: Founding Emperor Yuan Hao Great Song Liu E (2): Let the original husband, inherit the incense of the mother's family decrypt the ten monsters of Shaanxi: "The girl is not external", the brother stubbornly put the blue flower love picture recommendation: picture said 丨 2017 Hainan International Tourism Trade Expo

The decadent tomb reflects the light of an era and tells a long-lost story. YuanHao, on the foundation laid by his father Li Deming, completed the great cause of founding the country, conformed to the trend of historical development, and staged a mighty and majestic, twists and turns of the living drama on the stage provided to him by history.

In 1032 AD, in the first year of the Ming Dynasty of the Northern Song Dynasty, after Yuan Hao plundered Tubo Jianma in the west and reclaimed the Huirui soldiers in the north, he changed the Song Year name Ming Dao to Xiandao, changed his surname to The Song Dynasty, and took the meaning of Wu Pawn, Wu Pawn, Qing Tianzi. It was publicly announced to the Northern Song Dynasty that the Han dynasty was different and the land was different. He built the state of Wancheng, issued the bald order, and then reformed the lile, created the script, and the territory stretched as far east as the Yellow River, west to Yumen, south to Xiaoguan, north to control the desert, and a vast area with more than 10,000 miles, with more than 20 states, and on October 1, 1038 AD, it was officially called emperor, and the name of the country was Bactria ...

Yuan Hao, historically called it: sexual male, how big and slight. Knowing the good use of people, the Northern Song Dynasty minister Fu Bi once said: Tuoba Zide Ling, west of Xia, the heroes born in the meantime, are all used for it.

Xixia Meinan: Founding Emperor Yuan Hao Great Song Liu E (2): Let the original husband, inherit the incense of the mother's family decrypt the ten monsters of Shaanxi: "The girl is not external", the brother stubbornly put the blue flower love picture recommendation: picture said 丨 2017 Hainan International Tourism Trade Expo

Yuan Hao had the mind of a politician and the gaze of a military man. Pursue national independence, safeguard national interests, unite tribes, gather people's hearts, plunder the gains, and give them to the masses. Whenever there is a war, before the expedition, they gather the leaders of the tribe to hunt: if they are captured, they will get off the horse ring and sit and drink, cut fresh and eat. Ask what he sees, and choose his strengths; the mighty will fear his subordinates, and the grace will kill his people. And widely recruited the fallen literati of the Song Dynasty, not the first to raise their sons, but to vote: or to give the general shuai, or to appoint the secretary of state, to push sincerity and doubt, and to rely on the mastermind.

Zhang Yuan and Wu Hao, who were tired of trying and failing in the Northern Song Dynasty, were not valued in the Northern Song Dynasty, and no one appreciated the army, so they came to join Yuanhao and split the name of Yuanhao. Yuan Hao treated him with courtesy, entrusted him with heavy responsibilities, and state-owned conquests and secrets. It can be said that Yuan Hao was able to establish a state, and Zhang Yuan, Wu Hao and other Han people contributed a lot.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Yuan Hao created his own military system according to the traditional customs of the Dangxiang clan and combined with the military system of the Northern Song Dynasty. Be good at grasping the opportunity, advance and retreat in an orderly manner, respond to each other in the virtual and real, and cross the line. In the war launched by the Northern Song Dynasty, full consideration was given to the arrangement, with the confidence of victory, and did not stick to the rules, the Battle of Sanchuankou fell into ambush for the Song Dynasty; the Battle of Haoshuichuan lured Ren Fu's defeat; and the Battle of Dingchuan cut off Ge Huaimin's way back, all called the classic battle. Song Shizai: Yuan Hao used soldiers, and after twenty years, he was unable to break his strength.

Xixia Meinan: Founding Emperor Yuan Hao Great Song Liu E (2): Let the original husband, inherit the incense of the mother's family decrypt the ten monsters of Shaanxi: "The girl is not external", the brother stubbornly put the blue flower love picture recommendation: picture said 丨 2017 Hainan International Tourism Trade Expo

(Located in the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain, about five kilometers from east to west and about ten kilometers from north to south, within a range of more than 50 square kilometers, with the natural rise and fall of Gangqiu Ridge, there are 9 imperial tombs and more than 200 funerary tombs of princes and princes.) )

Qing Dynasty scholar Wang Fuzhi: And the life of Yuan Hao, Song Yi was defeated by... Han, Fan, Wang, and Pang were recruited to take charge of the task, only to protect the remnants of Xinjiang, and were unable to repay it. Then China fell to the Westerners, and its cunning increased its grandeur. Yuan Hao died while Yu Wei was fixed, and the other side of the degree was over.

