
What exactly did Fok Yingdong do at the Battle of Chosin Lake? After death, you can enjoy a state funeral

author:Lee chops wood

This year's National Day film war, the biggest winner is "Changjin Lake", the current total box office has successfully exceeded 4 billion, ranking among the top ten in the history of Chinese cinema.

Behind the high box office is the historical memory and patriotic enthusiasm awakened by Chinese.

In less than three hours, countless viewers were left with tears for the feats of the volunteers to throw their heads and spill their blood, and they were also deeply shaken by their steely and indomitable will.

Some people say that the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea was a "war to build a country" after the founding of New China, playing out the dignity of Chinese and the peace of ourselves in the next hundred years.

It is precisely because of the sacrifices of the martyrs that we now have the mountains and rivers unharmed and peaceful to spend the National Day with peace of mind.

What exactly did Fok Yingdong do at the Battle of Chosin Lake? After death, you can enjoy a state funeral

"Chosin Lake" also made the Chinese people deeply feel the tragedy and tragedy of the war.

Our warriors, dressed in extremely thin clothing in the extremely cold weather of minus 41 degrees Celsius, leaned over the snow-covered positions all night, repelling the enemy's frantic attacks again and again. It wasn't until dawn that the fighting stopped...

In the dictations of American veterans, we learn of this heartbreaking scene of charge: "Chinese have been rushing over, regardless of their own danger... The first batch had weapons, the second batch did not have every one, so they picked up the weapons of the first batch... The third group is political workers, and no one has flinched. ”

In the face of such shortages of weapons, equipment, and supplies, our volunteer army still charged forward regardless of life and death, and exchanged its flesh and blood and iron will for hard-won victory and peace!

What exactly did Fok Yingdong do at the Battle of Chosin Lake? After death, you can enjoy a state funeral
What exactly did Fok Yingdong do at the Battle of Chosin Lake? After death, you can enjoy a state funeral

Some people say that such backward equipment and lack of clothes and medicines are not the problems given by the backup supplement?

In fact, throughout the period of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the state was trying to find ways to purchase materials and distribute supplies. However, due to the blockade of China by various forces led by the United States, almost all countries have closed their borders and imposed embargoes on China.

Many materials are purchased, but they cannot be transported into the country.

At this moment of great anxiety, a patriotic businessman stepped forward.

He took his fleet and risked his life to deliver supplies to the motherland day and night, and this person was the red merchant Huo Yingdong.

In October 2006, Fok Ying-tung died of illness at the age of 84, and his funeral was held according to the specifications of the national leader.

What exactly did Fok Yingdong do at the Battle of Chosin Lake? After death, you can enjoy a state funeral

Dozens of dignitaries and celebrities from all walks of life supported the coffin, and hong Kong, China, and Macao, China, both lowered the flag to half-mast at the same time.

The party called him "the closest friend." ”

Why can Fok Ying Tung enjoy such mourning? Because He has saved our country!

Everyone remembers not only a great businessman, but also a sincere and patriotic entrepreneur.

What exactly did Fok Yingdong do at the Battle of Chosin Lake? After death, you can enjoy a state funeral

Fok Ying Tung was not born rich, and among his contemporaries, He was even the poorest and most bitter one.

In 1923, Fok Ying Tung was born in Hong Kong to a very poor family, a family of seven crammed into a 2-meter-long boat, the wind blew, the boat seemed to be falling apart.

In the morning, I pulled goods and ate on the ship, and at night I squeezed into the cabin to sleep. The hardships of life have made Huo Yingdong full of desire for money since childhood.

At the age of 12, Fok Yingdong was admitted to the famous Hong Kong Queen's College with his own efforts and learned English, which laid the foundation for him to earn the first pot of gold in his life.

