
Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History


Here's a record of weekly tech content worth sharing, released on Fridays.

This magazine is open source (GitHub: ruanyf/weekly[1]), and you are welcome to submit issues, contribute articles or recommend technical content.

Weekly discussion board post "Who's Hiring?" [2], provide a large number of programmer employment information, welcome to visit or post work/internship positions.

< h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > cover image</h1>

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

A water park in Fuling, Chongqing, made giant popsicles and distributed to tourists. (via[3])

<h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > this week's topic: The Age of All-End Apps</h1>

Last week, Microsoft released Windows 11. Most surprisingly, it can run Android apps[4]!

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

If you think about it, Apple introduced the M1 chip last year, and all iPhone apps can now run on Mac computers.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

Microsoft must be looking in the eyes, anxious in the heart, must not let Windows lose to the Mac. So, this time in a hurry to support Android.

He didn't even have time to do his own Android App Store, where users had to install the Amazon App Store (pictured below) before they could use the feature. Microsoft is so anxious that it prefers to use its latest system to divert traffic for others.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

I ask you a question: Mobile apps can run on desktop computers, what is the impact on software development?

Obviously, the direct impact is one, is it necessary to develop desktop software in the future? Except for a few desktop-specific software, other software as long as the mobile app adapts to the computer, there is no need to release a special Windows version or Mac version.

For example, Windows running WeChat must now install a separate version of Windows, and it may be enough to install the mobile version directly in the future. For users, the experience is completely consistent, there will be no lack of functions; for Tencent, it can raise one less team and not have to worry about the complexity of cross-platform porting.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

Previously, the so-called cross-platform software meant that a set of code could run everywhere, but it had to be compiled separately for each platform, as was the case with Java, Go, and Electron. Now it is good, even the compilation is omitted, the same program does not need to be modified, directly running on the mobile phone, tablet, desktop computer, is simply the ultimate dream and gospel of software developers.

Therefore, this new feature of Windows has made the market for mobile apps expand to desktop computers at once, which is especially a major benefit for small teams.

My conclusion is that app development will move from multi-terminal coexistence to the all-end era. Mobile apps will eat up other clients and become more and more important; desktop apps will decline and the need for development will become smaller.

Still, it's a long-term process and there's still a long way to go. According to reports, Microsoft used Intel's bridging technology this time, so that the x86 architecture CPU can interpret ARM instructions, which sounds like just-in-time compilation. But in that case, what should be done if the app uses the Google Services Framework? On the other hand, Google's ChromeOS system has long realized running Android apps on x86 CPU (through a virtual layer), the performance is quite poor, and the experience is not good (such as windows cannot be enlarged, and many operations do not support mice).

But in any case, the full-end App is definitely the direction of the future, the above problems, I believe that in the end can be solved, especially for Apple's devices, the hardware compatibility problem does not exist.

I suggest that programmer friends can pay more attention to this direction, how mobile apps adapt to the desktop big screen, this may be the next hot area.

< h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > a practical lesson on the principle of small programs</h1>

Mini Programs can be said to be a miracle of China's software industry.

In 2017, WeChat invented this product and was immediately recognized by users. In just a few years, it has blossomed everywhere, and major Internet companies (Alipay, Baidu, Toutiao...) ) followed up with support. In fact, Mini Programs have become an independent development direction, as important as Web and mobile apps.

Correspondingly, Mini Program developers have been hot, the market recruitment demand is huge, and more and more front-end developers are turning to the field of Mini Programs.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

Essentially, applets are ported to web technologies in the mobile app environment. It's all about the web stack, just porting the web engine into app containers. Therefore, learning Web technology well is especially important for Mini Program developers.

This week's course material is the underlying architecture tutorial of the Mini Program, "Building the Mini Program Running Environment in the Browser", which explains how the web engine plays a role as the running environment of the Mini Program. The course is provided by Tencent Classroom's "double certification" institution, Jingcheng Yilan.

It is different from other Mini Program courses, and it takes a different approach to build the running environment of the Mini Program through the browser. There are three lessons in total, which explain the web page essence and browser principle of the Mini Program in depth, help everyone write high-quality, high-performance pages, and achieve smoother rendering effects on mobile phones. The content is especially suitable for developers who already have a basic knowledge of the web and are just entering the field of mini programs.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

Readers who successfully registered can also receive a special course worth 98 yuan "Front-end Interview Abuse Prevention Guide - Handwritten Code".

