
The Complete Works of Jia Zhifang was published in honor of an old man who sought truth

author:The Paper

The Surging News reporter Luo Xin

This year marks the 105th anniversary of the birth of Jia Zhifang, a famous writer, translator and scholar, the main member of the "July School", and the founder of the department of modern literature and comparative literature in the Department of Chinese of Fudan University. On October 8th, the "Symposium to Commemorate the 105th Anniversary of Mr. Jia Zhifang's Birth and the Publication of the Complete Works of Jia Zhifang" sponsored by the Department of Chinese of Fudan University was held in Shanghai. Jia Zhifang's relatives, friends, colleagues, students, and representatives of various universities, Chinese departments and research institutions in Shanghai gathered together to commemorate this indispensable figure in the study of modern Chinese literary history.

Jia Zhifang (1916-2008) was a native of Xiangfen, Shanxi, who created, translated, researched, and edited a number of works during his lifetime, including "The Endowment of Life", "Selected Novels of Jia Zhifang", "Modern Chinese Economy and Society", etc., and translated "Russian Literature Studies", "Chehefu's Dramatic Art", "Chehefu's Handwriting" and so on. He famously said, "Read, write, teach, translate, compile... The intellectuals' property is in a little book. ”

The Complete Works of Jia Zhifang was published in honor of an old man who sought truth

Jia Zhifang. Image source: The Complete Works of Jia Zhifang

Recently, the Complete Works of Jia Zhifang (hereinafter referred to as the "Complete Works"), edited by Professor Chen Sihe of Fudan University, was published by Beiyue Literature and Art Publishing House. The volumes of the complete collection are in order "Creation Volume" (Part 1 and Part 2), "Memoirs and Interview Volumes", "Theoretical Volumes", "Letter Volumes", "Diary Volumes" (Part 1 and 2), "Translation Volumes" (Part 1 and Part 2), and "Appendices and Index Volumes", a total of nearly 5 million words. For the first time, it publicly published all the works that Jia Zhifang can currently collect, including Jia Zhifang's literary creations, academic research, letters and diaries, as well as Jia Zhifang's memoirs and translated works, and took the tenth volume as the "Appendix and Index Volume", providing direct textual materials for the study of Jia Zhifang and his academic culture.

The Complete Works of Jia Zhifang was published in honor of an old man who sought truth

"The Complete Works of Jia Zhifang" book shadow

The Complete Works of Jia Zhifang was published in honor of an old man who sought truth

On October 8th, the "Symposium to Commemorate the 105th Anniversary of Mr. Jia Zhifang's Birth and the Publication of the Complete Works of Jia Zhifang" sponsored by the Department of Chinese of Fudan University was held in Shanghai. The Surging News reporter Luo Xin figure

In his bumpy life, he wrote the word "human" correctly

Almost a quarter of Jia Zhifang's life was spent in prison. The first time he was imprisoned was because he participated in the "12.9" student movement, the second time he was arrested in Xuzhou and the Japanese gendarmerie, and the third time was in the late 1940s in Fudan. The fourth time was in 1955, when he was implicated in the "Hu Feng case". Talking about Jia Zhifang's life, everyone present sighed.

"Mr. Jia has been away from us for thirteen years, and listening to everyone recall him today, my mind keeps popping up on his voice and smile." Deng Yiqun, a professor at the Department of Chinese of Fudan University, sighed that Jia Zhifang's most profound influence on everyone lies in his personality charm, "The most touching thing is his indomitable, several times in prison, several times after suffering, he did not bow his head." He said that he had nothing in this life, that is, he wrote the word 'man' correctly. In my opinion, he not only wrote 'people', but also wrote a capital 'person'. ”

The Complete Works of Jia Zhifang was published in honor of an old man who sought truth

Meeting site

Wu Zhongjie, a professor at fudan university's department of Chinese, used the phrase "ordinary life style and righteousness and teacher friend" to describe his relationship with Jia Zhifang. "Speaking of 'friends', Mr. Jia is twenty years older than me, and we are not friends in the general sense, but friends who work together for reform. In the cadre school that year, the targets of our Chinese department were Jia Zhifang, me, and Peng Fei, and the three of us often worked together. When listening to the report, the three of us were sent to a long distance, and Mr. Jia would tell us a lot about social things and listen to a long period of knowledge. When it comes to 'teachers', Mr. Jia is also my teacher, and sometimes the inspiration of just a few words is greater than listening to lectures in class. ”

