
Autumn Equinox Festival, Appreciation of yu xin's "Three Absolute Poems of Master Hekan · Part II" by Yu Xin of the Southern and Northern Dynasties

author:Tang poems, Song poems, ancient poems

"The Three Absolute Poems of Master Hekan II"

【Southern and Northern Dynasties】 Yu Xin

Travel through the years.

There are many old feelings in the old days.

Recently learned Hengyang.

Cross the river at the autumn equinox.

Autumn Equinox Festival, Appreciation of yu xin's "Three Absolute Poems of Master Hekan · Part II" by Yu Xin of the Southern and Northern Dynasties


The guest traveled to other places and experienced many ups and downs, but the travel side gave birth to more hometown feelings.

When the flock of geese crossed south, I wanted to learn to fly south across the Yellow River at the autumn equinox like hengyang geese.


1. Master: A title for a monk.

2. Jī lǚ , also known as "detention brigade". Be a guest.

3. 鴈: "Wild goose".

Autumn Equinox Festival, Appreciation of yu xin's "Three Absolute Poems of Master Hekan · Part II" by Yu Xin of the Southern and Northern Dynasties


This is a farewell poem of the autumn equinox of the poet Yu Xin of the Southern and Northern Dynasties. The Sheng'an Poetry commented on Yu Xin as: "The crown of Liang and the first whip of Tang." Du Fu commented that he was: "Yu Xin's articles are old and more successful, and Ling Yunjian's penmanship is longitudinal. ”

During Hou Jing's rebellion, Yu Xin fled to Jiangling. Later, he was ordered to send an envoy to Western Wei, and because Liang was destroyed by Western Wei, he stayed in the north, and the official rode to the general of the Che Riding General, Kaifu Yi tongsan division, and was known as "Yu Kaifu".

The poet who stayed in the north did not abandon the feelings of home and country, but loved more and more deeply, and wrote many sentences of deep mourning, such as "Those who have lost their souls, only others!" "Yan Ke thinks of Liaoshui, and the Qin people look at Longtou." "A glass of wine in front of you, who talks about the name behind him." Wait a minute. This three poems of Master Hekan are also such a group of sentimental and mournful works. The first and third tracks can serve as footnotes to this one.

"After years of travel", yunke lived in Chang'an for a long time, so he gave birth to the feeling of "looking back at the river embankment" (the third), and the home country was three thousand miles away.

"There are many hometowns", and the longer you travel to other places, the more hometown feelings you have. Only when you leave your hometown and lose your homeland do you know how much you are like a rootless duckweed. The "old feelings" here echo the "old country" in its third, "Whoever speaks of the old country will say goodbye to other places." ”

"Near learning Hengyang Gong", and I am not allowed to cross, and "watch the king's horse to the south" (one), and I can not return, is a meaning, that is, Hengyang geese, horses, mages you can all return to the south, I alone can not return, thinking of this, how not to shed tears?

Autumn Equinox Festival, Appreciation of yu xin's "Three Absolute Poems of Master Hekan · Part II" by Yu Xin of the Southern and Northern Dynasties

"Crossing the river at the autumn equinox" explains the time to bid farewell to the mage, that is, the "autumn equinox" season. The place of farewell is explained in the first song "QinGuan Wangchu Road, Ba'an Wants Jiangtan". "QinGuan" and "Ba'an" are the places where the mages are sent off, that is, Chang'an. "Wangchu Road" and "Thinking of Jiangtan" explain the place where the master wants to go, that is, the poet's hometown and homeland, that is, the Liang Kingdom and the banks of the Yangtze River.

The most wonderful thing about it is the word "ferry". This "crossing" word is the boundary between countries and the choice of different paths in life. How difficult it is to cross from one world to another. Especially in the homeland that can never be reached, it can only be "unable to look back at the moon and the middle of the moon".

When the flock of geese crossed south, the poet wanted to learn to fly south across the Yellow River at the autumn equinox like hengyang geese. In reality, it can only "look back at the river embankment, and the family is gone." ”

On the occasion of the autumn equinox, I wish the great motherland prosperity, and I wish everyone can arrive at their hometown and enjoy the bright moon with their loved ones and spend a good night together!

Author: Yan Yong, Master of Arts. Columnist of "Daily Appreciation" on the learning platform of the Central Propaganda Department. He is a member of the Chinese Poetry Association, a member of the Jiangsu Writers Association, and a member of the third batch of the National Young Writers Class. He has published a collection of literature and history, "Taizhou History: The City by the Salt River", a collection of essays "Reading Travel", and an essay collection "Fengyun Taizhou". He has published more than 500 articles. He is currently the editor of the newspaper.

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