
【When education and rectification is in progress】 Li Jianxin participated as an ordinary party member in the life meeting of the party branch of the municipal procuratorate office

author:Qingdao Municipal People's Procuratorate
【When education and rectification is in progress】 Li Jianxin participated as an ordinary party member in the life meeting of the party branch of the municipal procuratorate office

On the afternoon of August 19, the party branch of the municipal procuratorate office held a special organization life meeting for the study and education of party history, and Comrade Li Jianxin, secretary of the party group and chief procurator of the municipal procuratorate, participated as an ordinary party member. The meeting deeply studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech, and focused on the theme of "learning party history, enlightening thoughts, doing practical things, and opening up a new situation", exchanging feelings and experiences, examining problem gaps, and clarifying rectification measures. Comrade Zhang Xitian, head of the Third Circuit Guidance Group of the Municipal Party Committee for The Study and Education of Party History, and his party attended the meeting to guide and make comments.

【When education and rectification is in progress】 Li Jianxin participated as an ordinary party member in the life meeting of the party branch of the municipal procuratorate office

At the meeting, the party branch of the municipal procuratorate office reported on the work situation and problem inspection in the first half of the year, and proposed clear rectification measures. Comrade Li Jianxin took the lead, and the party members of the branch centered on the theme of the meeting, based on their own post responsibilities, made comparative speeches one by one, talked about the improvement of gains, talked about the deficiencies, seriously and conscientiously carried out criticism and self-criticism, and put forward rectification and reform measures, thus achieving the expected results of touching the mind, strengthening party spirit, strengthening unity, and promoting work.

【When education and rectification is in progress】 Li Jianxin participated as an ordinary party member in the life meeting of the party branch of the municipal procuratorate office

Comrade Li Jianxin pointed out:

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on "July 1st" is from a lofty height, overseeing the overall situation, broad and profound, and urging people to forge ahead. It not only reviews the glorious history of the party for a hundred years, but also looks forward to the bright prospects of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and even more condenses the magnificent strength of the new journey of forging ahead, shining with the brilliance of Marxist truth throughout, is a programmatic document for promoting the great cause of the party and the state in the new era, and is a theoretical guide and action guide for the party to unite and lead the people to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Through in-depth study, we have deepened our understanding and understanding of the historical significance of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, the glorious course of "one major theme" and "four great achievements," the values of the times of the great party building spirit, and the fundamental requirements of the "nine musts." The city's procuratorial organs should deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important "July 1st" important speech, and as the core content of strengthening theoretical armament and party history study and education, combine it with the "looking back" of education and rectification, truly study and understand thoroughly, do a good job in rectifying and reforming articles, and promote the continuous deepening and solidification of party history study and education.

Comrade Li Jianxin stressed:

Correctly using the weapon of criticism and self-criticism can effectively resolve contradictions within the Party, correct mistakes within the Party, consolidate the unity of the Party, and strengthen supervision within the Party. We must dare to self-criticize, accurately "portrait", dissect ourselves, and face up to our deficiencies; we must dare to criticize others, be serious and serious, go straight to the subject, and get to the point. In the next step, the study and education of party history.

◆ It is necessary to deepen the study of history and clarify the direction and cast the soul of loyalty to the party. Adhere to the eternal root and soul of "political and legal surname party", further strengthen theoretical study and arming, enhance the cultivation of party spirit, and consciously practice the "two safeguards".

◆ It is necessary to deepen the study of history, increase trust, and maintain the original intention, and practice the purpose of justice for the people. The concept of justice for the people will be embodied in daily behavior and all procuratorial work, and the driving force stimulated by the study and education of party history will be continuously transformed into pragmatic measures for procurators to serve the people, facilitate the people, benefit the people, and benefit the people.

◆ It is necessary to deepen the study of history, reverence for morality, and abide by rules, and to administer justice objectively and fairly according to law. Vigorously carry forward the red tradition, inherit the red gene, MingDade, shougong morality, strict private morality, continue to strengthen judicial standardization and standardization construction, and give full play to the "head goose effect" of the "key minority".

◆ It is necessary to deepen the study of history and practice implementation, and strengthen the ability to assume responsibility. It is necessary to adhere to principles, perform duties and responsibilities, dare to take responsibility, maintain the passion of "willing to take responsibility", temper the courage of "daring to take responsibility", improve the quality of "being able to take responsibility", show the behavior of "real responsibility", and strive to create a new situation in Qingdao's procuratorial work.

Comrade Li Jianxin demanded:

The office should do a good job in the study and education of party history in a strict and down-to-earth manner, conscientiously perform its duties and missions, give full play to the role of operation center and demonstration and leadership, and strive to promote the high-quality development of procuratorial work in the city. It is necessary to stress politics, resolutely implement the major policy decisions and arrangements made by the higher levels, and give full play to the functions of supplementing the government with culture and the functions of staff officers and assistants. It is necessary to strengthen service, implement the function of serving the people by doing a good job in the "three services" work, and provide better services for the party group of the academy, for professional work, and for the grass-roots level. It is necessary to abide by rules and regulations, adhere to political discipline and political rules, enhance the sense of self-discipline, and strictly abide by honest discipline and work discipline. It is necessary to demand quality and effectiveness, combine the study of party history with the consolidation, promotion, and promotion of work, dare to coordinate and promote, supervise and handle more sincerely, and reduce the number of meetings in fine literature, and constantly improve the level and level of work.

【When education and rectification is in progress】 Li Jianxin participated as an ordinary party member in the life meeting of the party branch of the municipal procuratorate office

Comrade Zhang Xitian fully affirmed the meeting, holding that the meeting had a clear theme, standardized organization, comprehensive exchange of ideas, profound and accurate analysis of problems, and clear and concrete criticism, thus achieving the purpose of unifying thinking, enhancing understanding, enhancing unity, and promoting work. In particular, Comrade Li Jianxin set an example for procuratorial personnel throughout the city by setting an example by setting an example by taking the lead in inspection and carrying out criticism and self-criticism. In the next step, we must profoundly understand the important significance of the study and education of party history, earnestly enhance our political standing, enhance our political consciousness, strengthen our political responsibility, strictly abide by political discipline and political rules, and strictly grasp the rectification and reform work.

Contributed by: Office

Photograph: Li Zhiwen

Curated by: Bai Shuwen

Editor: Tang Jiabao

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