
The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

author:Small pieces say big movies

Hello everyone, I'm in Alaska with glasses and a microphone, tablet.

Counting up, we have spent a year and a half under the epidemic, and no one knows when it will be completely over.

Now, all kinds of mutant viruses are coming again, and I really can't take anything lightly.

The setting of this new Netflix drama that I want to talk about today is very closely related to reality, and the drama also caused an epidemic because of a virus, and even led to the collapse of the entire human world:

Antler boy

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

The series was produced by Iron Man Downey and titled Sweet Tooth in English, based on the popular comic of the same name by Canadian cartoonist Jeff LeMille.

In order to promote this drama, Netflix has made enough money to directly give a shocking headline in the newspaper - mixed babies are born in the United States, and half humans and half beasts are worrying.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

This kind of riotous operation of packaging advertisements as news has naturally been criticized by many people, but the publicity effect has indeed been achieved.

Judging from word of mouth, the comprehensive scores of Douban 8.2 and IMDb 8.1 have finally found some face in quality.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

The story of the episode is not complicated, it is about one day, an epidemic caused by the H5G9 virus spread rapidly among the population.

Like the new crown virus, the H5G9 virus is also transmitted by breath, and the infected person has a distinctive feature, that is, the little thumb will tremble uncontrollably, and then quickly go to death.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

With no way to cure it and no one to develop a vaccine, almost all the infected people died, and those who were not infected fell into endless panic.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

The whole world became chaotic.

Taking advantage of the turmoil, the warlord General Albert, who had been coveting power for many years and had blood on his hands, launched a coup d'état to take over the country and set up an organization called The Last Man.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

Unexpectedly, at the time of the outbreak, a strange thing happened.

A group of mixed-breed babies were born in the operating room, they were half-human and half-beast, with wings, pig noses, and hairy-faced thunderous mouths...

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

Because these hybrids appeared almost at the same time as the H5G9 virus, it was suspected that they caused the virus, and the "last man" hunted the mixed race.

Anyone who hides the mixed race privately or knows the whereabouts of the mixed race and refuses to confess it, there is only one dead end.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

In this context, an old father took his mixed-breed son Gas, the male protagonist, a little boy with a pair of antlers and deer ears, and hid in the old forest in the mountains.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

In order to allow Gas to grow up safely, the old father circled a piece of land with barbed wire and taught him not to cross the wire from an early age.

Suddenly, Gass was ten years old, an age full of curiosity about the outside world, and finally one day he couldn't help but run outside the barbed wire.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

As a result, it is conceivable that he soon attracted hunters, and the old father went to confront the other party and was infected with the virus, and died shortly after.

Before dying, the old father told Gas again:

When you see humans, hide, and don't cross the barbed wire...

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

Although Gas promised to be good, don't forget, it is the nature of children to like to do things.

So, after a period of loneliness, he found a picture of his mother, so he put his old father's words behind and decided to go to Colorado to find his mother.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

Obviously, the episode is going to turn on the mode of road adventure films.

So the next plot is not difficult to guess, collect teammates, and then turn the crisis again and again.

First, when encountering a group of hunters, Gaiss was rescued by the lone ranger Fat Uncle, who saw that the child was cute and pitiful, half pushed and half on the spot and began to escort him on the road, and formed the CP of the uncle with Zhengtai.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

Then, when they were in danger, the two were rescued by Bear, the founder of the Animal Army.

With a mission to save the mixed race, The Bear believes that the virus is nature's punishment for humans, and the mixed race represents hope and the future, so he also joins Gas's journey to find his mother.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

In this way, with the assistance of the fat uncle and the little bear, Gass came to Colorado as he wished, and also found his mother's former colleague.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

However, from this colleague, instead of getting news from his mother, Gass learned a truth that made him despair.

What is the truth, if you want to know, go to the play to find the answer.

"Buckhorn Boy" has a total of 8 episodes, and the above is probably the main plot of the first 7 episodes of the show.

Seeing this, I think there must be a small partner who will ask, how come nothing seems to be said? I've just entered the state, and you tell me it's over?

This is indeed the case, because the show, in essence, can be seen as a big trailer for the second season.

In this season, the entire episode is a worldview construction, so that all kinds of characters appear on the scene, and one by one to open the previous history.

For example, Fat Uncle and Little Bear, both of whom are related to mixed races, one is the father of the mixed race, the other is the sister of the mixed race, and they both have a heartbreaking past.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

In addition to the main story surrounding Gas, the series also designed two other branches with heavy drama.

One is about Dr. Singh and his wife.

Dr. Singer has been working on an antidote to the virus, and his wife is the only surviving survivor of the infected population, and when he learns that obtaining the ultimate antidote requires persecution of mixed races, he is in a dilemma.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

The other one revolves around amy, a counselor.

