
She personally went out to the United Nations General Assembly 50 years ago: Qiao Guanhua's speech was changed to 5 a.m., and it was snatched up

author:Shangguan News

On November 11, 1971, an aircraft from China flew over New York, United States, after circumnavigating the Earth for more than half a week. The passenger on the plane was a member of China's first permanent mission to the United Nations, and Shi Yanhua, then 32, was among them, and she was about to participate in the entire process of China's return to the United Nations.

Resolution 2758 was born "Adopted, surprised everyone"

On October 25, 1971, in New York, the United States, the 26th session of the United Nations General Assembly was voting on the "two Albanian proposals" submitted by Albania, Algeria and other countries, and at 11:20 p.m. local time, the voting results were locked.

She personally went out to the United Nations General Assembly 50 years ago: Qiao Guanhua's speech was changed to 5 a.m., and it was snatched up

With the finalization of The President of the General Assembly, Malik, the famous resolution 2758 in history was born, which recognized the representative of the government of the People's Republic of China as the only legitimate representative of China in the United Nations Organization.

She personally went out to the United Nations General Assembly 50 years ago: Qiao Guanhua's speech was changed to 5 a.m., and it was snatched up

Shi Yanhua: That day was particularly interesting, we young people in the translation room walked in the small courtyard of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after dinner, went back to sleep after dinner, did not feel that there was anything special, and then suddenly said that the United Nations sent a resolution, passed, and everyone was surprised.

The content of the "two Arab proposals" is as follows: to restore all rights of the People's Republic of China and to immediately expel Chiang Kai-shek's representatives from the seats illegally occupied by the United Nations and all its subordinate organs.

She personally went out to the United Nations General Assembly 50 years ago: Qiao Guanhua's speech was changed to 5 a.m., and it was snatched up

China is a founding member of the United Nations and a permanent member of the Security Council, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, China's seat in the United Nations and its affiliated organizations should be owned by the People's Republic of China. However, due to the manipulation of the "voting machine" by the United States and other countries, the People's Republic of China has long been unjustifiably refused to be outside the United Nations. Shi Yanhua's translation office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will receive resolution documents from the United Nations.

Shi Yanhua: Regardless of whether the resolution on China is passed or not, the United Nations will send it to us because it has something to do with us. Chairman Mao felt that he could not enter that year in 1971, but it might be better and more supportive.

Delegation of the People's Republic of China to the Unipotentiated General Assembly for the First Time " If We Don't Go to People's Homes, We're Going to Be Disappointed"

The "two Arab proposals" were passed by an overwhelming majority, and cheers on the banks of the East River in New York reached Beijing, the Chinese capital, along with the airwaves. On the afternoon of October 26, Beijing time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received an urgent telegram from then UnIn Secretary-General U Dan, who transmitted Resolution 2758 and invited China to send representatives to attend the second half of the 26th session of the UnGA.

She personally went out to the United Nations General Assembly 50 years ago: Qiao Guanhua's speech was changed to 5 a.m., and it was snatched up

Shi Yanhua: Since 1949, I have not participated in UN meetings, the UN building has never been in, how the UN speaks at meetings, there is no emotional knowledge. Sent all at once, they are about to speak, do you say that they don't play drums in their hearts? Later, Chairman Mao said he was going to go, so why not? So many African brothers have carried us in, and if we don't go to people's homes, we will be disappointed.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs set up a delegation as quickly as possible to prepare for the ungalactic session, and the starting lineup of China to the United Nations was headed by Vice Foreign Minister Qiao Guanhua and Ambassador to Canada Huang Huawei as deputy head of the delegation, represented by Fu Hao, Xiong Xianghui and Chen Chu. Shi Yanhua, then 32, and her husband, Wu Jianmin, a French translator in the Translation Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, were also on the list.

