
She is the first star of "Pear Garden Spring", the little old lady Qin Mengyao accidentally became popular? The father of mengyao, the first star of "Liyuan Spring", is a former professional Yu opera actor The unexpectedly popular Central Plains Little Old Lady "Liyuan Spring" Audience: Why did Xiao Mengyao disappear? "Sheng Ge Yaotai Dream": Ju Ping, Jiang Kun, Dai Zhicheng, Fan Jun, etc. stand for Mengyao

author:Pear Garden really has a play
She is the first star of "Pear Garden Spring", the little old lady Qin Mengyao accidentally became popular? The father of mengyao, the first star of "Liyuan Spring", is a former professional Yu opera actor The unexpectedly popular Central Plains Little Old Lady "Liyuan Spring" Audience: Why did Xiao Mengyao disappear? "Sheng Ge Yaotai Dream": Ju Ping, Jiang Kun, Dai Zhicheng, Fan Jun, etc. stand for Mengyao

In 1999, LiyuanChun's first fan ring competition, a song "Mother you sit down, let's talk about the heart..." An 8-year-old Henan Xiaonier portrayed the charm, language and action of the "old lady" to the extreme. In the 2000 "Pear Garden Spring" Spring Festival Opera Gala and the final of the year-end drama fan ring competition, she won the year-end silver medal in one fell swoop. As the first star of "Pear Garden Spring", Qin Mengyao's image of "Tethered Bao niang" in the Yu opera "Chaoyanggou" has been deeply retained in the memory of fans for 20 years.

She is the first star of "Pear Garden Spring", the little old lady Qin Mengyao accidentally became popular? The father of mengyao, the first star of "Liyuan Spring", is a former professional Yu opera actor The unexpectedly popular Central Plains Little Old Lady "Liyuan Spring" Audience: Why did Xiao Mengyao disappear? "Sheng Ge Yaotai Dream": Ju Ping, Jiang Kun, Dai Zhicheng, Fan Jun, etc. stand for Mengyao

<h1>The first star of "Pear Garden Spring" is the small ringmaster</h1>

Qin Mengyao, who was born in Xingyang in 1991, is the first star xiaobao owner of "Pear Garden Spring". How hot was Qin Mengyao back then? At the turn of the century, urban and rural areas, every Sunday prime time, is the high incidence of "war" between adults and children seizing TV screens. But the emergence of Qin Mengyao often allows this conflict to reach a temporary compromise. Xiaobian has a post-90s brother, at that time, as soon as Sunday night, he consciously ran to his friends' homes to watch the children's favorite cartoons. "Is there that little old lady tonight?" I'll show you when I have it. The little old lady in the younger brother's mouth is Qin Mengyao, and he is also liked by the little old lady in his mouth, and he likes the familiar classics of "Chaoyanggou".

Because of "Liyuan Spring", because of Qin Mengyao, opera schools have sprung up after the rain, many parents have sent their children to the opera school, more and more children have begun to like opera, and even children like Anhui, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong and other surrounding areas have also admired Zhengzhou to learn opera, which has become a beautiful landscape in the Central Plains.

She is the first star of "Pear Garden Spring", the little old lady Qin Mengyao accidentally became popular? The father of mengyao, the first star of "Liyuan Spring", is a former professional Yu opera actor The unexpectedly popular Central Plains Little Old Lady "Liyuan Spring" Audience: Why did Xiao Mengyao disappear? "Sheng Ge Yaotai Dream": Ju Ping, Jiang Kun, Dai Zhicheng, Fan Jun, etc. stand for Mengyao

<h1>Mengyao's father was a former professional Yu opera actor </h1>

What is less known is that Qin Mengyao's father, Qin Mingshun, was originally a professional actor in the Xingyang Yu Opera Troupe in Zhengzhou City, and later went to the sea to do business, and his mother Fan Sumin was an ordinary cadre. Since childhood, Qin Mengyao has shown a special talent for performance, many songs, dance music, once heard, he will sing and dance. Her mother, Fan Sumin, discovered these advantages for her daughter and sent her to learn the electronic keyboard when she was 4 years old, and then sent her to learn erhu. Qin Mengyao has liked to imitate since she was a child, and every day when she returned home, she pestered her parents and imitated the way the teacher went to class. Although Mom and Dad always laughed and leaned forward and backward, but looking at their daughter's serious look, they also tried to cooperate with her to complete her performance.

