
Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

author:History of the hearth

[Foreword: After the independence of the United States, washington, the first president of the United States, announced that he would no longer serve as president after serving two terms as president. Since then, the presidency has become the "unspoken rule" of the United States for no more than two terms, but Roosevelt's appearance has broken this tradition. The wheelchair-bound president, who served four consecutive terms for twelve years, died in his fourth term (1945). In 1951, the U.S. Constitution specified that the president's term of office could not exceed two terms.

Roosevelt was the longest-serving president in U.S. history, and he meant a great deal to Americans.

In the poll on the "president ranking", Roosevelt never fell out of the top five, most of them hovered in the top three, which shows Roosevelt's position in the hearts of Americans.

During Roosevelt's tenure, he saved the United States from the "Great Depression" and let the United States walk out of isolationism and then participate in World War II, accelerating the defeat of fascism and laying a solid foundation for the future establishment of a global hegemonic position in the United States. President Roosevelt's "achievements" are almost unparalleled in American history.

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

Hello everyone, here is the history of the hearth, take you to taste the history to see the world. Warm a pot of wine, sit on your knees, and listen to me slowly tell you.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > a life manipulated by parents</h1>

In 1882, Roosevelt was born into a high-society family in New York, USA, his father was a business tycoon, and his mother was a rich man.

When Roosevelt was born, his father was 54 years old. It can be said that they are old, and because of this, they are very strict with Roosevelt, dressing, going to school, and asking about the names of friends. So although Roosevelt did not worry about eating and drinking, he became the "marionette" of his parents.

Until the age of 5, Roosevelt could only wear a blonde shawl curly hair, wear a Short Scottish skirt, and look more like a girl, until he was 8 years old, when he returned to normal dress.

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

Scottish short skirt

At the age of 14, Roosevelt was sent to Groton School. The school is famous for producing political talent, and most of the people who come here are the children of rich families. Roosevelt also shone brightly here, whether it was tennis, horseback riding, golf or sailing, he did not hesitate, and later he also entered the "Debate Society" because of his sharp eloquence.

After graduation, Roosevelt had planned to enter naval academy, but his father sent him to Harvard University.

During college, Roosevelt's father died, but he left Roosevelt with a large inheritance. With this money, Roosevelt was reluctant to study well, and he often traveled to Europe, like a clumsy boy.

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion


It was then that the appearance of a man changed Roosevelt's life. He was Roosevelt's cousin, Theodore Roosevelt (the 26th president of the United States, known as Roosevelt Sr.)

Roosevelt the Elder was deeply loved by the people during his tenure and had a considerable influence in American politics, and after leaving office, he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility. Although Roosevelt did not understand why his cousin had so much power, he was very shocked and determined to climb to the top of American power like his cousin in the future, and he did whatever it took to do.

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

Old Roosevelt

Anna was Roosevelt's cousin and roosevelt's niece, and although she was a famous queen, her appearance that did not dare to be flattered caused not many people to pursue her.

But Roosevelt, who was bent on climbing up, did not care about these things, and he resolutely married Anna despite the opposition of his family.

When the two got married, the wedding scene was so packed that even the president of the United States at the time went. However, Roosevelt found that most people came for the president, which further strengthened his determination to become president.

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

Anna Eleanor Roosevelt

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="96" > first entered politics</h1>

In 1910, New York State lost a position in the Legislature, so he gave the position to Roosevelt, which also allowed Roosevelt to knock on the door to politics.

Roosevelt began to make a big splash after taking office, helping Wilson win the 1912 presidential election, after which Wilson appointed Roosevelt as assistant secretary of the Navy. Under Roosevelt's reorganization, the Navy was reborn. And in the later World War I, roosevelt also gained great prestige.

In 1919, Roosevelt wanted to run for vice president of the United States. But at this time, he was still on the run for Wilson's Plan for the League of Nations. After all, he is an ordinary person, and he doesn't have so much energy to do two things at the same time. So in this election he lost unsurprisingly, and he temporarily left politics after missing the vice presidency.

The lost Roosevelt went on vacation with his family, but he did not expect that the vacation would ruin his life. Here he encountered a forest fire. In a hurry, Roosevelt jumped directly into the sea, and the huge temperature difference caused Roosevelt to suffer from polio inflammation. Paralyzed in the lower half of his body, he spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

Roosevelt in a wheelchair

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="97" > return to politics</h1>

In 1928, Roosevelt, in a wheelchair, returned to politics. At the time, New York State was preparing to elect a new governor. However, the Democratic Party is mired in internal strife over partisan divisions. This took a bargain for Roosevelt, who had just returned home, and he thought he had a slight advantage in becoming the new governor of New York.

In 1932, Roosevelt, feeling that the time had come, began to storm the presidency. At that time, everyone around him thought that Roosevelt could not succeed, and even his competitors laughed at him: "You are a cripple and still want to be president?" ”

But Roosevelt did not give up, he actively participated in the campaign, and successfully ascended to the throne of the 32nd president of the United States.

In 1933, Roosevelt took over the scarred United States from Hoover, and the United States was facing a huge challenge: the Great Depression.