After the outbreak of the epidemic, Amy, tired of the modern cage, found that planting flowers and raising grass can obtain peace of mind, so she established a new home in the zoo and used it as a sanctuary for mixed races to secretly adopt mixed people.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

Eventually, the three lines converged under a series of actions by General Albert.

He captured all the bastards and kidnapped Dr. Singer, thinking that when the experiment was successful, Lao Tzu would be the god who could decide the life and death of others.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

So, will dr. Singer eventually experiment with mixed races? How will Gates and the Bastards break out of the danger and finally eliminate General Albert? Where will the relationship between mestizos and humans go after the storm?

These questions can only wait for the second season to be answered.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

Compared with the original comic, the temperament of this drama is obviously much sunnier and fresher.

Whether it is the character image, scene design, plot direction and overall drawing style of the original comic, it properly highlights the destruction and darkness under the desolation of the last days.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

In the series, under the bright light, the beautiful scenery presents the infinite vitality and power of nature, which is intoxicating and intoxicating, but also makes people feel hope, setting the main tone of warmth and pleasure for the series.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

Gais in the original book is not so cute in the play.

On the contrary, he is a little malnourished and listless, and he will not sell a cute at every turn like the image in the play.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

In the original work, the fat uncle and the leader of the animal army are not harmless to people and animals, and they will not meet the cute Gais and flood with love, and then run over to generate electricity with love, singing dare to ask where the road is, and run all the way to the west.

They, one close to Gass, wanted to trade him for his wife's bones, and the other was even more ruthless, feeding his wife directly to the bastards and training them into bloodthirsty beasts.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

All of the above is only a small part of the adaptation.

It must be admitted that the drama version of "The Boy with The Antlers" is not a complicated story, and the vision of the post-epidemic world is also a bit simple and rough, if you really want to study carefully, there are indeed many logical bugs.

In addition, every decision and behavior of the characters in the play exudes a childish and simple casualness, and the dangers they encounter are not really difficult, and they are very easy to resolve, not enough to make people feel uneasy.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

Like the scene after Bear rescues Guys and Fat Uncle.

When his companions discover that Uncle Fat once participated in "The Last Man" and want to kill Uncle Fat, Bear disagrees with his companions, and then abandons the animal legion he founded and turns to Gas.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

Yes, it's so willful.

If you look at it from an adult's point of view, such a big choice obviously won't be pressed so easily, at least it will have to struggle.

But on the other hand, it is this kind of childlike simple and straightforward love-hate distinction that is more valuable and can arouse the audience's soul to go deep into the simplest personality yearning.

So, through these changes, the series has a fairytale-like charming texture, making the whole story warm and moving, and at the same time especially suitable for a family to watch together.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

It is worth mentioning that under the color of fairy tales, the series does not deliberately avoid portraying the ugliness of human nature in the face of disasters.

The best example of this is what happened to dr. Singer and his wife.

At the time, he and his wife joined a survivor's club where people would get together to play games and blow rainbow farts at each other.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

It seems that the relationship is very good, but in fact, it is all false feelings.

Everyone was silently and secretly observing, and once they found out who was infected, without saying a word, they took the plastic wrap and tied him up, and then burned him alive with a fire.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

While burning, he was still singing outside, "Friendship is long, how can old friends forget each other" .

How ironic is this scene!

Think about it, since the emergence of the epidemic, people have hated each other, hated each other, all kinds of selfish actions, and stigmatized groups, have we seen less?

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

Therefore, adopting a fairy tale treatment does not mean escaping reality.

On the contrary, through the cuteness of the mixed race, the innocence and bravery of Gass, and the sincere friendship of Fat Uncle and Little Bear for Gass, the series gives a healing power against the harsh reality, guiding people not only to see the dark side, but to explore the sacred flashes of human nature.

The taboo topics of the world, he filmed out

Asked why this adjustment was made, Susan Downey said: "We want the audience to see something pleasing in it." I don't like the traditional apocalyptic darkness, rubble, gray, etc.

I think that for all of us who have been tormented by the epidemic for a year and a half, this story is more needed.

Now, because of the epidemic, the lives of countless people have changed big and small.

There is grief, there is frustration, there is loss, there is confusion, behind every emotion is everyone's love for others, for life, for the world.

Whether we have come out or are in the trough, such a fairy tale is a kind of comfort for us and gives us hope.

At present, few people have seen this drama in China, and only more than 4,000 people have been watched by Douban.

The little friends actively take action, press a like, let more people know about this drama, go to see this drama, and then face everything in the future with more energy.

That's it for today!

Bye bye bye bye.)

The picture in this article comes from the network

EDIT: Swamp

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