
There are 10 major contradictions in human resource management

author:Business Review
There are 10 major contradictions in human resource management
There are 10 major contradictions in human resource management
There are 10 major contradictions in human resource management

"For enterprises to develop, they must change the problem of inefficiency through continuous change."

Good text 5803 words | 9 min read

Source: Huaxia Cornerstone e Insights (ID: chnstonewx)

Author: Yang Demin, Senior Partner of Huaxia Cornerstone Enterprise Management Consulting Group, Chief Expert of Research on The Reform and Development of State-owned Enterprises.

The reform of the "three systems" is the core content of enterprise human resources management, and state-owned enterprises must clarify the main contradictions in enterprise human resource management and coordinate the relationship between the reform of the "three systems" and the core module of human resource management.

At present, the HR departments of state-owned enterprises and some private enterprises have the following problems to a certain extent.

The HR department of the enterprise is exhausted, but the work is disorderly and ineffective.

The HR department carefully prepared a professional program, but the senior management of the enterprise did not respond.

A systematic HR system has been built, but the performance of enterprises and the status of employees have not responded.


Hegel proposed that the contradictions inherent in things determine the movement and development and change of things. This was highly recognized by Engels and Lenin.

Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out in "The Theory of Contradictions": "In the study of any process, if there is a complex process in which there are two or more contradictions, it is necessary to use all our strength to find out its main contradiction. This main contradiction is caught, and all problems are solved. ”

Enterprise human resource management process runs through the contradiction, these contradictions also have the main contradiction and secondary contradictions, for different enterprises and enterprises at different stages of development, the main contradiction and secondary contradiction are changing, the main aspects and secondary aspects of the contradiction can be transformed into each other.

The core of human resource management decision-making is to grasp the main contradictions in the human resources business field that restricts the development of enterprises, grasp the main aspects of the main contradictions, and solve the most fundamental problems with the least investment. If we "grasp the eyebrows and beards" without grasping the essence of the human resources problem and without resolving the main contradictions, even if we invest more and the program planning is exquisite, it will be a waste of money and futile efforts.

At this stage, what are the main contradictions that enterprise human resources management needs to focus on analyzing and solving? The author believes that there are mainly the following ten contradictions.

1 Abilities and mechanisms

Employee ability and organizational ability are the "hard power" construction of enterprise human resource management, and the construction of incentive and constraint mechanisms is the construction of "soft power", and the relationship between the two is the unity of opposites.

Capacity building is to establish, maintain and develop a talent team that provides effective human and intellectual support for the development of enterprises, and then form organizational capabilities. Mechanism construction is the policy-oriented measures for selecting, employing, educating and motivating people to build this team, and the purpose is vitality, enthusiasm and sustained morale.

Capacity building is the end, mechanism building is the means; capacity building is the "meat", mechanism building is the "soul". Mechanism construction provides power traction and support guarantee for capacity building, and capacity building is the basis and carrier for the implementation and application of mechanism construction.

Enterprise human resources management should pay attention to the organic combination of capacity building and mechanism construction, and the organic combination of "tangible" management and "intangible" management. If we only grasp capacity building and mechanism building, capacity building is a wood without roots, and we will not be able to achieve our goal; if we only grasp mechanism building and do not grasp capacity building, we will lose our purposefulness, that is, we will talk on paper and build castles in the air.

There are 10 major contradictions in human resource management

The manifestations of capacity building can be the introduction of key talents, echelon construction, leadership cultivation, professional team quality improvement, etc.; the manifestations of mechanism construction include market-oriented salary incentive mechanisms, performance management programs, elimination and exit strategies, etc. The two cannot be separated, and must be integrated, coordinated, and implemented as a whole.

Enterprises often make mistakes that only attach importance to capacity building, not to mechanism construction. For example, the leadership cultivation of cadres is very tightly grasped, and objectively the ability has been improved, but the work is not obvious, and the lack of work passion is mainly due to the fact that the power mechanism or the exit mechanism has not kept up, and there is no willingness to use it.

There are also some enterprises, and the mechanism construction has not been well connected with capacity building. For example, the salary incentive mechanism has been established, but the management channel and the professional channel have not been opened, the lack of systematic job sequence design, and the salary level of management talents and professional talents are not uniform, which has brought obstacles to the horizontal flow and vertical development of talents, and the ability training and energy stimulation of talents are limited.


Order and vitality

Order is to act according to certain rules, the high of what should be high, the low of which should be low, and the reasonable gap between them. The internal order of the enterprise includes the relatively rigid relationship such as job rank and salary scale, as well as the work requirements of labor discipline and code of conduct.

