
Persian poet Saadi's "Orchard" story 25

author:Persian literature and language
Persian poet Saadi's "Orchard" story 25

Persian poet Sadie

Persian poet Saadi's "Orchard" Story 25 (translated by Yang Wanbao)

I heard that there was a noble king in Egypt,

He was seriously ill and had a short lifespan.

Originally radiant, now it has lost its luster,

He is about to die and hangs like a remnant of the sun in the sky.

The doctors looked at each other helplessly,

No panacea could be found to liberate him.

The only thing that never dies is the kingdom of Allah,

All the rivers and mountains are like water rushing through.

I heard that the king was dying in the world,

Say these words intermittently

In Egypt I am so famous that I am supreme,

The great kingdom is worth nothing to me.

I have conquered the world and gathered money,

But now he walks away like a beggar.

Gather money, the world belongs to you,

The best policy should be to give alms and enjoy themselves.

You should use money to do good deeds and good deeds forever,

There is infinite remorse in the heart when there is money and there is no need to die.

Waiting to fall on the bed and die,

Tossing and turning but it was too late to regret it.

Then a hand will hold your throat,

I want to say a word and there is no sound.

You will give money with one hand to help the needy,

Retract one hand and don't be greedy, don't mutilate others.

You're going to pull out the spikes, while you still have the strength,

You won't be able to lift the corpse in the future.

The sun, moon, and Pleiades will continue to radiate light,

Enter the tomb and your head can no longer be raised.

The article was edited and published by today's headline "Persian Literature and Language", and synchronized with platforms such as Weibo.

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