
|, August 3 New Early Reading! Madame Tussauds: This is fake

author:Daily News
|, August 3 New Early Reading! Madame Tussauds: This is fake

【Today's Weather】

Day to night: cloudy and cloudy

(Jizhou, Baodi, Wuqing cloudy to cloudy with scattered showers)

Breeze, 31 to 25 °C

【Limit tail number】

Limit tail numbers: 2 and 7

|, August 3 New Early Reading! Madame Tussauds: This is fake

--- Tianjin Airlines: These regions can be refunded and changed free of charge

It was learned from Tianjin Airlines that in order to do a good job in the prevention and control of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, Tianjin Airlines, a subsidiary of HNA, has issued special refund and reform regulations, and passengers involved in domestic flights in and out of Nanjing, Dalian, Chengdu, Chongqing, Changsha, Hengyang and Huaihua can enjoy free refund and change services.

--- Tianjin 2021 General Undergraduate Batch B Stage Solicitation Voluntary Admission Results can be checked

According to the arrangements and deployment of the Municipal Education Commission, the recruitment of volunteer admissions in the B stage of the general undergraduate batch of general college enrollment in Tianjin in 2021 has been completed, and a total of more than 2950 new students have been admitted. So far, more than 9180 new students have been admitted to the B stage of the general undergraduate batch. According to the number of vacancies in the B stage of the general undergraduate batch and the volunteer filling in the volunteer situation of the candidates, the Municipal Higher Education Recruitment Office determined the score line of the general undergraduate batch B stage of the general undergraduate batch this year: 441 points. From 10:00 a.m. on August 2, candidates can inquire about the results of the general undergraduate batch B stage by logging on to the website of the admissions institution, the recruitment information network (, the China Construction Bank APP, the China Merchants Bank APP, etc.

--- a car on the Morning Peak Weiguo Road to avoid another car hit the guardrail and then burst the tire

At about 7:00 a.m. on the morning of the 2nd, Weiguo Road in Hedong District went from Taixing South Road to Weikun Bridge, and a black car rushed to the middle of the road to avoid other cars during the drive, and after hitting the guardrail for more than ten meters, the vehicle burst tire and stopped in one lane, and no one was injured. The accident occupies a lane, causing slow traffic in this direction of Weiguo Road.

|, August 3 New Early Reading! Madame Tussauds: This is fake
|, August 3 New Early Reading! Madame Tussauds: This is fake

--- the State Council established the "7.20" exceptionally heavy rainstorm disaster investigation team in Zhengzhou, Henan

Since July 17, Henan Province has suffered extreme heavy rainfall, especially on July 20, when Zhengzhou suffered exceptionally heavy rainfall, causing heavy casualties and property damage. In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on flood prevention and disaster relief and the instructions of Premier Li Keqiang and other central leading comrades, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the State Council decided to set up an investigation team, led by the Ministry of Emergency Management and with the participation of relevant parties, to investigate the "7.20" exceptionally heavy rainstorm disaster in Zhengzhou, Henan. The investigation team hired experts to provide technical support for the investigation. The investigation team will investigate and evaluate the disaster response process in accordance with laws and regulations, seek truth from facts, scientifically rigorously, comprehensively and objectively, summarize the lessons learned in disaster response, propose disaster prevention and mitigation improvement measures, and hold accountable and hold accountable for the existence of dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty in accordance with laws and regulations.

--- the China Performance Industry Association spoke out about the Wu Yifan incident, and the Wu Yifan case sounded an alarm bell for the entire performing arts industry

The China Performance Industry Association spoke out on the Wu Yifan incident on the 2nd. It said that the many problems exposed by Wu Yifan's case not only have educational and warning significance for the whole society, but also sound an alarm for the entire performing arts industry. Behind the showbiz stars, if there is a lack of professionalism, occupation, and social responsibility of the acting agency, there is a hidden short-sighted capital for the purpose of "cutting leeks", can not correctly guide the behavior of artists, and there is no healthy and long-term growth plan, and even "cover up" and "protect the ugly" for them, and openly "help evil". For such behaviors that directly corrupt the social atmosphere and lower the bottom line of morality and conscience, the performing arts industry will resolutely resist, and artists who violate the law and morality will also enter the industry 'blacklist' and severely punish them according to the relevant self-discipline measures.

