
After Biden declared to "defend Taiwan," the "Gengzhi" North Korea spoke, and the content made people tear up

author:Wu Non-Media Diplomacy

Fight tiger brothers, fight father and son soldiers, years of cold know pine cypress, suffering to see the truth.

In terms of international relations, the DPRK has always been the role of "desperately trying to make three langs", there are not many people who talk harshly, they can never say nonsense with actions, and they can use "cursing" to show their attitude, especially on the issue of designing the United States.

To give two examples, in March this year, Malaysia fabricated a false accusation and forcibly extradited a North Korean citizen to the United States, and the DprK immediately issued a statement announcing that it had completely severed diplomatic relations with Malaysia, which had "yielded to the power of the United States and committed extraordinarily large hostile acts against the DPRK", and warned the United States to "not create trouble", and diplomatic relations between Malaysia and the DPRK have not yet been restored.

After Biden declared to "defend Taiwan," the "Gengzhi" North Korea spoke, and the content made people tear up

In June, the workers' party of Korea held a plenary session, and in the report deliberated and adopted by the congress, the United States believed that North Korea had sent a "useful signal" and was eager to engage with the United States. Please don't comfort yourself and expect wrongly!

When the United States attacks China, North Korea is always the first country to speak out and take the most strident attitude. In Last year's Hong Kong affairs, the United States and Western countries repeatedly accused China of doing their utmost to slander and smear it, and the DPRK Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement at the first time: It fully supports the Chinese Government's position and measures on the Hong Kong issue, Hong Kong is China's Hong Kong, and "one country, two systems" cannot be undermined!

After Biden declared to "defend Taiwan," the "Gengzhi" North Korea spoke, and the content made people tear up

Last year, when US Secretary of State Pompeo declared that "China is a threat," before China could speak out, North Korea quickly shot back: Pompeo pointed fingers and made irresponsible remarks about China on Hong Kong affairs, Taiwan-related issues, human rights issues, and trade disputes, and was an "ignorant person" specializing in espionage and conspiracy activities! Four days later, Kim Yo-jong, first vice minister of the Workers' Party of Korea, spoke out again, and the fierceness of the words was difficult to tell the truth, and even used words such as "illiterate", "mouthful", "dog is not as good as", "human scum" and other words, the specific content of the full text of Kim Yo-jong's "Do not set yourself on fire" speech, but please do not watch it during dinner.

Seeing North Korea's righteous and stern diplomatic language, I once wondered whether we were too "polite" to the United States, and whether we should also "scold back" our shameless enemies.

After Biden declared to "defend Taiwan," the "Gengzhi" North Korea spoke, and the content made people tear up

Back to the Taiwan issue. On October 23, north Korea expressed its opinion on the recent US action toward Taiwan, condemning the United States for interfering in the Taiwan issue for no reason and using Taiwan as a tool to suppress China, saying that Taiwan is part of China and that the Taiwan issue is entirely China's internal affair. He scoffed at the US remark that "China and the DPRK have intensified military tensions," saying that the United States is "the first to file a complaint against the evil" and "a rogue claim."

Taiwan has clearly stated: We fully support the Chinese Government and the people of the Chinese in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and we must realize the stand of the reunification of the motherland!

After listening, I was inexplicably very moved, and even burst into tears.

After Biden declared to "defend Taiwan," the "Gengzhi" North Korea spoke, and the content made people tear up

Some say, where are China's allies? Yes, as a traditional non-aligned country, we have no allies, but we have "good brothers" who share weal and woe, who share weal and woe, and we have good partners who work together to overcome difficulties and support each other.

On the 15th of this month, the United States and Canadian warships openly crossed the Taiwan Strait and unveiled satellite image pictures with great power, and then, China and Russia sent a joint fleet through Japan's Tsugaru Strait, at this moment, the DPRK risked being sanctioned by the United States in the Security Council, and tested a new submarine-launched missile into the eastern waters of the peninsula, causing great panic on the South Korean side.

In ancient times, there was China's War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and now there is the DPRK's "War to Resist US Aggression and Aid China." Regardless of whether the DPRK can provide help and support in the Sino-US game, the true disposition of this righteous and outspoken word is worthy of our gratitude.

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