
Meet happiness in reality

author:Red Dust Ferryman

Li Zongsheng has a song called "Hurry". There's a lyric in it that reads:

I'm afraid that I have earned the wealth of the whole world, but I can't be happy.

Think carefully, extremely afraid.

Every day, in every city, whether white-collar workers or street vendors, everyone is busy, fighting for survival and far away.

We've always believed that if we make enough money, we can do as we please and do a lot of things that we can't do right now. In other words, being able to attain happiness.

I have always liked a sentence: "Happiness is to value what you have, and to look down on what you can't have."

Meet happiness in reality

Some people earn more than 10,000 yuan a month and may not be very happy; some people have rough tea and light meals, but they live a tasteful life.

Happiness is often a relative feeling.

The program "Metamorphosis" of the fire in previous years has caused a lot of controversy.

Meet happiness in reality

I know that netizens are talking about "Deformation Meter"

In one episode, the original well-behaved and sensible little girl, after seeing the bustling world, contracted a princess disease, and cried after returning to the village to return to her home in the city.

According to reports, the little girl has a miserable life since she was a child, living with her grandparents and uncles.

The difficult living environment made the girl, who was only nine years old at the time, very sensible and took care of all the housework.

But through the lens, we can still see the simple smile on the face of this little girl with a ragged dress.

Although it was bitter, there was also a smile.

However, when the little girl is sent to the bustling city and returns, the huge gap makes it difficult for her to accept for a while, crying to find the "rich father" in the city.

Why did a good thing that originally opened up her horizons bring harm to the little girl?

Because blind contrast, people become dissatisfied, and then feel pain.

Of course, for children who have not yet formed the three views, they need to understand and grow up slowly. But for adults, if they see the poor, they become complacent, and when they see the rich, they will be discouraged and will live their whole lives in pain.

The little girl eventually learns to accept reality and become her own princess. Can we overcome our comparison and recognize our own happiness?

Tao Yuanming wrote about a Mr. Wuliu.

"The ring is blocked, the wind and day are not covered, the short brown is knotted, and the scoop is empty." The house was broken, the clothes were torn, and the food was often not enough, but this gentleman was happy every day.

Why? Because he was doing what he loved, drinking, reading.

Of course, I am not calling on everyone to live a life of lack of food and clothing for the sake of ideals, but we do need to do some "subtraction" for life.

American entrepreneur James Hong once said in an interview with The New York Times that he sold his Porsche Boxster sports car and replaced it with a Toyota Prius.

"I don't want to live the boxster life." He explains: "When you have a Boxster, you want to drive a Porsche 911. What when you have 911? You're going to want to drive a Ferrari."

If James, like many people, is busy comparing himself to his friends, he may not be able to live happily with Ferrari.

Because one of his best friends is the boss of three companies in his hands, Elon Musk.

Lin Yutang once said:

A happy life is nothing more than four things, one is to sleep in your own bed; the second is to eat the dishes made by your parents; the third is to listen to your lover's love words; the fourth is to play games with your children.

Other than that, it's all small things.

After each 618 and Double Eleven, how many useless things are in our lockers?

While lamenting that there is too little money, he cannot resist the temptation of "promotion". Think about it, does it really need so much?

If you want to be happy, first learn to give up unnecessary desires.

So, does happiness all depend on the heart and has nothing to do with matter?

Of course not!

Economists have done a survey among different classes of americans to examine the correlation between happiness and income.

The results showed that among the "very happy" people, 44% were high-income groups, 40% were middle-income groups, and only 16% were low-income groups.

And, in countries with lower per capita incomes, the stronger the correlation between happiness and personal income.

What does that mean?

Although the situation is not the same for individuals, overall, the higher the income, the happier it is indeed.

This is easy to understand, if you have a choice, being able to drive yourself is of course better than taking the bus, and being able to buy a suite is of course better than renting a house.

From this point of view, the survey conclusions are more to motivate us to move toward a better life than to blindly seek "spiritual satisfaction".

I have a small hair, no money, but still can't look at money. In his lifetime, he loved to write novels, and he was more literary than literary youth.

Summer vacation asked him to accompany me to do odd jobs, and he asked, "What do you want so much money for?"

Later, he fell in love, did everything, and was very busy every day.

This time I asked him why he made so much money. He said: It costs money to fall in love, and he also wants to buy gifts for his girlfriend.

But at the end of the story, he broke up.

The reason is that he has been busy working to earn money for two months in a row, and he has not met with his girlfriend, who feels that his feelings are weak and he is divided.

It's funny and heartwarming!

From despising money, to only loving money, and finally discovering the usefulness and limitation of money. This is the path to maturity for everyone.

Meet happiness in reality

There is a line in the movie "Flying House": "Happiness is the fulfillment of every small wish for life."

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