
The history of the United States, full of blood and hegemony, the Seven Deadly Sins of the United States (1) - the elegy of the Indians

author:West Hill reads history

The United States is a superpower and hegemon in the world today, and its military strength can be said to be unparalleled - two world wars have allowed the United States to accumulate abundant capital. The country, which was founded less than three hundred years ago, has now become the world's number one power. In the eyes of most people, the united states the country's strong military strength, the world police, the American film, the United States' highly developed society throughout the history of the United States, this short three hundred years, but full of cunning, vicious and bloodlust.

The history of the United States, full of blood and hegemony, the Seven Deadly Sins of the United States (1) - the elegy of the Indians

This article is divided into seven parts, which tell the history of the United States more than two hundred years ago, committing numerous crimes against other countries and peoples and the world, including: the genocidal policy against Indian tribes after the founding of the United States, racial discrimination in the United States, Monsanto and Agent Orange incident, the rogue diplomacy of money and sticks in the United States, the syphilis experiment in the United States, the tragic nuclear explosion test, and the wanton proliferation of guns and drugs in the United States.

The history of the United States, full of blood and hegemony, the Seven Deadly Sins of the United States (1) - the elegy of the Indians

Today we begin with this first sin: the inhumane Massacre of Indians.

"Indians: Is a collective term for all Native Americans except Inuit, not just one ethnic group or race, and Indians are distributed in the countries of South and North America. They speak hundreds of languages, generally referred to collectively as Indian or Native American languages. The ethnic groups of Indians and their languages are not yet recognized as a classification. ”

- The above is from Wikipedia

The history of the United States, full of blood and hegemony, the Seven Deadly Sins of the United States (1) - the elegy of the Indians

The Indians were originally the masters of the North American continent and have lived here for generations, the most famous of which is the Maya, Aztecs and Incas, who have their own languages, while the Mayans have their own scripts. The indigenous peoples of North America have always lived and multiplied here, with their own cultures.

The history of the United States, full of blood and hegemony, the Seven Deadly Sins of the United States (1) - the elegy of the Indians

But then, one day, a navigator named Columbus discovered the New World, and the greedy and arrogant European colonists, like bloodthirsty bugs, began to come wave after wave to the fertile land, and at first the whites could coexist peacefully with the local Indians, and the hospitable Indians would give some help to the colonists.

The history of the United States, full of blood and hegemony, the Seven Deadly Sins of the United States (1) - the elegy of the Indians

But the good times did not last long, and as the colony expanded, so did the contradictions between the whites and the Indians, and the Indians began to attack these insatiable colonists. And the arrogance of the Western colonizers who thought these Indians were barbaric was like the Western colonists who regarded us Chinese during the Opium War.

The history of the United States, full of blood and hegemony, the Seven Deadly Sins of the United States (1) - the elegy of the Indians

Thus began the centuries-long blockade and slaughter of indians by whites, and more than thirteen million Indians were killed in the Spanish colonies alone. Then some people say that at this time, the United States has not yet been established, and it is better to wait until it is established. Unfortunately, after the founding of the United States, the situation of the Indians not only did not improve, but also intensified.

The history of the United States, full of blood and hegemony, the Seven Deadly Sins of the United States (1) - the elegy of the Indians

On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia, with George Washington as commander-in-chief, and the Declaration of Independence was adopted, officially proclaiming the establishment of the United States of America. George Washington himself officially became the first president of the United States in 1788, becoming one of the greatest figures in the history of the world. And it was this "great" president who publicly instructed his generals —

"If [the Indians] were put [by the Indians] near all the settlements, the whole country would not just be flooded, but destroyed." In the process of massacring the Indians, Washington also instructed his generals to say, "Do not heed any peaceful advice until all Indian settlements have been effectively destroyed." In 1783, Washington exposed this anti-Indian sentiment in his comparison of Indians and wolves: "Both are predatory beasts, differing only in shape. ”

The history of the United States, full of blood and hegemony, the Seven Deadly Sins of the United States (1) - the elegy of the Indians

Washington's policy of extermination on the Indian issue was no different from that of the European colonists, who were of the same roots, as arrogant and arrogant as they were, as racially charged. And this arrogance is not only in Washington's current presidency, but also in the surprising consistency of successive American presidents on the treatment of Indians. And it intensified, one of the many outstanding democratic leaders of the United States, thomas Jefferson, the main drafter of the American Declaration of Independence who proposed that "all men are created equal" and the third president of the United States —

"If we restrain ourselves from raising our guns at these tribes, we will not lie down quietly or be driven out of the Mississippi River until these tribes are extinct." Jefferson continued: "In war, they will kill some of us too, but we will kill them all! Americans must "pursue the extermination of Indians or drive them to places we don't go." ”

To make matters worse, in 1814, the United States also enacted legislation to enact rewards for the massacre of Indians, which were gruesomely rewarded with $50 for every Indian killed under the age of 12 (including infants and young children) and female Indians, and $100 for killing young Indian men over the age of 12. And the proof is their skull... Later, the United States began its greedy expansion, the famous westward expansion movement, which was the nightmare of the Indians.

