
Promote the implementation of rural revitalization policies! Meizhou Xingning held a training meeting on rural revitalization work

author:South Plus client

On October 22, Xingning City held a rural revitalization work conference to train the funds in the town to help the town and help the villages to be included in the national anti-poverty monitoring information system and the special fund management system of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guangdong Province, and to develop and expand the village-level collective economy.

Promote the implementation of rural revitalization policies! Meizhou Xingning held a training meeting on rural revitalization work

A total of 92 people, including Leaders of Xingning City He Zhiping and He Weijian, Zou Yong, head of the Guangzhou Tianhe District Working Group in Xingxing, relevant responsible comrades of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Finance Bureau, and the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau, as well as leaders in charge of various towns (streets), leaders of the support task force stationed in towns (streets), principal responsible persons of the Rural Revitalization Office, and project storage management information officers, attended the training meeting.

At the training meeting, the person in charge of the Rural Revitalization Unit of the Xingning Agricultural and Rural Bureau interpreted the "Guangdong Provincial Rural Revitalization Measures for the Raising and Use of Funds for Helping Towns and Villages in Guangdong Province". The "Supervision Measures" clarifies the proportion of financial funds raised by the provincial level, the Pearl River Delta city and the assisted city, and at the same time makes strict requirements for the supervision of financial funds, delineates the scope of use of the assistance funds, and tries to manage the help funds raised in a list-style manner.

Promote the implementation of rural revitalization policies! Meizhou Xingning held a training meeting on rural revitalization work

Focusing on the requirements of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (Provincial Rural Revitalization Bureau) to conduct performance self-evaluation and verification of the implementation of the annual budget of regional assistance funds, the main speaker focused on the project declaration, project information modification, project fund management, performance targets and other elements to explain and demonstrate, and further clarified the project management and fund use specifications of the villages in the towns.

The relevant person in charge of the Xingning Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs made a detailed interpretation and practical demonstration of the directory of funds stationed in the town to help the town to help the village to be included in the monitoring information system of the national anti-poverty return system, focusing on the poverty alleviation target, the main body of poverty alleviation, the photovoltaic poverty alleviation management, the poverty alleviation fund management poverty alleviation project management and other anti-poverty return information, and put forward specific guidance on the development and expansion of the village collective economic work and the recent work of rural revitalization.

He Zhiping put forward clear requirements for those who participated in the training. First, it is necessary to effectively improve the political position, strengthen leadership and professional guidance, formulate goals, classify implementation, and fully promote the organization and implementation of the fund project for helping towns and villages in towns; second, around the "five upgrading" tasks, comprehensively do a good job in meeting the provincial audit and rural revitalization work, do a good job in preventing and returning to poverty, continue to promote the improvement of human settlements, and strengthen the control and improvement of farm house style. Complete the construction of the provincial poverty village award and supplement project and the provincial poverty village to create a socialist new rural demonstration village and promote the improvement of the living environment and the construction of ecological livable and beautiful villages in the whole area, and do a good job in organizing and implementing the capital project on the basis of making up for the shortcomings and weaknesses; the third is to establish and improve various mechanisms to promote the implementation of the work of rural revitalization in the town and help the town and the village, and effectively promote the high-quality and efficiency of agriculture, the sustained increase of farmers' income, and the long-term development of rural areas.

Through this training, the participants had a more systematic and comprehensive understanding of the policies and measures to consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and the effective connection between rural revitalization, and further improved the planning ability of the dynamic monitoring of poverty prevention and promotion of rural revitalization work projects. Participants at the meeting said one after another that they should take advantage of the good momentum of comprehensive victory in poverty alleviation, earnestly ensure that they have responsibilities on their shoulders, have a clear idea in their hearts, and have tricks in their hands, solidly promote all aspects of rural revitalization, and strive to achieve comprehensive revitalization of rural areas.

[All-media reporter] Zhang Liuqing

[Correspondents] Yuan Ting, Wang Lihua, Chen Kairong

【Author】 Zhang Liuqing

【Source】 Southern Press Media Group South + client

Source: South+ - Create more value


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