< h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > technology dynamics</h1>

1. Autonomous truck experiment[5]

An American self-driving company successfully completed the autonomous driving experiment of heavy trucks, driving 1500 kilometers in 14 hours, and human drivers generally need 24 hours to complete.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

Heavy trucks drive slower than regular cars and require long periods of continuous driving, and there is a law in the United States that truck drivers must stop and rest after driving for up to 11 hours continuously. Therefore, autonomous driving has great practical significance for heavy trucks, and it is likely to land in this field first.

2. How to count pearls[6]

There is a Japanese pearl trading company that, for many years, manually counted the number of pearls. They poured the pearls into a small plate with 100 pits in it, or 100 pearls if they were all filled. This count is very slow, and every harvest season, two employees are needed, counting for two full days.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

Now, they use an Android app called "CountThings from Photos", as long as they take a photo of the pearls on the plate, the phone will automatically calculate how many pearls, greatly saving labor, as long as 30 minutes is enough.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History
Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

3. Fingerprint photo[7]

The BBC reported that there was a British drug dealer who had been at large for years and had not been able to catch him by the police. Later, the police found a social media account, suspecting that he was behind it, but there was no evidence.

One day, the account sent a photo of a hand holding a cheese (below), and the police determined that it was the person based on the fingerprints and palm prints on the photo, thus arresting him and sentencing him to 13 years and 6 months.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History


A Dutch graduate student[8] wanted to understand the brain activity of footballers when penalties were taken. He asked the players to put on their brainwave induction helmets and make penalties.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

It turned out that the more unthinking the person, the easier it was to hit the penalty; the more intense the brainwave activity, the less likely it was to be hit.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History


What does the cloud of Mars look like[9]?

The American Curiosity rover sent back photos, and for the first time humans saw clouds on another planet. Because the Martian atmosphere is very thin, Mars does not have very thick clouds, but some very light and thin clouds.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History
Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History


Yushu Technology,[10], a domestic start-up company, has launched a robot dog for the consumer market, priced at 16,000 to 20,000 yuan, and shipped before October.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

This robot dog is able to follow and avoid obstacles autonomously, has a strong ability to maintain balance, and can get up on its own when falling. The load capacity is about 5 kg, and the battery life is 1 hour when moving slowly. Its price is only one-tenth of the similar products of Boston Dynamics in foreign countries.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History


Sun Yat-sen University, China's largest marine research vessel,[11] was delivered in Shanghai on 26 June. With a displacement of 6,880 tons and an endurance of 15,000 nautical miles, the vessel is specially designed for teaching and scientific expeditions at the School of Oceanography of Sun Yat-sen University.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

8. Ultrasonic hearing[12]

The human ear can only hear sound waves between 20 Hz and 20 000 Hz. Scientists at a university in Finland have designed a device that allows humans to hear ultrasound waves above 20,000 Hz.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

The scientists placed the microphone array in a small ball to capture the ultrasound and determine the orientation. This device can turn the ultrasound to the frequency that the human ear can hear, and then play it on the headphones, ensuring that the orientation is the same.

It allows humans to have bat-like ultrasonic sensing capabilities and, in some cases, to quickly locate sound sources.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

< h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > article</h1>

1. The birth and decline of QQ pets[13] (Chinese)

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

QQ pets first appeared in the QQ Lunar New Year edition in early 2005, and were officially launched in June of the same year. A year later, the number of simultaneous online users exceeded 1 million, becoming the world's largest virtual pet brand.

2. Korean Live Dating Game (Chinese)

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

This article introduces a new blind date RPG game launched by a Korean company, which is completely live-action shooting, more like a TV series that can be played. For example, the following image lets the player choose who is dating. According to people who have played it, the experience is not bad, and the plot is interesting.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

3. How to enable database query for static websites[14]

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

The author demonstrates how static websites, such as GitHub Pages, can implement query functionality through SQLite databases without the need for background scripting.

There are two implementation principles for this operation: one is that the SQLite database stores data in pages, each page defaults to 4KB, which can read data per page, and the other is that the front end can use sql .js to simulate a memory file system, thereby realizing page-by-page reading of files. (Submitted @joyc[15])

4. Telegram's Founder and His Dark Empire [16]

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

A lengthy English story from Germany's Der Spiegel magazine about pavel Durov, the 36-year-old founder of the chat software Telegram (pictured above), and the story of Telegram.