Vitality comes from flow, the essence of enterprise vitality is to form a survival of the fittest, reward diligence and laziness, more work and more gains of performance culture through contribution-oriented value evaluation and value distribution policy, and form a market-oriented talent flow mechanism under the capable, the average and the mediocre.

Businesses need order. The enemy has attacked, the charge trumpet has sounded, you still have to make egg fried rice, can such an organization win the battle? How can an organization without strict order and discipline, where everyone is doing its own thing, launch an effective charge?

Businesses also need vitality. Whoever wins a battle, regardless of merit or deeds, and who does not "slay the horse with tears" who defeat the battle, will still charge into the battlefield? How can an organization without vitality create explosive products and achieve leapfrog development?

Order and vitality contradict each other and are dialectically unified.

Generally speaking, smaller enterprises in the start-up stage are more dynamic and do not have so many rules and regulations, but everyone works together and does their best, and the performance of enterprises is often thriving.

The development of enterprises to a certain scale, more employees, everyone compares with each other, more psychological imbalance, the awareness of conscious work declines, coupled with the habit of free play, there will be a sharp decline in organizational efficiency.

The development of enterprises is more mature, the construction of the management system is relatively complete, everyone does their duty, and the work order is orderly. But it is also easy to appear organizational rigidity, breed bureaucracy, everyone does not go one step beyond the thunder pool, do not think much or do much, organizational vitality declines, creativity is greatly weakened.

In summary, generally speaking, for small and medium-sized enterprises, order construction is the focus; for large-scale enterprises, vitality construction is the focus. Enterprises need both order and vitality, and different enterprises have different emphases at different stages of development.

There are 10 major contradictions in human resource management

3 Efficiency and fairness

Efficiency and fairness are also contradictory, and in this contradiction, efficiency generally dominates and is the main aspect of the contradiction. The level of efficiency determines the degree of fairness, and the existence of fairness reflects the value of efficiency, so the two are unified. At this stage, Chinese enterprises should generally give priority to efficiency and take into account fairness.

Fairness generally has two meanings: in sociology, fairness is a requirement of a moral code, which refers to social assistance with humanitarianism as the main content, so it sometimes conflicts with efficiency and affects the improvement of efficiency.

In economics, fairness refers to the equality embodied in the principle of equal exchange in the market economy, which is commonly referred to as equal opportunity. Fairness in this sense is conducive to the exertion of individual enthusiasm, generally speaking, it is consistent with efficiency and mutually reinforcing. For enterprises, fairness focuses on fairness in the economic sense, creating equal conditions for individuals to compete and providing employees with equal opportunities.

In order for enterprises to develop, they must solve the problem of inefficiency through continuous change. Whether it is the reform of the "three systems", or the construction of career channels adopted by modern human resource management, the evaluation of employees' abilities and performance, the market-oriented selection of talents, and the establishment of a competitive distribution system, the core purpose is to improve efficiency.

But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account fairness. If the fairness problem is not solved well, it will not only affect the cohesion and centripetal force of the enterprise, but also affect the efficiency of the enterprise to a certain extent. For example, blindly improving the various treatment of a small number of special talents, even if this improvement is in line with the law of market supply and demand, but turning a blind eye to the unfairness of most employees, dampening their enthusiasm, but will restrict the overall efficiency of the enterprise.

4 Legal contract and psychological contract

Legal contract refers to the rights and obligations of both enterprises and employees through legal documents such as labor contracts, post agreements, performance contracts, and non-compete clauses. Psychological contract refers to respect for individual employees, to meet the individual needs of employees, to guide employees to self-restraint, conscious labor, the establishment of psychological contract can also be considered cultural management.

Enterprises focus on the establishment of legal contracts, or psychological contracts, or a combination of legal contracts and psychological contracts, which should be decided according to the social environment and internal small environment in which the enterprise is located.

If the overall quality of enterprise employees is not high, or the management foundation is weak and the system is not perfect, it is first necessary to do a good job in standardized and professional management, establish a legal contract, and establish a good organizational order. In this state, if you blindly engage in people-oriented, the possible result is to condone "Mr. Nanguo", breed lazy people, and good people slowly become "bad people".

If the enterprise management foundation is good, the system is sound, the management is standardized, and the quality of personnel is high, we can focus on establishing a psychological contract, stimulate the goodwill and internal motivation of employees through cultural construction, create a democratic and harmonious cultural atmosphere, and provide cultural motivation for employees to maximize their potential.

In a sense, the legal contract is the basis and premise of the psychological contract, and the psychological contract is the high stage and new realm of enterprise management, and the two can promote each other in the operation of the enterprise.

