
Shandong Shouguang Historical Celebrity -- Jia Sixun Shouguang Historical Celebrity -- Jia Sixun Has True Feelings in His Heart -- Liang Weisong, Vice Chairman of the Visiting City Artists Association

author:Yang Yongmo

<h1>Shouguang historical celebrity - Jia Sixun</h1>

Shandong Shouguang Historical Celebrity -- Jia Sixun Shouguang Historical Celebrity -- Jia Sixun Has True Feelings in His Heart -- Liang Weisong, Vice Chairman of the Visiting City Artists Association

Shouguang historical celebrity - Jia Sixun

Jia Sixun Was a native of Yidu (present-day Shouguang) of the Northern Wei Dynasty, an agronomist. He served as the Taishou of Gaoyang (present-day northern Linzi, Shandong), and had visited agriculture in present-day Shanxi, Henan, Hebei and other provinces, and had a deep understanding of agricultural production. Around the 1930s and 1940s, he wrote the famous agricultural science masterpiece of ancient China, "Qi Min Zhi Shu".

The whole book of Qi Min Zhi Shu is 10 volumes, 92 articles, and more than 110,000 words. At that time, war was still frequent and the people's livelihood was withering, so Jia Sixun proceeded from the traditional idea of farming, wrote books and lectures, introduced agricultural knowledge, and hoped to enrich the country and the people. The book summarizes the achievements of agricultural production technology in northern China at that time, introduces the methods of intensive cultivation such as seed selection, soaking, fertilization, and crop rotation, imparts some experience in the cultivation of grains, vegetables, fruit trees and trees, and describes the feeding techniques of livestock, poultry, fish, silkworms, etc. From the processing and brewing of agricultural and sideline products to the prevention and control of livestock and poultry diseases, it is also discussed in detail, and tropical and subtropical plants with practical value are also quoted in a large space. As it is said in the Preface to the book: "From the cultivation of the peasants, and finally from the cultivation of the peasants, the inheritance of the subsistence is not finished." ”

Jia Sixun attaches great importance to agricultural production. It is believed that agriculture is the foundation of the people's food and clothing, "it is the head of the government", and only by developing production is the way to enrich the people and strengthen the country. He advocated the implementation of a policy of rewarding farming, the adoption of agricultural science and technology, the reform of the farming system, and the construction of water conservancy for irrigation. He advocated frugality and long-term planning, and praised the Han Dynasty's summoning of letters to "prohibit dowry and send the end of luxury, and be frugal." The admonition that "poverty comes from embarrassment" is because it is used inexorably and neglects to accumulate. He said that "there is a world and insufficient use, and the soup has 70 miles and more than enough", and the reason is that "it is used to save".

Jia Sixun's academic attitude is rigorous. In order to write this book, he "collected the scriptures, the songs, the inquiry of the old, and the examination of the deeds." The book cites a large number of ancient agricultural books and miscellaneous works, and refers to the results of agronomic research of predecessors. Extensive collection of folk proverbs and songs, interviews with experienced old farmers, and emphasis on summarizing practical experience. And personally observe and experiment. It can be seen from this that Jia Sixun's attitude towards learning is serious and meticulous.

The book "Qi Min Zhi Shu" was originally only recorded in the folk, and it was not until the Northern Song Dynasty that it was officially printed and issued to envoys to persuade farmers to guide agricultural production. Since then, it has been copied and printed in more than 20 editions, and has been widely cited by other agricultural books and miscellaneous works. During the Tang Dynasty, this book was introduced to Japan, and more than 20 translations have been published in the world today, and there are many works that study this book. Its excellent scientific content has a profound impact on agricultural production at that time and in later generations, and is not only a precious cultural heritage of the motherland, but also a pearl in the history of ancient natural science in the world.

This portrait was created by Mr. Liang Weisong, Vice Chairman of the Shouguang City Artists Association

<h1>There is true affection in the heart </h1>

<h1>——Liang Weisong, vice chairman of the Visiting City Artists Association</h1>

Shandong Shouguang Historical Celebrity -- Jia Sixun Shouguang Historical Celebrity -- Jia Sixun Has True Feelings in His Heart -- Liang Weisong, Vice Chairman of the Visiting City Artists Association

Liang Weisong, male, university degree. Associate researcher of Shandong Shouguang City Culture Center, member of Shandong Artists Association, member of Weifang Municipal CPPCC Committee, director of Weifang Municipal CPPCC Chinese Culture Promotion Association, painter of Liu Dawei Character Painting Advanced Study Class of Rongbaozhai Painting Institute, top talent expert of Shouguang City, vice chairman of Shouguang Artists Association.