She is the first star of "Pear Garden Spring", the little old lady Qin Mengyao accidentally became popular? The father of mengyao, the first star of "Liyuan Spring", is a former professional Yu opera actor The unexpectedly popular Central Plains Little Old Lady "Liyuan Spring" Audience: Why did Xiao Mengyao disappear? "Sheng Ge Yaotai Dream": Ju Ping, Jiang Kun, Dai Zhicheng, Fan Jun, etc. stand for Mengyao

<h1>The little old lady of the Central Plains who accidentally became popular</h1>

But what many people could not imagine was that Qin Mengyao's popularity that year was unexpected. In June 1999, her mother took Qin Mengyao, who was only nine years old, to the rehearsal site of the "Liyuan Spring" program group of Henan Television Station to watch the liveliness. Qin Mengyao looked at the performance of the actors on the stage, and he was also drawing on the side. After the director of "Pear Garden Spring" who was present at the time saw it, he temporarily decided to let Xiao Mengyao also play. Later, good luck followed, performing and filming tv until September 1999, when she played the "mother" on the spot in "Pear Garden Spring", which became popular all over Henan.

On the stage of "Pear Garden Spring", Qin Mengyao played four corners and sang the excerpt of "Chaoyanggou" with emotion and emotion, winning the hearts of hundreds of millions of "Pear Garden Spring" fans in the climax era of variety shows. Naturally, Qin Mengyao went from Henan to the whole country step by step, and at the age of 11, she appeared on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, and at the age of 12, she has become a guest of honor on various satellite TV channels across the country.

She is the first star of "Pear Garden Spring", the little old lady Qin Mengyao accidentally became popular? The father of mengyao, the first star of "Liyuan Spring", is a former professional Yu opera actor The unexpectedly popular Central Plains Little Old Lady "Liyuan Spring" Audience: Why did Xiao Mengyao disappear? "Sheng Ge Yaotai Dream": Ju Ping, Jiang Kun, Dai Zhicheng, Fan Jun, etc. stand for Mengyao

She has made a name for herself in CCTV's "Variety Show", "Shenzhou Big Stage", "Happy Weekend Encounter", "Get Together", "Big Windmill" and other famous brand columns, and also co-hosted the "Closing Ceremony of China's First Family Culture and Art Festival" with Zhou Tao. Xiao Mengyao or play "little matchmaker", sing "Mulan", or do hosting, acting sketches, playing erhu, playing the piano, as the audience said, childish she really learned what to do, acting like what.

She is the first star of "Pear Garden Spring", the little old lady Qin Mengyao accidentally became popular? The father of mengyao, the first star of "Liyuan Spring", is a former professional Yu opera actor The unexpectedly popular Central Plains Little Old Lady "Liyuan Spring" Audience: Why did Xiao Mengyao disappear? "Sheng Ge Yaotai Dream": Ju Ping, Jiang Kun, Dai Zhicheng, Fan Jun, etc. stand for Mengyao

<h1>"Pear Garden Spring" Audience: Why has Xiao Mengyao disappeared? </h1>

For a long time, the audience of "Pear Garden Spring" was very confused: why did their favorite little dream Yao suddenly disappear? After becoming popular, Qin Mengyao's program invitations continued to be made, and it became a hot and fragrant feast. But she did not "hit the iron while it was hot" to continue her child star road, but chose to quit the acting career of the day to go abroad for further study, and her move was strongly supported by her father Qin Mingshun, who was very much in favor of her daughter's study, "Only by constantly studying hard and enriching yourself, more people will like and support you." Subsequently, with the support of her parents, Qin Mengyao went to Trinity Western University in Canada to study journalism and communication. Qin Mengyao, who returned from her studies, founded her own company, Henan National Singer Technology Co., Ltd., in November 2016, to devote herself to the cause of star art training and education.

