
From attracting fans across the country to losing millions of dollars at concerts, this era no longer deserves Luo Dayou

author:Good song for you

Entering December, the end of the year is approaching, and all kinds of awards ceremonies of all sizes and sizes have begun to emerge, and the music world is no exception, but now the award ceremonies in the song world have been reduced to no different from "pork sharing".

Don't believe it, and look! Looking around, the awards were received by Internet celebrities who sang the "Divine Comedy" and idols who sang "nutritious, brainless songs", and these people occupied most of the award ceremony.

At that time, Wang Feng's team released a bold statement: Without Wang Feng, the mainland song world would lose half of the country.

From attracting fans across the country to losing millions of dollars at concerts, this era no longer deserves Luo Dayou

At that time, I was still young, and I followed everyone to "ridicule" him, and in just a few years, this sentence was fulfilled. The great waves of the song world have been exhausted, not only the city and pool have been lost, but almost "the trees have disappeared".

Of course, even if Wang Feng is invited to support the award ceremony in the current song world, he may not be willing to appreciate the light. The reason is that without him, you don't want face when Wang Feng? Sharing the stage with a group of unknown singers is too "falling"! He couldn't afford to lose this man.

In the face of the broken mess of the music world, no one can afford to support the picturesque scenery.

But if we talk about the real "half of the country" in the music world, we must be the first to promote the Chinese godfather Luo Dayou, except for him, no one can bear this heavy title.


From attracting fans across the country to losing millions of dollars at concerts, this era no longer deserves Luo Dayou

The "popular characters" of the Chinese music scene, there is a count, if you want to give everyone a row to sit and share the fruits, Luo Dayou himself occupies a single gear, ranking at the top of the pyramid, and others will compete for the second gear.

To use this analogy, you may offend many fans of the singer, but this is the case!

Setting the tone for the music scene and writing a chapter for the times – this is what Luo Dayou means to the music scene and the times, and at this point, no one can match him.

A brief review of Luo Dayou's handwriting:

"Childhood" weaves the most carefree time for the Chinese people; "Lukang Town" has both criticism and reflection; "Dream Chaser" mourns Sanmao, "Rolling Red Dust" sends a message to Zhang Ailing; "The Story of Time" sets a precedent for campus folk songs. Even Luo Dayou's own most "undesirable" "Tomorrow Will Be Better" is a classic and timeless public welfare model that has been sung to this day.

From attracting fans across the country to losing millions of dollars at concerts, this era no longer deserves Luo Dayou

The sense of social responsibility, profound insight and humanistic care revealed between his words are enough to polish the aura of the unique "monumental" godfather of the Chinese music scene, which is also the gap between Jay Chou, Teresa Teng, Li Zongsheng, Jacky Cheung and other singers.

In those days, the air was swallowed like a tiger, and now the wind is always blown away by the rain and the wind. This is true of the Chinese music scene, and so is the Godfather of Chinese, Luo Dayou! Once with the song world, now with the decline of the music world, is helpless, but also helpless.

The most painful and regrettable thing is that the aging godfather was eventually eliminated by the times, just like the loss of power in the music world, his turn is not as "beautiful" as we think.

A concert with a huge box office loss of millions and few attendance became the straw that overwhelmed the godfather's reputation.


In 2016, the "If I Were Luo Dayou" national tour was launched.

From attracting fans across the country to losing millions of dollars at concerts, this era no longer deserves Luo Dayou

Luo Dayou himself attaches great importance to this tour, according to the official caliber, this tour has been in preparation for two years, and the slogan is: There are a thousand Luo Dayou out of a thousand listeners, and everyone is Luo Dayou.

In order to match this "everyone is Luo Dayou" gimmick, the concert scene found Zhang Yu, Power Train, Tian Fuzhen, Peng Jiahui, Huang Liling, Li Quan and other singers to sing Luo Dayou's song to pay tribute to Luo Dayou.

There are two games in the mainland, first Beijing Station and then Shanghai Station, how is the effect of the scene? At that time, the self-media was not as vigorous as it is today, and anyway, the mainstream entertainment page was "in a good situation" on the press release.

From attracting fans across the country to losing millions of dollars at concerts, this era no longer deserves Luo Dayou

There was a topic discussion on a certain topic, "How to evaluate the "If I Were Luo Dayou" concert?" "Let's see how mainland fans who have personally experienced this concert answer."

The problem description said that Luo Dayou only sang half a song, and everyone's evaluation did not seem to be very "beautiful", most of them used: rotten, pit, car accident scene, to describe the concert.

Here there is also an anonymous netizen who answered more professionally, highly summarized and summarized the ins and outs of the concert, and the last sentence is the finishing touch: the loss into that can actually open the second show, I am very surprised, hehe!

From attracting fans across the country to losing millions of dollars at concerts, this era no longer deserves Luo Dayou

Seeing the real evaluation of the concert, everyone should almost have a bottom in their hearts. There is no way, who let him be Luo Dayou, for the mainland audience, the right should be to pay for the feelings.

