
The daughter of He Long tells the story of the 25,000-mile Long March in swaddling


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CCTV News: On September 15, 1935, the Red Army began to move to western Hunan province in a planned way. Soon, He Long became a father, and his daughter born after several victories for the Red Army was celebrated, so he was named He Jiesheng, and the baby joined the long march in swaddling. He Jiesheng, the daughter of He Long, recalled: "When the enemy came across mount Wumeng, he didn't care about any children or anything like that, so he went to command the troops. I was thrown like a burden on the thatch by him. He didn't know because he was so nervous. When the enemy retreated, my father found that the child was gone, and he rode back on his horse. My father said that we are fighting a big war, we are going to build a new China, and if our children can't protect them, then we can't fight this war. After the founding of New China, He Jiesheng devoted himself to the field of military encyclopedia research, participated in the compilation and publication of the "Chinese Military Encyclopedia" for more than 10 years, and published many articles to recall the Long March, she wrote: "Understanding the Long March, we understand the spiritual code we have come all the way." That arduous expedition was an eternal revolutionary holy book for those who came after. ”

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