
Bai Jugang Xue Zhiqian Li Xiangxiang "HIGH Song Campus Tour" sang on the beach

author:Overseas network

Xinhua Entertainment2015-05-27 10:25:11

Bai Jugang Xue Zhiqian Li Xiangxiang "HIGH Song Campus Tour" sang on the beach

On May 26th, "2015 MusicRadio Sound of Music Master Kong Iced Tea Happy HIGH Song Campus Tour" debuted at Shanghai Maritime University, which is the sixth stop of the 2015 National "Campus Tour" of the Musical Radio Voice of Music annual brand activity, this year's "Campus Tour" is committed to using the vitality and rhythm of music to share the story of youth attitude and dream realization with college students, popular singers Bai Jugang, Xue Zhiqian, Li Xiangxiang and MusicRadio Music Sound Sweet DJ Yinzi brought a youthful music party to thousands of student friends on the scene, highlighting the vitality of youth!

Little White is burning rock campus line

The boy who used to be sunny and smiling in the fast boy competition seemed to be gone, and now Bai Jugang, standing on the stage, put on the cloak of music, holding the sword of rock and roll, burning the universe. At the scene of the "2015 MusicRadio Sound of Music Master Kong Iced Tea Happy HIGH Song Campus Tour" in Shanghai, we saw a different Bai Jugang. Xiao Bai opened the prelude to the campus tour with a new song "Burning". Contrary to the song title, the song "Burning" is unusually quiet. The song sings, "Don't want to be like a falling leaf, let it get lost, please have a strong, consume heat." Xiao Bai said that growing up is sometimes a very strange thing, sometimes the road is getting wider and wider, but the heart is getting narrower and narrower, and finally one day, the inspiration appeared, he figured it out, and everything was suddenly bright. After that, Bai Jugang brought the songs "creep" and "Floating City" which were deeply loved by fans. College student friends and fans of Xiao Bai waved their hands together in response, and the atmosphere was warm.

Gentleman Xue Zhiqian debuted "serious snow" under the campus line

On the stage of the "2015 MusicRadio Sound of Music Master Kong Iced Tea Happy HIGH Song Campus Tour" in Shanghai, Xue Zhiqian incarnated as a gentleman of love and sang softly, and the fans and audience cheered continuously. As soon as Xue Zhiqian appeared on the stage, applause was everywhere. It can be seen that Xue Zhiqian is popular in Shanghai. A song "Ugly Eight Monsters" was sung, he said, in fact, this song is to express a person with low self-esteem who does not dare to touch love for a long time, after accumulating for a long time, emotions erupt in a moment, using an extreme way to vent the backlog of emotions in the heart, and at that moment no longer feel humble. Then, Xue Zhiqian brought his new song "Gentleman" to the college students on the scene. The soothing melody and affectionate lyrics once again let fans hear the long-lost "Xue's Love Song" with a strong Xue Zhiqian label. Finally, when the familiar melody of "Serious Snow" sounded, the audience sang along with Xue Zhiqian on the stage, waving their arms, bringing some coolness to the hot summer.

Type male Li Xiangxiang cool debut Campus line handsome to a new height

Following the hot joining of the Sound of Music campus tour last year, the newly promoted male Li Xiangxiang once again appeared at the "2015 MusicRadio Sound of Music Master Kong Iced Tea Happy HIGH Song Campus Tour" scene, enjoying the charm of music with fans who like him and college students who like him. At the event site, Li Xiangxiang brought songs such as "Beauty", "Ambiguity" and "Think of Me" in succession. His words and every move make people feel that he is an idol born for this stage. The fans danced with Li Xiangxiang's beat, and the scene was spectacular. Li Xiangxiang said that he came from the stage of the draft, which is the support of fans all the way, so that he can continue his dream of music, and he hopes to continue to work hard to bring more good songs to fans who like him.

Artist fans zero distance Hilarious game new gameplay

In the course of the activity, Bai Jugang, Xue Zhiqian and Li Xiangxiang sang songs and interacted closely with the students and friends on the spot. In the game session carefully designed by the organizers, artists and fans unloaded all the pressures and troubles and enjoyed the fun brought by the game. The whole event scene was full of laughter, and the vitality and passion of youth were everywhere. In addition, in the live student competition, several groups of singers also became judges, canvassed for students, and gave professional reviews.

As an indicator radio station for global Chinese pop music, The Sound of MusicRadio and Master Kong Iced Tea held the "2015 MusicRadio Sound of Music Master Kong Iced Tea Happy HIGH Song Campus Tour", starting from May 15, 2015, has held a number of activities in Mianyang, Jinan, Zhengzhou, Nanchang, Xi'an, Shanghai, and will continue to walk into many universities in Beijing, Suzhou, Wuhan, Hefei and other cities. Let the students feel the charm of music together with MusicRadio Sound of Music. Pay attention to the frequencies of the Sound of Music across the country and the Real Name Weibo, WeChat and The Sound of Music website to understand the latest activities.

Bai Jugang Xue Zhiqian Li Xiangxiang "HIGH Song Campus Tour" sang on the beach
Bai Jugang Xue Zhiqian Li Xiangxiang "HIGH Song Campus Tour" sang on the beach
Bai Jugang Xue Zhiqian Li Xiangxiang "HIGH Song Campus Tour" sang on the beach
Bai Jugang Xue Zhiqian Li Xiangxiang "HIGH Song Campus Tour" sang on the beach
Bai Jugang Xue Zhiqian Li Xiangxiang "HIGH Song Campus Tour" sang on the beach
Bai Jugang Xue Zhiqian Li Xiangxiang "HIGH Song Campus Tour" sang on the beach
Bai Jugang Xue Zhiqian Li Xiangxiang "HIGH Song Campus Tour" sang on the beach
Bai Jugang Xue Zhiqian Li Xiangxiang "HIGH Song Campus Tour" sang on the beach
Bai Jugang Xue Zhiqian Li Xiangxiang "HIGH Song Campus Tour" sang on the beach

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