
Methods for the control of luan tree insect pests

author:Seedling knowledge - point flowers and trees

After the leaves fall from the trees in autumn, combined with the flat stubble of the annual seedlings, the trunk with a base diameter of 0.5 to 2 cm is collected as a seed strip, or the tiller seedlings of the year of the perennial luan tree are collected, and the long branches are used as seed strips, and the cuttings are carried out in spring or autumn, moist maintenance, and about 15 days of rooting and germination. Let's take a look at the pest control methods of Luan trees.

Methods for the control of luan tree insect pests

First, what are the insect pests of Beiluan tree?

Common diseases and insect pests of luan trees include flow gum disease and luan polymorphic hairy aphid, fruit aphid, luan tree felt aphid, jujube giant ball solid mite, zhusha leaf mite, mulberry fold-winged moth and so on. Luan tree flow gum disease This disease mainly occurs in the trunk and main branches, but can also occur on the branches. At the beginning of the disease, the diseased part is slightly swollen, dark brown, the surface is moist, and the posterior part of the disease is dented and cracked, spilling a soft yellowish translucent glue block. The pink-necked celestial bull can harm the xylem of the plant, and the larvae moth into the xylem and excrete a large amount of reddish-brown dung. When the Luan tree is infected, the whole plant is covered with insect bodies, and the nymphs will suck the leaf juice, causing the tree to weaken. The larvae and adults of the two-toothed beetle can harm the branches of the plant and eat the nascent xylem, causing the plant to dry up and die.

Methods for the control of luan tree insect pests

Second, luan tree insect pest control methods

1. Six-star black-spotted leopard beetle moth

If this disease is found, the branches and dead branches with insects can be removed, and the insecticide and imidacloprid can also be sprayed to prevent and control.

2. Pink-necked celestial bull

If this disease is found, it can be controlled with systemic insecticides.

3. Aphids

If aphids are found in luan trees, spray 30 times the No. 20 petroleum emulsion before the trees germinate in early spring, spray 2,000 times the net liquid of aphids in early April for control, cut off the branches of insect pests at the initial stage, and use natural enemies such as ladybugs and grasshoppers to eliminate them.

4. Japanese Turtle Wax Introduction

During the occurrence period, spray Lesben 2000 times and washing powder 1000 times mixed solution, spray 2 to 3 times, once a week, continuous use of the effect is better.

Methods for the control of luan tree insect pests

5. Glue disease

  Luan tree flow gum disease mainly occurs on the trunk and main branches, the site of the disease is dark brown, the surface is moist, and later with the growth of the disease part of the depression and cracking, overflowing yellow translucent rubber blocks. As the disease deepens, the luan tree grows weaker and the branches dry up. To prevent and control flow gum disease, spray stone sulfur compound before germination in early spring, spray once every 10 days, spray twice, when the disease occurs, you can use a blade to scrape the gel on the branches, and then spray 800 to 1000 times the liquid of bacillus or carbendazim.

  6. Double-toothed beetle

  The larvae and adults of the bilobited beetle will harm the branches of luan trees, and during the onset period, they can spray agents such as quick-killing butter and chrysanthemum emulsion to clean up dead branches and damaged trees.

Methods for the control of luan tree insect pests

The above is the relevant introduction of the control method of Luan tree insect pest.

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