|, August 3 New Early Reading! Madame Tussauds: This is fake

--- an old man in Zhuzhou refused to take his body temperature and broke into the market: I just meant it, shoot it

According to @青蕉 video message: August 1, Zhuzhou, Hunan. When an old man entered the Jindu clothing market, he did not wear a mask correctly, refused to measure his body temperature, and refused to check the health code. In the face of police persuasion, the old man's attitude was very arbitrary, saying, "I just meant it, you shoot." In the end, the old man was persuaded by the police to leave, and the market management staff said that this was also done to ensure the health of the market operator. According to the Zhuzhou Municipal Health Commission on the 2nd, on August 1, Zhuzhou City added 6 new cases of asymptomatic infection, since July 29, Zhuzhou City has reported a total of 17 cases of asymptomatic infection, of which 3 cases were confirmed on August 1.

|, August 3 New Early Reading! Madame Tussauds: This is fake

--- old man painted King Eight on his private car with paint: Hinder us from playing Tai Chi!

According to @ time video news: On July 29, in a riverside park in Jiangyou, Sichuan, a group of uncles and aunts who practiced in the morning thought that private cars hindered them from playing tai chi, so they scribbled on the car with white paint. The photos show that the three words "Wang Bache" are written on the windows of the private car, and a turtle is painted on the hood. Afterwards, the police found several uncles and aunts involved. On August 2, the police of the Sanhe police station said that the matter was under investigation and processing.

|, August 3 New Early Reading! Madame Tussauds: This is fake

--- rumors about Shijiazhuang's "epidemic prevention and control upgrade notice"? Okay!

On the 2nd, the Shijiazhuang Chang'an Public Security Bureau officially issued a police information circular: Recently, a netizen in our city, Liu Mou (a native of Xinhua District), released the "Epidemic Prevention and Control Upgrade Notice" information in the WeChat group in the name of "Shijiazhuang Municipal General Office Epidemic Prevention and Control Office" without verification. This information has been verified to be false. At present, the netizen Liu Mou has been administratively detained by the Chang'an Branch bureau for 5 days in accordance with the law.

The general public is invited to take the initiative to pay attention to and publicize official information, do not forward any gossip that has not been certified by authoritative institutions, consciously resist the release and dissemination of false information, and jointly maintain a good network environment during the epidemic prevention and control period; strictly implement personal protection measures, scientifically standardize the wearing of masks, frequent hand washing, regular ventilation, and maintain a safe social distance of more than 1 meter; advocate a healthy lifestyle, actively vaccinate against the new crown virus, and do a good job of health monitoring for themselves and their families.

|, August 3 New Early Reading! Madame Tussauds: This is fake

--- Madame Tussauds Shanghai: Wu Yifan's wax figure has been removed earlier, and the wax figure in prison clothes is fake

According to @ surging news: At about 9:50 on August 2, the reporter learned from the on-site staff of Madame Tussauds Wax Museum that Wu Yifan's wax statue had been removed earlier. Previously, the web rumored that the wax figure of the prisoner's uniform was fake.

|, August 3 New Early Reading! Madame Tussauds: This is fake

--- news that Hong Kong singer Wong Yiu-ming was arrested by the Independent Commission Against Corruption on the morning of the 2nd

Hong Kong's "Sing Tao Network" just quoted the news that singer Wong Yiu Ming was arrested by the Independent Commission Against Corruption on the morning of the 2nd.

--- University professor who called himself a Canadian when he was drunk driving: Shoot

According to @ Boiling Point Video News: Recently, in Qingdao, Shandong, a traffic police video of drunk driving was hot, and a driver who called himself a "Canadian" had a bad attitude when he was tested for drunk driving, and asked the traffic police to shoot him to death. On August 1, @Zhao Qiang xj issued an apology saying that on the evening of July 30, in the process of checking drunk driving at night by the Laoshan traffic police, because of some improper words and deeds of myself, causing adverse effects, I regret and feel uneasy, and hereby solemnly apologize to the Laoshan traffic police. According to his personal account, he is a distinguished professor at York University in Canada.

|, August 3 New Early Reading! Madame Tussauds: This is fake
|, August 3 New Early Reading! Madame Tussauds: This is fake

