
"Kite": Are Zheng Yaoxian and Han Bing different in faith?

author:It's fun

One is a code name kite, one is a code name shadow; one is a secret agent of the Communist Party who broke into the Kuomintang military unity, and the other is an agent of the Kuomintang military unification who broke into the Communist Party. Are Zheng Yaoxian and Han Bing different in faith?

"Kite": Are Zheng Yaoxian and Han Bing different in faith?

The Communist Party believes in Marxism, and the Kuomintang believes in the Three People's Principles (nationality, civil rights, and people's livelihood). On the surface, there are indeed differences of faith between the Communist Party and the Kuomintang. However, in order to realize its own beliefs, the Communist Party can throw its head and spill its blood and be loyal and firm in its convictions, but what about the Kuomintang?

The Kuomintang's Three People's Principles were advocated by Sun Yat-sen and supplemented by three major policies: united Russia, united communists, and support for workers and peasants. After Chiang Kai-shek took power in the Kuomintang, in order to safeguard his dictatorial rule and the interests of the four major families, he completely deviated from the Three People's Principles.

In "The Cliff", Zhou Yi, an agent of our party who broke into the pseudo-police department, and Gao Bin, deputy director of the Harbin Police Department, after his arrest, explained his faith more clearly. Zhou Yi said: "In the near future, there will be a new government, no emperor, no magnates, no exploitation and oppression, no loss of power and humiliation of the country, so that the people can live with dignity, and the new government will not enslave the people." ”

If the realization of communism is the belief and highest ideal of the Communist Party of China, then the establishment of a new government in old China to eliminate exploitation and oppression is the goal of Communist Party members.

"Kite": Are Zheng Yaoxian and Han Bing different in faith?

Chiang Kai-shek deviated from the Three People's Principles, and the Kuomintang lost its faith. So what did Chiang Kai-shek rely on to maintain power? Relying on factions and feelings, factions are Whampoa systems; feelings are called brothers and brothers. Chiang Kai-shek and Zhang Xueliang and others were all worshippers, and the meetings or phone calls of the Kuomintang top brass were all from this brother and that brother. Due to the fact that "the upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked", this phenomenon runs through the entire Kuomintang system. To give just one example, Zheng Yaoxian in "Kite" is called the sixth brother, like Gong Shu, Song Xiao'an, and Zhao Jianzhi, who are the pillars of military command, who treat Zheng Yaoxian with a heart and mind, and regard death as a homecoming.

The Kuomintang betrayed the revolution in 1927 and carried out frenzied massacres of Communists and progressive masses, implementing the policy of "preferring to kill a thousand by mistake and never spare one." Moreover, the means are extremely cruel and appalling, such as digging out the heart, going out the eyes, cutting the tongue, cutting the ears, cutting the milk, peeling the skin, dividing the body, dismembering, burying alive, and circling the fire. They also organized and gathered landlords and local tyrants and hooligans and bullies to form "homecoming regiments," "shoveling communist regiments," and "security brigades" to kill communists and progressive masses. Since the Kuomintang betrayed the revolution, how many Communists, Democrats and innocent masses have been slaughtered? countless. Is this something that a party of faith can do?

"Kite": Are Zheng Yaoxian and Han Bing different in faith?

Han Bing infiltrated the Communist Party in 1931, according to the origins of military unification: in 1927, Chiang Kai-shek asked Hu Jing'an of the Huangpu Department to form the "Whampoa Student Liaison Group" in Shanghai, which was responsible for gathering intelligence, including Dai Kasa. Since Hu Jing'an was going to study in Germany, Chiang Kai-shek asked Dai To preside over the work of the group. In 1931, in order to strengthen intelligence work, Chiang Kai-shek asked Dai Kasa to form a "secret investigation team" .

Han Bing should be a member of this "secret investigation team". The reason why Dai Kasa attaches so much importance to Han Bing is not only that Han Bing is the originator of military command, but also a "hardcore" intelligence officer.

In 1934, the Kuomintang established the Secret Service Office of the Military Commission; in 1937, it established the "Investigation and Statistics Bureau of the Military Commission of the National Government", that is, the Military Command Bureau. This is also the reason why only Dai Kasa knows to master Han Bing's identity at all levels of the military command.

"Kite": Are Zheng Yaoxian and Han Bing different in faith?

Judging from Han Bing's entry into the Communist Party, it was to provide intelligence to the Kuomintang to massacre the Red Army. Because at that time, the Red Army did not even have a base area, lacked clothing and food, lacked guns and ammunition, and could not compete with the Kuomintang army at all. This also meant that once the Kuomintang had accurate information, the Red Army would face being slaughtered and wiped out.

Han Bing, like other Kuomintang, did not break into the Communist Party for any faith, but to eliminate the Red Army. Because the Kuomintang at that time, including Chiang Kai-shek, lost faith as a whole.

Han Bing was directly under Dai Kasa's orders, and when his shadow identity was exposed by Zheng Yaoxian in 1979, Han Bing still called Dai Kasa chief. Just think, which Kuomintang agent called the organization at the time of the joint? When another Kuomintang agent was arrested and shot, he shouted long live the Three People's Principles or long live the Kuomintang? Because they have no faith, they don't even know for whom. He only knows the party-state and obeys the orders of his superiors.

Communists like Zheng Yaoxian are not, they are fighting for the faith of the Communist Party and the cause of the liberation of the people.

"Kite": Are Zheng Yaoxian and Han Bing different in faith?

Some people may say that the Communist Party defeated the Kuomintang, and the so-called "winner is king, loser is Kou", and vice versa? Not really.

Zhang Xueliang once commented that the Kuomintang could not defeat the Communist Party: "The Kuomintang lacks a unified faith. He believes that the so-called faith comes from the heart, not is imposed, and only by hard indoctrination cannot enable party members to establish faith.

In "Cliff", Zhou Yi and Gao Bin said that in ten, twenty, or even a hundred years, the Chinese Communist Party will be able to succeed. In 1949, the Chinese Communist Party overthrew the old Kuomintang regime and established a new government.

The Chinese Communist Party defeated the Kuomintang by faith, so Zheng Yaoxian and Han Bing did not have different beliefs. Because Han Binghe's Kuomintang had no faith, it was doomed to failure by means of massacres and cruel methods. As a hand stained with the blood of communists, Han Bing got the end he deserved.

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