He mentions Jia Zhifang's "The Back of History" and "Inside and Outside prison." "The title of "The Back of History" is very good, and people without rich experience cannot come up with such a name. Our literary history is often positive, but what is positive is not necessarily what will stand in the future. The back side of history may also become the positive side of history in the future, and Mr. Jia's proposal is very wise and worth thinking about. He also has some works that everyone thinks are good, but they seem to be on the table of literary history, such as "Inside and Outside prison", but I think this is a work that has been handed down from generation to generation. Wu Zhongjie said that Jia Zhifang has always brought him great inspiration for how to look at literature and how to look at history.

The Complete Works of Jia Zhifang was published in honor of an old man who sought truth

In the winter of 1946, Jia Zhifang and Ren Min were photographed in Shanghai. Image source: The Complete Works of Jia Zhifang

He values young people and loves young people

As far as the origin of Jia Zhifang and Fudan is concerned, he is a professor and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Chinese of Fudan University, presided over the creation of the two disciplines of modern literature and comparative literature in the Department of Chinese, and served as the librarian of Fudan University in his later years, and retired from this position.

Many people present especially talked about Jia Zhifang's love and promotion for the younger generation. "This is a very remarkable point of his, and many young scholars have achieved success under his training. Today, Fudan Chinese departments and even all Chinese departments should continue this tradition and put the cultivation and promotion of young people in a very important position. Professor Ying Bicheng of the Department of Chinese of Fudan University said so.

Chen Sihe always remembers the scene when he and Li Hui met Mr. Jia in the Chinese Department's data room. In 1978, Jia Zhifang returned to fudan Chinese department and worked in the reference room, which was still a very small room, but there was an old man there who kept talking and was very enthusiastic. This old man is Jia Zhifang, who watches his classmates reading in the reference room, and will not only take the initiative to recommend, but also guide them how to read. Chen Sihe and Li Hui's Ba Jin research was greatly influenced by Jia Zhifang.

Wang Anyi, a writer and professor at fudan university's department of Chinese, has always admired Mr. Jia's students. She said that in the early years, Chen Sihe took her to Mr. Jia's house, and she sat on the side with some restraint, but watched Mr. Jia's students enter the room one by one and pour water on their own, just like in their own home. "Probably because I wasn't his student, he and I didn't talk much about ideas and history, and we talked about trivial matters, such as once saying that he had a lot of wine and asking me if I drank it. There was another time when he lived in Suzhou, and then he came to Shanghai, and he said that he was very happy about that paragraph, saying that he took a car in the morning, and then bought a cake to go to class, and then where to eat a bowl of noodles... What he told me was all these trifles. ”

Regarding Mr. Jia, Wang Anyi has two main impressions: his anecdotes and his wind bones. "It was good. But in some ways, the situation of Chinese intellectuals is also very touching. We look back at his complete works, two volumes are creations, two volumes are translations, and the rest are letters and diaries. Just like the pure literary creation in Lu Xun's collection, there are very few, mostly fighting with others. Therefore, the space for Chinese intellectuals to build themselves is actually very small, there are not many things that can be left, most of the time is entangled in the struggle, of course, the 'struggle' is very good and inspirational, but for the intellectuals, it is also a pity and waste. Compared with Mr. Jia's generation of intellectuals, our generation is in a better situation, first of all, we have enough food and clothing, and there are many publications, but we are facing another danger - spiritual vulgarity, laziness and frivolity. In this sense, the fate of Chinese intellectuals has not changed. ”

Chen Zishan, a professor at the Department of Chinese at East China Normal University, also recalled his interesting interactions with Mr. Jia: "When I went to see Mr. Jia, he always called me 'Old Chen' and said 'Old Chen, you are here again'. When we first met, I was taken aback, I said Mr. Jia, 'Old Chen' but when I joined the team to settle down, the poor middle peasants called me, he listened to the laughter, said that I am a poor middle peasant. Later, I said that you called me 'Xiao Chen', and he never changed his mouth. I would love to see Mr. Jia because every time I go I can be taught and inspired. Among the 'July school' writers, he was very well-versed, laughing and giggling even when it came to heavy issues. I am really at the age of 'Old Chen' now, but I still have to follow what Mr. Jia said, strive to be a good person, and be a decent person. ”

The Complete Works of Jia Zhifang was published in honor of an old man who sought truth

Modern literature is a river

In Chen Sihe's view, Mr. Jia engaged in a variety of works throughout his life, including literary creation, memoirs, sociological works, translations, discipline construction theories, and book reviews and speeches, and insisted on writing a diary in his later years until the last time of his life. "Throughout his life, he was trapped in Tutu for political reasons, and his translated and unpublished manuscripts were scattered and difficult to collect, so the words that could be preserved and passed down to the world were extremely precious."

