
An overview of what Jesus was like in this life of Jesus in history: Jesus' life's footsteps Jesus followed his parents to Egypt Jesus lived as a carpenter in Nazareth, Jesus was baptized and began his ministry of the new life Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem

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An overview of what Jesus was like in this life of Jesus in history: Jesus' life's footsteps Jesus followed his parents to Egypt Jesus lived as a carpenter in Nazareth, Jesus was baptized and began his ministry of the new life Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem

Jesus on his way to preach (image from Jesus Turning)

<h1>Overview: The Footprints of Jesus' Life</h1>

In A.D. 33, a young man was crucified, ending his life at the age of thirty-three, and he was Jesus. Looking back at Jesus' short life, his footprints remain in these six places: Bethlehem, Egypt, Nazareth, the Banks of the Jordan River, Galilee, and Jerusalem. Today we will string together these six place names to get a general understanding of the life of Jesus.

An overview of what Jesus was like in this life of Jesus in history: Jesus' life's footsteps Jesus followed his parents to Egypt Jesus lived as a carpenter in Nazareth, Jesus was baptized and began his ministry of the new life Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem

Jesus was born in the stables of Bethlehem (image from The Nativity)

<h1>Jesus in Bethlehem</h1>

Jesus' father, Joseph, took Mary to her ancestral home in Bethlehem to declare her household registration, and Mary was already pregnant with Liujia and was about to give birth. But when they arrived in Bethlehem, the city's inn was full, and it was winter, the sky was snowing, and they had to spend the night in a stable. On this night, Jesus was born, and his mother wrapped him in cloth and placed him in a manger, and just then three Oriental doctors came, and they followed a very bright new star in the sky and found here, and they saw Jesus in the manger, not only on their knees, but also in gold, myrrh, and frankincense. The news of the "Manger Holy Child" also went away. Soon, Herod heard that this was the fulfillment of the prophecies of the ancient scriptures, and in order to ensure that his throne was not threatened, Herod decided to kill Jesus.

An overview of what Jesus was like in this life of Jesus in history: Jesus' life's footsteps Jesus followed his parents to Egypt Jesus lived as a carpenter in Nazareth, Jesus was baptized and began his ministry of the new life Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem

The Day Jesus and His Parents Took Refuge in Egypt (Image from the movie Out of Egypt)

<h1>Jesus followed his parents to Egypt</h1>

In order to escape herod's killing, Joseph the Carpenter, at the suggestion of the Three Doctors of the East, took refuge in Egypt with his wife Mary and the newborn Jesus. However, the days of fleeing in Egypt did not go well, and before they arrived in Egypt, there were many Jews living here, and the Jews were hard-working and budget-conscious compared to the egyptians, who were hated by the Egyptians, who stole the jobs that should belong to them. Jesus lived in a Jewish community, but was occasionally bullied by local teenagers. So as soon as the news of Herod's death reached Egypt, Joseph, the carpenter's father, took Jesus back to his native Nazareth.

An overview of what Jesus was like in this life of Jesus in history: Jesus' life's footsteps Jesus followed his parents to Egypt Jesus lived as a carpenter in Nazareth, Jesus was baptized and began his ministry of the new life Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem

Jesus' Life as a Carpenter in Nazareth (Image from The Passion of the Christ)

<h1>Jesus lived as a carpenter in Nazareth</h1>

Jesus spent most of his thirty-three-year-old life in Nazareth. Jesus' father was a carpenter with a highly skilled craftsmanship and a local reputation. At that time, occupation was also prevalent between father and son, so in the eyes of the Nazarenes, Jesus was destined to inherit the mantle of his father Joseph and become one of the many carpenters of Nazareth, perhaps the most outstanding. For a long time, Jesus lived as a carpenter, and in his spare time, he would go out with his father to make some furniture for others and exchange his craft for some food, which lasted until the death of his father Joseph from illness. After the death of his father, Joseph, Jesus did not bind himself to the profession of carpenter. He decided to change, like his ancestor David, from the very bottom, to become a man who could change the fate of the nation of Israel.

An overview of what Jesus was like in this life of Jesus in history: Jesus' life's footsteps Jesus followed his parents to Egypt Jesus lived as a carpenter in Nazareth, Jesus was baptized and began his ministry of the new life Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem

Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River (image from The Story of Jesus)

<h1>Jesus was baptized and began the new life of His ministry</h1>

Jesus' distant cousin John, later known as the Baptist, preached on the banks of the Jordan River and baptized people with water from the Jordan River, and many Israelites worshiped under him, john was worshipped as a prophet by the Israelites at that time, and those in power all over Israel feared him for three points. Jesus also came to the jordan river, John baptized him with water, and just as John baptized Jesus, the dark sky suddenly lit up, maybe it was just a coincidence, but for the crowd that was surrounded by the Jordan River, black and oppressive, this is God's eyes open. Thus the fame of Jesus among the Israelites began to spread. Immediately after his baptism, Jesus did not begin to travel around preaching, but spent forty days alone in the wilderness on the banks of the Jordan River, and the world did not know what had happened during these forty days, but when Jesus reappeared, jesus at this moment was no longer the carpenter Jesus.

An overview of what Jesus was like in this life of Jesus in history: Jesus' life's footsteps Jesus followed his parents to Egypt Jesus lived as a carpenter in Nazareth, Jesus was baptized and began his ministry of the new life Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem

Jesus preached to Israel on the mountain (image from The Son of God)

Jesus returned to his hometown of Nazareth, a small village in the Galilee region, and found that two people had been following him, who had originally followed John, and later witnessed the vision of Jesus at the time of his baptism and came to Jesus specifically. Jesus took these two of His disciples to his cousin's wedding, which fulfilled jesus' good story of turning water into wine, and from then on, Jesus preached throughout Galilee, collected disciples, and chose twelve powerful ones to establish twelve apostles. In addition to the various strange deeds that Jesus did in Galilee, which made the paralyzed walk, restore the blind to sight, cure the young people possessed by the demons, and cured the mad young men of the sheep, he also proposed the Sermon on the Mount, with "On the Eight Blessings" and "Be Kind to Your Enemies," which became the basis of his preaching sermons. Jesus' disciples grew, and a "Jesus wind" began to blow from Galilee to all parts of Israel.

<h1>Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem</h1>

At the end of the Passover, Jesus entered Jerusalem. Jerusalem was the holy site of all Israel at the time, and it was also a place of complex entanglement of factions. The Passover was a holiday for the Israelites to worship God, and on the eve of the holiday, the contradictions between the Israelites and the Romans became very acute. The smell of gunpowder in Jerusalem has endured for a long time, and conflicts of magnitude and large and small have been taking place in the streets and alleys. Jesus was against violence, and in the face of the deliberate harassment of the ill-intentioned, Jesus made the famous statement that "Caesar's to Caesar, God's to God", distinguishing the lusts of the world from the hope of the kingdom of heaven. Nevertheless, Jesus was crucified by the Roman authorities as a scapegoat for the slaughter of a hundred. On the outskirts of Jerusalem, at the summit of Mount Golgotha, the young life of Jesus was fixed here.

An overview of what Jesus was like in this life of Jesus in history: Jesus' life's footsteps Jesus followed his parents to Egypt Jesus lived as a carpenter in Nazareth, Jesus was baptized and began his ministry of the new life Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem

Jesus was crucified (image from Jesus of Nazareth)

Although Jesus' life was short, the treasure he left behind was eternal, his teachings influenced today's society, and his wisdom is still unmatched.

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