
Basket reading history 32 ~ Zhang Yi I believe you a ghost

author:Look up to Huizhou

The love of the students in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods is difficult to describe.

  We have already seen Li Si and Han Feizi, and because of jealousy of Han Feizi's talent, Li Si poisoned Han Feizi.

  There are also Pang Juan and Sun Zhen, Pang Juan gave Sun Zhi a "facelift", and Sun Zhen finally counterattacked.

  From ancient times to the present, envy, jealousy and hatred have accompanied human civilization in the opposite direction.

  Zhang Yi and Su Qin are also a good pair of classmates. Su Qin is a Luoyi person, roughly equivalent to the hukou of a municipality directly under the central government of Beijing, this is a person with a story, Zhang Yi is a Wei national, this is also a person with a story.

  They were both doctoral students at Mr. Oniguzi, an elocution major at Nanxiang Technical School, and at first both of them were discouraged.

  When Su Qin returned to his hometown, his relatives and friends each came to see him, taunted him, or sneered at him. Later, when Su Qin returned to his hometown with the Six Kingdoms Xiangyin, the relatives and friends who mocked him at that time lay on the ground and prostrated themselves to him.

  Su Qin asked, why is it so front and back?

  His faceless and skinless sister-in-law replied: "Because uncle, you have come back this time with a lot of money and a lot of money."

  How can there be such a shameless person in the world?

  Su Qin's classmate Zhang Yi is known for being studious at school, and when he reads good words and sentences, he hurriedly writes them on the palm of his hand or on his thighs, and at night he goes home to cut bamboo in the bamboo forest, and engraves the chicken soup for the soul he remembers on bamboo, which we call "Zhang Yi folding bamboo".

  After he graduated, he first went to Chu country to find a job, and once had the honor to attend Chu Xiang's reception. An unexpected situation occurred at the cocktail party, a piece of Jade of Chu Xiang was lost, and his family turned their suspicious eyes to Zhang Yi, saying: "He must have stolen it, this person is poor and obscene." ”

  So I arrested him and beat him up.

  After returning home, his wife said: "What books to read and what eloquence, the result is a great shame." ”

  Zhang Yi asked, "Can you help me see if my tongue is still there?" ”

  His wife laughed and said, "The tongue is still there." ”

  "As long as the tongue is still there, I can make a comeback."

  Zhang Yi and Su Qin persuaded the monarchs of various countries by virtue of their three-inch tongue, and diplomats, lawyers, and tour guides have eaten by mouth throughout the ages.

  One day Zhang Yi suddenly received a text message from Su Qin: "Good classmate, I mixed well in Zhao Guo, remembering that we are good friends, why not come to Zhao Guo together to make meritorious achievements?" ”

  Zhang Yi borrowed a battery car and set off for Zhao Guo overnight.

  Rushed to Su Qin's door and asked for a call.

  The king of Yan was good to see, the little devil was difficult to pester, and Su Qin's protégé seemed to be very difficult to speak, and he looked down on Zhang Yi.

  Zhang Yi wandered at the door of Su Qin's house for several days, and finally he waited for Su Qin.

  What was surprising was that Su Qin said coldly and condescendingly to him: "Aren't you very capable?" How did it mix up like this? This is too much for me to imagine, you haven't eaten yet, right? In a moment my servants and my servants will be ready to eat, and you should eat with them. ”

  Zhang Yi was furious and vowed revenge.

  He left the Zhao Kingdom, thinking that the only one who could fight the Zhao Kingdom was the Qin State, so I went to the Qin State to try my luck.

  This time Zhang Yi's luck was good, he met a local tycoon on the way, drove him, and gave him gold and silver treasures. When I arrived in the Qin Kingdom, I ate and drank enough, bathed and changed my clothes, changed into a beautiful suit, and finally met King Hui of Qin and was left by the king's side.

  The local tycoon bid farewell to Zhang Yi, and Zhang Yi said movingly: "How can the great grace and great virtue repay it?" ”

  The local tycoon then told: "It is not that I want to help you, the person who understands you and helps you is your classmate Su Qin, who is afraid that you are greedy for enjoyment and delay your future, so he secretly helps you." ”

  Li Si killed his classmates, and Su Qin invigorated his classmates.

  This is called true classmate love.

  Zhang Yi became Qin Xiang and sent a diplomatic letter to Chu Xiang: "I didn't steal your family's jade, you sent someone to beat me; now you have to take good care of your country, oh, I won't steal your jade, I will send someone to steal your city." ”

  I don't know what kind of mood Chu Pingshi felt when he received this letter, in short, Zhang Yi was very enjoyable.

  The most famous diplomacy of the Warring States period was the combination of vertical and horizontal, and the most popular figure was this pair of classmates.

