
Hall of Fame Interview | Wu Qingfeng "the man behind" Liu Huyi: The most touching point is that he can "see" people through music

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Xu Yuyang

【Character Introduction】

Liu Huyi is a male pop singer and music producer Chinese mainland. Liu Huan is a member of the "China Good Songs Season 2" group and serves as a music producer for many singers such as Qingfeng, Hu Xia, and the Good Sister Band. General Counsel of the first music creation camp in the southwest region.

In addition to entering the public eye with the adaptation of Mu Xin's "Once Upon a Time Slow", musician Liu Huyi is also Wu Qingfeng's "man behind it". During Qingfeng's participation in "Singer", Liu Huyi was a dedicated arranger, and recently, Qingfeng's new solo album produced by Liu Huyi was also newly launched. From Wuhan to Beijing to Sichuan, post-80s musician Liu Huyi has been looking for the "authenticity" of music. Recently, Liu Huyi accepted an exclusive interview with cover news in Chengdu. In 2020, he officially entered the Chengdu music circle and became the general consultant of the "Treasure Project", the first music creation camp in southwest China.

The matter of writing songs is already a matter of "most of his life" for Liu Huyi, who is not very old. He grew up at the Wuhan Conservatory of Music and sang songs for 16 years, but Liu Huyi's favorite thing is to write songs, and creation is an addictive thing for him, "Compared to being a singer, writing songs does not make money, it is difficult to be famous, but it is very capable of honing people." Liu Huyi said.

In 2015, Liu Huyi, who is already famous in the Wuhan music circle, received an invitation to "China's Good Songs", and a song "Once Upon a Time Slow" made Liu Huan can't help but "wow" out loud. Since then, Liu Huyi has officially stepped into the pop music industry, good sister, Hu Xia, Wu Qingfeng... Behind many singers, Liu Huyi's name resounded throughout the music.

Hall of Fame Interview | Wu Qingfeng "the man behind" Liu Huyi: The most touching point is that he can "see" people through music

Liu Huyi and Cheng are perfectly matched, and his ease and non-competition coincide with this inclusive city. If possible, he would have been willing to write songs in Chengdu all the time. The establishment of the first music creation camp in the southwest region in Chengdu may also be related to the tolerance of the city itself. The first feature of the camp is that you have to accommodate and accept the collision of different people's musical styles in a song.

Although the songwriting camp has only just started in China, in foreign countries, the privatization of music has been broken for fifty or sixty years, and many songs by big-name singers such as Ladygaga and Mold are completed by the songwriting camp.

"A good musician should not be limited to one kind of music, you can not like it, but you should understand and experience every kind of music, see different things, and only then can you finally have something of your own." 」 Liu Huyi thinks. Trying to get a group of people to create a song is not to abandon the personal style, but to produce a new song style through the collision of different styles with others.

"The most touching thing about music is that we can see the people behind it through music." This is the sentence that Liu Huyi mentioned the most in the interview. The encounter between music and music is the process of the integration of the world between people.


Cover News: Under what circumstances do you usually write songs?

Liu Huyi: Most of the songs are found by themselves, such as driving, washing clothes, watching movies, and some are even written in dreams, so there is no very fixed time. Most of the time I'm not like a professional musician, I can not write songs for a year without a song invitation, in fact, until now, I prefer to take music as a hobby.

Cover News: A lot of people think it's getting harder and harder to make money from music, especially after the 2020 pandemic, what do you think?

Liu Huyi: If you want to make money through music, you will never be satisfied. Music is a money-making industry, but it has nothing to do with music itself, "by creating your favorite music to generate value" and "to create music for the sake of value" these are two completely two things. So every musician has to find a balance.

Cover News: Your creation seems to be very comfortable with the "Buddhist system", so do you care about the evaluation of others?

Liu Huyi: I don't care about my music being "heard" at all. When I write it, some people can hear and feel my story through this language, and some people may not feel it. Don't take the evaluation of others too much into your heart, he may forget it after he says it, and life is his own.

Cover News: As a Wuhan native, what do you think of the quality of this year's anti-epidemic songs? What do you think of this kind of national creation?

Liu Huyi: Any song has its value. Music should not be something that a qualified person can write and do, as long as you want, you can write, you can write anything.

Cover News: What do you say about the overall creative atmosphere of Sichuan musicians?

Liu Huyi: The musical atmosphere in Chengdu is very potential, the market is vast, in just a few months, I have seen a lot of excellent music. There is a reason why rock and bands are strong in the Sichuan-Chongqing region, and pop music is not lost to first-tier cities. I especially like the attitude of Sichuan people to life: calm and comfortable, like to play around, have money to play, no money to say.

Cover News: A previous music talent show invited you to be a judge, and you resigned. Do you think music can be evaluated or directed?

Liu Huyi: I hate to teach others how to live, and I especially don't like to be a teacher and don't like to score. The more people like to comment and rate people, the more exposed it is not the person you comment on, the one who exposes you. I think the transmission of values should not be condescending, you can write it in the work, in this regard Qingfeng has done a particularly good job, I appreciate him. So even if I was communicating with the students in the creation camp, I only provided ideas, and everyone was a cooperative relationship, not a teacher-student relationship.

Hall of Fame Interview | Wu Qingfeng "the man behind" Liu Huyi: The most touching point is that he can "see" people through music

Liu Huyi (3 from right in the first row) with the students

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