
Red Qilu | Li Zhen: Take root in the countryside and serve the people wholeheartedly

author:Nine factions view the world

She uses the weak arms of women, shoulders the heavy responsibility of poverty alleviation, with the enthusiasm of the village, practices the mission of rural revitalization, she takes root in the countryside, breaks the ice with actions, proves with achievements, and interprets the wonderful "towel does not let the eyebrows be raised", she is Li Zhen, the first secretary of HuYi Village, Shengli Town, Tancheng County.

In order to better carry out their work, Li Zhen and his teammates chose to visit door to door to understand the problems that the people urgently needed to solve. Under her efforts, the street lights in Huyi Village were lit at night, the potholed dirt roads became clean cement roads, the greenery in the village was continuously improved, and the living environment was greatly improved. Li Zhen pushed open the door of the masses' hearts with practical actions and won the trust of the masses.

Li Zhen often said that no matter how big the personal affairs are, they are also small things, and no matter how small the affairs of the masses, they are also major things. When Typhoon Lichma struck, Li Zhen braved the storm to prevent floods and evacuate the masses. When the new crown pneumonia epidemic came, she was concerned about prevention and control work, and contacted all parties to collect epidemic prevention materials.

Party building is the foundation of rural work. Looking at the rusty doors and windows of the village committee office and the somewhat dilapidated desks and chairs, Li Zhen actively raised funds to renovate the village committee office and the party member activity room, improve various basic facilities, and create a warm "home" for the party members in the village.

Think of what the masses think, worry about what the masses are worried about. Li Zhen took root in the countryside, regarded himself as a member of Hu Yi Village, dedicated his youth without complaint or regret, and practiced the mission and commitment of a party member cadre in the new era in an ordinary post.

Wang Xiao, a reporter for the financial media, and Gu Haojing, a trainee reporter

Source: Langya News Network Original Editor: Liu Yugang

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