
Why was U.S. President Roosevelt almost killed by his own people during World War II?

author:The devil talks about history

As we all know, the anti-fascist triumvirates of the Second World War were Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill. But the dangers faced by the "Big Three" during World War II were different, and the safest of them was US President Roosevelt, who stayed across the ocean for a long time. Interestingly, Roosevelt was nearly killed by his own U.S. Navy in the late stages of World War II. What's going on?

Why was U.S. President Roosevelt almost killed by his own people during World War II?

In November 1943, with the victory of the Battle of Midway, the Battle of Stalingrad, the Battle of Kursk and other strategic decisive battles, the World Anti-Fascist League began a full-scale counter-offensive. So Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill decided to convene a conference in Tehran, Iran, to discuss major issues such as opening up a second European theater, the Soviet Union's war against Japan, the establishment of a new international order, and the formation of the United Nations.

Why was U.S. President Roosevelt almost killed by his own people during World War II?

For various reasons, US President Roosevelt traveled to Tehran aboard the US Navy's battleship USS Iowa. In order to protect the president's holy car and show military prestige, the U.S. Navy has formed a large presidential escort fleet. Unexpectedly, it was this escort fleet that almost killed the president, and the problem was that the destroyer of the escort fleet, William W. Bush, was killed. D. Potter".

Why was U.S. President Roosevelt almost killed by his own people during World War II?

"William W. The D. Potter belonged to the U.S. Navy's Fletcher-class destroyers and was a new warship that was incorporated into the Navy in July 1943. The U.S. military industry was fully operational after the war, and 175 Fletcher-class destroyers were built. But the problem is that the training speed of naval soldiers lags behind the speed of warship construction," William W. Bush said. The 125 sailors on board the D. Potter were poorly qualified recruits.

Why was U.S. President Roosevelt almost killed by his own people during World War II?

Hence the "William W. The launch of the D. Potter often had various accidents, such as pulling the lifeboat of the warship next to it when leaving the port, the depth bomb suddenly falling into the water and exploding during the voyage, the sailors being swept away by the big waves on the deck, and the formation suddenly slowing down and falling behind while sailing. However, many warships at that time were this virtue, and the U.S. Navy had long been accustomed to it, and as a result, "William W. Bush" was a "great warrior." The D. Potter made a big death.

Why was U.S. President Roosevelt almost killed by his own people during World War II?

On November 14, 1943, the bored former Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Roosevelt, ordered the President's Escort Fleet to hold an exercise to relieve the boredom. According to the exercise plan, the battleship "Iowa" on which the US president was riding acted as an imaginary enemy, escorting the fleet to launch simulated torpedoes at it. However, "William W. Instead of simulating a launch, D. Potter did fire an Mk15 torpedo at Iowa.

Why was U.S. President Roosevelt almost killed by his own people during World War II?

If "William W. The torpedo of the D. Potter paralyzed the U.S. top command. Thanks to the timely evasion of the Iowa, President Roosevelt was able to prevent himself. After dodging the torpedo, he suspected that "William W. The D. Potter's rebellious Iowa immediately aimed all its main guns at william wight. D. Potter". "William W. The D. Potter was then kicked out of the escort formation and sent to the port for review.

Why was U.S. President Roosevelt almost killed by his own people during World War II?

After review, the U.S. Navy determined that "William H. Lee The D. Potter is not anti-inflammatory, but the people are too dish. Thus "William W. The D. Potter was transferred to guard the island, and as a result" William W. Potter was transferred to guard the island. One of the sailors of the D. Potter was drunk and then shelled the headquarters on the island. And "William W. The ending of the D. Potter is also very interesting: a Japanese bomber sank into the water and exploded, killing "William Potter". The D. Potter was sunk.

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