
Guangdong youth enthusiastically discussed General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech at the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement

author:China Youth Daily

China Youth Online News (China Youth Daily, China Youth Online reporter Lin Jie, correspondent Zhao Guanzhong) On April 30, the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement was held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the conference and delivered an important speech. The Guangdong Communist Youth League organized the youth league members and league cadres of the whole province to listen to and watch the live broadcast of the conference, and conscientiously studied General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement. According to statistics, league organizations at all levels in the province have held nearly 70,000 centralized viewing activities in government agencies, colleges and universities, enterprises, rural areas, communities, etc., and the number of people watching live broadcasts has exceeded 16 million, of which about 60,000 people have watched online through the Internet, such as express delivery brothers, online car drivers, and new media practitioners.

On the afternoon of April 30, the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Youth League held a party group (expanded) meeting to study and convey the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the conference commemorating the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement, and the work deployment requirements of the Guangdong Provincial Symposium to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement, and to study and deploy the next step of study, publicity and implementation measures.

18 outstanding youth representatives from Guangdong who won the May Fourth Medal of Chinese Youth, the National Upward Good Youth, the National Outstanding League Cadres, and the National Outstanding League Members went to Beijing to attend the conference, and there were also ordinary youth representatives who watched the live broadcast in Guangdong, and they expressed their excitement with excitement.

Su Bingtian (Associate Professor of Jinan University, Individual Winner of the May Fourth Medal of Chinese Youth): As a new youth in society, we should uphold the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and carry forward the new youth spirit of hard struggle, and face difficulties to face difficulties, the hope of the country is in the youth, and the future of the nation is in the youth. The 100 years since the May Fourth Movement have been 100 years in which Chinese youth have continued to struggle and marched forward in triumph from generation to generation, and 100 years in which Chinese youth have used their youthful selves to create a youthful China and a youthful nation; Chinese youth in the new era must establish lofty ideals, Chinese youth in the new era must love the great motherland, Chinese youth in the new era must shoulder the responsibilities of the times, Chinese youth in the new era must have the courage to struggle, Chinese youth in the new era must cultivate excellent skills, and Chinese youth in the new era must temper their moral cultivation.

Dai Haibin (Deputy Secretary of the Aviation Industry General Flight League Committee and Representative of the Collective Winners of the May Fourth Medal of The Chinese Youth): As aviation people in the new era and as a regiment cadre, we will lead the young people of the company to bear in mind the entrustment and expectations of the general secretary, based on the historical mission entrusted by the party and the state to the aviation industry in the new era, always firmly adhere to the original intention of "serving the country through aviation", firmly carry out the mission of "aviation power", do a good job in every small matter, complete every task, perform every duty, and find the true meaning of life and the value of life from the great journey of casting heavy equipment for the country. Career direction.

Guo Shuang (Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the Aviation Industry Tongfei Zhuhai Base, Head of the Youth Commando Team, representative of the collective winners of the May Fourth Medal of The Chinese Youth): A hundred years ago, young pioneers struggled to make the new revolutionary forces appear on the stage of history and shed blood and sacrifice; a hundred years later, the new youth in the new era should strive to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The industries and jobs we are in are ordinary among thousands of young people, but we should establish ideals, love the motherland, assume responsibilities, cultivate excellent skills, temper moral cultivation, embrace the new era, strive for the new era, and be the most beautiful self from ordinary posts.

Huang Fengjie (teacher of Guangzhou Advanced Technical School, national upward good youth): As far as the new generation of young people are concerned, the courage to explore, dare to innovate, emancipate the mind, and be pragmatic are the embodiment of practicing the May Fourth spirit. As a skilled hand and a vocational education teacher who has experienced the world skills competition, inheriting and carrying forward the spirit of craftsmen, having the courage to take responsibility, and teaching and educating people conscientiously is my adherence to the May Fourth spirit, bearing in mind that General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward six requirements for our young people in the new era, taking out the vigor of the newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers, facing difficulties, striving to be the pioneer of the times, dedicating the motherland, and dedicating the people.

Wang Ting (Deputy Director of the Institute of Fluid System and Safety Analysis of the Reactor Engineering Design and Safety Research Center of China Guangdong Nuclear Research Institute Co., Ltd., and a national upward good youth): General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged young people to actively embrace the new era and forge ahead into a new era, and it is fortunate to work hard with my friends in this new era of entrepreneurship and innovation to build a nuclear power heavy weapon Hualong No. 1, which is our mission and opportunity.

Wang Jinyun (Chairman of the Shenzhen Sunshine Home Social Help and Education Service Center, The National Upward Good Youth): The general secretary said that "when young people make mistakes, we must help them correct and reintegrate into society", which makes me feel that the responsibility of helping key youth employment and entrepreneurship such as criminal release is greater, I plan to help more than 1,000 key young people to successfully find employment and start a business in the next 5 to 10 years, so that they can realize the value of their personal lives through their hard work and long-term efforts. And strive to be a useful person to society.