However, what I admire most is that Yuan Hao created the Western Xia script, which is called: The Book of Bo! I have seen some Western Xia scripts, although modeled on Chinese characters, but have their own unique construction methods. The strokes are more complicated than Chinese characters, and there are many oblique strokes such as skimming and pinching, no vertical hooks, and there are many words exchanged left and right. And formed the positive, grass, li, seal and other fonts. Specially set up the Fan Academy, equivalent to the Hanlin Academy of the Song Dynasty, and vigorously promoted the Western Xia script in the country.

The creation of the Xixia script has promoted the development and progress of the party culture. Archaeologists have found a large number of Western Xia documents at the site of Heishui City, where the Weifu Military Division is stationed in the Black Mountain City of the Western Xia Kingdom, in present-day Ejina Banner, Inner Mongolia, and found a large number of Western Xia texts, including: The Book of Filial Piety, Analects, Sun Tzu's Three Notes on the Art of War, Zhenguan Essentials, etc., there are Western Xia dictionaries, literary works, legal documents, and Chinese-Chinese comparison books, the number is very considerable, leaving us with valuable first-hand information for the study of Western Xia culture...

Xixia Meinan: Founding Emperor Yuan Hao Great Song Liu E (2): Let the original husband, inherit the incense of the mother's family decrypt the ten monsters of Shaanxi: "The girl is not external", the brother stubbornly put the blue flower love picture recommendation: picture said 丨 2017 Hainan International Tourism Trade Expo

(Western Xia script)

Yuanhao, what do you want to tell me? History is marked by man-made, but what about you? Helan Mountain is like a hidden dragon, looking down on the boundless Yinchuan Plain, after years of wind, frost, rain and snow, all the eminent rituals will be reduced to nothing, only this loess rammed pile, only this rubble and coarse sand, nakedly without sighing, forgetting history, I feel a kind of strength surging in my blood, as if to say: Yuan Hao is a figure in Chinese history that cannot be despised, uniting the people of all ethnic groups in the northwest region of our country, laying a solid foundation for the unification of the Chinese nation and the later unification of the world by Mongolian Yuan.

I am not an archaeologist, nor am I a historian, just by a kind of like, I came here to see. And the cemetery also likes people like me. Unlike archaeologists, who must turn over fragments of history and look for some evidence of the past; unlike historians, who hold a purpose, issue some so-called sighs, and speculate on the truth of history.

Xixia Meinan: Founding Emperor Yuan Hao Great Song Liu E (2): Let the original husband, inherit the incense of the mother's family decrypt the ten monsters of Shaanxi: "The girl is not external", the brother stubbornly put the blue flower love picture recommendation: picture said 丨 2017 Hainan International Tourism Trade Expo

The sun in the middle of the sky, like a mirror hanging high, fills every corner of Helan Mountain with sunlight. The number of people patronizing the mausoleum area gradually increased, and all kinds of people were mixed, and what stood out was a group of blue-eyed blond-haired foreigners, under the guidance of a tour guide lady and translator, speaking some languages that I could not understand at all. Pointing and pointing, and from time to time a cry of surprise, attracting the attention of others, is it the vastness of the exclamation of the cemetery? Or Yuanhao's feat?

For a whole day, I was lost in the Helan Mountains, but I did not dare to touch every ancient stone, for fear of bringing out an earth-shattering story...

Xixia Meinan: Founding Emperor Yuan Hao Great Song Liu E (2): Let the original husband, inherit the incense of the mother's family decrypt the ten monsters of Shaanxi: "The girl is not external", the brother stubbornly put the blue flower love picture recommendation: picture said 丨 2017 Hainan International Tourism Trade Expo

Note: I don't know what the future of the Western Xia Tombs will look like.

<h1>Photo recommendation: Picture description丨2017 Hainan International Tourism Trade Expo

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