5. How to install Windows 11 [17] on an old computer

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

After the beta version of Windows 11 was released, many people found that the old computer could not be installed because of the motherboard BIOS limitations. This article describes one way to circumvent it.

6. StackOverflow code snippets with the most copies [18]

According to one study, the programmer's Q&A website StackOverflow has been copied the most often than a piece of Java code that prints bytes in a human-readable format, such as converting 123,456,789 bytes to 123.5 MB.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

The author of this code wrote this article many years later to analyze the vulnerabilities in his original code.

7. Example of the browser's native proxy function [19]

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

This article teaches you how to bypass access restrictions for sci-hub domain names using the proxy features provided native to the browser.

8、 Docker Compose Quick User Guide [20] (English)

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

A short Docker Compose getting started tutorial that lets you get hands-on understanding how Docker Compose builds multi-container applications.

9. The new HTTP specification eliminates "cookie banners"[21]

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

Due to regulations in the European Parliament, websites abroad have a nasty "cookie banner" that asks users if they accept cookies.

There is now a new HTTP proposal (which has not yet been approved) that allows the user to set it once and the browser can notify the website with an HTTP header without having to place a cookie banner.

< h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > tool</h1>

1、NVIDIA Canvas[22]

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

Nvidia has launched an artificial intelligence photo editing software that can be downloaded for free. The user can automatically generate a photo by simply selecting an object to add ( such as a cloud ) and smudging a few strokes in the corresponding position.


A desktop SSH client for Mac that's all-in-one, simple and free. (Submitted @anlityli[24])


Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

A command-line Git user manager for situations that require different identities to commit code to different repositories. (Submitted @gauseen[26])


Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

A browser plugin that syncs bookmarks across browsers and stores data on GitHub Gist. (Submitted @weavers1f[28])


Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

An AI framework that can automatically generate propositional essays based on the given topics (above) Chinese, reaching the level of high school students' essays. (Submitted @dllen[30])

6、T-Rex Runner[31]

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

The "Dinosaur Jump" mini-game built into the Chrome browser was changed from JavaScript to C by netizens.


Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

An open source web text editor with the main feature of supporting multiple people to edit at the same time.

8. Zero width short URL generator[33]

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

A very creative short URL generator that looks like it generates the same short URL, but actually inserts a different number of zero-width space characters.


Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

A web image tool that zooms in on a picture while maintaining the same clarity.

< h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > resource</h1>

1、Track Awesome List[35]

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

This site collects awesome projects on GitHub, tracks updates to each inventory, and keeps abreast of what resources are being added each day. (Submitted @theowenyoung[36])

2. Stanford University Computer Science Course[37]

This is a Google Docs spreadsheet that collects all the courses at the undergraduate level in Stanford's Computer Science Department, and each course gives the course homepage.

3. Calculation structure[38]

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

The MIT course Computation Structures is a teaching material that introduces the basics of computer architecture, including lecture notes, videos, notes, and more.

4. Commercial video games with source code[39]

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

This page on Wikipedia lists all commercial video games that can be sourced, including open source games and leaked source games.

<h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > picture</h1>

1. Flooded Italian villages[40]

In 1950, the Italian government flooded a small village called Curon in order to build an artificial lake in the mountains. The village has a 14th-century bell tower, which is too high to be completely submerged, forming a spectacle of "towers in the water".

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History
Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History
Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History
Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

2. Lunch on the top of a skyscraper[41]

Lunch on top of a skyscraper is a famous black-and-white photograph taken at a skyscraper site in New York in 1932. Eleven workers sat for lunch on girders atop a skyscraper 256 meters from the street below, without any protective facilities such as seat belts.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

The photographer also looked thrilling.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

But in fact, there is a platform under the girder, which is not as dangerous as it seems. Moreover, the photos are also posed. After the photos were published, many people also came to this place to imitate and take pictures.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

Because the photograph was so famous, New York City later even made it a statue.

Tech Enthusiast Weekly (Issue 165): Full-End App Era Cover Chart This Week's Topic: The Age of Full-End App Mini Program Principles Practice Lesson Technology Dynamics Article Tool Resources Photo Digest Speech This Week in History

< h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > abstract</h1>

1. Why do I publish blog posts publicly? [42]

Over the past eight years, I've published more than 100 articles on my personal website. Someone asked me, why do I keep writing?