Chen Weifeng (Secretary of the Shenzhen Customs Youth League Committee and a national outstanding communist youth league cadre): As a customs youth, our youth is to struggle in the front line of the national gate, strengthen ideals and beliefs, strive to learn skills, do a good job in work, be a politically firm, proficient in business, prohibited, and dedicated customs officers, do not fulfill their duties, do not fulfill their mission, and live up to the times, so that youth can shine in front of the national gate.

Li Fawu (Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Lingnan Normal University and Outstanding Cadre of the National Communist Youth League): After listening to General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech, I more deeply understood that the essence of the May Fourth spirit is patriotism, which is a vivid embodiment of the Chinese nation's indomitable and unremitting spirit of self-improvement. The May Fourth spirit has become a synonym for youth and a kind of spur of youth. As a cadre of the Communist Youth League of colleges and universities, we should inherit the torch of the May Fourth spirit and keep in mind the fundamental mission of cultivating socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, beauty, and labor.

Lin Yongzhao (Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Vinda Paper (China) Co., Ltd., National Outstanding Communist Youth League Cadre): As a league cadre of a non-public enterprise, I want to contact the youth more closely, serve the youth, help the youth, and struggle with the young friends, and the youth heart is toward the party and the new era of meritorious service!

Tan Weichuang (teacher of Guangzhou Industry and Trade Technician College, national outstanding communist youth league member): This will play a leading role in my career development, I firmly believe that in my youth struggle road will shine and shine, to the motherland to present the best results. Struggle is the brightest background of youth, the strong always rise from setbacks, never discouraged, we must maintain the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, the more difficult and more forward the strong and courageous spirit. Realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a relay run, and we, as Chinese youth in the new era, are determined to achieve better results.

Wang Xu (Doctoral Candidate, School of Politics and Public Affairs Management, Sun Yat-sen University): General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech is lofty and profound, which is a heart-to-heart talk with hundreds of millions of young people across the country, which not only reflects the care and love for young people, but also expresses the demand and trust. In particular, the general secretary mentioned that "actively support them to shine in life, praise and applaud the achievements and achievements of young people" This sentence makes us feel very angry!

Zhang Guoxing (student of South China University of Technology): We must "feel" the great and far-reaching impact of the May Fourth Movement on the development and progress of contemporary China, "study" Marxism as the guiding ideology for China's revolution, construction, and reform, and "understand" the reasons why the CPC can shoulder the historical heavy responsibility of leading the people to achieve national independence, people's liberation, national prosperity, and people's happiness. It is necessary to guide young people to take history as a "lesson" and strengthen their self-confidence in the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, theoretical self-confidence, institutional self-confidence, and cultural self-confidence. Use the power of history to forge ahead, and use the light of historical reflection to guide the direction.

Li Zirong (2014 Hong Kong student majoring in logistics management, School of Management, Jinan University): Today I have a new understanding of the word patriotism, as a young person who has taken root in the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, I think that whether in the torrent of the May Fourth Movement or in the journey of a century-old quest, Hong Kong has never been absent, the fate of Hong Kong has always been closely linked to the fate of the motherland, and patriotism has always been the deepest national sentiment in the hearts of all Chinese, including the vast number of Hong Kong compatriots. It is also the spiritual wealth that we need to pass on the torch the most, and we hope that all Hong Kong people can not forget the humiliation of history and carry forward the patriotic spirit.

Zhou Yuebo (Dongguan Municipal Public Security Bureau Public Security Police): I remembered the spiritual essence and connotation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's general requirements for "loyalty to the party, service to the people, fairness in law enforcement, and strict discipline" put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping to the people's public security, and understood that these "sixteen characters" are actually the concretization, reality and standardization of Marxism and the "May Fourth" spirit in public security work, the basic requirements and code of conduct for a people's policeman to practice Marxism and the "May Fourth" spirit, and it is also the value pursuit for which a Communist Party member should struggle and dedicate.

Zheng Jiamin (Assembly Worker of Assembly Department of Dongguan Honghui Electronics Co., Ltd.): Struggle is not just a loud slogan, but to see the spirit in doing every little thing, completing every task, and performing every duty. This sentence made me have a strong resonance, although the daily work of our assembly workers is ordinary and boring, but we are also indispensable strivers in society, we concentrate our responsibility on the assembly of each of our sets of machine parts, the installation of each part, which is the best way for us to practice the May Fourth spirit.

Li Yuting (Member of the Guangdong Youth Federation and Executive Director of the Qichuang Youth Social Work Service Center in Shunde District, Foshan City): As a representative of young social workers, we must strengthen our ideals and beliefs, inspire ourselves with the spirit of May Fourth, swoop down to do good things and do practical things for the masses, take the grassroots as our home, cultivate the excellent qualities of hard-working and perseverance, and bloom in the grassroots world.

