
Wu Guosheng× Liu Yu× Zhang Xiaoyu: How can technology promote the birth of modern society |? Offline activities

author:Beijing News

Since the beginning of modern history, we have been thinking about one question: how to modernize. To answer this question, we may need to clarify first -

What exactly is modern society?

Combing through the history of history, the answer to "what is modernity" is not so clear. Enlightenment thinkers' thinking about equality and rationality formed the foundation of modern social politics and humanistic values, but Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu and Diderot and others had never seen the Industrial Revolution—they could not detect how the technological innovations represented by the steam engine, railways, etc., would have an earth-shaking impact on human civilization, let alone predict what kind of future automation, informatization and artificial intelligence would lead mankind to.

In all the historical analysis frameworks, we have been ignoring —

The power of technology.

Technology and civilization have always influenced each other. From ancient Greek thinkers in the fifth century B.C. to liberals in the nineteenth century, mass democracy was highly wary, but major technological shifts pushed major governments to expand the scope of suffrage in the 20th century to alleviate the emotional class tensions. In the face of the "hard power" of technology, thinkers have not had time to prepare.

The discussion around "modern society" is full of complex and contradictory concepts. Here we want to put the collision aside and incorporate the observation dimension of "technology" -

How has technology adapted our world over the past two hundred years? What are the important innovation forces in the field of technology? How will we strike a balance between the logic of civilization and the logic of these forces themselves?

At 19:00 on April 9th, Beijing News Book Review Weekly And Culture Living Room co-published the brand "One Page", inviting Zhang Xiaoyu, author of "Technology and Civilization", Wu Guosheng, professor of the Department of Science History of Tsinghua University, and Liu Yu, associate professor of the Department of Political Science of Tsinghua University, to talk:

Technology and enlightenment

How modern society was born

Wu Guosheng× Liu Yu× Zhang Xiaoyu: How can technology promote the birth of modern society |? Offline activities

This guest

Wu Guosheng× Liu Yu× Zhang Xiaoyu: How can technology promote the birth of modern society |? Offline activities

Zhang Xiaoyu

Researcher of the Center for World Politics Research, East China Normal University. He is the author of "Technology and Civilization" and the translation of "Cambridge Arendt's Guide" and so on.

Wu Guosheng× Liu Yu× Zhang Xiaoyu: How can technology promote the birth of modern society |? Offline activities

Wu Guosheng

Professor of the Department of The History of Science at Tsinghua University, Corresponding Academician of the International Academy of the History of Science. He is the author of "The Course of Science", "What is Science", "The Concept of Time" and so on.

Wu Guosheng× Liu Yu× Zhang Xiaoyu: How can technology promote the birth of modern society |? Offline activities

Liu Yu

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Tsinghua University. From 2007 to 2010, he taught at the University of Cambridge, UK. He is the author of "The Details of Democracy", "The Water Level of Ideas", "Send You a Bullet" and so on.

Hosted by this session

Wu Guosheng× Liu Yu× Zhang Xiaoyu: How can technology promote the birth of modern society |? Offline activities

Fan Xin

Founder of "One Page"


Offline registration

Active time

Friday, April 9, 2021


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Beijing News Book Review Weekly Cultural Living Room

"One page"

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Jiantou Bookstore (Guomao Store)

2nd Floor, Building 1, No. 5 Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing (East Tower of Century Fortune Center).

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Wu Guosheng× Liu Yu× Zhang Xiaoyu: How can technology promote the birth of modern society |? Offline activities

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Wu Guosheng× Liu Yu× Zhang Xiaoyu: How can technology promote the birth of modern society |? Offline activities


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Wu Guosheng× Liu Yu× Zhang Xiaoyu: How can technology promote the birth of modern society |? Offline activities


Wu Guosheng× Liu Yu× Zhang Xiaoyu: How can technology promote the birth of modern society |? Offline activities

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Wu Guosheng× Liu Yu× Zhang Xiaoyu: How can technology promote the birth of modern society |? Offline activities

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Wu Guosheng× Liu Yu× Zhang Xiaoyu: How can technology promote the birth of modern society |? Offline activities
Wu Guosheng× Liu Yu× Zhang Xiaoyu: How can technology promote the birth of modern society |? Offline activities

Event-related books

Wu Guosheng× Liu Yu× Zhang Xiaoyu: How can technology promote the birth of modern society |? Offline activities

Technology and Civilization

Author: Zhang Xiaoyu

Edition: 1 page 丨 Guangxi Normal University Press, March 2021


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This article is proofread by Liu Baoqing

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Source: Beijing News

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