
Zhang Fei | teach you to say good morning in Chinese all over the world-1

author:Zhang Fei lion roared

Good morning! Teach you to say good morning with Chinese words and say good morning to people all over the world!

Good Morning

Доброе утро(Russia)

salaam (Pakistan)

Guten Tag (Germany)

Buenos días (Spain)

Bonjour (France)

Buon giorno (Italy)

Good morning (Japan)

Bom dia (Portugal)

صباح الخير(阿拉伯)

shubhodayam (India)


Soneva Jani (Maldives)

God dag (Sweden)

günaydın (Turkey)


Добър сутрин(Bulgaria)

Dobar jutro (Croatia)

Blaho ráno (Czech Republic)

Goddag (Denmark)

Zoet voormiddag (Netherlands)

Hyvä aamu

καλημέρα (Greece)

Jó reggelt (Hungary)

God dag (Norway)

Dzień dobry (Poland)

Bună dimineaţa (Romania)

Bonus oriens (Latin)

dobro jutro (Slovenia)

chào buổi sáng (Vietnam)

thousand ga lar ma ne khin pa(中文)

Good morning (hello)

Selamat pagi (Indonesia)

Selamat pagi (Malaysia)

өглөөний мэнд(Outer Mongolia)

Good morning

Magandang umaga (Philippines)

শুভ সকাল.(Bangladesh)

शुभ प्रभात (Nepal)

AYUBOWAN (Sri Lanka)

Zhang Fei | teach you to say good morning in Chinese all over the world-1
Zhang Fei | teach you to say good morning in Chinese all over the world-1
Zhang Fei | teach you to say good morning in Chinese all over the world-1
Zhang Fei | teach you to say good morning in Chinese all over the world-1
Zhang Fei | teach you to say good morning in Chinese all over the world-1
Zhang Fei | teach you to say good morning in Chinese all over the world-1

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