The history of the United States, full of blood and hegemony, the Seven Deadly Sins of the United States (1) - the elegy of the Indians

In 1862, a "great" figure also appeared at this time, Lincoln. Don't think that the hero of the Civil War, the great president on Presidential Hill, may be a great man who liberated black slaves, but he was the executioner who killed millions of Indians. The Homestead Act he promulgated provides that:

"Any U.S. citizen who has reached the age of 21, or a young and strong foreign country who meets the naturalization requirements, can receive no more than 160 acres of western state-owned land as a share of land, free of charge or by paying a registration fee of $10. Whoever has lived on the homestead for half a year after 5 years of cultivation, or who has lived on the homestead for half a year within 5 years and pays a fee of $1.25 per acre, shall receive the land he receives..."

People who believe in the clear-sighted immediately understand that this is to encourage those who have no land to go west to invade the land of the Indians, and the Federal Army of the United States is their thug, and later, the United States began its greedy expansion, that is, the famous westward expansion movement, the Massacre of Indians in the United States also reached its peak, more than 1,000 battles were fought, large and small, and the United States got double the land.

The history of the United States, full of blood and hegemony, the Seven Deadly Sins of the United States (1) - the elegy of the Indians

It was this great president who, in the same year 1862, ordered the hanging of 38 chiefs of the Dakhta Sioux tribe in the Mankato region of Minnesota. Most of these hanged people were clerics and political leaders of their tribes. None of these chiefs had committed the crimes they had been accused by the U.S. government, and President Lincoln deliberately created the largest unjust death sentence in U.S. history.

The famous American Civil War hero, General William Sherman, commented: "If we kill a little more this year, then there will be a little less people to kill next year--- they will have to kill anyway, or keep them as poor eggs." 」

The history of the United States, full of blood and hegemony, the Seven Deadly Sins of the United States (1) - the elegy of the Indians

By 1890, the Indians in the United States were almost extinct. And now the Indian people living in the United States are all descendants of colonists and Indian women, and the real purebred Indians have basically disappeared. It was not until the end of the colonial era that the treatment of the Indians became better.

In this way, the United States is like a gluttonous eater, using its most greedy and ugly eating appearance to frantically plunder and expand capital, while those "great" leaders who flaunt freedom, democracy, equality, and independence have not given those innocent people a little room for survival, and those poor Indians have even become extravagant to live. The so-called democracy and equality in the United States are based on highly closed racism, and it is the white people who are on top.

The history of the United States, full of blood and hegemony, the Seven Deadly Sins of the United States (1) - the elegy of the Indians

Those colonists who lived in the 16th and 19th centuries, if you named one creature to describe them, were vampires — cunning, arrogant, bloodthirsty. They were full of lies and cruelty, and at that time, the nascent United States undoubtedly inherited all the shortcomings of the Western colonizers.

The history of the United States, full of blood and hegemony, the Seven Deadly Sins of the United States (1) - the elegy of the Indians

However, it is precisely because of these shortcomings that the colonizers will make some social crises lurk in the dark. The United States is no exception. In fact, a social crisis affecting the United States was planted as early as the time when the colonists built a large number of plantations, unlike the indian natives who were basically extinct, who were liberated by the "great" President Lincoln, but the arrogance in the bones of some people in the West is innate, and it is impossible to change their views because of some so-called "movement". We'll talk about this section in the next episode.

The history of the United States, full of blood and hegemony, the Seven Deadly Sins of the United States (1) - the elegy of the Indians

(PS: It's a legend about the curse of Tecommse.) Legend has it that an Indian chief issued a strong curse before he died: since President Harrison, every 20 years, one president will die in office. That is to say, every president elected in the year with a final number of 0 will have misfortune, and the evil thing is that most of this curse has been fulfilled. Harrison died in office in 1840. Lincoln was assassinated in 1860. James in 1880. Garfield was assassinated. 1900 William. McKinley was re-elected, but was assassinated in 1901. Warren in 1920. Harding died of illness in 1923. In 1940, roosevelt died of a stroke in his fourth re-election in 1945, and Kennedy died of an assassination in 1960. Reagan was assassinated in 1980, but survived. In 2000, George W. Bush jr. was also assassinated, that is, the assassination was a bit of a child's play, but the United States fell into bad luck, the famous "911". Let's wait and see what happens to Biden in 2020. )

The history of the United States, full of blood and hegemony, the Seven Deadly Sins of the United States (1) - the elegy of the Indians

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