She is the first star of "Pear Garden Spring", the little old lady Qin Mengyao accidentally became popular? The father of mengyao, the first star of "Liyuan Spring", is a former professional Yu opera actor The unexpectedly popular Central Plains Little Old Lady "Liyuan Spring" Audience: Why did Xiao Mengyao disappear? "Sheng Ge Yaotai Dream": Ju Ping, Jiang Kun, Dai Zhicheng, Fan Jun, etc. stand for Mengyao

"When I was a child, I received so much applause and so much love, and I felt that I had the burden of giving back to society. Another reason why I want to open a music technology company is to inherit the culture of opera, after returning from abroad, I seem to love opera more, and now I listen to some excerpts, which is more touching than when I was a child. Today's young people don't know much about opera and say they don't like it, and I think the first thing to do is to let everyone understand. Qin Mengyao once talked about his original intention of founding the company in an interview. Let us give Qin Mengyao a big thumbs up for her efforts to promote Chinese opera culture!

She is the first star of "Pear Garden Spring", the little old lady Qin Mengyao accidentally became popular? The father of mengyao, the first star of "Liyuan Spring", is a former professional Yu opera actor The unexpectedly popular Central Plains Little Old Lady "Liyuan Spring" Audience: Why did Xiao Mengyao disappear? "Sheng Ge Yaotai Dream": Ju Ping, Jiang Kun, Dai Zhicheng, Fan Jun, etc. stand for Mengyao

<h1>"Sheng Ge Yaotai Dream": Ju Ping, Jiang Kun, Dai Zhicheng, Fan Jun, etc. stand for Mengyao</h1>

Qin Mengyao, who rarely appears in the public eye, held a special party for Qin Mengyao 2018 (Love in the Central Plains) in mid-September last year. Qin Mengyao in front of the camera faded the youthful ignorance of that year and became a big girl with Tingting Yuli. She said she wanted to use the party to tear off her old label and redefine herself. At the press conference, Ju Ping, Jiang Kun, Dai Zhicheng, Fan Jun and others stood for her at the scene, and Qin Mengyao was also hired as the "Henan Hope Project Love Image Ambassador".

She is the first star of "Pear Garden Spring", the little old lady Qin Mengyao accidentally became popular? The father of mengyao, the first star of "Liyuan Spring", is a former professional Yu opera actor The unexpectedly popular Central Plains Little Old Lady "Liyuan Spring" Audience: Why did Xiao Mengyao disappear? "Sheng Ge Yaotai Dream": Ju Ping, Jiang Kun, Dai Zhicheng, Fan Jun, etc. stand for Mengyao

Focusing on a large number of titles such as the image ambassador of national poverty alleviation and the ambassador of cultural exchanges between Henan and Macao, Qin Mengyao is still keen on public welfare activities and has been practicing public welfare. In his hometown of Xingyang City, he donated a hope primary school, Xingyang Liuhe Town Center Primary School, and donated a multimedia teaching building for students. Qin Mengyao also cooperated with the Hope Project to set up the Qin Mengyao Love Education Fund, and the funds raised will go directly into the fund account and be earmarked for special purposes, and Mengyao and other caring people will do some practical things for children in need.

She is the first star of "Pear Garden Spring", the little old lady Qin Mengyao accidentally became popular? The father of mengyao, the first star of "Liyuan Spring", is a former professional Yu opera actor The unexpectedly popular Central Plains Little Old Lady "Liyuan Spring" Audience: Why did Xiao Mengyao disappear? "Sheng Ge Yaotai Dream": Ju Ping, Jiang Kun, Dai Zhicheng, Fan Jun, etc. stand for Mengyao

  "Doing public welfare is more about being grateful, and people who pass on happiness must also be happy!" Qin Mengyao has her own understanding of public welfare: over the years, Mengyao has been transforming the love and strength gained on the road of growth into greater energy for those in need.

She is the first star of "Pear Garden Spring", the little old lady Qin Mengyao accidentally became popular? The father of mengyao, the first star of "Liyuan Spring", is a former professional Yu opera actor The unexpectedly popular Central Plains Little Old Lady "Liyuan Spring" Audience: Why did Xiao Mengyao disappear? "Sheng Ge Yaotai Dream": Ju Ping, Jiang Kun, Dai Zhicheng, Fan Jun, etc. stand for Mengyao

  Now Qin Mengyao is a "slanted youth" with multiple identities such as actors, entrepreneurs, singers, and public welfare masters. In the future, Qin Mengyao looks forward to becoming a director and is also interested in entering the fashion field, and the young she is making this life rich and interesting.

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