
Song Ping: From riding a tricycle to collect waste to the chairman donating 50,000 yuan to Guangfeng alma mater to build a dormitory for left-behind students

author:Read Shangrao
Song Ping: From riding a tricycle to collect waste to the chairman donating 50,000 yuan to Guangfeng alma mater to build a dormitory for left-behind students

Song Ping, chairman of Hangzhou Yaobang Factory Renewable Resources Co., Ltd., once studied at Shangrao Guangfeng Wudu Town Middle School. After hearing that his alma mater was going to build dormitories for left-behind middle school students, he donated 50,000 yuan to his alma mater.

For his alma mater, he said, "Most of the children who study at Wudu Town Middle School still have parents working outside the home. Therefore, many left-behind children are renting peasant houses near the school, the safety hazard is very large, the school does not even have a student dormitory, I hope that students have a safe accommodation environment. In the past three years of junior high school, I still have a deep affection for the school. Although this is not much money, it expresses my heart. ”

Song Ping: From riding a tricycle to collect waste to the chairman donating 50,000 yuan to Guangfeng alma mater to build a dormitory for left-behind students

Hearing the news that the school was preparing to build a student dormitory, Song Ping learned about some specific situations and said that he must do his best. I hope these children have a good learning environment and conditions.

Song Ping from 2012 Jiangxi college students to start a typical business, to now have a successful career, he has come out step by step, the road of life has experienced too many ups and downs. Nowadays, some well-known domestic enterprises have become his partners. At present, his company has dozens of employees. "In fact, when you come out and go to society, everything is a new beginning."

Song Ping, who graduated from Shangrao Normal College, once returned to his alma mater to preach his entrepreneurial process, looking at those students who were a few years lower than himself, he recalled that when he graduated, he also proudly looked up, with a confused face, with a self-made resume, and a dream of becoming a "white-collar worker", embarked on the road to Hangzhou: "Go out, find that the outside world is actually different, it is difficult to find a job, or sell credit cards and sell insurance. If I don't want you to post psoriasis ads and sweep the building, I don't feel like I should do those things. ”

At that time, Song Ping rented a peasant apartment in Xiasha, a suburb of Hangzhou, with a rent of two hundred yuan per month, and it was an hour's drive from here to the city by bus, with no bathroom and kitchen in the room, and all the people living around were foreigners who came to Hangzhou to seek a living. Some of them only have primary school education, and Song Ping found that there was a unique job in the vicinity of the peasant apartment, and he had never considered engaging in this industry in the past: those who rented to outsiders in the past would produce some waste products, and he thought, do this, you can collect waste products.

In the summer of 2008, 24-year-old Song Ping spent 200 yuan to buy an old tricycle, rolled up several sacks, and embarked on the road of waste recycling.

Waste recycling, is a particularly low threshold industry, Song Ping in the vicinity of the farmer's apartment with a thousand pieces of rent a year, rent a vegetable field as a warehouse, so this has become his "starting point" into the waste recycling industry: the use of bamboo to beat a few piles, and then take a large advertising cloth, others removed, covered on it, can cover the windshield. Song Ping's daily job is to "collect the rags", pack, sell to the recycling station, sometimes the recycled waste is stained with filth, he must clean up little by little, in the summer, the sun is shining, the waste emits a strange smell, almost disgusting.

For all this, Song Ping, who once only knew how to turn over textbooks and take a pen, endured, and what made him feel most struggling was not the hardship of his work, but his distinctive title: college student.

In 2009, many people in Hangzhou remembered this new young man: he was particularly enthusiastic when he collected waste, his smile was particularly sunny, and the price was always fair, never less than two pounds. "You compete with others, in addition to competing for prices, you are competing for services. ”

At this time, Song Ping had already begun to conduct business with some large local enterprises in Hangzhou, including several large enterprises that were willing to let Song Ping contract all industrial waste.

In order to expand the market, recycling waste plastics, scrap metal, waste mobile phones, etc. has brought more business opportunities to Song Ping. The vegetable field that he rented has now become a spacious factory building; his parents, who once opposed him, have long since come to Hangzhou and become their son's right hand.

From his own profession, Song Ping has his own sense of life, "Now young people don't want to be ambitious, don't feel how capable they are, in fact, come out and go to society, everything is from a new beginning." ”

Like thousands of job seekers now, Song Ping was as ordinary as a drop of water in the sea, he dreamed, struggled, and suffered, and finally, in the most possible place, he found his true dignity. If everyone can relax their horizons when looking for a future in life, but do not give up hope, maybe today's you also have the opportunity to become tomorrow's Song Ping. Shangrao people's windows have heard the rumors

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