
The tomb of King Kang Liu Ji is frequently stolen, and is it true that the folk song "Open the tomb of King Kang, Shandong is not poor"?

author:Old man Shi

Liu Ji, the King of Kang of Jiaodong, was the 12th son of Liu Qi, the Emperor of Han Jing, and it is said that he was buried in Shandong after his death, and there are countless precious burial items in the tomb, so since ancient times, there have been folk songs that "open the tomb of King Kang, Shandong is not poor". Where is King Kang's tomb? Are the folk songs that circulate real?

The tomb of King Kang Liu Ji is frequently stolen, and is it true that the folk song "Open the tomb of King Kang, Shandong is not poor"?

The tomb of King Kang is located in the Liuqushan Mountains east of Gudan Town, Pingdu City, Shandong Province, 15.5 miles from the city. And "open the tomb of King Kang, Shandong is not poor" this folk saying is not made up by the local people, because before the tomb site of King Kang was determined, some relevant experts also thought so, it is said that Guo Moruo, the president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences at that time, also proposed archaeological excavation of the Tomb of King Kang after proposing archaeological excavation of the Ming Tombs. So why is everyone so convinced that there is treasure in king Kang's tomb?

The tomb of King Kang Liu Ji is frequently stolen, and is it true that the folk song "Open the tomb of King Kang, Shandong is not poor"?

I believe that many small partners who are more interested in archaeology should know that at the end of the 1960s, Mancheng in Baoding City, Hebei Province, excavated a princely tomb of the Western Han Dynasty that shocked the entire archaeological community - the joint burial tomb of Liu Sheng, the king of Zhongshan, and his wife Dou Xuan. Liu Sheng's tomb not only unearthed the famous golden jade clothes at home and abroad, but also a variety of precious burial items, a total of more than 10,000 pieces, silk fabrics, gold and silver ware and jade ware are all available. In the historical records, Liu Sheng did not have any political achievements, and indulged in sound and color all day long, but his half-brother was the famous Han Wudi Emperor Liu Che, as a prince of the party, he had a lot of time to collect wealth for himself, and it was not unusual to have so many burial items.

The tomb of King Kang Liu Ji is frequently stolen, and is it true that the folk song "Open the tomb of King Kang, Shandong is not poor"?

Seeing this, some small friends may have to wonder, there are many burial items in the tomb of Liu Sheng, the king of Zhongshan, and what does this have to do with Liu Ji, the king of Kang? This does not mean that there will be more funerary goods in King Kang's tomb? Don't worry, let me take my time. Historically, Liu Jike, the King of Kang, had a much better relationship than Liu Sheng, the King of Zhongshan, and Emperor Wu of Han, because his mother Wang Ji (王皃𶜁) and Emperor Wu of Han's mother Wang Ji (王娡) were sisters.

Not only that, although Liu Ji was the twelfth son of Emperor Jingdi of Han, in the heart of Emperor Jingdi of Han, Liu Ji's status was second only to that of Emperor Liu Che of the Han Dynasty. Because at that time, when Emperor Jingdi of Han was committed to helping Liu Che eliminate the power of the princes, he still gave the ancient city of Jimo to Liu Ji as a fief. It should be known that the ancient city of Jimo was first a fief of Liu Che, and later called The City of Kang, and it was able to accept the fiefdom of Liu Che, who was still the crown prince at that time, and not everyone was qualified.

The tomb of King Kang Liu Ji is frequently stolen, and is it true that the folk song "Open the tomb of King Kang, Shandong is not poor"?

In addition, during the Warring States period, the ancient city of Jimo was once the political, economic and cultural center of the eastern part of the State of Qi, which is today the region of the Jiaodong Peninsula, and has always been relatively prosperous and prosperous, compared with Liu Sheng's Zhongshan State. Therefore, no matter from which aspect, the luxury of the tomb of Liu Ji, the king of Kang, should exceed that of Liu Sheng, the king of Zhongshan. Even if it wasn't, the burial items in the tomb of Liu Ji, the King of Kang, were at least almost the same as those of Liu Sheng, the King of Zhongshan.

The tomb of King Kang Liu Ji is frequently stolen, and is it true that the folk song "Open the tomb of King Kang, Shandong is not poor"?

Because of this, for thousands of years, many tomb robbers who are eyeing the tiger have visited the tomb of King Kang, and in the three years from 1999 to 2002 alone, the tomb of King Kang has been stolen and excavated 18 times. In fact, most of these tomb robbers are surrounding villagers, and they are not sure that there is a tomb of King Kang here in Liuqu Mountain, just holding the idea of trying it out, who knows that some things have really been dug up, because the ancient city of Jimo has experienced the governance of the eight kings and six princes in more than a thousand years, and most of these princes are buried in Liuqu Mountain after death, so some villagers often dig out some Han tiles and Han bricks when they do farm work in the surrounding areas, and if they are lucky, they can also dig up some valuable cultural relics.