  After the Qin state changed the law from the Shang martingale, the family was dominant, peeping into other countries, with the intention of annexing the six kingdoms and unifying the world.

  Therefore, Su Qin engaged in a grand alliance of international alliances, basically using the method of intimidation, Qi Chuyan, Zhao Hanwei, and the common respect for him as the chief of the covenant, just like the secretary general of the United Nations today, very imposing.

  Zhang Yi xiangqin wanted to disintegrate the six kingdoms, he was engaged in a plan of continuous horizontal, and I made a summary of the method of persuasion in his speech, which was nothing more than emotion, understanding reason, coercion, and inducement.

  Qu Yuan once said that the Qin state is the master of tigers and wolves, and other countries are nothing more than rabbits and foxes.

  So Zhang Yi's lobbying was not smooth sailing, but he knew what the Six Kingdoms wanted, to be safe, to have land, to have beautiful women, all of which could be traded, and he was like a clever businessman who disintegrated the Six Kingdoms one by one.

  In fact, neither Su Qin nor Zhang Yi knew: If you form a party with interests, you will eventually break up with interests. --- or they actually knew that the only ones who were stupid were the princes of the Six Kingdoms.

  One of the most stupid is probably the Chu State.

  Zhang Yi lobbied the King of Chu Huai to terminate the contract with the State of Qi and promised to give the State of Chu 600 miles, and the King of Huai took it seriously, and this greedy King Huai sent emissaries to the State of Qin with Zhang Yi.

  Arriving in qin, Zhang Yi pretended to accidentally roll off the car, broke her foot, and did not go to work for Three months. King Huai also explained to himself: "Probably Mr. Zhang thinks that we have not shown any cruelty when we break off relations with the State of Qi." So he sent someone to the State of Qi to scold King Xuan of Qi, presumably to the eighteenth generation of the ancestors, and the scolding was very ugly. As a result, the State of Qi and the State of Chu broke off diplomatic relations and directly established diplomatic relations with the State of Qin. The 600-mile land that Zhang Yi promised to give away finally became 6 miles. In a fit of rage, King Huai sent an army to attack the State of Qin, and the result was that the State of Qin and the State of Qi joined forces, killed the Chu general Qu Kuo (gài), and robbed the State of Chu of 4 cities.

  I wanted someone else's land, but my own land was not saved. This King of Chu Huai was lost because he was small, but his lack of brains was not manifested in his greed and cheapness, but in the fact that he suffered a loss and a loss, and when he was dangled, he was the same.

  You see not long after, the State of Qin came to the door again, wanting to change a piece of land with the State of Chu. King Chu Huai snorted angrily and said, "There is no need to change, I can give you the land, you send me that Zhang Yi." ”

  Zhang Yi had already thought of a countermeasure, secretly made a good point, and then went to the Chu Kingdom.

  King Huai immediately locked him up and wanted to kill Zhang Yi.

  Jin Shang, the minister of the State of Chu, came out to say good things, of course, he did not collect Zhang Yi's yuan less.

  Jin Shang privately found King Huai's wife, Zheng Gui, and said, "Niangniang, you are in danger, and the Great King will soon snub you." ”

  "What is the reason for this?"

  "You know that Zhang Yi, he is the favorite minister of the King of Qin, although the King of Qin has locked Zhang Yi up now, the King of Qin will definitely find a way to rescue him." When the time comes for the Qin Kingdom to cut the land and pay compensation, in addition to sending a particularly beautiful beauty to our king, our king wants to like the beauty of the Qin kingdom, and it is inevitable that you will fall out of favor. ”

  "So what to do?"

  "Why don't you say a few nice words in front of the king now and let him let Zhang Yi go?"

  So this Zheng Sleeve blew the wind on the side of the pillow, and Zhang Yi was not only released, but also treated as a guest.

  This king's brain was kicked by a donkey, and his brain was either a brain or a mallet.

  Zheng Qishan is famous for her jealousy, and as long as this woman hears that she may fall out of favor, her brain is as smart as anything. It's just that she hasn't thought about releasing Zhang Yi, Qin and Chu have good relations, and the Qin State really has the possibility of cutting the land and cutting the beauty to the King of Huai! That's what it means to be in the middle.

  The Six Kingdoms believed Zhang Yi's broken mouth, abandoned the longitudinal, and connected the horizontal.

  Fortunately, King Hui of Qin, who trusted Zhang Yi, died quickly, and King Wu of Qin succeeded to the throne, and he did not like This oily mouth and slippery tongue like a hanging river. When the six countries saw it, they quickly abandoned the link and joined forces. The Six Kingdoms are three or four, the wind blows on both sides, and in the end there is no reason to be undefeated.

  One debate, two debates, three debates, and four debates are all me, and Zhang Yi hits the world with her mouth.

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