
Kazakhstan-Russia-Asia land-sea combined transport to the east to open up the "sea outlet" of the Longjiang River

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Our city adds a "wing" to the construction of the province's railway cross-border transportation system

Following the opening of the Harbin-Russia-Europe train to the west through the Manzhouli port to Moscow and the hinterland of Europe, the construction of the railway cross-border transport system in our province will add another "wing" to the east - on the afternoon of August 9, the first land-sea intermodal train of Harbin and Russia was full of 144 containers sent from Harbin, which sailed out of the country from the Suifenhe Port of our city, and will transfer to the sea through the Russian Oriental Port, and is expected to arrive at the destination busan port of South Korea on the 11th. This marks that our province has officially opened the "sea outlet" and established a new freight import and export channel connecting China and East Asian countries.

The 144 containers were organized and shipped by Suifenhe Haitie Lianjie International Freight Forwarding Co., Ltd., mainly loaded with plastic pellet products. Fan Jizhong, general manager of the company, introduced that the new channel has obvious advantages over the traditional transportation through Dalian Port, and has greatly reduced the transportation distance, time and transportation costs, which can effectively ensure the timeliness of cargo transportation and enhance the competitiveness of related industries in the region.

In accordance with the strategic deployment of our province on the construction of the "Longjiang Silk Road Belt", the city focuses on promoting the construction of large channels and actively promotes the normalization of land-sea combined transport. The first operation of the Hasui-Russia-Asia route is a milestone in the construction of a large land-sea intermodal transport channel, which has achieved a leap from scattered container transportation to whole container transportation, laid the foundation for future normal operation, and marked the official opening of the "sea exit" to the east of our province. Through cooperation with the Russian Far East Port Group, the new channel will radiate goods from the region to Shanghai, Ningbo, Xiamen and Japan, South Korea and other places by sea. Foreign and southern goods can be sent through this channel to Heilongjiang and eastern Inner Mongolia through the Suifen River, and even to the hinterland of Russia and Europe via the Suiman Railway. The Land-Sea Combined Transport of Kazakhstan and Russia and the Kazakh-Russian European Express are connected, constituting the "two wings" of cross-border transportation of heilongjiang railway and forming a Eurasian high-speed transport corridor.

The establishment of the Land-Sea Combined Transport Route between Kazakhstan and Russia and Asia has been welcomed by russians. Mikhalyuk Svetlana, director of the handover office of Russia's Grojekovo Station, said in an interview with reporters that the opening of the Land-Sea Combined Transport between Kazakhstan and Russia and the development of cooperation between China and Russia is of great significance, and while the Russian "Binhai No. 1" corridor has been effectively utilized, it has also promoted closer exchanges and cooperation between China and Russia in logistics, trade and other fields.

Author: Reporter Wang Dong Chief Reporter Wang Weixian Source: Mudanjiang Daily Responsible Editor: Hu Junying