
The article explains thoroughly (Dongyuan Tripartite) - Zhongjiao spleen and stomach commonly used recipes

author:TCM Dr. Ye

Dongyuan Sanfang, namely Shengyang Scattered Fire Soup, Shengyang Yi stomach soup, and tonic and beneficial qi soup, is the representative formula of Li Dongyuan's spleen and stomach theory in the JinYuan period, and it is also the classic formula that can best reflect the spleen and spleen.

1, Sheng Yang scattered fire soup: chai hu, cohosh, Qiang huo, du huo, kudzu root, ginseng, white peony, raw licorice, hot licorice, ginger, jujube.

2, Sheng Yang stomach soup: chai hu, qiang huo, du huo, windproof, ginseng, white peony, white art, poria, ze diarrhea, licorice, tangerine peel, astragalus, half summer, huanglian, ginger, jujube.

3. Tonic soup: chai hu, cohosh, ginseng, baishu, tangerine peel, angelica, licorice, ginger, jujube.

Points of similarities and differences

1. Common points: all three parties can supplement the spleen and stomach, shengqingyang, spleen and stomach medicine + wind medicine.

2, the differences: Shengyang scattered fire soup main treatment of spleen deficiency is lighter, spleen and stomach qi is blocked by cold and cold, Qingyang must not be divergent, to consciously limb fever (normal body temperature) as the dialectical point, to the wind medicine as the king, divergence is the mainstay, the disease is more real. Shengyang Yi stomach soup spleen deficiency degree is heavier than the former, after the main treatment of spleen deficiency spleen wet stomach heat, Yang Qi is contained, to consciously feel the fever of the limbs (body temperature is normal), moss yellow thick as the dialectical point, the condition of the virtual and real mixed, in addition to the wind medicine, spleen and stomach medicine, with porphyry, Ze diarrhea, tangerine peel, half summer dry wet medicine and bitter cold Huang Lianqing stomach heat. The spleen deficiency of the tonic qi soup is the heaviest, and the main treatment of the middle qi is sagging, with the small abdomen falling and the fever around the body (body temperature rising) as the dialectical points, and the condition is weak.

How to identify spleen deficiency: In addition to the common symptoms of spleen deficiency such as lack of food, sluggishness, bloating, stool is not thin or loose, fatigue, laziness and other symptoms of spleen deficiency, the tongue body can be checked as a reference.

1. Mild spleen deficiency: fat tongue or slight tooth marks

2. Moderate spleen deficiency: the tongue is fat and has obvious tooth marks

3. Depression in mid-air: the tongue is fat and has obvious tooth marks + small abdomen bloating

The article explains thoroughly (Dongyuan Tripartite) - Zhongjiao spleen and stomach commonly used recipes

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