She personally went out to the United Nations General Assembly 50 years ago: Qiao Guanhua's speech was changed to 5 a.m., and it was snatched up

On the afternoon of November 9, 1971, more than 4,000 people gathered at the Capital Airport to bid farewell to the Chinese delegation to the United Nations, and the delegation boarded the plane a week after circling the field under the leadership of Qiao Guanhua. On November 11, as the plane was about to arrive at New York's JFK airport, more than 400 journalists from the world's major media were already waiting at the airport. In addition to a large number of reporters, many overseas Chinese gathered at the scene, who waved various banners to welcome the delegates from distant homelands.

Shi Yanhua: Because I never knew what the United States was like, I looked down when the airport did not land, and there were cars next to the airport, which shocked me, and there was a group of patriotic overseas Chinese welcoming me when I got off the plane, and I was really touched at that time.

Chinese delegation's first participation in a meeting of the General Assembly" changed from "conference on disarmament" to "welcome the general assembly"

On the morning of November 15, the Chinese delegation, led by Qiao Guanhua, walked into the venue of the United Nations General Assembly, and the hall erupted into unceasing applause.

Shi Yanhua: The theme of the meeting that day was originally disarmament, and at the beginning the President of the UN General Assembly knocked on the table and said that the meeting was held, what is the theme of today, I would also like to say that we welcome Mr. Qiao Guanhua, the representative of the People's Republic of China, to come here to participate in the meeting, followed by a welcome speech.

She personally went out to the United Nations General Assembly 50 years ago: Qiao Guanhua's speech was changed to 5 a.m., and it was snatched up

Reporter: Later, when representatives of other delegations take the floor again, they will also express their welcome to the Chinese delegation.

She personally went out to the United Nations General Assembly 50 years ago: Qiao Guanhua's speech was changed to 5 a.m., and it was snatched up

Shi Yanhua: Yes, it was originally a disarmament topic, but as a result, there was not a single word of disarmament, and everyone wanted to welcome it, and until more than ten o'clock in the evening, they welcomed China, and it became a conference that welcomed China. I felt very proud at the time that most countries supported us, that we were fighting for justice, that our diplomacy was for the benefit of the people of the world.

Qiao Guanhua's speech was changed to 5 a.m. The speech was snatched up

On the same day, in the eyes of everyone's expectation, Qiao Guanhua stepped onto the podium to speak, and the whole world was holding its breath to listen to the voices from China.

She personally went out to the United Nations General Assembly 50 years ago: Qiao Guanhua's speech was changed to 5 a.m., and it was snatched up

Shi Yanhua: The night before the meeting, he was still revising the draft, and he was still revising the draft at 5 o'clock in the morning of the meeting. He moves, we have to move, in fact, the whole framework did not move much, there are some adjectives to change, sometimes add a little sentence, add a little weight. At 5 o'clock in the morning to print, we began to type 300 copies, the United Nations at that time only more than 100 Member States, in addition to each country's desk put one, the rest on the Secretariat's desk, all of a sudden was empty, my leader is particularly anxious, we hurry to add.

China's voice shocked the world " Several times the speech was interrupted by warm applause"

She personally went out to the United Nations General Assembly 50 years ago: Qiao Guanhua's speech was changed to 5 a.m., and it was snatched up

Qiao Guanhua: We advocate that the affairs of any country should be managed by the people of that country themselves, the affairs of the whole world should be managed by all countries in the world, and the affairs of the United Nations should be jointly managed by all countries participating in the United Nations.

Qiao Guanhua: A superpower is to be superhuman and to ride on the head of others to claim hegemony, and China will not do it now, and will never do it to invade, subvert, control, interfere with, and bully others.

Qiao Guanhua's speech on behalf of China is a brand-new appearance of an ancient eastern power in the world, in which he comprehensively expounded the Chinese Government's principled stand on a series of major international issues.

Reporter: When Colonel Qiao was speaking, what was the expression of the delegates attending the meeting below?