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="98" > the Great Depression in the United States</h1>

After the end of World War I, the self-confidence of the victorious Americans quickly swelled. "Conspicuous consumption" became the mainstream of the United States at that time. The advanced consumption method of installment payment has also become a common phenomenon. Hoover was confident in the U.S. economy at the time, saying:

"We are on the eve of a decisive war on poverty, and slums will disappear from the United States."

Strong purchasing power has led to rising stock prices, and many people have gone bankrupt in order to speculate in stocks, but with the fall of domestic consumption levels, high stock prices have long been in the air.

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

Live above one's income

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

Heaven desires its death, and it will make it mad. The Americans soon tasted the bitter fruit they had planted.

On October 24, 1929, the Wall Street stock market plummeted, and the seemingly prosperous economic system of the United States collapsed in an instant, a day that Americans called "Black Thursday."

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

Black Thursday

The United States thus entered a 10-year period of great depression. The streets are full of bankrupt banks, failed factories, unemployed workers and vagrants.

From 1929 to 1932, the gross national product of the United States fell from $104 billion to $41 billion, a decline of 60%, and national income fell by 50%.; Industry fell by 46%, the number of unemployed reached 17 million, and the wages of active workers also fell by 35-40%; Agricultural incomes fell by 60% and more than 1 million farmers went bankrupt; More than 5,500 banks collapsed, and by June 1932, all 32 states had failed, and there was a massive run.

During the Great Depression, 28 percent of the urban population and more than 10 million peasants had no income and starved to death; about 2-4 million middle school students dropped out of school; many committed suicide because they could not bear physical and psychological pain; and social order deteriorated severely.

As purchasing power declined, capitalists and farmers had to dispose of excess products on the spot, wheat and corn were used as fuel, milk was poured into the Mississippi River, and Hoover stepped down.

After that, the Great Depression in the United States quickly swept through the capitalist world, directly leading to the rise of right-wing ideas in Europe, the Americas and Latin America, and also allowed fascist dictators to find opportunities to rise, indirectly leading to the outbreak of World War II.

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

Americans dump excess milk

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion
Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion
Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

Americans during the Great Depression lined up to receive food

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

Hoover Village

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

Americans under the Great Depression

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="102" > save America for the first time</h1>

Immediately after taking office, Roosevelt began to implement the New Deal, passing 70 bills in just one hundred days of special congressional meetings, and this kind of "green light" scene is also very rare in American history.

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

Roosevelt's New Deal carried out major reforms in four areas: finance, agriculture, industry, relief, and security.


After a brief reorganization, the Treasury retained several of its larger banks and eliminated insolvent banks; to protect bank reserves and prevent the outflow of gold, he banned the storage and export of gold and banned private holding of gold; and on March 20, 1933, Congress passed the Savings Act, which reduced government spending and veterans' allowances by $500 million.

Subsequently, the reform and management of banks, securities markets and currencies was strengthened through the provisions of the Securities Law, the Securities Market Law and the Banking Law;

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

Agriculture, industry

The Agricultural Adjustment Law and the National Industrial Revitalization Law are important links in the revival of industry and agriculture.

The New Deal established the principle of "fair competition", stipulated the scale, price and scope of sales of each enterprise, and increased the minimum wage and maximum working hours for workers. To a certain extent, this restricts monopolistic behavior and alleviates class contradictions.

At the same time, Roosevelt also awarded the "Blue Eagle Medal" to the enterprises that accepted the new regulations in recognition of their contributions to providing jobs for society and fulfilling corporate responsibilities.

Roosevelt believed that it is not only necessary to focus on the development of large companies, but also the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Only when they live better can the people truly restore a good life.

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

Remedies and Safeguards

In May 1933, Congress passed the Federal Emergency Relief Act, establishing the Federal Emergency Relief Agency and rapidly distributing benefits to the states. The following year, the simple relief was changed to "work-for-relief", providing the unemployed with the opportunity to work and allowing the unemployed to realize their own value through work. To this day, many countries still use this practice.

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

In addition to the above, the Private Resource Conservation Corps program was also a magic weapon for Roosevelt to solve the problem of unemployment: the program specifically recruited young and strong people between the ages of 18 and 25 who did not have jobs, and then Roosevelt asked these people to plant trees and forest protection, build road construction, build forest fire lines, and build forest watchtowers.

The first 250,000 people recruited went to work in 1,500 camps in the states of Luke. For those who could only rely on the government for their sustenance, Roosevelt urged Congress to pass the Federal Emergency Relief Act and establish federal relief agencies to do everything possible to help the poor and unemployed.

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

Roosevelt signed the bill

In order to increase the level of social security, the Social Security Law stipulates that all retired workers (over 65 years of age) can receive a pension of between US$ 10 and US$ 85 per month, depending on the wage level.

As for the source of the insurance benefits, a portion of the insurance benefits (1 per cent of the wages) is paid by the employee and the employer, and the rest are paid by the federal government.

The implementation of the New Deal had a remarkable effect: beginning in 1935, economic indicators in almost all industries in the United States began to rise steadily. Domestic economic indicators increased from $74.2 billion in 1933 to $204.9 billion in 1939, and the number of unemployed fell from $17 million to 8 million.

