
Castro, Cuba's longest-reigning legendary leader, nearly died of a milkshake

author:Li Chunyuan Lucy

Castro, known as the "Father of the Nation of Cuba" and the first supreme leader of Cuba, was planned to assassinate as many as 638 times, ranking first among the leaders of all countries. Castro once humorously said: "I am alive today, and it is entirely due to the fault of the CIA." ”

Castro, Cuba's longest-reigning legendary leader, nearly died of a milkshake

Because the United States feared Castro's anti-American views, the CIA conspired to assassinate him in a variety of ways, such as sprinkling chemical powder on boots, attaching bacteria to wetsuits, "feeding" cigars, making cigars that could explode, "beauty plans" and so on. These assassination methods can be described as varied, all-encompassing, far beyond the limits of normal people's imagination, but it is amazing that each time has been magically resolved.

On one occasion, the CIA came closest to killing Castro by poisoning a chocolate milkshake at his favorite ice cream shop.

Knowing that Castro was addicted to dairy products, ice cream, milkshakes, and so on, the CIA persuaded mafia members to carry out the plot.

The procedure is for the gangsters to hand over the poison to the waiter, who then puts the poison capsules into Castell's milkshake. 

Castro, Cuba's longest-reigning legendary leader, nearly died of a milkshake

So the waiter put the poison in the freezer and waited for the time to come, but it was funny that the poison was frozen in the freezer, and when the waiter went to get the pills, the pills were torn apart and the poison powder was scattered everywhere, so the waiter had to abandon the plan. 

Castro, Cuba's longest-reigning legendary leader, nearly died of a milkshake
Castro, Cuba's longest-reigning legendary leader, nearly died of a milkshake

The CIA mission failed again, and Castro once again brushed shoulders with Death.

Although the United States has tried every variety of methods to murder Castro, as many as 638 times, none of them have been effective, which is a great humiliation for the CIA, which is good at subversion and assassination. Repeated failures disgraced the CIA, so that they finally had to admit in the top secret file: "In the end, we have no confidence ourselves." ”

In this regard, Castro once arrogantly boasted: "If there is a sport in the Olympic Games that is to avoid assassination, then the gold medal is none other than me!" ”

Castro, Cuba's longest-reigning legendary leader, nearly died of a milkshake

Castro became the world's hardest-working head of state, "the most assassinated man in the world", and was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records.

On November 25, 2016, at the age of 90, Castro completed his magnificent and legendary life, and the Cuban government announced a nine-day mourning period and held a large-scale mass memorial meeting in Havana's Revolution Square, and Castro's legendary life came to an end.

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