What exactly did Fok Yingdong do at the Battle of Chosin Lake? After death, you can enjoy a state funeral

After Japan's defeat, Fok Yingdong happened to see an auction notice auctioning off wartime surplus supplies. Because it was English, the average person could not understand it, and he was very business-minded at that time, so he borrowed 100 yuan from his sister to participate in the bidding, ready to earn poor information.

This scalping made him 22,000. In the era when the monthly salary is generally less than 100 yuan, it can be said that it is an overnight rich.

After that, he opened a shipyard and his career flourished.

However, when he was struggling and his career was stable, he chose to bear risks and help the motherland in danger.

What exactly did Fok Yingdong do at the Battle of Chosin Lake? After death, you can enjoy a state funeral

In 1950, the Korean War broke out, and Chinese volunteers crossed the Yalu River and rushed to the Korean Peninsula for support.

As the saying goes: "The soldiers and horses have not moved, the grain and grass have gone first", no matter what era, the supply of resources in the rear is crucial to the war, and even directly determines the victory or defeat.

Naturally, the Americans also understood this truth, and when they learned that China had sent troops to Korea, they manipulated the United Nations to impose an embargo on China, but all the things that could be used on the battlefield, such as medicines, clothes, some food, and so on, were not allowed to be shipped to the mainland.

What exactly did Fok Yingdong do at the Battle of Chosin Lake? After death, you can enjoy a state funeral

At this time, Hong Kong, with its superior location, became an important channel for the mainland to support materials to the outside world, but many Hong Kong capitalists were afraid to deliver materials to the CCP.

However, Fok Yingdong was in danger and soon established a long-term trade relationship with the mainland.

At that time, the worst was the iron sheet, and Huo Yingdong and his fleet, which lasted two weeks, sent thousands of tons of iron sheets to the Shenzhen port to solve the urgent need.

Of course, the process was also very dangerous and arduous, in order to get rid of surveillance, the fleet had to change places three times a day, and Fok Yingdong and his workers only slept three or four hours a day.

Such "business" has also attracted people who want to make a fortune in the country.

They fight openly and secretly on the river, and it is common for them to bundle sacks and sink into the river.

Worse still, the supplies transported by these people are not only expensive, but also of poor quality. They exchanged cotton for black heart cotton, which was used by frontline fighters, and the injuries worsened.

Fok Ying Tung was different, although he was only 27 years old at the time, but he had a great sense of family and country. He risked his life and gave away all the good goods at a good price.

What exactly did Fok Yingdong do at the Battle of Chosin Lake? After death, you can enjoy a state funeral

Even so, some people did not buy Huo Yingdong's feat: "Is it really patriotic for him to transport materials for new China?" ”

In the face of this argument, Huo Yingdong only replied very modestly and sincerely: "If I said that I was to support the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and break the blockade embargo at that time, it was a lie, and I did not have such a high understanding." But to say that I didn't know anything at the time and didn't have any ideas at that time is not true. ”

As a businessman, Huo Yingdong chose to be alone in the face of doubts from others.

And his act of "not having such a high level of understanding" deserves our great gratitude.

He risked his life to transport a lot of Western medicine and gauze to the front, which directly saved the lives of a large number of volunteer soldiers on the Korean battlefield and also provided strong support for the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

What exactly did Fok Yingdong do at the Battle of Chosin Lake? After death, you can enjoy a state funeral

If this previous act is not enough to explain Huo Yingdong's patriotism, then after successful business, he has spent most of his money on the construction of the motherland, which is enough to prove his pure heart.

What exactly did Fok Yingdong do at the Battle of Chosin Lake? After death, you can enjoy a state funeral

After the end of the Korean War, Fok Yingdong turned his attention to the development of the founding of the country, and because of the reputation of patriotic businessmen, everyone was willing to do business with him.

As a result, Fok Ying Tung's real estate business has become bigger and bigger, and he is even known as the land lord of Hong Kong.

