
He has the most interesting soul in the Japanese entertainment industry, and also the most romantic wife crazy demon, such a man is a treasure

author:Snow beauty
{"info":{"title":{"content":"他拥有日本娱乐圈最有趣灵魂,也最浪漫炫妻狂魔这样男人是宝藏吧","en":"He has the most interesting soul in the Japanese entertainment industry, and also the most romantic wife crazy demon, such a man is a treasure"},"description":{"content":"文章相信喜欢看日剧的小伙伴对佐藤二朗都不陌生,或许他还有个更被大家熟知的外号,那就是“佛祖”。佛祖可以说是日本最具个性的...","en":"The article believes that the friends who like to watch Japanese dramas are no strangers to Sato Jiro, and perhaps he has a more well-known nickname, that is, \"Buddha\". The Buddha is arguably the most individual in Japan..."}},"items":[]}