However, the people of Taiwan Province are not used to him! It will not be because Luo Dayou is the godfather of the music world, and the concert is messed up and you have to hold you. The "If I Were Luo Dayou" tour moved to the Taipei Arena, and the result was "overturned".

Although Tao Zhe and Lin Junjie, two super first-line pop kings in the "Four Heavenly Kings" of the millennium Taiwanese music scene, were invited to join, the Taiwanese audience did not buy this unworthy "platter concert".

From attracting fans across the country to losing millions of dollars at concerts, this era no longer deserves Luo Dayou

The guests were crowded, but less than 20% of the audience entered the first half hour of the show, and because the audience was much less than expected, the start of the concert had to be delayed. In the end, the attendance rate reached 60%, and the cost was lost by millions.

No wonder Luo Dayou laughed at the empty audience under the stage, "You guys have never been so spacious and comfortable when you come to the Little Dome!" Who can blame this, the concert "hanging on the sheep's head to sell dog meat", don't blame the audience for not buying it.

As we all know, it is impossible to build a building in a day, but the dumping of a building only takes minutes and seconds. The same is true of word of mouth, so it is said that "the gold cup and silver cup are not as good as the audience's word of mouth".

From attracting fans across the country to losing millions of dollars at concerts, this era no longer deserves Luo Dayou


Looking back on the millennium, Luo Dayou came to the mainland for the first time to hold a concert, the venue was selected in Shanghai, but it attracted fans from all over the country, which can be said to be unprecedented.

How crazy were Beijing fans at the time? On the K13 train heading south, Luo Dayou's fans were crowded, and everyone in the car was discussing Luo Dayou or his songs.

Thousands of mountains and rivers, just to see the style of the godfather of the music world. Among them, there are many familiar faces, including: Cui Jian, Bai Yansong, Li Yapeng, Na Ying, Gao Xiaosong, Xu Zhiyuan and others.

From attracting fans across the country to losing millions of dollars at concerts, this era no longer deserves Luo Dayou

But that kind of pomp and circumstance can never go back, just like the glory of the music world never looks back.

When everyone stopped to sigh at the "blood collapse" of Luo Dayou's tickets, in contrast to another godfather of the music world, Li Zongsheng, his concert tickets have a lot of premium space.

From attracting fans across the country to losing millions of dollars at concerts, this era no longer deserves Luo Dayou

As we all know, Li Zongsheng's works mostly describe "love consciousness", such as unrequited love, lost love, marriage and love, which have its audience no matter what era.

Coupled with the spread of new media topics, there is a cautionary maxim that "young people do not listen to Li Zongsheng, and it is not confusing to understand the year".

From attracting fans across the country to losing millions of dollars at concerts, this era no longer deserves Luo Dayou

And Luo Dayou's feelings of home and country have fascinated generations to engrave on the wall and copy on the lyric book, and in today's era environment, there is obviously no longer a market.

After all, Luo Dayou is a spiritual idol belonging to the past tense. His poetic lyrics are in the middle of the nostalgia of the literary youth who experienced the poetry era.

With the transformation of literature and art to practicality, the big self changes to the small self.

From attracting fans across the country to losing millions of dollars at concerts, this era no longer deserves Luo Dayou

There is no need to think about the proposition of home and country, no need to be angry or shocking, and the popular language that everyone chases ranges from "Taipei is not my home" to "I am the master of my territory" to "learning cat calling". I have to admit that Luo Dayou is indeed derailed from this era.

Some helpless, some decadent, people can't help but feel sad. Was he abandoned by the times, or did this era not deserve him at all?


At the very least, he was a leader of the times.

When the outside world is still singing the sound of melancholy, it is Luo Dayou's "Zhi Hu Ye" that came out of nowhere, like a sharp scalpel, piercing the darkness of social ills.

From attracting fans across the country to losing millions of dollars at concerts, this era no longer deserves Luo Dayou

However, as the saying goes, "the back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave", Luo Dayou's "anger", philosophical and literary music, is there anyone to take the baton in the new era?

Jay Chou said at the beginning of his debut that he "wants to become a singer like Luo Dayou". From the perspective of influence, Jay Chou did have no opponents in his own time. Although he was also controversial for a time, he was even criticized by Zheng Jun for his music being "not worth thinking about".

From attracting fans across the country to losing millions of dollars at concerts, this era no longer deserves Luo Dayou

After a few years, Zheng Jun changed his evaluation on "I Am a Singer-Songwriter", saying that Jay Chou was "too cattle".

In addition to accepting Jay Chou's style in the future, I don't know if the times have changed, when Zheng Jun looked back and found that the Chinese music scene that is now dominated by traffic songs is really "spiritually barren"?

From attracting fans across the country to losing millions of dollars at concerts, this era no longer deserves Luo Dayou
From attracting fans across the country to losing millions of dollars at concerts, this era no longer deserves Luo Dayou

In the current singing environment, I agree with zheng jun's words, especially when he proposed that nine out of ten songs can't be listened to, this is.

Today's "spiritually barren" and the leaderboard has no credibility to speak of, should not deserve To have Luo Dayou! You tell me?

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