However, the rapid accumulation of wealth and the background of transporting materials for the country during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea made Fok Yingdong jealous of the Hong Kong and British governments, the Anglo-American consortium and other forces, who joined forces to drive Fok Yingdong out of the Hong Kong business community and slander him as a smuggler.

Since then, Huo Yingdong, who has long been excluded and suppressed, has set his sights on the mainland of the motherland.

In order to support the reform and opening up of the motherland, Huo Yingdong invested in the construction of the White Swan Hotel, one of the eight scenic spots in Yangcheng.

What exactly did Fok Yingdong do at the Battle of Chosin Lake? After death, you can enjoy a state funeral

Then, it has invested more than 40 billion yuan to develop the Panyu and Nansha areas in its hometown.

Everyone said that this was not a business, but a waste of money and energy, but he ignored the opposition and worked hard for more than ten years to build Nansha Island, which was originally inaccessible and unplanned, into the current Nansha Coastal New City.

In addition to investment and support for the development and construction of the motherland, Fok Yingdong has also made great contributions to Chinese sports.

Acknowledging sports seats is also recognizing the regime, and for this reason, Fok Yingdong has campaigned for China's legitimate seats at various international sporting events.

What exactly did Fok Yingdong do at the Battle of Chosin Lake? After death, you can enjoy a state funeral

China's legal seat in the Asian Football Confederation was restored, and the 11th Asian Games and the 2008 Olympic Games were successfully hosted... All of this, Huo Yingdong is indispensable.

He used his connections and prestige to fight for the motherland, and spared no effort to fund the construction of various sports facilities and gymnasiums.

The landmark building of the Beijing Olympic Games, the Water Cube, cost 800 million, of which 200 million were from Fok Yingdong, and all the venues and buildings with Fok Yingdong's name across the country are also his painstaking efforts.

According to some statistics, Fok Yingdong has donated more than 15 billion yuan to charity in the past few decades of supporting the development of sports.

In the face of such a contribution, in an interview, he humbly said: In fact, it is insignificant, just a heart for the motherland.

It is precisely because of his intention that the vigorous development of China's sports industry has been achieved.

What exactly did Fok Yingdong do at the Battle of Chosin Lake? After death, you can enjoy a state funeral

In his lifetime, Huo Yingdong was invited to climb the Tiananmen Tower three times to participate in the military parade. Once, when a reporter asked him what he felt at that time, he saw that Huo Yingdong had already burst into tears without saying a word.

What exactly did Fok Yingdong do at the Battle of Chosin Lake? After death, you can enjoy a state funeral

In his heart, he has become one with the honor and disgrace of the motherland, and the development of the motherland is more important than everything else.

On his deathbed, Fok Yingdong made very special arrangements for what happened after his death:

The three sons of Changfang all need to inherit the legacy, the eldest son Huo Zhenting continues to develop his beloved sports career, the second son Huo Zhenhuan takes over the family business, and the third son Huo Zhenyu continues the Nansha development plan.

In addition, other children are required not to enter the business, and they are expected to become lawyers, doctors and other professionals.

This arrangement not only does not want future generations to fall into the storm of property disputes, but also hopes that his social responsibility and patriotic will can be inherited.

What exactly did Fok Yingdong do at the Battle of Chosin Lake? After death, you can enjoy a state funeral

As a Chinese, Fok Yingdong did his best for the motherland's War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea;

As the boss, Huo Yingdong said that he never failed people, and all those who had cooperated and helped him made money;

As a business genius, Fok Yingdong has excelled in every industry and created wealth that is difficult for the world to match;

As a patriotic entrepreneur, he also selflessly dedicated himself and made outstanding contributions to the prosperity and development of the motherland.

Because of this, before Huo Lao left, he could leave the most frank self-evaluation:

Looking back, I look up to the sky and bow down to people. If the full score of life is 100 points, I will give myself more than 100 points.

Fok Ying Tung deserves such a full score in life!

This article is written by Mu Mu

Editor-in-Charge: Morning and Evening

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