
If you knew that, why did you do it in the first place! Trudeau confessed

author:China Youth Network

According to the Associated Press, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on the 6th local time that he went out on vacation last week on the day he was supposed to commemorate the indigenous survivors of the Canadian boarding school system. The newly re-elected prime minister has been shot under fire for taking a vacation on the beaches of Vancouver Island.

If you knew that, why did you do it in the first place! Trudeau confessed

Trudeau Infographic

Speaking at a news conference, Trudeau said: "The trip on Sept. 30 was a mistake and I regret it. This first 'National Day of Truth and Reconciliation' is an important moment for all of us — indigenous and non-indigenous — to reflect and remember. ”

The Trudeau government announced a "National Day of Truth and Reconciliation" after the discovery of 215 child remains at the site of an old Aboriginal boarding school in Kamloops, British Columbia, this year sparked global concern.

Source: Informational messages

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