
Xu Lijia Media Voice 丨 Zhang Juanjuan - an archery Olympic champion who often trains in the middle of the night for practicing courage


13 years later, when it comes to Chinese archery, Zhang Juanjuan's canonized works in the Beijing Olympic Games are still often mentioned by everyone, and the special host of Xinhua Sports, Olympic champion Xu Lijia, has also recently talked with our "goddess archer" about her past sports experience and Olympic memories.

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What is the price of a set of professional archery equipment used by the national team? Where is it produced? How long can it be used? How to get on the plane and how to transport?

The price of a full set of equipment is about 15,000 to 20,000 yuan, which can be matched in its entirety. We have twelve arrows, even if it is the training intensity of the national team, basically there is no problem with using it for a year, and if it is used in the provincial team or amateur training, it can be used for a longer time. But if it is a big competition like the Olympic Games, we will pass the machine test from the thirty-six arrows and select the twelve arrows with the most perfect accuracy as the arrows for the competition. Compared with arrows, the service life of the bow is longer, and it will not be broken for many years. Most of the bows used by our Chinese athletes come from the United States and South Korea. The relative consumption is more than the bow piece, because all the power of the archery is reacted to the bow piece, and then the arrow is fired, so if possible, it is necessary to replace about three pairs a year.

Xu Lijia Media Voice 丨 Zhang Juanjuan - an archery Olympic champion who often trains in the middle of the night for practicing courage

On December 11, 2006, Zhang Juanjuan of the Chinese team competed in the competition. On the same day, the gold medal in the women's archery individual competition at the 15th Asian Games will be produced at the Russell Archery Stadium in Doha. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Ling

In addition, if you want to take the plane, we will disassemble the equipment and put it in the bow box. But because the anti-shock bar of the bow and arrow is very long, archery equipment needs to go through the large luggage channel.

It is rumored that the Korean archery team even arranged for the members to sleep in the cemetery at night in order to exercise their psychological quality. You have also worked with Korean foreign teachers, as far as you know, is this true?

The rumor that the South Korean archery team sleeps in the cemetery at night is somewhat exaggerated, but it may not be empty.

One of the training methods that South Korean foreign teacher Yang Changxun once brought to us was to get up at about two o'clock in the morning and then go on a night cross-country march in the mountains. To be honest, when I first heard about this training method, I wondered if the coach was crazy. It was pitch black at night, and before training, the coach would arrange the route up the mountain in advance, and stipulated that each team member needed to travel a certain distance. To be honest, we were scared at the time. The most "excessive" thing is that sometimes several of our coaches would even lie in the bushes on the side and deliberately run out to scare us when we passed.

Xu Lijia Media Voice 丨 Zhang Juanjuan - an archery Olympic champion who often trains in the middle of the night for practicing courage

On April 16, 2009, Beijing Olympic champion zhang Juanjuan of Shandong team competed in the women's 70-meter archery competition. On the same day, the 2009 National Archery Championship was held in Wuming County, Guangxi. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhou Hua

But to be honest, this kind of dark walking at night is really a test of people's psychology and comprehensive adaptability to environmental jet lag, etc., which is very important for us archers, so I think this training method of Korean coaches is still very helpful to us.

Thousands of times of practicing archery, always repeating the same action, will it cause the two arms to be different in thickness?

Yes. Our professional archers have different forearms and large arms, and relatively speaking, the right side is thicker. In addition, because archery practice always aims the head in the same direction, one side of our cervical spine will also cause a certain degree of strain because it always stays at a certain angle. Of course, the most obvious is our fingers, because we generally use the middle three fingers of the right hand to pull the bow string, so after years of practice, the bones of these three fingers will change and become much thicker than the fingers of the left hand. Now, even though I've been retiring for almost a decade, my fingers still haven't changed back to the same thickness as my left and right hands, and my arms are relatively better.

How did you feel about participating in two Olympic Games?

When I first participated in the Olympic Games in 2004, when I was led by two veteran players, He Ying and Lin Sang, as a young player, I generally felt that the burden was not too heavy. At that time, our women's team played the final with the Korean team, and finally won a silver medal by a narrow loss. We played well in the game, but the probability of playing the ten rings was a little less than that of the Korean team. Sometimes things are often like this, but we can't think about it, and the more we want to hit the ten rings, the more the arrows that are shot out are swirling around the nine rings. Of course, South Korea, as the archery "dream team", we can fight with them in Athens to finally get the silver medal is also a very good completion of the pre-match set goal. But after all, the Olympic Games are only once in four years, because of the difference between one link and the loss, everyone will feel that it is a pity.

Xu Lijia Media Voice 丨 Zhang Juanjuan - an archery Olympic champion who often trains in the middle of the night for practicing courage

The picture shows Zhang Juanjuan in the women's individual archery competition at the Beijing Olympic Games on August 14, 2008. Xinhua News Agency

At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, I myself became a veteran player, plus home battles, I can meet acquaintances everywhere I go, and my pressure is obviously much greater than that of the previous Olympic Games. But on another level, the atmosphere of playing on my doorstep is more of a motivation for me to play. At that time, I was very impressed, and the moment I entered the arena with my bow, I had the feeling that the warriors were going to fight, and the whole momentum was very strong. I thought that to a certain extent gave me the courage to win.

Editor: Yu Sihui

Issued: Cao Jianjie

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