
Epilogue to "The Passionate Years of Feng Jiashan"

author:Zhouyuan Square

Li Sanhu

When I wrote about the Construction Project of fengjiashan reservoir, I was not deliberately looking for creative themes, but because I shared the spirit and feelings of that era and generation. Although I did not participate in the Fengjiashan Reservoir Construction Conference, I built the North Trunk Canal during my studies, experienced the labor of leveling the land in the cold winter moon, and caught up with the construction of the Chengbei Pumping Station in the Fengjiashan Project Series after graduating from high school. More importantly, my life experience passed through the most difficult periods of people's lives from the late 1950s to the 1960s and 1970s, leaving too deep a mark of that era. I was deeply touched by the suffering of my fathers and mothers, and the spirit of hard work to create a happy life in the poor land, and when I think of their hard and bitter scenes, tears cannot help but come out of my eyes. Whenever I hear someone tell me about the various scenes of building the Fengjiashan Reservoir, my heart resonates. This kind of touching and resonance finally burned into a strong belief: The Fengjiashan Reservoir is definitely an epic great creation, and the "Foolish Gong Moving Mountains and Transforming China" that broke out in the process of building the Fengjiashan Reservoir and the great spirit of hard struggle and hard work are definitely the most precious memorials left by the people of that era to Chinese history. I must truly record this event and leave it to history and future generations, so that it will become the source of strength for the Chinese nation to enrich the people and strengthen the country from generation to generation. Inspired by this emotion, in 1997 I began to look for the person concerned, collecting information on various aspects, and wrote part of the manuscript based on the only information I had. At that time, it was at the low point of literature, and the work was carried out painstakingly and slowly, but it was never interrupted.

In early 2005, I went back to some of the manuscripts that had been written and was so moved that I was determined to accomplish this difficult task quickly. So I ran around, grasping for any clue to find the person, one after another vivid characters, one after another shocking stories, so that I have been immersed in interviews and writing full of emotional impulses. At that time, the leaders at all levels and the soldiers of the corps were extremely excited when they mentioned the fiery combat life of that year, and some of them couldn't help but wet their eyes, and some even cried in front of me unabashedly. The party's deep feelings for the people and the many advanced figures and stories have touched and inspired me day and night. Many times, when I write about a certain character and a certain scene, I can't help but burst into tears, and even my throat is choked and I can't help but cry. It's not easy for our fathers and mothers! They are too bitter, and their spirit is too touching!

Unfortunately, I can't get in touch with many heroes and people. In 1997, the acting commander-in-chief Gong Shengjun and the deputy commander-in-chief Hao Yaomin, who had been interviewed, were no longer alive when they were contacted. I suddenly felt a heavy burden on my shoulders, and I had to hurry up to rescue the materials and find as many parties and stories as possible. So I sorted out the existing information and linked it to baoji daily to let more people know that someone was doing this. Thanks to Baoji Daily for the first time, the people of Baoji have seen this documentary literature that truly and vividly records the construction project of Fengjiashan Reservoir.

After "Feng Jiashan's Passionate Years" was serialized in Baoji Daily, it caused strong repercussions from all aspects of society, and telephone calls and text messages followed. Unexpectedly and deeply moved, most of the readers did not participate in the construction of the Fengjiashan Reservoir, or they were much younger than I expected, and they became a particularly enthusiastic readership. A reader sent a text message: "'The Passionate Years of Feng Jiashan' makes people sigh and awe-inspiring, those simple as the yellow earth-like fathers and those past events that have been dusted by the years should not be forgotten, pay tribute to the people, pay tribute to the martyrs, and thank the author!" Another reader texted: "The documentary article you wrote is so exciting, the people of Baoji and the cadres of that generation are so cute." Cheng Zhimin, a teacher at Chencang District No. 1 Middle School, sent a text message: "I am a loyal reader of your work, although I have more than 50 years, I only have heard of Feng Jiashan, I can read your works, give me the feeling of immersion, that passion is too touching, your works can be used as spiritual food for contemporary youth, can be written into books, or put on the screen, that will move and inspire more people, let future generations deeply feel the great passion of the ancestors of yesterday!" The daughter of Ran Zhicheng of Jianhe Township, Fufeng County, mentioned in the article, called and said that she was very excited after hearing this, so she asked her husband to find the newspaper, read it many times and used a pen to draw the passage about her father, and burned the newspaper to her father's grave.

In the days after the serialization and serialization of the work, I have been immersed in the motivation of readers, many readers have provided me with new interview clues, encouraging me to print the book as soon as possible. With this passion, I threw myself back into interviews and writing, and found many vivid characters and their deeds. Because the spirit and deeds of the ancestors themselves are already very vivid, I think that as long as these materials can be recorded in place, it is wonderful enough, and when writing, I do not want to exaggerate and rationally imagine the intention of increasing the literary nature of the work, I am afraid that it will destroy the authenticity of this documentary literature; I can tell the respectable reader that all the characters, events, backgrounds and various scenes in this work are absolutely in line with historical truth!