Li Mengyu (member of the Graduate Student Support Group of Guangzhou University and a grade 18 student of the College of Measurement and Control): Young people should go out of the campus, into the west, go to the place where the motherland really needs us, combine their own development with the needs of the country, and better shoulder the heavy responsibility of building the motherland. As a member of the graduate student support group, taking root in the grassroots and devoting ourselves to volunteer service is our vivid practice of the "May Fourth" spirit, and it is also a vivid embodiment of our integration into the people and the people, and the integration of the "youth dream" into the "Chinese dream", we will bear in mind the ardent expectations of the general secretary, live up to the trust of the times, inherit the great "May Fourth" spirit with the vigor and vitality of the youth, and strive to realize the Chinese dream.

Ma Jianqin (Young Researcher of Zhongshan Planning and Design Institute): I think the May Fourth spirit is not far away, and everyone can learn from everyone. The May Fourth spirit not only set an example for young people, but also became a witness of the times. While looking up, remembering, and being grateful, we also realize that the immortal monument of the May Fourth spirit is not the merit of one person, but is jointly poured by countless young people. We admire the noble deeds of our ancestors, but we do not have to sigh that "it is difficult to look back", every effort made by everyone, every dream realized, will become a wave in the rivers of the times, and eventually converge into a rushing torrent of the times.

Fu Zhizhen (a young netizen who left a message on the official WeChat public account of the Guangdong Communist Youth League): "The road is long and its repair is far away, and I will seek up and down." As young people, we must have lofty ambitions, dare to try and dare to act, have the strength of newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers, and according to the needs of contemporary development, based on posts, bold innovation. Because the struggle of youth is endless, we will continue to forge ahead and write the dreams in our hearts!

Lin Haotian (Winner of the May Fourth Medal for Young People of Guangdong Province, Professor of Zhongshan Eye Center of Sun Yat-sen University, Doctoral Supervisor): The deepest feeling is that our young people must cultivate excellent skills. My friends and I are a very young team, with an average age of 30 years old, mainly developing new technologies for medical artificial intelligence diagnosis and treatment – we have now used robots to diagnose eye diseases. The team has completed many international top projects, published articles in high-level magazines, and reached the level of international leadership. The general secretary is very concerned about the eye health of adolescents, and we have specially developed artificial intelligence diagnosis and prediction technology for myopia, hoping to escort the eyes of children. Next, we will use solid clinical and scientific research to inherit the May Fourth spirit, strive to be world-class, and contribute youth wisdom and strength to the health dream of the whole people. ”

Hong Jiawen (graduate student of dance at the School of Music, South China Normal University): With his own small self, he integrated into the big self of the country and the people, and strived to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation! I resonate with this statement. After graduating from undergraduate, I joined the graduate student support group and went to Chengheng County, Guizhou Province, and became a volunteer teacher. I attend 56 lessons a week. After the end of the college entrance examination, more than 20 students in the first dance specialty class I brought with me successfully "realized my dream" of college, and I felt the happiness and satisfaction of realizing my self-worth. Nowadays, although I have returned to graduate school after finishing my volunteer teaching service, the teachers and sisters of the Chinese Normal Research Branch will take over the baton and still stick to the western region and strive for the great self of the people of the country.

Zhang Zhitian (young firefighter of Zhanjiang Detachment of Guangdong Provincial Fire Rescue Corps): Six points of hope, sentence by sentence sincere, both the elders' instructions and high hopes, but also the teacher's teaching, especially mentioned to practice excellent skills This feeling is the deepest, as a firefighter on the front line of rescue, I want to lead the team members to practice excellent skills, constantly learn fire theory knowledge, improve combat effectiveness, and more effectively protect the people's lives and property and safety. Be responsible Chinese youth in the new era and escort the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Ruan Jue (Winner of the May Fourth Medal of Guangdong Province, Director of the Omics Technology Center of the Institute of Agricultural Genomics of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences): As a front-line worker in scientific research, what I feel most deeply is to innovate and create and contribute to the country. We have completed the assembly of new sequencing techniques for the human genome. As long as we dare to fight, we can also lead. In 2014, the rise of the third generation of gene sequencing technology, we grasped this new technological innovation in a timely manner, committed to solving the computing problems caused by new technologies, and now we have developed two corresponding algorithms, and widely used in the field. My understanding of scientific research is: not afraid of difficulties, innovation and creation, while not rushing to achieve results, to make themselves satisfied, naturally will be recognized by everyone.

Sun Wanpeng (Guangdong Province Youth May Fourth Medal Winner, Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau Special Police Detachment): In my future work, I will devote myself to my work with firmer ideals and convictions and a more positive work attitude, strive to make new contributions in the tide of the new era, and contribute to building Guangdong into the safest, most stable, fairest, and most just region in the country with the best legal environment.

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