There are 10 major contradictions in human resource management

5 Total quantity control and structural optimization

The total number of employees in the enterprise should match the amount of business value or task in the short term, and adapt to the development strategy in the long term. Theoretically, the increase or decrease in the number of employees can be determined by means of marginal gains in labor.

However, the actual situation is that many enterprises are facing the dilemma of personnel redundancy and insufficient manpower, on the one hand, people are overwhelmed and do nothing, on the other hand, there is a shortage of soldiers and short generals, and no one is available. Therefore, while controlling the total number of employees, it is necessary to optimize the internal personnel structure of the enterprise.

The optimization of personnel structure includes personnel category structure (business and function, management and non-management), professional structure, knowledge structure (academic qualifications), personality structure, energy level structure (professional and technical titles), age structure, etc., with the purpose of achieving various scientific and reasonable structures to meet the needs of enterprises.

The main means of structural optimization include dredging exports, which can go; strictly control imports, and do not come when they should not come; training and job transfers, and revitalize stocks. Controlling the total number of employees restricts the total labor cost of the enterprise, and the structural optimization improves the efficiency of the use of human resources.

The combination of total control and structural optimization, both to control the total amount, but also to pay attention to the optimization of internal structure, which will effectively improve the level of human resource management and improve the input-output ratio of enterprises in human resources.

6 Distribution by work and distribution by factor

Distribution according to work is the mainstay, supplemented by distribution according to factors. Distribution by factors refers to the participation of factors of production such as capital, technology, management, land, and information in the distribution according to the degree of contribution, which is the basic principle of the enterprise distribution system.

First of all, there is a contradiction between distribution according to work and distribution according to factors, distribution according to work is the main aspect of contradiction, and distribution according to factors is in the secondary aspect of contradiction. The proportion of distribution according to work should account for the main body and majority in the salary, and the distribution according to factors should account for the minority.

Second, the two are unified. Distribution according to work and distribution according to factors should be considered uniformly and integrated with each other, and each should not sing their own plays. To make one set according to the distribution of labor and another set according to the distribution of factors, each has its own logic, and it adds up to no logic. The distribution of enterprises is generally balanced and orderly, rather than partially reasonable and unreasonable as a whole.

Do not oppose distribution according to work and distribution according to factors, the two are both different and related. Distribution according to work and distribution according to factors should be organically combined, and the nature of different enterprises, different stages of development of enterprises, and different groups should be flexibly applied.

Why should distribution be carried out according to management, technology and other elements at the same time? Because the value of labor results embodied in equity incentives (employee shareholding) is comprehensive and lasting, it reflects both short-term results and long-term performance; it covers both economic value and integrates social benefits, which better solves the problem of difficulty in assessing the value of distribution according to work.

There are 10 major contradictions in human resource management

7 Organizational allocation and market-oriented allocation

Organizational allocation is the most widely used talent allocation method, simple, direct and efficient; market-oriented allocation is an inevitable requirement of the market economy. Market-oriented allocation is to introduce a competition mechanism within the enterprise, improve the fairness and impartiality of selecting and employing people, and stimulate the vitality of talents; for key and scarce talents, adopt the method of open selection and recruitment to recruit talents from all over the world and select talents from all over the world.

For different groups and different positions, organizational allocation and market-oriented allocation have their own advantages and disadvantages, and cannot be generalized. The efficiency of organizational allocation is high, and for general posts, the application effect is better in the case of relatively familiar personnel conditions; the quality of market-oriented allocation is good, and although the process is cumbersome, it is an effective means for the selection of scarce talents and key positions with a high degree of marketization.

Do not for the sake of eyeballs, for the sake of marketization and marketization, under the guise of open recruitment, the organization of the actual configuration, before the selection of candidates locked, the procedure to go vigorously, and dampen the enthusiasm of the losers. Nor should we follow the old ways, hold on to the right to appoint and dismiss, personal will overrode the vitality of the organization, select people in their own circles, select people according to personal preferences, and go black along the old road of organizational configuration, so that enterprises miss excellent talents.

Market-oriented allocation is not divorced from the organization, and the standards, principles, and procedures for selecting personnel must still be standardized and handled in accordance with the rules. Only by organically combining organizational allocation and market-oriented allocation can an effective mechanism for the selection and appointment of enterprise talents be established.

For the selection of talents within the enterprise, the scale of the enterprise is small, the number of people is small, the organizational configuration is enough, the manager is very familiar with the employees, and the market-oriented selection and recruitment is also a form, in addition to resolving the contradictions caused by personal decision-making, there is no positive significance. But large enterprises are different, the scope of decision-makers to contact and understand employees is limited, market-oriented approach is conducive to broadening the vision of selecting talents, but also conducive to the emergence of internal talents.