In the process of creating this work, I received the help of many teachers, leaders and colleagues. The leaders and cadres of the feng management bureau organs have provided great convenience for my work from the very beginning; Shen Lianggong, the former chairman of the trade union, has been paying close attention to my work and has enthusiastically put forward many valuable suggestions; Chen Wenrang, the current director of the Feng management bureau, has supported many parties to enable this work to meet with readers at an early date. Teacher Wang Jianzhang, former director of the Municipal Volunteer Office, gave me a variety of written materials such as "Fengjiashan Reservoir Chronicle"; Teacher Li Fengjie, former vice chairman of the Provincial Writers Association and chairman of the Municipal Writers Association, gave me selfless care and guidance for writing. I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all of you. Chang Chongxin, director of the Baoji City Water Conservancy Bureau, used to be my leader, and once gave me great support and trust in my work, after the publication of "The Passionate Years of Feng Jiashan", he wrote a commentary article and personally organized a seminar, which made me very touched and encouraged, and I expressed my heartfelt thanks to the director of the Standing Bureau and the leaders and comrades of the municipal water conservancy system.

There are still many shortcomings and deficiencies in the narrative method of "Feng Jiashan's Passionate Years", and there are also deficiencies, improprieties or errors in the excavation and use of materials, I hope that the majority of readers can put forward valuable criticisms, and also welcome the provision of new information and clues, so that I can revise and improve when I republish according to the reactions of all parties. I will never fail to live up to the encouragement and hope of the vast number of readers, and I must dedicate an excellent work that comprehensively, truly and vividly reflects the spirit of the times and the construction process of the Fengjiashan Reservoir, with historical value and aesthetic value, to the martyrs who sacrificed for the Fengjiashan Project and the leading cadres and soldiers who paid blood and sweat, and to all the readers who are willing to understand and are willing to carefully feel the great spirit of pioneering of our ancestors and have deep respect for our ancestors!


July 2009


"Li Ruishan and Shaanxi's Water Conservancy Undertakings" (Shaanxi Daily, November 21, 1997 weekend edition) Xu Fahong Li Ruilin

"Fengjiashan Reservoir Chronicle", compiled by Fengjiashan Reservoir Management Bureau of Baoji City

"Looking Back" by Yung Duo

"Forty Years of Wealth Management for the People" by Yan Kemin

"A Thousand Lakes Offering Rui", Compiled by Fengjiashan Reservoir Management Bureau of Baoji City

"Monument in the Hearts of the People" Liu Jinru Zhu Zongzhu Feng Zhongxian Yan Fengqi

"Long Tassels in the Hands of the Dragon" Zhang Cong laughed

"The Power of the People is Invincible" Liu Jinru

"Feng Jiashan Battle Life Fragments" Liu Jinru

"Deep Nostalgia, Earnest Hope" Bow Seung-joon

"A Memorial to Feng Jiashan" Liu Qizhe

"A Model of Self-Reliance and Hard Work" Wang Jianzhang

"Unforgettable Years" Lee Wai Man

"All Parties Collaborate to Play a Triumphant Song" Zhu Shule

"For the Source of a Thousand Waters" Chen Jundi

"Chronicle of the Construction of Fengjiashan Reservoir" Rong Duo

"The Invisible Defense Line" Kwon Jing-woo

"Looking at the Project and Remembering the Construction" by Feng Peilin

(In addition, the documents and personnel files of the Fengjiashan Reservoir Management Bureau during the construction period were also consulted)

Primary photo source

Fengjiashan Reservoir Exhibition Hall

Introduction to fengjiashan reservoir irrigation project, edited by Fengjiashan Engineering Headquarters in Baoji City

"Xifu Pearl Fengjiashan", Baoji City Fengjiashan Reservoir Management Bureau, ed

Li Sanhu, a native of Fengming Town, Qishan County, is a member of the Shaanxi Writers Association and the Shaanxi Historical Association. He has published 10 monographs, including the novel "Confused Mountain Villa", the long documentary novel "The Passionate Years of Feng Jiashan", the reportage collection "Into Glory", and the editors of "Qixing Village Chronicle", "Qishan County Water Conservancy Chronicle", "Qishan County Military Chronicle", "Baoji Municipal People's Government Chronicle", "Baoji Tobacco Chronicle", "Baoji City State-owned Assets Supervision Chronicle", "Baoji Central Hospital Chronicle" and other 10 monographs. Literary works and monographs have won awards, and he has been praised as "an amphibious writer of local history and literary creation".

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