The tomb of King Kang Liu Ji is frequently stolen, and is it true that the folk song "Open the tomb of King Kang, Shandong is not poor"?

At that time, it was still in the 80s of the last century, and the villagers' awareness of cultural relics protection was not strong, and when they dug up, they took it to sell money, and after tasting the sweetness, they began to become organized and large-scale pirate excavations. Later, some greedy villagers knew whether it was illegal to do so, or they would secretly dig it. So soon, these frequent tomb robbery activities and cultural relics sold to the market attracted the attention of the public security department and the cultural relics department, and late one night in 2000, when a group of surrounding villagers was secretly robbing the tomb with torches, they were caught by the police who had been ambushed there for a long time.

The tomb of King Kang Liu Ji is frequently stolen, and is it true that the folk song "Open the tomb of King Kang, Shandong is not poor"?

In 2002, several relevant departments established the Pingdu Jimo Ancient City and the Liuqu Mountain Cultural Relics Management Office, and organized an archaeological team to search for the tomb of King Kang, which has been coveted by countless tomb robbers for thousands of years, with the intention of focusing on protecting it from being remembered by tomb robbers. However, the Liuqu Mountains stretch from Longhu Mountain in the east to Cave Mountain in the west, with a total length of 15 kilometers, archaeologists have found that there are more than 360 ancient tombs underground after professional exploration, so which of them is the tomb of King Kang?

The tomb of King Kang Liu Ji is frequently stolen, and is it true that the folk song "Open the tomb of King Kang, Shandong is not poor"?

Since there are no more relevant historical records, archaeologists have to visit the surrounding villages, and then found that a place called Penglaiqian Village around Liuqu Mountain has a lot to do with the tomb of King Kang. According to the relevant records handed down from the former village of Penglai, when King Kang was buried, it was here that the spirit stopped, set up a spiritual shed, and held a burial ceremony. After the burial of King Kang, the villagers in other places moved to this place for some reasons, multiplied, and named this place "Ling shed front", but later felt that the word "spirit shed" was easy to associate with the funeral of the dead, which was very unlucky, so they changed the name of the village to "Shed Lingqian". Until the Daoguang years of the Qing Dynasty, a temple was built on the back hill here, and a local Xiucai, in order to please the auspiciousness of the gods in the temple, changed the name of the village, and this villager has been using it until now.

The tomb of King Kang Liu Ji is frequently stolen, and is it true that the folk song "Open the tomb of King Kang, Shandong is not poor"?

After that, archaeologists found the tomb of King Kang at the top of Liuqu Mountain based on the relevant records of Penglai Qiancun Village and some information passed down by word of mouth. The tomb of King Kang looks like a "convex" glyph from a distance, narrow above and wide below, covering a total area of about 30 acres. Although located at the top of the mountain, the tomb of King Kang itself is about 40 meters high, like a small hill sitting on the top of the mountain. Archaeologists believe that when King Kang was buried at that time, he should have razed the top of the mountain to the ground, and then dug it deep into King Kang to build a dungeon, and finally piled up the sealed soil into a hill with hard stones and various rammed earth according to the trend of Liuqu Mountain. A tomb is as large as a hill, and such a scale shows that the degree of luxury in the tomb will never be low, and the precious burial items will naturally not be less.

However, archaeologists consider

The tomb of King Kang Liu Ji is frequently stolen, and is it true that the folk song "Open the tomb of King Kang, Shandong is not poor"?

To the top of the mountain, the tomb of King Kang is located on the top of the mountain, there may be a situation that involves the whole body, resulting in the collapse of other ancient tombs, coupled with the sixteen-character archaeological policy of "protection first, rescue first, rational use, and strengthening management" at that time, so archaeologists did not carry out archaeological excavations on the tomb of King Kang.

However, judging from the more than 20 cultural relics in the tomb of King Kang collected by the public security department from the tomb robbers, such as monkey holding trees, four horned coppers, and bronzes in the shape of bears, birds, and turtle trees, they are very exquisite, which can simply represent the highest level of craftsmanship in the Western Han Dynasty. Nowadays, they are basically rated as national first- or second-class protected cultural relics. All in all, there is treasure in king Kang's tomb, and the credibility is still very high.

The tomb of King Kang Liu Ji is frequently stolen, and is it true that the folk song "Open the tomb of King Kang, Shandong is not poor"?
The tomb of King Kang Liu Ji is frequently stolen, and is it true that the folk song "Open the tomb of King Kang, Shandong is not poor"?

That's all for this issue, and thank you for watching it, so stay tuned!

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