The implementation of the New Deal gave people hope, and the people's confidence in the state system was further enhanced. At the same time, it also effectively prevented the United States from becoming a new fascist regime. The new model of state intervention created by Roosevelt is of great significance to all countries in the world and even today's world.

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

Roosevelt's New Deal

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="103" > save America for the second time</h1>

On September 1, 1939, the outbreak of World War II plunged the world into dire straits. In this moment of crisis, the United States also understands that the president cannot be easily replaced. In this way, Roosevelt was successfully re-elected.

In fact, at that time, the United States was practicing isolationism, and the so-called isolationism was to take care of each other, and each person swept the snow in front of the door and took care of the frost on the tiles of others. So the United States has always been the role of arms dealers in the early days of World War II, providing weapons for the Allies as well as weapons for fascism.

Isolationism only made fascism more rampant, and almost half of Roosevelt's term was spent in confrontation with isolationism.

In 1937, Roosevelt gave a speech against isolationism in Chicago, which he used as a test, but was impeached by isolationists. He was also accused of being a war peddler. As can be seen from this, isolationism has become deeply rooted in the United States.

But Roosevelt understood that fascism could not be allowed to continue to be so arrogant, or the United States would face a behemoth enemy.

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

As the Chinese legislation was passed one by one, Roosevelt looked a little confused as his second term drew to a close, but he did not want to put the country in the hands of conservatives who did not care about the people.

On the other hand, germany's blitzkrieg made the United States feel a great threat, and isolationists began to realize that isolation from Europe would not make them safe, and isolationism finally began to loosen.

The combination of the two factors led Roosevelt to finally decide to break the norm and participate in the third presidential election. This time, he was finally able to pursue his own foreign policy.

"We must be the greatest arsenal in the world," was the slogan Roosevelt uttered in a conversation in 1940.

Under dire circumstances, this time there was finally no more objection.

The following year, at Roosevelt's urging, the U.S. Congress passed the Lend-Lease Act. From that moment on, the president has the right to lease weapons from countries that are vital to U.S. security.

The United States is gradually breaking down isolationism and moving toward the world.

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

On December 7, 1941, the United States officially entered the war after the outbreak of Pearl Harbor.

The accession of the United States allowed the anti-fascist alliance to grow in an instant, greatly accelerating the process of ending the war. In less than a year, the U.S. Navy completely shifted from strategic defense to strategic offense, and the strategic posture was reversed. In 1945, Germany and Japan surrendered, and World War II ended with the victory of the Allies.

Under Roosevelt's leadership, the United States developed rapidly during the war and its national strength increased dramatically. Although the "Yalta system" formed after the war had an opponent like the Soviet Union that could compete with the United States. But the United States has become the last laugher (not necessarily in the future).

It can be said that the two world wars enabled the United States to complete a magnificent counterattack, and the "second counterattack" led by Roosevelt was the key to the United States' future establishment of its hegemonic status.

In 1944, at the age of 62, Roosevelt ran for a fourth presidency and was re-elected.

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="104" > Roosevelt's attitude toward China</h1>

During World War II, Roosevelt repeatedly provided assistance to China. He gave $25 million and $45 million in loans to China in 1938 and $45 million in 1940, respectively, because he knew very well that Japan alone could not defeat China. Roosevelt told Japanese Ambassador to the United States Yoshizaburo Nomura:

"It is impossible for Japan to rule China, which has a long cultural history of thousands of years."

Roosevelt also had a more positive attitude toward China's future rise and shaping China's "great power status": "China's strength is not only out of the need to resist Japan, but also out of the need to maintain peace in Asia in the future." China will surely replace Japan as a true eastern power in the future."

To manage the postwar order, the United States also needs to work with friendly China. The most obvious manifestation of friendship with China was the urge to Congress in 1943 to repeal the Chinese Exclusion Act, and in the Cairo and Tehran conferences, Roosevelt repeatedly urged Churchill to return Hong Kong to China.

Of course, all of Roosevelt's foreign policies are certainly based on the interests of his own country, but for China, we also need an American that is willing to cooperate in friendship.

Unfortunately, Roosevelt's physical condition prevented his China policy from continuing, and roosevelt died on April 12, 1945.

Four consecutive terms as president, laying the foundation for American hegemony, a giant in a wheelchair - Roosevelt was manipulated by his parents to enter the political arena and return to politics The Great Depression of the United States Economic Depression First time to save the United States The second time to save the United States Roosevelt's attitude toward China Conclusion

Chiang Kai-shek (left) Roosevelt (center) Churchill (right)

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="105" > conclusion</h1>

Throughout Roosevelt's life, although he had some tricks on the road to the top of the power, he saved the United States twice and made the United States stand on the top of the world, and this merit cannot be erased.

Despite so many setbacks, even though he could only sit in a wheelchair, he still climbed to the top of American power, eliminated the effects of the Great Depression, and defeated the invincible fascists, a spirit worth learning.

Well, that's it for today's show

There's always a story you haven't heard

History of the Hearth

We'll see you next time

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