I thought about it, writing a blog actually has a lot of benefits for me, so I will be motivated.

(1) It allows me to record what I learned, so that I can go back and find it and review it again!

(2) When I write, I often have new questions to clear my mind and do some extra research, which means that blogging has taught me more on a topic!

(3) Carefully take the time to write out your own writing style and put it on the Internet, which forces you to think about whether what you write makes sense, so as to find out which topics are really valuable.

(4) After the article is published, there will be a lot of reader feedback, which can usually help me improve my writing and learn new knowledge.

(5) My article can help others! I usually write articles because I encounter a very difficult problem, and after exploring and finally finding the answer, I write this answer, and others can refer to similar situations, which makes me feel good.

2. Internet content is temporary[43]

Recently, a friend of mine deleted his blog. In her blog, she recorded her thoughts on many things as a teenager and in her twenties. She may now feel that these views are childish and do not want to save them any longer, so she deleted her blog.

I think it's a pity. Years from now, if she ever wanted to see what she thought when she was younger, she would never have a chance again.

You publish content to the Internet, which is not the same as writing on paper. The contents of paper can be preserved forever, but the Internet cannot. While some online content can persist for decades, it's only because some people or organizations are willing to pay for hosting costs, servers, electricity, and bandwidth. How long content on the internet can exist depends entirely on the values of the party hosting it.

Internet content has a very short duration of existence compared to what is on paper. For most of us, what you post to the internet will soon be gone forever.

Although a lot of online content is worthless, some of it is well written, thought-provoking, and it is a pity that it has disappeared. It's frustrating, and the content that disappears is like an old friend who moved away, and by the time you think of him again, you won't find any trace of him again.

< h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > remarks</h1>


Python is my favorite language, but it's no substitute for Bash. A single line of Bash code can accomplish a task, Python has to write many lines, for example


Command, Python may take 120 lines to implement.

Bash abstracts away the complexity of the command-line environment, which you would have to deal with yourself if you switched to a Python implementation.

-- Hacker News Readers[44]


The latest trend is that software companies want a good enough user experience and don't require user documentation. The approach is to no longer devote dedicated personnel to writing user manuals and instead hire user experience designers.

-- Software Technology Writing is a Dying Profession[45]


There may never be Python 4.0, and we're scared by the upgrade of Python 2 to Python 3.

Guido van Rossum[46], founder of the Python language

In 2012, Oxford University sued a photocopying centre at delhi university in India for copying pirated textbooks for sale to students.

The Delhi High Court ruled that Oxford University had lost the case and that it was not illegal for students to use pirated textbooks. The reason was that the original textbook was priced beyond the affordability of Indian students, and students would never become the plaintiff's customers.

Will Sci-Hub be shut down by Indian courts? 》[47]

As most products become connected products, if you want to buy an unconnected version, you have to pay an additional fee, because manufacturers will not be able to access your personal data and can not push advertisements to you.

-- Hacker News Readers[48]

<h1 toutiao-origin="h2" > this week in history</h1>

2020 (Issue 114): U-disk survival and Uber-job

2019 (Issue 62): Japanese film "The Chronicle of the Boat"

2018 (Issue 11): Programming languages are becoming more complex

<h2 toutiao-origin="h3">References</h2>




Who's Hiring? 》:




Run the Android app:


Self-driving truck experiment:


How to count pearls:


Fingerprint photo:


A Dutch graduate student:


Clouds of Mars:


Domestic startup Yushu Technology:


"Nakayama University":


Ultrasonic hearing:


The birth and decline of QQ pets:


How to Enable Database Queries for Static Websites:




Telegram's founder and his dark empire:


How to install Windows 11:


StackOverflow code snippet that is copied most often:


Example of native proxy functionality for browsers:


Docker Compose Quick User Guide:


The new HTTP specification eliminates "cookie banners":


NVIDIA Canvas:


















T-Rex Runner:




Zero Width Short URL Generator:




Track Awesome List:




Stanford University Computer Program:


Calculation structure:


Commercial video game with source code:


Submerged Italian Village:


Lunch on top of skyscrapers:


Why do I publish blog posts publicly? :


Internet content is temporary:


Hacker News Reader:


Software Technology Writing is a Dying Profession:


Guido van Rossum:


Will Sci-Hub be shut down by Indian courts? 》:


Hacker News Reader:

Read on