8 Personnel appropriateness and talent reserves

Personnel fit is the pursuit of people and posts matching, post and person coordination, people and posts into one of the accurate employment realm.

The first step to do a good job of personnel is to do a good job of standardized job analysis, know the mission, responsibilities and job requirements of the post, as well as the academic qualifications, qualifications, abilities and qualities that the hirer should have.

The second step is to do a good job in the inspection and evaluation of candidates, and through the analysis of candidates' work experience and talent assessment results, understand their adaptable development directions and positions. Then, the job analysis is compared with the results of talent inspection and assessment, and objective and scientific decisions are made according to the relevance and matching degree of the two.

Talent reserve is an effective means for enterprises to prevent the brain drain crisis and reduce the risk of human resources. On the one hand, it is conducive to reducing the adverse consequences of the sudden loss of talents in core positions to the development of enterprises, on the other hand, it is also possible to establish a good human resources brand of enterprises through the construction of talent reserve mechanisms, and promote the recruitment of talents and talents of enterprises.

Personnel is suitable is not to do without talent reserves, on the contrary, without talent reserves as the foundation, it is difficult to achieve personnel appropriateness. Personnel is also a dynamic process, without talent reserves, personnel is suitable is passive water, it is difficult to achieve dynamic balance.

With talent reserves, we must also pay attention to the appropriateness of personnel and the efficiency of the use of talents. Talent reserve is not to put talent on the shelf, the use and training of talent in the post is the best way to cultivate talents, but also the best way to reserve talent.

There are 10 major contradictions in human resource management

9 Systematization and modularization

Human resources management is divided into management modules, each of which is both relatively independent and interrelated. There is a hook relationship between the various modules of human resource management, which is a complete system, and systematic thinking should be established.

How to take into account the capacity building of each module itself and the systematic construction of human resources is a key task of human resources management. The problem that often occurs is that we attach importance to module construction, ignore systematic construction, focus on the optimization of single module functions, and insufficient consideration for the systematic construction of functional module linkage and hooking.

There are two manifestations of insufficient systematization: one is that the provisions between the modules of the same or similar content are inconsistent, and even there are conflicts, so that the executors are confused; the other is that the content between the modules is fragmented and not connected, and it is impossible to form a policy synergy and smooth process.

Of course, the construction of each module itself should also be in place, if the professional standards of each module do not meet the standards, what is the use of the system formed in this way even if it is systematic and coordinated?

10 Professionalism and operability

At this stage, the development direction of enterprise human resource management is first professionalism and second operability. So isn't it better to be more professional? Generalizable.

A small scale, in the early stage of development of the enterprise, engaged in a lot of logical, complex procedures, complex operation of human resources management policies, systems, managers and employees at all levels are tired of coping, the beginning of the month to formulate performance plans, mid-month performance communication interviews, month-end work summary and assessment scores, other work does not have to do, such a practice does not drag the enterprise down, will also suppress the vitality of the enterprise.

Professionalism and operability are opposites and unified, but as two aspects of the contradiction, who is in the main aspect of the contradiction and who is in the secondary aspect of the contradiction are different at different stages of the development of the enterprise.

Taking performance appraisal as an example, for small-scale enterprises that have just started appraisal, operability should be the focus, and the operational principles of performance appraisal should be simple, highlight the key points, and the assessment results and interests are weakly linked, the focus is to simplify the workload, weaken the contradiction of change, and find ways to make the appraisal system operate first.

For enterprises with a good management foundation, the performance appraisal operating principles should be systematic, process appraisal and result appraisal should be balanced, assessment results and interests are strongly linked, the focus is on solving the outstanding problems of enterprise development, and the effect of appraisal must be guaranteed.

There are 10 major contradictions in human resource management

The above ten contradictions are the main contradictions in the human resources management of enterprises at this stage, of course, there are other contradictions. Each contradiction contains the main and secondary aspects of the contradiction, but it is different for different enterprises and different stages of enterprises, and it is necessary to analyze specific problems.

There is also a connection between these contradictions, and correctly understanding and handling these contradictions is the philosophical basis for enterprises to make human resource management decisions.

* This article is excerpted from "The Essence of The Human Resource Problem of State-Owned Enterprises: 10 Core Methodologies for Breaking the New "Three Systems" Reform" (China Fortune Publishing House).

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There are 10 major contradictions in human resource management
There are 10 major contradictions in human resource management

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