
Twenty-four solar terms of the little cold: the wind letter is open

author:Bright Net

January 5, 2021

Lunar November 22

Solar terms interpretation

The little cold, the twenty-third of the twenty-four solar terms, begins when the sun reaches 285 degrees of ecliptic longitude.

The little cold is a solar term that reflects the climate. In the "Explanation of the Seventy-two Waiting For the Moon Order", it is said: "On the December Festival, the cold at the beginning of the month is still small, so the clouds are cloudy. Half a month is a big deal. "The cold air has accumulated for a long time, and the small cold is the meaning of the weather is cold but not yet to the extreme."

China's folk have a saying of "cold in the three nines", and the mid-winter "three nines" are basically in the small cold festival, just as the so-called "cold weather and cold north wind blow, small cold when the two three nine", so there is a "small cold is better than the big cold" method.

Phenological characteristics

The ancients of China divided the fifteen days of the small cold season into three seasons: one waiting for the wild goose Beixiang; the second waiting for the magpie to start nesting; and the third waiting for the pheasant to start the pheasant.

Although the temperature is low during the small cold festival, the yang qi has begun to grow, and the geese migrate north along the yin and yang. At this time, magpies can be seen everywhere in the north, and they sense the growth of yang qi and begin to build nests. The "pheasant" of "pheasant" means chirping, and the pheasant senses the growth of yang qi and begins to chirp.

Although Xiao Han is cold, the beautiful "Twenty Flowers Trade Wind" begins with a plum blossom in the small cold season. The flower trade winds of the small cold festival are: one plum blossom, two waiting camellia, and three waiting daffodils. Three kinds of flowers bloom one after another during the small cold season.

Climate agriculture

In the small cold season, most of Our country has entered a period of severe cold, the soil is frozen, the rivers are frozen, and the cold air in the north continues to move south, the weather is cold, and people call this time "the number nine cold days". At this time, the minimum temperature in the north of Heilongjiang in China can reach about minus 40 ° C, the weather is cold, and the dripping water becomes ice. Although the south is not as cold as the north, the temperature has also dropped significantly. The low-altitude river valley is the warmest place in the midwinter in southern China, the average temperature in January is about 12 °C, only a few years have a low temperature below 0 °C, coupled with the inversion effect is very significant, so bananas, mangoes and other tropical fruits can grow well.

At this time, we must continue to do a good job in the cultivation of spring flower crops and do a good job in antifreeze and moisture prevention. It is necessary to prevent snow and freezing rain from crushing the fruit trees of the bamboo forest. In winter, how foggy and windy, fishing and breeding operations at sea or in rivers and lakes require special attention to safety. Most of the northern regions no longer have much field work, and they all carry out winter breaks, and the main task is to do a good job in keeping livestock houses warm and making fertilizer. In the southern region, however, attention should be paid to the top-applying of winter fertilizer to wheat, rapeseed, and other crops, and Hainan and most of southern China should do a good job in preventing cold and freezing, accumulating fertilizer and making fertilizer, and building water conservancy.

Folk culture

It is said that in the early years, whenever the farmers in the Yellow River Basin were cold, they used the "Nine-Nine Cold Map" to avoid cold health.

Entering Xiaohan, the taste of the New Year is getting stronger, and people are busy writing Spring Festival, cutting window flowers, rushing to buy New Year paintings, colored lanterns, firecrackers, incense, etc., and successively preparing for the upcoming Spring Festival.

Source: Qianxi Southwest Meteorology

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