She personally went out to the United Nations General Assembly 50 years ago: Qiao Guanhua's speech was changed to 5 a.m., and it was snatched up

Shi Yanhua: Very quiet, generally like this kind of international conference will not be particularly quiet, there are people going out to chat next to this a lot, but for the speeches of several big countries or listen, plus we are the first time, sitting full, we are equivalent to reading and publicizing our foreign policy, "against the superpowers", the words are very tough, the following third world countries african countries have many seats, applause is very strong, Qiao Colonel's speech was interrupted by warm applause several times, and then they told us. The first time I heard a refreshing speech in the United Nations lobby, I felt particularly good.

From groping to the fact that many ideas have been written into the relevant UNITED Nations resolutions, "The world will be truly peaceful if the less developed countries are developed."

The restoration of the legitimate seat of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations marks the true emergence of the United Nations as the most universal, representative and authoritative intergovernmental international organization, and also opens a new chapter in cooperation between China and the United Nations.

She personally went out to the United Nations General Assembly 50 years ago: Qiao Guanhua's speech was changed to 5 a.m., and it was snatched up

Shi Yanhua: Because I have never seen the United Nations, I have to grope after I go in, so it is more difficult to go in, but I have to have this energy and go often. Sometimes I can't go, because our leaders have to translate or something, at that time Wu Jianmin, they just went to the United Nations at 9 o'clock, familiar with all aspects of the United Nations, and greeted anyone they met inside, and they could chat.

Dedicated her life to China's diplomatic cause She is still impressed by the lessons of decades ago

In 1975, due to the shortage of English translators in China, Shi Yanhua returned to the translation office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after finishing his permanent work in the United Nations, serving as an interpreter for Deng Xiaoping, Li Xiannian and other central leaders, and then served as counselor of the Permanent Mission to the United Nations, counselor of the Embassy in Belgium, ambassador to Luxembourg, and minister counselor of the Embassy in France.

She personally went out to the United Nations General Assembly 50 years ago: Qiao Guanhua's speech was changed to 5 a.m., and it was snatched up

Shi Yanhua: The translation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not like the school can be free, diplomatic translation has a word to have a translation. No matter how good the policy, no matter how good the government says that you don't pass it on through an accurate translation, it won't work, and if the translation is bad, it may backfire. There was a lesson before, to assist an African country how many tons of grain, the result is to hit one more zero, that is, ten times more, shot, has been handed over to others, you can not regret that I have played this more is the translation of the wrong, so when we entered the translation room, I was very impressed by this example, the leader told us that a zero is also very important.

She personally went out to the United Nations General Assembly 50 years ago: Qiao Guanhua's speech was changed to 5 a.m., and it was snatched up

In the past 50 years since the restoration of the legitimate seat of the United Nations, China has earnestly fulfilled its responsibilities as a major country in international affairs such as peacekeeping, promoting the international poverty reduction process, promoting the improvement of the global climate governance system, and fighting the global COVID-19 epidemic. China's "Belt and Road" initiative, as well as the concepts of building a community with a shared future for mankind, "consultation, joint construction, sharing" and "targeted poverty alleviation" have been written into relevant UNITED Nations resolutions. Over the past 50 years, China has practiced the purposes and principles of the CHARTER with practical actions, and has become an important builder of world peace, the greatest contributor to global development, and a staunch defender of the international order.

She personally went out to the United Nations General Assembly 50 years ago: Qiao Guanhua's speech was changed to 5 a.m., and it was snatched up

Shi Yanhua: When we first went to the United Nations, one was that our own country was not open, that is, it was relatively passive, and now we are quite proactive in diplomacy to understand the situation, what will happen and put forward our own ideas, we always stand on the majority side of the world, create a peaceful environment, and develop less developed countries, so that the world can be truly peaceful.

Original title: Face to Face丨 50 years ago to the United Nations General Assembly She dedicated her life to China's diplomatic cause

Column Editor-in-Chief: Gu Wanquan Text Editor: Li Linwei Caption Source: Xinhua News Agency Photo Editor: Yong Kai

Source: Author: CCTV News

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