Seeing Liang Weisong, he had just returned from a sketch in Hui'an, Fujian Province, and he was interviewed by reporters despite the fatigue of the journey. Entering his studio, the reporter was greeted by a wall full of portraits of people, all of whom were celebrities in Shouguang's history. A few years ago, when the CCTV program team wanted to record the portraits of Shouguang historical celebrities, they needed portraits of these historical figures, and at that time, the leaders of the cultural center approached Liang Weisong and gave him only a week to complete the work. He created based on the historical records, life deeds, image descriptions and character characteristics expressed by relatives, each character was painted vividly, as if restoring history, CCTV program team was very satisfied after receiving the work, so that the program could be perfectly presented.

From Zhiqing to Provincial Party Committee Confidential Officer Painting has always been his favorite

Art is talent plus the efforts of the day after tomorrow, every accomplished artist, from a young age, planted the seed of "art" in his heart, Liang Weisong is no exception, from a young age to like graffiti, he showed excellent talent for painting. At that time, the school wanted to run a blackboard newspaper, teacher Sun Jiazhu let the students write or draw on the spot, the students played freely, to see who wrote a good picture, and then the teacher selected four students, including Liang Weisong. He said: "The four students who run the blackboard newspaper have different divisions of labor, and the good writing is specially written on the blackboard newspaper, and the teacher sees that I draw well, so he asks me to draw lace and illustrations on the blackboard newspaper. At that time, I created portraits of people in school with red, yellow, pink and other color chalk, especially human skin, mixed these colors, and then rubbed them with my hands to make the skin color of the characters softer, look more realistic and more natural, and the character paintings I created were praised by the principal and teachers. After graduating from high school, the principal asked Me and Wang Sicheng to draw mechanical wall charts in physics class at school, and it was more than a month at that time. ”

After graduating from high school, Liang Weisong caught up with the knowledge youth and went to the countryside, and was assigned to the Sanguanmiao Brigade and was elected as the leader of the Zhiqing Group. When the leaders learned that he had a talent for painting, he was seconded by the commune to the production and water conservancy headquarters to paint a propaganda column, which was some propaganda posters on production and policy aspects such as harvest grabbing, seed grabbing, and water conservancy. A year later, the General Office of the Shandong Provincial CPC Committee recruited key personnel throughout the province on the condition that young people with outstanding knowledge who did not have any historical problems and were "red and specialized" went to the countryside, and the political examination was very strict, and they must be very good in work and "red and specialized" in politics. At that time, Liang Weisong met all the conditions, and after that, he was successfully selected to work as a confidential officer in the provincial party committee.

Teachers laid the foundation of art to return to their hometown Shouguang to concentrate on art

After Liang Weisong came to work in the provincial party committee, the environment was different, the people he came into contact with were different, the realm of people was higher, and the cultural level was also higher. Liang Weisong said: "After arriving at the provincial party committee, I came into contact with Tang poetry and Song Ci, and for the first time I heard about Zhang Zeduan's Qingming River Map, Qi Baishi's Shrimp, Wu Zuoren's Camel, Xu Beihong's Horse, Huang Gui's Donkey, etc., and I knew the names of contemporary front-line people and their works, and my thinking was greatly broadened, which enhanced my new understanding of painting. At that time, when I was paid, I went to buy books, rice paper, brushes, ink, colors and other painting supplies. At that time, there were few Chinese painting books sold, and the conditions in the provincial party committee were the best, and Xinhua Bookstore set up a book point in the provincial party committee, which could buy Chinese painting books that ordinary people could not buy. At that time, after work, I struggled to copy according to the book, and pen drawings, sketches, and Chinese paintings all went to great lengths. On Saturdays and Sundays, I often went to Jinan Railway Station, Thousand Buddha Mountain, Yellow River Luokou and other crowded places to sketch, contacting the faces of all kinds of people, especially the people waiting for the train in the train gate, basically sitting still, at that time, drawing sketch characters, they were very good models, at that time, painting character painting reached a degree of obsession. My mother came to Jinan to visit me and asked me what I liked to eat, and I said, I don't pay attention to eating, or use money to buy rice paper! At that time, I wanted to save the money I saved to buy rice paper and painting supplies. ”

After a year of working in the provincial party committee, just in time for the Renaissance, the Jinan Workers' Cultural Palace opened an art class, and the written test enrolled 20 students. Liang Weisong said: "Catching up with such a good opportunity, I signed up, took the propositional exam on the spot, and a week later, I received the admission letter. My first teacher was Wu Zehao, the former chairman of the Jinan Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature and a proud disciple of Guan Shanyue, who was the class teacher of the art class at that time. I learned to draw figure painting with teacher Wu Zehao, teacher Wu Zehao is particularly fond of me, Saturdays and Sundays often ask me to go to his home 'open a small stove' on-site demonstration painting, classes often talk about theory more, go to the teacher's home to demonstrate on the spot, theory combined with practice, play a role in finishing touches, and the artistic progress is very fast. "Later, through the introduction of teacher Yin Yi, I met Mr. Wu Shanming, vice president of Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House, and then studied small freehand character painting with Wang Jingchun." The theories, concepts, techniques, etc. of art were formed at that time with two mentors, who taught me the essence of their art without reservation, which benefited me for a lifetime. Art pays attention to the teacher's inheritance, it is a great blessing to meet a teacher with a high degree of art, the famous teacher with the famous apprentice, standing on the shoulders of the giant to take a lot of detours, the teacher's puzzle and guidance, in the development of art a step faster, especially the formation of artistic style, basic skills, are inseparable from the teacher's teaching and leadership. Liang Weisong sighed.

