
On behalf of the Ming Dynasty, Guo Rulin, a member of the Jiangxi Jinshi, crowned the King of the Ryukyu Islands and wrote poems proving that the Diaoyu Islands were Chinese territory

author:Jiangxi Ji'an Wang Fuxing

Guo Rulin (郭汝霖), courtesy name Shiwang, was a native of Yongfeng County, Ji'an Province, Ming Dynasty. In 1510 AD, Guo Rulin was born in The Layer Mountain Village of Yongfeng Township, Yongfeng County, which is today's Layer Mountain Village of Shima Town, Yongfeng County.

According to the "Genealogy of the Guo Clan of Layer Mountain", Guo Dinggong, the ancestor of the Layer Mountain Guo Clan, was the eleventh grandson of Guo Ziyi. In other words, Guo Rulin is a descendant of Guo Ziyi.

Guo Rulin has been eager to learn since childhood, and has painstakingly read a subset of the history of the Scriptures. According to the book "Jiangxi Jinshi", in the thirty-second year of Jiajing, in 1553 AD, the 33-year-old Guo Rulin was named a high school jinshi.

On behalf of the Ming Dynasty, Guo Rulin, a member of the Jiangxi Jinshi, crowned the King of the Ryukyu Islands and wrote poems proving that the Diaoyu Islands were Chinese territory

The picture shows the Guo Ancestral Hall, taken in The Village of Layer Mountain, Shima Town, Yongfeng County.

After Guo Rulin entered the high school, he held the official position of giving affairs. At a time when the Wokou were rampant, Guo Rulin went to the "Ten Things of Pingwu" and offered the imperial court ten strategies to pacify the Wokou. The "Ten Things of Pingwu" was listened to by the heavens, so that the Jiajing Emperor remembered Guo Rulin.

Jiajing forty years, 1561 AD. Emperor Jiajing of daming sent Guo Rulin to represent China and crown the king of Ryukyu. The seat of the Ryukyu Kingdom is today's Okinawa Prefecture in Japan.

On behalf of the Ming Dynasty, Guo Rulin, a member of the Jiangxi Jinshi, crowned the King of the Ryukyu Islands and wrote poems proving that the Diaoyu Islands were Chinese territory

The picture shows the gate of the village of Layer Mountain Village, because Guo Rulin had been rewarded by the Heavenly Son's edict, so there was the word Holy Will on the door.

During the Ming Dynasty, Ryukyu was a vassal state of China. The king of Ryukyu must be crowned by emperor Daming in order to sit on the throne. On behalf of the Jiajing Emperor, Guo Rulin led the Daming delegation and embarked on the road of feudalism.

Guo Rulin took a sealed boat and leaned on the railing to watch in the waves. Guo Jinlin saw the Diaoyu Islands, he felt the splendid mountains and rivers of the motherland, touched the scenery and wrote the ancient poem "Diaoyu Island". Poetry:

A boat crosses the sky, and the wind is long.

Huang Shu floats far away, and Diaoyu Wubo ming.

The mirage mountain will be knotted, and the sound of the waves will be clear.

When leaning on the bridge, he roared and looked at his life.

On behalf of the Ming Dynasty, Guo Rulin, a member of the Jiangxi Jinshi, crowned the King of the Ryukyu Islands and wrote poems proving that the Diaoyu Islands were Chinese territory

The picture shows the author taking a selfie in the stone cave of the layer mountain, the old man looks quite sloppy, everyone will look at it.

After Guo Rulin wrote this poem, he continued to move forward and completed his mission to crown the king of Ryukyu. The Ryukyu King thanked him with heavy gold, and Guo Rulin did not forget his original intentions, and politely refused the Ryukyu King's hospitality.

Guo Rulin's deeds of giving money to the Emperor jiajing reached the ears of the Jiajing Emperor. After Guo Rulin returned to China, the Jiajing Emperor issued a decree to commend Guo Rulin, who "did not receive money and did not fail in his mission".

On behalf of the Ming Dynasty, Guo Rulin, a member of the Jiangxi Jinshi, crowned the King of the Ryukyu Islands and wrote poems proving that the Diaoyu Islands were Chinese territory

The picture shows the author's friend Mr. Li taking a selfie in the Stone Cave of Layer Mountain.

Guo Rulin's career was smooth sailing, and he reached the position of Taichangqing, one of the nine secretaries. Guo Rulin returned to his hometown in his later years and founded Taiji Academy in his hometown of Fujita Wei (today's Laoxu Village). Guo Rulin personally served as the main lecturer of Taiji Academy and cultivated many talents for his hometown.

The eighth year of the Ming Dynasty Wanli, 1580 AD. Guo Rulin, who had been the three emperors of Jiajing, Longqing, and Wanli, died at the age of 71 and 70.

On behalf of the Ming Dynasty, Guo Rulin, a member of the Jiangxi Jinshi, crowned the King of the Ryukyu Islands and wrote poems proving that the Diaoyu Islands were Chinese territory

The picture shows the memorial mural of Taiji Academy in the Guo Ancestral Hall, and the real Taiji Academy is in Laoxu Village.

More than 400 years after Guo Rulin's death, the wolf's ambitious Japan coveted China's Diaoyu Islands. Guo Rulin's improvised poem "Diaoyu Island" became ironclad evidence that diaoyu islands have been Chinese territory since ancient times. "Diaoyu Island" has also become an ancient poem with a high degree of praise in today's poetry circle because of the Diaoyu Island incident

Ji'an Province, Jiangxi, has been a splendid place of articles since ancient times. Ji'an Province produced three thousand jinshi, of which there were 17 titles. Yongfeng County produced 287 jinshi, including a generation of Wenzong Ouyang Xiu, as well as Dong Deyuan, Zeng Tang, Luo Lun, and Liu Yi.

On behalf of the Ming Dynasty, Guo Rulin, a member of the Jiangxi Jinshi, crowned the King of the Ryukyu Islands and wrote poems proving that the Diaoyu Islands were Chinese territory

The picture shows the selfie of the author's friend Mr. Lai at the Kwok Ancestral Hall.

In Ji'an City and Yongfeng County, the hometown of Zhuangyuan, the examination was not enough for Guo Rulinqingshi to stay in the history. What makes Guo Rulin's history famous is "Diaoyu Island", for the simple reason that "Diaoyu Island" proves that Diaoyu Island is China's territory.

Diaoyu Islands have been China's territory since ancient times! Diaoyu Islands have been China's territory since ancient times! Diaoyu Islands have been China's territory since ancient times! Say important things three times.

By the way: the mountain village has beautiful scenery and profound cultural heritage. Villagers go to the mountain village to play, there is no need for ticket money. Tier Mountain Village is conveniently located and is ideal for self-driving tours. As long as the villagers open the navigation, they can reach the whole cement road to the layer mountain village.

The historical sources of this article: "Yongfeng County Chronicle", "Jiangxi Tongzhi", "Jiangxi Jinshi".

Remarks: The text of this article was originally written by Wang Fuxing. Code words are not easy, please respect the original, unauthorized, reproduction is strictly prohibited. The pictures in this article are pictures of the scenery of Ji'an taken by Wang Fuxing, and I enjoy the full copyright of the pictures. I authorize netizens to use the pictures without restrictions, including commercial ones, and netizens who need to accompany the pictures can download and use them by themselves, without worrying about copyright issues.

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