--- Tokyo has increased by 2,195 confirmed cases of new crown in a row of more than 2,000 cases for a week

According to Japan's NHK TELEVISION, there were 2,195 new confirmed cases in Tokyo, Japan on the 2nd, more than 2,000 cases for a consecutive week, 766 more than last Monday (July 26).

|, August 3 New Early Reading! Madame Tussauds: This is fake

--- half a month, North Korea condemned the United States four times on the matter

According to Yonhap News Agency Seoul reported on August 2, North Korea once again condemned the United States for interfering in Cuba's internal affairs on August 2, inciting anti-government demonstrations and riots in Cuba. Quoting North Korea's statement, the report said: "The intention of the United States is clear, that is, to influence anti-government forces and stir up anti-Cuba sentiment around the world in order to seek to incite civil unrest." This is the fourth time since July 16 that North Korea has condemned the United States for creating instability in Cuba. The report also said that in the context of the stalemate in the DPRK-US nuclear negotiations, North Korea has been seeking to maintain close relations with traditional friendly countries such as Cuba.

--- the IOC refused to call on Olympians to observe a moment of silence on nuclear bombing day

According to Japan's Kyodo News Agency, the Tokyo Olympic Games Organizing Committee revealed on the 1st that for the "Hiroshima Nuclear Explosion Day" on August 6 during the Tokyo Olympic Games, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) will not take the response of calling on athletes and Olympic-related people to observe a moment of silence. Earlier, the Hiroshima City and Hiroshima Prefecture Nuclear Bomb Victims Group Agreement made a written request calling for "silence" at 8:15 a.m. on the anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb.

--- American shot put player wearing a gas mask competition caused dissatisfaction among Japanese netizens

According to the US National Public Radio reported on August 1, the American female shot put player Raven Sanders, who called herself the "Hulk", won the silver medal in the women's shot put final at the Tokyo Olympics, and her exaggerated shape attracted attention. American Marvel comic superhero Bruce Banner undergoes a physical mutation due to accidental radiation, and whenever he is emotionally excited, he will transform into a green giant monster named "Hulk". Sanders split his hair in two, dyed purple on the left and green on the right, wearing a Hulk Hulk mask to mimic Hulk and put himself into "high-energy mode." According to the report, Sanders said that in the process of coping with psychological problems, he also learned to distinguish between different states of self and find inner peace like Banner controlled the Hulk. However, this "gas mask" mask has aroused criticism from many Japanese netizens, who regard this move as a satire on Japan's epidemic prevention. But Sanders said, "The quirky outfit is my way of showing friendliness, and I don't care if people like it or not." ”

|, August 3 New Early Reading! Madame Tussauds: This is fake

--- a Greek weightlifter announced his retirement from poverty after the Tokyo Olympics

Greek weightlifter Thodoris Iakovidis announced on July 31 after the Tokyo Olympics that he could no longer continue his sporting career due to financial difficulties. His plight quickly caused a huge reaction in Greek society, and within 24 hours, a large number of people and institutions had donated money to him to encourage him to continue his weightlifting campaign. Jacovidis represented Greece at the 2016 Summer Olympics, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2021 European Championships and other major international events, and this year again participated in the Tokyo Olympic Games as a member of the Greek team.

|, August 3 New Early Reading! Madame Tussauds: This is fake

--- a South Korean man who bit off his tongue during sexual assault and accused the woman of intentional injury was sentenced to 3 years in prison

On August 2, the Busan District Court in South Korea ruled in the first instance in a case of sexual assault and injury, convicting the defendant of imprisonment and assaulting injuries, and the defendant was sentenced to three years in prison, mandatory 40 hours of sexual violence treatment, and banned from working in child, adolescent and disability welfare institutions for three years. The defendant appealed against the verdict. According to South Korean media, the incident occurred in July 2020. After the male defendant found the drunken woman on the side of the road, he drove her to the wild mountains. Subsequently, the man tied the woman to a strong kiss with pre-purchased tape, but was fiercely resisted, and the tongue was bitten off by 3 centimeters. The man was so angry that he injured the woman's mouth on the spot and ran to the police, saying that the woman had bitten off his tongue while voluntarily kissing him. The woman sued the man for allegedly assaulting and causing injuries.

|, August 3 New Early Reading! Madame Tussauds: This is fake

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