In order to compile the Complete Works of Jia Zhifang, Chen Sihe invited Zhang Xinxin, Wang Hongtu, Yan Feng, Song Binghui, Zhang Yesong, Duan Huaiqing, Sun Jing, Zhang Taofu, Wang Guangdong, Chen Runhua, Liu Zhirong, Jin Li, Luo Shijun and other scholars to undertake the work of editing the volumes. Lu Shiqing, a professor at the Department of Chinese of Fudan University, said: "The publication of Mr. Jia Zhifang's works and the inheritance of his spirit are the best memorials. ”

Chen Sihe remembers that when he drank and chatted with Mr. Jia, Mr. Jia did not talk about how much he had been wronged in prison, nor did he rarely talk about the hardships he suffered, but always told the stories of his friends, as well as stories in the history of literature, "He told hu feng, how Lu Xun was, how Guo Moruo was, and how Mao Dun was." He himself is a living literary history. The Mao Dun he talked about with me is not the same as the Mao Dun in the textbook. He had never met Lu Xun, but he had a close relationship with Hu Feng, and he used Hu Feng to convey Lu Xun's message. The history he talked about is a living history. ”

Therefore, from Lu Xun to Hu Feng, from Hu Feng to Jia Zhifang, and then from Jia Zhifang to himself, Chen Sihe believes that there is a precious inheritance in it. He always said to his students: "Modern literature is a river, I am a stone in this river." Not only me, but all those who study modern literature and engage in modern literature are stones in this river. So are you. This river carries the life information of its predecessors, flows from us, and when it flows past, it drowns us. But when the river flows through us, it brings with it the message of our lives. Then this literary history is a living literary history, a living literary history. If I understand it in this way, this discipline is not a discipline that is external to my life, I like modern literature because I exist in it, I am a person in it, like a stone in the river, I feel that this tradition flows through me. ”

The Complete Works of Jia Zhifang was published in honor of an old man who sought truth

Hopefully future generations will remember him and them

Rarely, the families of some "July School" writers also came to the scene of this meeting. While remembering Jia Zhifang, many people are also missing Peng Xiaolian. Chen Sihe said: "If Peng Xiaolian is still here, she will run around and run west, shoot this and that, she will record a lot of things." ”

Chen Dongxiao, the grandson of the poet Ji Fan on behalf of the "July Sect", said: "My grandfather and Grandpa Jia are both upright and sincere people, but I think Grandpa Jia is a little different, and his understanding of history is of great wisdom. Chen Dongxiao is a "post-90s" and the youngest person present, "For today's 'post-90s' and 'post-00s', if it is not a graduate of the Chinese Department, it may be difficult to know who Jia Zhifang is, which is a big problem." No matter what, I'll keep them in mind all the time. ”

Speaking of the experiences of her fathers, Ji Yin's daughter Yin Yin couldn't help but choke. "We call ourselves 'Hu Erdai'. For our generation, that history was heavy and painful, and most people still came out. Peng Xiaolian has always said that she likes Uncle Jia the most, because Uncle Jia is always smiling when talking about the past. ”

Yin Yin said that she still hopes that the next generation will remember that period of history, "Chen Dongxiao, their generation has been pulled apart for a period of time, and they can look back at that period of history more clearly." ”

Wu Zhangdi, the grandson of peng Yanjiao, the representative poet of the "July Faction", also said that Grandpa has a memoir" "That Generation", which is a good memory and summary of their generation. "I myself am a student of history, and we still have a lot of literature from my grandfather's generation in our family, and then we want to slowly sort it out." A lot of precious historical materials are there, and more efforts are needed from our descendants. ”

Editor-in-charge: Cheng Yu

Proofreader: Zhang Liangliang