
Chrysanthemum tea, should be drunk like this, are you doing it right? How to choose different chrysanthemum teas for health first flower tea? Drinking instructions

author:Ai Gang Lord

Recently, more than a thousand pots of fine chrysanthemums appeared at the Xuanwu Lake Chrysanthemum Festival. One of the pots of chrysanthemums shows a variety of colors such as red, orange, yellow and green, which has become the "traffic bearer" of this year's chrysanthemum conference.

#Chrysanthemum##Tea# #茶生活 #

Chrysanthemums are native to China and have been cultivated for more than 2,500 years. In addition to being an ornamental plant, chrysanthemums are also known for their medicinal properties. Chrysanthemum tea is a herbal tea drink made of chrysanthemums as raw materials, and is also one of the traditional Chinese medicinal materials in China. There are 900 varieties of chrysanthemums in the "Compendium of Materia Medica", and there are currently tens of thousands of chrysanthemum varieties in the world, and there are more than 3,000 varieties in China.

According to historical records, chrysanthemums taste sweet and bitter, slightly cold, have the role of dispersing wind and heat, clearing the liver and clearing the eyes, detoxifying and anti-inflammatory, etc., originated in the Tang Dynasty, and were widely used in people's lives in the Qing Dynasty.

Chrysanthemum tea has a fresh and elegant taste and is the first choice for many people who do not like boiled water and tea.

Chrysanthemum tea, should be drunk like this, are you doing it right? How to choose different chrysanthemum teas for health first flower tea? Drinking instructions

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="14" > the first flower tea for health</h1> care

In the Qing Dynasty pharmacy monograph "Materia Medica Justice", it is recorded: "All flowers are preached by the Lord, and the monophyle flower is absorbed and reduced, which can calm the liver fire." ”

Chrysanthemum tea, should be drunk like this, are you doing it right? How to choose different chrysanthemum teas for health first flower tea? Drinking instructions

Spring and autumn are windy, the weather changes quickly, and people are most susceptible to the invasion of wind and evil.

In the Qing Dynasty pharmaceutical work "Shennong Materia Medica Hundred Kinds of Records", it is recorded: "All aromatic things can cure diseases of the leading muscles." But the incense is all spicy, but the chrysanthemum is not very dry, so it is especially suitable for the leader of the wind and fire. ”

Chrysanthemum tea, should be drunk like this, are you doing it right? How to choose different chrysanthemum teas for health first flower tea? Drinking instructions

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" how to choose different chrysanthemum teas >? </h1>

A variety of chrysanthemums, how to choose the right one for yourself? Are there any differences between these different chrysanthemums?

There are different varieties of chrysanthemums on the market, such as hang chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum, gong chrysanthemum, imperial chrysanthemum, wild chrysanthemum, etc., and different types of chrysanthemums also have different effects.

Clear the throat with hang chrysanthemum

The effect of clearing the heat and throat of Hangzhou Baiju is the strongest, especially when the throat is swollen and sore.

Relieve the heat with chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemum flowers are looser, easy to scatter petals, with the function of dispersing wind and clearing heat, flat liver and eyesight, clearing heat and detoxification, etc., and are often used to make medicine pillows to avoid impurities for fitness.

Chrysanthemum tea, should be drunk like this, are you doing it right? How to choose different chrysanthemum teas for health first flower tea? Drinking instructions

Fire lowering with chrysanthemum

Chu chrysanthemum has the strongest effect of evacuating wind and heat, and when symptoms such as dry throat and dizzy hair appear, drinking some chu chrysanthemum can alleviate it.

Blatantly use gongju

The coldness of Gong Ju has eased somewhat, and the effect of clearing the liver and raising the eyes is prominent. Adding some goji berries when soaking is a good recipe for the eyes of the computer family.

Anti-inflammatory with wild chrysanthemum

Wild chrysanthemum has the strongest detoxification effect, which is effective in relieving sores, toothache, and bad breath, and in general, it is not recommended to drink wild chrysanthemums, so as not to cause stomach discomfort, bowel sounds, loose stools and other adverse reactions.

Drink the imperial chrysanthemum as you like

Huangju is weak in medicinal properties, rich in lutein, zinc, selenium, flavonoids and other effective substances, more suitable for drinking.

Chrysanthemum tea, should be drunk like this, are you doing it right? How to choose different chrysanthemum teas for health first flower tea? Drinking instructions

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" > drinking instructions</h1>

Many people also have cold hands and feet in the summer, and many women may also have painful menstruation. If these people regularly drink chrysanthemum tea, these symptoms may be aggravated and detrimental to health.

Not suitable for long-term continuous use

Chrysanthemum tea is not suitable for long-term continuous use, and drinking it every three to five times will help health.

Brew with boiling water

A cup of chrysanthemum tea is generally selected with about five chrysanthemums to add the right amount of boiling water, usually repeated brewing 5-7 times is almost the same.

Pregnant women do not drink

Chrysanthemum tea cold sweet, indeed has the effect of fire and detoxification, pregnant women during pregnancy immunity has been reduced, spleen and stomach weakness, at this time drinking chrysanthemum tea may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, abdominal pain diarrhea occurs, is not conducive to raising fetus.

Chrysanthemum tea, should be drunk like this, are you doing it right? How to choose different chrysanthemum teas for health first flower tea? Drinking instructions

Do not drink colds

The causes of typhoid fever and flu are mostly caused by colds, and drinking some chilly flower tea is not suitable, which may aggravate the symptoms.

Love life, love health, Ai help the Lord!

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