After five years of working in the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, liang Weisong hoped that he could engage in professional painting because of his obsession with painting, and at that time, he wanted to return to the cultural center in shouguang, his hometown. "The Shouguang Cultural Center lacks artistic talents for small freehand figure painting, and I very much want to return to my hometown Shouguang to work, at that time, it was not an easy task to do the transfer, the provincial party committee did not let me go, and I had to go through the examination to enter the Shouguang Cultural Center, and the transfer encountered many difficulties, and later, my teacher found the director of the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee, and it was difficult to help me transfer back to Shouguang and enter the Shouguang Cultural Center." Liang Weisong said.

Constantly pursuing the true meaning of art, the charm of the ink is constantly sublimated

In order to pursue a higher artistic essence, Liang Songwei constantly went to a higher art hall to explore. In 2000, he was admitted to the Advanced Training Course on Chinese Painting Figures sponsored by the Training Center of the China Artists Association, and his art was continuously sublimated by teachers such as Chengtian Liming, Du Ziling, Zhang Daoxing, He Jiaying, Chen Yuming, Ren Huizhong, Li Naizhou, mei Qilin and other teachers. In 2010, he was admitted to the National Art Theory and Calligraphy and Painting Creation Seminar held by Tsinghua University, where he studied under Shi Guoliang, Zhang Daoxing, Huo Chunyang, Mei Mosheng, Li Kuisheng and other ten tutors, and his art progressed by leaps and bounds. In 2013, he was admitted to the Beijing Rongbaozhai Liu Dawei Character Painting Advanced Study Class, more systematically learning new knowledge of figure painting, adhering to the "art from life" advocated by Liu Dawei, one hand reached out to tradition, the other hand reached out to life, adhering to the combination of innovation and life of Chinese painting, the road of human body sketching in the classroom and going out to sketch in ethnic minority areas is a milestone leap in art.

From life to life, only close to life and personal experience is the source of artistic creation, in order to create excellent works worthy of the times, in order to impress people's heartstrings. Liang Weisong, who has free time, goes to ethnic minority areas to sketch, he said: "The ethnic costumes, headdresses and costumes of ethnic minorities are more challenging for me, and the paintings make the characters more nuanced and the pictures more plump and delicate. ”

Since 1988, his works have won two special prizes in the National Calligraphy and Painting Art Exhibition sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, the China Federation of Literature and Literature, and the Provincial Artists Association, and more than 60 times, including the first prize, gold medal and silver award. The constant pursuit of art, his works continue to win awards and get people's favor.

His figure paintings are lyrical and expressive, and he constantly innovates and transcends himself

Engaged in figure painting for 41 years, Liang Weisong admired Tang dynasty brushwork and inherited the excellent tradition of figure painting in the Tang Dynasty. As a contemporary painter, his works include ancient people, modern people, and portrayals of modern life, and he is always looking for the fit between tradition and modernity. In the intentional image taking, pen and ink management, the curve, rigidity and softness, and the square circle of the "Eighteen Strokes" are kneaded, paying attention to the interest of modeling, seeing the truth in the clumsiness, and showing vitality in simplicity and thickness.

Throughout his paintings, the characters depicted are always painted with refined brush and ink, the form and spirit are lush, the brush is free and quite legal, the ink color is smooth and dignified, and the lyricism is conveyed, so that the paintings are full of vitality and rich breath of life, giving people a new artistic enjoyment. His figure paintings are delicate and rigorous, meticulous, and his works are elegant and beautiful, like reading a poem with a fresh style, which makes people reverie and enlightening. There is a quiet and peaceful mood in his paintings. His paintings are touching, because his paintings have figures that you have skimmed past, which looks exceptionally beautiful in the hustle and bustle of the world.

When art changes its flavor in the impetuousness of some modern people, Liang Weisong still adheres to his original intention, from his meticulous creation of comic strips to the meticulous pen paintings and sketches depicted in detail, with the unremitting pursuit of art, many of his characters show his silky mood, full of infinite warmth, so that people's emotions are cathartic and their hearts are purified.

Nowadays, Liang Weisong's fresh and bright, colorful, and life-rich character paintings have been affirmed by more and more people, and his works are calm and calm, frank and rigorous, with thick and old-fashioned brushes, with fresh ink colors, the changes of writing, the beauty of lyrical sources, the lofty thinking, the unique happiness, and a solid step forward in the innovation of character painting. But he is not satisfied with the achievements he has made, he is still not impetuous, not ostentatious, continue to march on the road of artistic exploration, constantly innovating and self-transcending.

Shouguang Daily all-media reporter Cao Shurong

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